Has Trump defeated ISIS yet? Does he even have a plan?

ISIS is the terrorist wing of the Trump Swamp.

Much like the KKK, the Jim Crow laws and the suffering of minorities and such in their inner city ghettos .. Democrats own ISIS

View attachment 113794
Those Right Wing Democrats all switched to republican years ago.

Yup, I heard that one before, I was unimpressed... :eusa_snooty:
I know, you're ignorant of history.
Well, you sure are....but aren't all you kkk'er democrats.....
Nope, Republikkklans.
he'll need approval for funding, and funding goes through congress.

'try again...

That's pretty funny. The reality is, Trump can bomb and kill anywhere anytime. In fact, he's doing that as we speak. And Obama bombed and killed in more countries than his predecessor did. How often did he go to Congress for approval?

Bullshit. Obviously you forgot how many times 43 had to ask Congress to increase the budget to remain in Iraq.

keep trying

I give Bush a little credit. He did go to Congress for approval most often. But Obama didn't at all. And Trump doesn't have to either. Presidents now have free reign to bomb and kill anywhere anytime. I don't agree with it, but it is the reality.

Obama had the $ in the continuing resolution that was on the books, it was a part of military spending... Before Trump starts dropping million dollar bombs out of B52's aka "bomb the hell out of them" he needs Congressional approval for anything that exceeds the budget. 43 was a sneaky little bastard, he got a congressional resolution (budget) passed and a week later held out his hand for more $ and got it.

Trump needs congress, thats why he's setting up all you chumps with "make America great" bullshit, and promising a stronger military .. more $$

keep trying

Yeah, Snowflake Warmongers sure are bizarre creatures. They want war, but they sure ain't leaving their Safe Spaces to volunteer to fight. The OP and the other Wingnut are only worthy of scorn and ridicule.
That's pretty funny. The reality is, Trump can bomb and kill anywhere anytime. In fact, he's doing that as we speak. And Obama bombed and killed in more countries than his predecessor did. How often did he go to Congress for approval?

Bullshit. Obviously you forgot how many times 43 had to ask Congress to increase the budget to remain in Iraq.

keep trying

I give Bush a little credit. He did go to Congress for approval most often. But Obama didn't at all. And Trump doesn't have to either. Presidents now have free reign to bomb and kill anywhere anytime. I don't agree with it, but it is the reality.

Obama had the $ in the continuing resolution that was on the books, it was a part of military spending... Before Trump starts dropping million dollar bombs out of B52's aka "bomb the hell out of them" he needs Congressional approval for anything that exceeds the budget. 43 was a sneaky little bastard, he got a congressional resolution (budget) passed and a week later held out his hand for more $ and got it.

Trump needs congress, thats why he's setting up all you chumps with "make America great" bullshit, and promising a stronger military .. more $$

keep trying

Yeah, Snowflake Warmongers sure are bizarre creatures. They want war, but they sure ain't leaving their Safe Spaces to volunteer to fight. The OP and the other Wingnut are only worthy of scorn and ridicule.
didn't Donald tell us he had a plan, now where is it. The man just cannot stop lying
Bullshit. Obviously you forgot how many times 43 had to ask Congress to increase the budget to remain in Iraq.

keep trying

I give Bush a little credit. He did go to Congress for approval most often. But Obama didn't at all. And Trump doesn't have to either. Presidents now have free reign to bomb and kill anywhere anytime. I don't agree with it, but it is the reality.

Obama had the $ in the continuing resolution that was on the books, it was a part of military spending... Before Trump starts dropping million dollar bombs out of B52's aka "bomb the hell out of them" he needs Congressional approval for anything that exceeds the budget. 43 was a sneaky little bastard, he got a congressional resolution (budget) passed and a week later held out his hand for more $ and got it.

Trump needs congress, thats why he's setting up all you chumps with "make America great" bullshit, and promising a stronger military .. more $$

keep trying

Yeah, Snowflake Warmongers sure are bizarre creatures. They want war, but they sure ain't leaving their Safe Spaces to volunteer to fight. The OP and the other Wingnut are only worthy of scorn and ridicule.
didn't Donald tell us he had a plan, now where is it. The man just cannot stop lying

When y'all Snowflake Warmongers signing up?

I guess you're too stupid to understand what he meant when he said he wouldn't telegraph military decisions. He's not going to give the bad guys any notice of what's coming. That would include YOU.
Lol well he wouldn't have to explain the plan. Just say he has one. Hell im surprised he hasn't done that whether he has an actual plan or not.

You'll get used to it, no decent CIC would tell the enemy what they have planned in advance.

I guess you're too stupid to understand what he meant when he said he wouldn't telegraph military decisions. He's not going to give the bad guys any notice of what's coming. That would include YOU.
Lol well he wouldn't have to explain the plan. Just say he has one. Hell im surprised he hasn't done that whether he has an actual plan or not.

You'll get used to it, no decent CIC would tell the enemy what they have planned in advance.

Exactly, they won't know what hit em. He's not gonna lay it out in public for everyone to see. He's already commented about that in may speeches. That being said, ISIS is all done. I hope he doesn't do something extreme like invading Syria.

The future ugly battles against Al Qaeda and ISIS are likely gonna take place on Western European and US soil. Assad and Russia have consistently warned that many Terrorists have given up and have fled to Western Europe and the US, as 'Refugees.' So i'm much more worried about internal threats. I don't think Trump's gonna have to do much more to defeat ISIS in the Middle East. They're already in retreat.

I guess you're too stupid to understand what he meant when he said he wouldn't telegraph military decisions. He's not going to give the bad guys any notice of what's coming. That would include YOU.
Lol well he wouldn't have to explain the plan. Just say he has one. Hell im surprised he hasn't done that whether he has an actual plan or not.

You'll get used to it, no decent CIC would tell the enemy what they have planned in advance.

Exactly, they won't know what hit em. He's not gonna lay it out in public for everyone to see. He's already commented about that in may speeches. That being said, ISIS is all done. I hope he doesn't do something extreme like invading Syria.

The future ugly battles against Al Qaeda and ISIS are likely gonna take place on Western European and US soil. Assad and Russia have consistently warned that many Terrorists have given up and have fled to Western Europe and the US, as 'Refugees.' So i'm much more worried about internal threats. I don't think Trump's gonna have to do much more to defeat ISIS in the Middle East. They're already in retreat.

The great thing about refugees, once the war is over they can be sent home. They don't have permanent resident status.
Bullshit. Obviously you forgot how many times 43 had to ask Congress to increase the budget to remain in Iraq.

keep trying

I give Bush a little credit. He did go to Congress for approval most often. But Obama didn't at all. And Trump doesn't have to either. Presidents now have free reign to bomb and kill anywhere anytime. I don't agree with it, but it is the reality.

Obama had the $ in the continuing resolution that was on the books, it was a part of military spending... Before Trump starts dropping million dollar bombs out of B52's aka "bomb the hell out of them" he needs Congressional approval for anything that exceeds the budget. 43 was a sneaky little bastard, he got a congressional resolution (budget) passed and a week later held out his hand for more $ and got it.

Trump needs congress, thats why he's setting up all you chumps with "make America great" bullshit, and promising a stronger military .. more $$

keep trying

The plan is currently in the Pentagon, being vetted. It is due to be implemented within 30 days --- and, no, you won't get to see it before it's implemented. It's none of your business.

Yeah, Snowflake Warmongers sure are bizarre creatures. They want war, but they sure ain't leaving their Safe Spaces to volunteer to fight. The OP and the other Wingnut are only worthy of scorn and ridicule.
didn't Donald tell us he had a plan, now where is it. The man just cannot stop lying

I guess you're too stupid to understand what he meant when he said he wouldn't telegraph military decisions. He's not going to give the bad guys any notice of what's coming. That would include YOU.
Lol well he wouldn't have to explain the plan. Just say he has one. Hell im surprised he hasn't done that whether he has an actual plan or not.

You'll get used to it, no decent CIC would tell the enemy what they have planned in advance.

Exactly, they won't know what hit em. He's not gonna lay it out in public for everyone to see. He's already commented about that in may speeches. That being said, ISIS is all done. I hope he doesn't do something extreme like invading Syria.

The future ugly battles against Al Qaeda and ISIS are likely gonna take place on Western European and US soil. Assad and Russia have consistently warned that many Terrorists have given up and have fled to Western Europe and the US, as 'Refugees.' So i'm much more worried about internal threats. I don't think Trump's gonna have to do much more to defeat ISIS in the Middle East. They're already in retreat.

The great thing about refugees, once the war is over they can be sent home. They don't have permanent resident status.

I hear ya, but don't count on it. The Left/Globalists make it virtually impossible to repatriate them.They're usually here to stay. That's why my biggest concern is internal threats. I believe Assad and Russia when they say many Terrorists over there have given up and are heading to Western Europe and the US. So ISIS may be done in the Middle East, but it may be taking the fight to Western Europe and the US next.
I guess you're too stupid to understand what he meant when he said he wouldn't telegraph military decisions. He's not going to give the bad guys any notice of what's coming. That would include YOU.
Lol well he wouldn't have to explain the plan. Just say he has one. Hell im surprised he hasn't done that whether he has an actual plan or not.

You'll get used to it, no decent CIC would tell the enemy what they have planned in advance.

Exactly, they won't know what hit em. He's not gonna lay it out in public for everyone to see. He's already commented about that in may speeches. That being said, ISIS is all done. I hope he doesn't do something extreme like invading Syria.

The future ugly battles against Al Qaeda and ISIS are likely gonna take place on Western European and US soil. Assad and Russia have consistently warned that many Terrorists have given up and have fled to Western Europe and the US, as 'Refugees.' So i'm much more worried about internal threats. I don't think Trump's gonna have to do much more to defeat ISIS in the Middle East. They're already in retreat.

The great thing about refugees, once the war is over they can be sent home. They don't have permanent resident status.

I hear ya, but don't count on it. The Left/Globalists make it virtually impossible to repatriate them.They're usually here to stay. That's why my biggest concern is internal threats. I believe Assad and Russia when they say many Terrorists over there have given up and are heading to Western Europe and the US. So ISIS may be done in the Middle East, but it may be taking the fight to Western Europe and the US next.

One arrest for anything and they'll be gone, that wouldn't be the case with the dear leader or another commiecrat.
Lol well he wouldn't have to explain the plan. Just say he has one. Hell im surprised he hasn't done that whether he has an actual plan or not.

You'll get used to it, no decent CIC would tell the enemy what they have planned in advance.

Exactly, they won't know what hit em. He's not gonna lay it out in public for everyone to see. He's already commented about that in may speeches. That being said, ISIS is all done. I hope he doesn't do something extreme like invading Syria.

The future ugly battles against Al Qaeda and ISIS are likely gonna take place on Western European and US soil. Assad and Russia have consistently warned that many Terrorists have given up and have fled to Western Europe and the US, as 'Refugees.' So i'm much more worried about internal threats. I don't think Trump's gonna have to do much more to defeat ISIS in the Middle East. They're already in retreat.

The great thing about refugees, once the war is over they can be sent home. They don't have permanent resident status.

I hear ya, but don't count on it. The Left/Globalists make it virtually impossible to repatriate them.They're usually here to stay. That's why my biggest concern is internal threats. I believe Assad and Russia when they say many Terrorists over there have given up and are heading to Western Europe and the US. So ISIS may be done in the Middle East, but it may be taking the fight to Western Europe and the US next.

One arrest for anything and they'll be gone, that wouldn't be the case with the dear leader or another commiecrat.

I just don't have as much faith in the System as you do. The Left/Globalists have dismantled our Immigration System. I'm not sure Trump can do much to rebuild it.

The 9th Circuit showed us how tough it is to make reasonable temporary reforms in Immigration. It's a real mess. That's why i'm much more worried about internal threats. There are not external threats the US can't handle.
'Has Trump defeated ISIS yet? Does he even have a plan?'

Trump is still a little busy fighting off immature seditious snowflake accusations / attacks / obstruction right now...but Trump will quickly get around to dealing with Barry's buddies and the mess Barry left him with...
Trump hasn't done a damn thing he said he would. He cant without Congress.

Fuck him.

Yeah, like Presidents need Congress to start wars. Those days are long gone. Trump can do whatever he wants to in regards to war. He doesn't need Congress to approve.

Mattis says his loyalty is to the Constitution first and last. Not the President.

When's the last time Congress officially declared war? Presidents have been granted the authority to bomb and kill anytime anywhere. I mean how often did Obama seek Congressional approval for all his attacks around the world? Trump doesn't need approval either. He'll bomb & kill as he sees fit. That's the current reality.
You'll get used to it, no decent CIC would tell the enemy what they have planned in advance.

Exactly, they won't know what hit em. He's not gonna lay it out in public for everyone to see. He's already commented about that in may speeches. That being said, ISIS is all done. I hope he doesn't do something extreme like invading Syria.

The future ugly battles against Al Qaeda and ISIS are likely gonna take place on Western European and US soil. Assad and Russia have consistently warned that many Terrorists have given up and have fled to Western Europe and the US, as 'Refugees.' So i'm much more worried about internal threats. I don't think Trump's gonna have to do much more to defeat ISIS in the Middle East. They're already in retreat.

The great thing about refugees, once the war is over they can be sent home. They don't have permanent resident status.

I hear ya, but don't count on it. The Left/Globalists make it virtually impossible to repatriate them.They're usually here to stay. That's why my biggest concern is internal threats. I believe Assad and Russia when they say many Terrorists over there have given up and are heading to Western Europe and the US. So ISIS may be done in the Middle East, but it may be taking the fight to Western Europe and the US next.

One arrest for anything and they'll be gone, that wouldn't be the case with the dear leader or another commiecrat.

I just don't have as much faith in the System as you do. The Left/Globalists have dismantled our Immigration System. I'm not sure Trump can do much to rebuild it.

The 9th Circuit showed us how tough it is to make reasonable temporary reforms in Immigration. It's a real mess. That's why i'm much more worried about internal threats. There are not external threats the US can't handle.

But what they haven't changed are the laws. Courts can't say shit if the laws are followed.

I guess you're too stupid to understand what he meant when he said he wouldn't telegraph military decisions. He's not going to give the bad guys any notice of what's coming. That would include YOU.
Lol well he wouldn't have to explain the plan. Just say he has one. Hell im surprised he hasn't done that whether he has an actual plan or not.

You'll get used to it, no decent CIC would tell the enemy what they have planned in advance.

Exactly, they won't know what hit em. He's not gonna lay it out in public for everyone to see. He's already commented about that in may speeches. That being said, ISIS is all done. I hope he doesn't do something extreme like invading Syria.

The future ugly battles against Al Qaeda and ISIS are likely gonna take place on Western European and US soil. Assad and Russia have consistently warned that many Terrorists have given up and have fled to Western Europe and the US, as 'Refugees.' So i'm much more worried about internal threats. I don't think Trump's gonna have to do much more to defeat ISIS in the Middle East. They're already in retreat.

The great thing about refugees, once the war is over they can be sent home. They don't have permanent resident status.
Trump hasn't done a damn thing he said he would. He cant without Congress.

Fuck him.

Yeah, like Presidents need Congress to start wars. Those days are long gone. Trump can do whatever he wants to in regards to war. He doesn't need Congress to approve.

Mattis says his loyalty is to the Constitution first and last. Not the President.

When's the last time Congress officially declared war? Presidents have been granted the authority to bomb and kill anytime anywhere. I mean how often did Obama seek Congressional approval for all his attacks around the world? Trump doesn't need approval either. He'll bomb & kill as he sees fit. That's the current reality.

As CiC presidents do have the constitutional authority to use the military. Congress has tried to limit that power but that law has yet to be tested in the real world. Congress has given the president broad powers in using the military against terrorist.


(a) <<NOTE: President.>> In General.--That the President is
authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those
nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized,
committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11,
2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any
future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such
nations, organizations or persons.
Mad Dog said it'll take a long time to destroy ISIS.

so fire Mad Dog for starters.

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