Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?

This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance. This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again..

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?
It is, indeed, an interesting statement.

You need only look around you, to discern the truth in that observation.

Between the time of Lincoln, and the period revolving around World War One, the Republican Party was the Party of the Common Man.

Then, first-generation military-industrialists and resentful trust-busting survivors - Corporatists - bought the Republican Party for themselves; it hasn't been the same since.

What we see today is the Common Man taking back the GOP, and resurrecting its original look and feel and mission.

Given the fate of Third Parties in this country, it made much more sense to make a grab for the GOP, which has a built-in infrastructure and legacy-legitimacy to build upon.

Besdies... for every Conservative-Corporatist Ruling Elite in the GOP, there are a thousand Rank-and-File who want a sea change - a massive shift in direction.

The Conservatives and Corporatists have been out-gunned a thousand-to-one, and all their money didn't do 'em one damned bit of good, this time.

It's a bummer that the Populist Movement on the GOP side served-up a creature like Trump... largely a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger.

The Populists will retain control until 2020, even during a 3rd Obama term, and do a better job of vetting, next time, now that they know their power and know they can't be stopped.

In sandlot basebal, there's a term for being obliged to take-the-field first, after losing a bat-grip toss... "Sucker's Walk"...

That's what's in store for the Corporate Whores at the top of the Republican Party, post-Trump... time for them to take the Sucker's Walk, and form their OWN party.

Although I doubt that that new National Rich Mutherphukker's Ruling Elitist and Corporate Whores Party will gather very many Common Men under its pathetic banner.

Hope that helps.
Holy crap, that's the best explanation I've seen of this, seriously.


Do you think that Trump creates a danger of damaging this message and direction?
Unfortunately for them their vision of the "common man" is exclusively Caucasian. We desperately need some genuine populism here but the message needs to be that "we are all in this together" rather than "It's those other poor people's fault."
Well, I've been thinking this through after seeing Kondor3's post - how would this message translate to a broader audience?

I think - at least theoretically - that it could, but of course the main messenger(s) and the messaging have to be much better.

But if it were, I could see an increase in appeal - at least theoretically. But that would require a big step.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is giving his adopted party a lot to think about. He has offered radically different approaches to trade, immigration, the size of government and national defense.

Yeah, they're called Democrat solutions. And they suck.

Now Republicans are debating whether, win or lose, Donald Trump has permanently altered their party's DNA.

More like he's the cancerous result of too much radiation. We just need to cut him and his ilk out.
This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance. This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again..

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?
It is, indeed, an interesting statement.

You need only look around you, to discern the truth in that observation.

Between the time of Lincoln, and the period revolving around World War One, the Republican Party was the Party of the Common Man.

Then, first-generation military-industrialists and resentful trust-busting survivors - Corporatists - bought the Republican Party for themselves; it hasn't been the same since.

What we see today is the Common Man taking back the GOP, and resurrecting its original look and feel and mission.

Given the fate of Third Parties in this country, it made much more sense to make a grab for the GOP, which has a built-in infrastructure and legacy-legitimacy to build upon.

Besdies... for every Conservative-Corporatist Ruling Elite in the GOP, there are a thousand Rank-and-File who want a sea change - a massive shift in direction.

The Conservatives and Corporatists have been out-gunned a thousand-to-one, and all their money didn't do 'em one damned bit of good, this time.

It's a bummer that the Populist Movement on the GOP side served-up a creature like Trump... largely a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger.

The Populists will retain control until 2020, even during a 3rd Obama term, and do a better job of vetting, next time, now that they know their power and know they can't be stopped.

In sandlot basebal, there's a term for being obliged to take-the-field first, after losing a bat-grip toss... "Sucker's Walk"...

That's what's in store for the Corporate Whores at the top of the Republican Party, post-Trump... time for them to take the Sucker's Walk, and form their OWN party.

Although I doubt that that new National Rich Mutherphukker's Ruling Elitist and Corporate Whores Party will gather very many Common Men under its pathetic banner.

Hope that helps.
Holy crap, that's the best explanation I've seen of this, seriously.


Do you think that Trump creates a danger of damaging this message and direction?
Unfortunately for them their vision of the "common man" is exclusively Caucasian. We desperately need some genuine populism here but the message needs to be that "we are all in this together" rather than "It's those other poor people's fault."
Well, I've been thinking this through after seeing Kondor3's post - how would this message translate to a broader audience?

I think - at least theoretically - that it could, but of course the main messenger(s) and the messaging have to be much better.

But if it were, I could see an increase in appeal - at least theoretically. But that would require a big step.
The right is simply unsuited to present a genuine populist agenda. Their followers will reject any political agenda that does not include getting fascist with the parts of society that they fear. America is hungry for an actual populist but even the most disinterested voter still has a sense of fairness that is often offended by Trump's rhetoric.
...Unfortunately for them their vision of the "common man" is exclusively Caucasian. We desperately need some genuine populism here but the message needs to be that "we are all in this together" rather than "It's those other poor people's fault."
Awwww... another oppressed minority, on the outside, looking in... isn't that just too precious?

But keep tellin' yourself that... within 20 years, the New Republican Party will be out-Democrating the Democrats... and you-and-yours will be on the ropes.
Keep talking US vs THEM and you will never see a republican party with broad popular appeal. All that scapegoating bullshit has cost you this election but unfortunately there will never be a sense among conservatives that it might have all went too far.
In answer to the question. Probably not.

Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is giving his adopted party a lot to think about. He has offered radically different approaches to trade, immigration, the size of government and national defense.

Now Republicans are debating whether, win or lose, Donald Trump has permanently altered their party's DNA.

No. He’ll be a memory 6 months from now. Those who supported him will never mention his name again and hope nobody else does either. Some will make the “Who was I supposed to support?” argument… and given the gerrymandered system we have, it will fly. Statewide office holders will have less accuracy with that club.

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?
It is, indeed, an interesting statement.

You need only look around you, to discern the truth in that observation.

Between the time of Lincoln, and the period revolving around World War One, the Republican Party was the Party of the Common Man.

Then, first-generation military-industrialists and resentful trust-busting survivors - Corporatists - bought the Republican Party for themselves; it hasn't been the same since.

What we see today is the Common Man taking back the GOP, and resurrecting its original look and feel and mission.

Given the fate of Third Parties in this country, it made much more sense to make a grab for the GOP, which has a built-in infrastructure and legacy-legitimacy to build upon.

Besdies... for every Conservative-Corporatist Ruling Elite in the GOP, there are a thousand Rank-and-File who want a sea change - a massive shift in direction.

The Conservatives and Corporatists have been out-gunned a thousand-to-one, and all their money didn't do 'em one damned bit of good, this time.

It's a bummer that the Populist Movement on the GOP side served-up a creature like Trump... largely a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger.

The Populists will retain control until 2020, even during a 3rd Obama term, and do a better job of vetting, next time, now that they know their power and know they can't be stopped.

In sandlot basebal, there's a term for being obliged to take-the-field first, after losing a bat-grip toss... "Sucker's Walk"...

That's what's in store for the Corporate Whores at the top of the Republican Party, post-Trump... time for them to take the Sucker's Walk, and form their OWN party.

Although I doubt that that new National Rich Mutherphukker's Ruling Elitist and Corporate Whores Party will gather very many Common Men under its pathetic banner.

Hope that helps.
Holy crap, that's the best explanation I've seen of this, seriously.


Do you think that Trump creates a danger of damaging this message and direction?
Unfortunately for them their vision of the "common man" is exclusively Caucasian. We desperately need some genuine populism here but the message needs to be that "we are all in this together" rather than "It's those other poor people's fault."
Well, I've been thinking this through after seeing Kondor3's post - how would this message translate to a broader audience?

I think - at least theoretically - that it could, but of course the main messenger(s) and the messaging have to be much better.

But if it were, I could see an increase in appeal - at least theoretically. But that would require a big step.
The right is simply unsuited to present a genuine populist agenda. Their followers will reject any political agenda that does not include getting fascist with the parts of society that they fear. America is hungry for an actual populist but even the most disinterested voter still has a sense of fairness that is often offended by Trump's rhetoric.
Well, clearly they'd need to move away from some of what they're saying, and clearly they'd need to jettison some of the horrific "surrogates" who make them look so bad.

That has to happen first, and they're starting in a hole with Trump.

It would be interesting to see, though, the GOP actually taking the populist space, leaving the Dems looking like the big, bad establishment. With faith and trust in politicians and politics at all time lows, there certainly is a market for it.
It is, indeed, an interesting statement.

You need only look around you, to discern the truth in that observation.

Between the time of Lincoln, and the period revolving around World War One, the Republican Party was the Party of the Common Man.

Then, first-generation military-industrialists and resentful trust-busting survivors - Corporatists - bought the Republican Party for themselves; it hasn't been the same since.

What we see today is the Common Man taking back the GOP, and resurrecting its original look and feel and mission.

Given the fate of Third Parties in this country, it made much more sense to make a grab for the GOP, which has a built-in infrastructure and legacy-legitimacy to build upon.

Besdies... for every Conservative-Corporatist Ruling Elite in the GOP, there are a thousand Rank-and-File who want a sea change - a massive shift in direction.

The Conservatives and Corporatists have been out-gunned a thousand-to-one, and all their money didn't do 'em one damned bit of good, this time.

It's a bummer that the Populist Movement on the GOP side served-up a creature like Trump... largely a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger.

The Populists will retain control until 2020, even during a 3rd Obama term, and do a better job of vetting, next time, now that they know their power and know they can't be stopped.

In sandlot basebal, there's a term for being obliged to take-the-field first, after losing a bat-grip toss... "Sucker's Walk"...

That's what's in store for the Corporate Whores at the top of the Republican Party, post-Trump... time for them to take the Sucker's Walk, and form their OWN party.

Although I doubt that that new National Rich Mutherphukker's Ruling Elitist and Corporate Whores Party will gather very many Common Men under its pathetic banner.

Hope that helps.
Holy crap, that's the best explanation I've seen of this, seriously.


Do you think that Trump creates a danger of damaging this message and direction?
Unfortunately for them their vision of the "common man" is exclusively Caucasian. We desperately need some genuine populism here but the message needs to be that "we are all in this together" rather than "It's those other poor people's fault."
Well, I've been thinking this through after seeing Kondor3's post - how would this message translate to a broader audience?

I think - at least theoretically - that it could, but of course the main messenger(s) and the messaging have to be much better.

But if it were, I could see an increase in appeal - at least theoretically. But that would require a big step.
The right is simply unsuited to present a genuine populist agenda. Their followers will reject any political agenda that does not include getting fascist with the parts of society that they fear. America is hungry for an actual populist but even the most disinterested voter still has a sense of fairness that is often offended by Trump's rhetoric.
Well, clearly they'd need to move away from some of what they're saying, and clearly they'd need to jettison some of the horrific "surrogates" who make them look so bad.

That has to happen first, and they're starting in a hole with Trump.

It would be interesting to see, though, the GOP actually taking the populist space, leaving the Dems looking like the big, bad establishment. With faith and trust in politicians and politics at all time lows, there certainly is a market for it.
I suppose it could happen but I will never join a populist republican party unless they tell the militia types and the closet Nazis to take a hike.
Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?

Maybe. But for sure Dick Cheney has by advising the GOP to put guys like Trump, McCain & Romney on the ticket (and Caribou Barbie fer crissakes) and "back them all the way no matter what!!"

Dick Cheney and his wife were raised by democrats. Cheney ditched the Vietnam draft 5 times. They have a lesbian daughter and are in favor of gay marriage. This powerful man has been advising the GOP on election strategy and which candidates to push forward for decades now. Trump is just one in a long line of DNA-altering candidates that has finally gutted and scattered the 90% church-going, red-meat base of the republican party. Has The Republican Party Been Getting Dicked For Decades Now?
... The right is simply unsuited to present a genuine populist agenda. Their followers will reject any political agenda that does not include getting fascist with the parts of society that they fear. America is hungry for an actual populist but even the most disinterested voter still has a sense of fairness that is often offended by Trump's rhetoric.
2016 is the Year of the Populist.

On the Left, the Populists tried to slide Bernie under the wire, but, as with most Leftist Establishment Ruling Elites, the DNC managed to beat him down.

On the Right, the Populists won the first round, with Trump, but are losing badly now, because he lacks the sense to use dog-whistles, instead of articulating his plans.

There's room for bit of both flavors of Populism, and there's a place at the table for both, but neither will win-out this election season.

Instead, we're going to be stuck with a corrupt, negligent, careless, aloof female channeling the Ghost of Boss Tweed, as a placeholder for four years (3rd Obama term).

Oh, well... better that than Atilla the Hun, who'll piss off everybody, and accomplish nothing.

But, still, it's a goddamned lousy choice we're faced with, this year.
It's a great question, and I'm guessing that it may depend on the outcome of the election.

If he loses big, then the Alt Right's grip becomes more tenuous, maybe.

When you hitch your wagon to a circus horse, you really can't be sure of where you're going.
Trump has drawn out and given recognition to the crazies. The GOP is now split between the Old School Elitists and the Radical Alt-Right, and the latter isn't going anywhere soon. That, overall, weakens the GOP's political power in all but local elections up to and including House seats. It has forfeited any chance of hanging onto the senate and the White House.

And this is a self-inflicted wound. By embracing the Tea Party movement in order to pad its numbers, the GOP threw what was left of its principles out the window and now they're paying for it, mortally. Once they introduced that virus into their party, they could only get sicker.

Mother Nature has a way of picking off outliers like the Republican Party of the United States.

Your first sentence says it all
Hitlery will lead you into the three rings....just relax....:lol:
Who knows what that means.

Perhaps you can provide some thoughtful commentary on how ridding the Republican party of Republicans is good for the Republican party.
It's about time that Conservatives in the Republican Party got a phukking wake-up call.

And a healthy bitch-slap.

This is it.


This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance.

This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again.

The more Corporate Whores that are flushed out of the GOP, the better.

Adapt or die.

Winner !
In answer to the question. Probably not.

Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is giving his adopted party a lot to think about. He has offered radically different approaches to trade, immigration, the size of government and national defense.

Now Republicans are debating whether, win or lose, Donald Trump has permanently altered their party's DNA.

No. Donald Trump is the symptom of the disease. The disease has been infecting the GOP since after Reagan.
In answer to the question. Probably not.

Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is giving his adopted party a lot to think about. He has offered radically different approaches to trade, immigration, the size of government and national defense.

Now Republicans are debating whether, win or lose, Donald Trump has permanently altered their party's DNA.

No. Donald Trump is the symptom of the disease. The disease has been infecting the GOP since after Reagan.

True because it was Reagen who pimped out amnesty as the final solution to the illegal immigration problem that grew far worse after implementing.
In answer to the question. Probably not.

Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is giving his adopted party a lot to think about. He has offered radically different approaches to trade, immigration, the size of government and national defense.

Now Republicans are debating whether, win or lose, Donald Trump has permanently altered their party's DNA.

No. Donald Trump is the symptom of the disease. The disease has been infecting the GOP since after Reagan.

True because it was Reagen who pimped out amnesty as the final solution to the illegal immigration problem that grew far worse after implementing.

Well yeah but that isn't the disease. The disease which led to where we are now began after Reagan when the RINOs glommed onto his successes and began ignoring the base and lying to them. They had some success limiting Clinton and getting deals from him but the disease progressed and we got Bush. The loss to 0bama sent them over the edge until there became little to no difference between them and the Democrats. Their failure to even impede 0bama a little bit, the failure of Boehner, and their hatred for the Tea Party led to Donald Trump.

Trump is the symptom, the disease is the GOP politicians.
Hitlery will lead you into the three rings....just relax....:lol:
Who knows what that means.

Perhaps you can provide some thoughtful commentary on how ridding the Republican party of Republicans is good for the Republican party.
It's about time that Conservatives in the Republican Party got a phukking wake-up call.

And a healthy bitch-slap.

This is it.


This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance.

This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again.

The more Corporate Whores that are flushed out of the GOP, the better.

Adapt or die.

it was their party. trump idiots are only 40% of the party which constitutes only 47% of the electorate.

what it's about is the teatard brigade of the party hijacking it.
In answer to the question. Probably not.

Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is giving his adopted party a lot to think about. He has offered radically different approaches to trade, immigration, the size of government and national defense.

Now Republicans are debating whether, win or lose, Donald Trump has permanently altered their party's DNA.

No. Donald Trump is the symptom of the disease. The disease has been infecting the GOP since after Reagan.

True because it was Reagen who pimped out amnesty as the final solution to the illegal immigration problem that grew far worse after implementing.

Well yeah but that isn't the disease. The disease which led to where we are now began after Reagan when the RINOs glommed onto his successes and began ignoring the base and lying to them. They had some success limiting Clinton and getting deals from him but the disease progressed and we got Bush. The loss to 0bama sent them over the edge until there became little to no difference between them and the Democrats. Their failure to even impede 0bama a little bit, the failure of Boehner, and their hatred for the Tea Party led to Donald Trump.

Trump is the symptom, the disease is the GOP politicians.

Again, you are the RINO's. it was their party
In answer to the question. Probably not.

Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is giving his adopted party a lot to think about. He has offered radically different approaches to trade, immigration, the size of government and national defense.

Now Republicans are debating whether, win or lose, Donald Trump has permanently altered their party's DNA.

No. Donald Trump is the symptom of the disease. The disease has been infecting the GOP since after Reagan.

True because it was Reagen who pimped out amnesty as the final solution to the illegal immigration problem that grew far worse after implementing.

Well yeah but that isn't the disease. The disease which led to where we are now began after Reagan when the RINOs glommed onto his successes and began ignoring the base and lying to them. They had some success limiting Clinton and getting deals from him but the disease progressed and we got Bush. The loss to 0bama sent them over the edge until there became little to no difference between them and the Democrats. Their failure to even impede 0bama a little bit, the failure of Boehner, and their hatred for the Tea Party led to Donald Trump.

Trump is the symptom, the disease is the GOP politicians.

Again, you are the RINO's. it was their party

Go fuck yourself with a cactus, idiot.

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