Hamas-Israel Deal: Who Benefits?

In the last week hamas has fired 25 illegal rockets at Israel, to which Israel retaliated with an air strike on a senior hamas official. reported by Huffington post yesterday.
And last week there was the blockade which is an act of war.

Do you have a point?
The point is: a choke collar on the Islamic terrorists occupying Hamas'istan prevents even more rocket attacks.

And it's worked brilliantly so far.

Maybe they need to rethink the strategy.
Maybe the Islamic terrorists need to rethink their Charter. Those goals have been an abysmal failure just as Islamic fascism has been.

I hear ISIS'istan is lovely this time of the 7th century: rape, murder, sex slavery, etc., etc.

Yeah, islamism is working out real well.

Hamas most definately needs to rethink it's charter.

Which they cant do as their charter is based on the koran and they cant re think the koran without getting beheaded.
Israel Denies Contacts With Hamas on Long-term Truce

Israel officially denied Monday night that it is conducting direct or indirect negotiations with Hamas on a long-term cease-fire agreement. “There are no meetings with Hamas,” the prime minister’s bureau said in a statement, adding: “There are no direct contacts, no contacts through other countries and no contacts through intermediaries.” the statement from Prime Minister Netanyahu’s bureau came after weeks of frequent reports from Palestinian and other Arab media of contacts between Israel and Hamas over a long-term cease-fire. ..

Israel denies contacts with Hamas on long-term truce - Diplomacy and Defense

Much ado about nothing?

I wonder. Often in these sort of things, there are a lot of behind the scenes negotiating - "unofficially" - to see if a suitable framework can be found for some sort of agreement before anything is made public. It's not made public early on because it might amount to nothing and also the political pressures from the various special interest groups mght make it impossible. This is very much the way Nixon dealt with China.

I hope there is validity to it - could be a good thing. Would be nice to see Hamas more interested in governance than terrorism and this would be a positive step towards legitimizing their state.

In the last week hamas has fired 25 illegal rockets at Israel, to which Israel retaliated with an air strike on a senior hamas official. reported by Huffington post yesterday.
And last week there was the blockade which is an act of war.

Do you have a point?
The point is: a choke collar on the Islamic terrorists occupying Hamas'istan prevents even more rocket attacks.
How can you tell if it is working?:dunno:

By the lessening of attacks on Israeli children, before the choke collar there were 5 or 6 a day now there are that every 6 months.
Peace and no more retaliation to illegal rockets. But latest news is that hamas have started to fire illegal rockets again and Israel has responded by targeting senior hamas officials.
So you see it is a two way street and unless the Palestinians start acting like decent human beings they will be treated as scum.
So when a Hamas member launches a rocket, it is the Palestinians?
And when Israel launches a rocket, it is the Palestinians, as well?

Where did I post that then

The UN and AI have both stated that qassams are illegal weapons and a war crime on two counts.

The Israeli's took out a valid military target with minimal casualties as in accordance with IHL

IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH FOR YOU herr obergefrieter
It is clear that for you, only Palestinians are guilty.
And you are screaming about Palestinian rockets, while Israel uses weapons that are illegal and murderous.

...with minimal casualties as in accordance with IHL...

"The Israeli military is reportedly using flechette shells in its offensive in Gaza, weapons described as illegal under “rules of humanitarian law” by an Israeli human rights organisation.

Generally fired by a tank and described as an “imprecise weapon” ill-suited to combat in a built-up area, flechette shells explode in the air above a target, sending out a cone of thousands of tiny steel darts each no more than 4cm (1.57 ins) long."

"Israeli and international human rights organizations accused Israel of using white phosphorus munitions improperly during Israel’s three-week military offensive against Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza in the winter of 2008-9. Such munitions are not prohibited under international law, but they are not supposed to be used in civilian areas, because white phosphorus is highly flammable and, like napalm, it can burn flesh. Israel maintained that its use of shells containing phosphorus did not violate international law.

Kershner also didn’t mention that Israel initially denied its use of white phosphorus, which would be an behavior had its use of the munitions been legal. The London Times reported on January 5, 2009 that despite Israel’s denials, “the tell-tale shells could be seen spreading tentacles of thick white smoke to cover the troops’ advance.”"
Israel’s Illegal Use of White Phosphorus During ‘Operation Cast Lead’ | Foreign Policy Journal

"Testimony given to Al-Monitor by Palestinian nurses, doctors and human rights activists indicate that the Israeli army used DIMEs, which causes the loss of limbs and leads to wounds that do not respond to treatment.

DIME weapons "kill their victims through the amputation of limbs in a way that resembles an automated saw. As for those who are able to survive, they are vulnerable to cancer because [the weapons] contain carcinogenic tungsten," reads a July 21 report by Al Jazeera."
Israel accused of using illegal weapons in Gaza war - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Not one of those weapons was illegal when used by Israel and that is why the UN has not censured their use. Now that hamas is using W.P. in its rockets along with chemical/biological agents they are a war crime and they are warned about their use.

So produce the IHL that made the weapons illegal when last used by Israel. I note you don't say a word about the depleted uranium bullets used by the Palestinians, now why is that could it be because you are a HYPOCRITE
Of course it is illegal to slaughter civilians. The weapons used prove its is a slaughtering.
What about depleted uranium. Where should the Hamas get it from. US-duds? Tell me, hypocrite and paid Zion writer, is there any kind of US-ammunition without DU?

Most of it is Depleted Uranium coated, it is how it is manufactured, Gee it sure is hard trying to educate the Nazi's these days.
Still waiting for the IHL that makes the weapons illegal when Israel deployed them, or cant you find any so try and deflect.
If Hamas did not embed their military assets amongst civilian populations, residential neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, mosques, etc., the collateral casualties incurred in silencing and neutralizing those enemy war-assets would never have occurred. It's what happens when pussies hide behind the skirts of their women and children. Tragic.
This is what happens when the other side comes down to their level. The Hamas level.

Over half of gaza is urban land which proves that hamas is in breach of IHL and the Geneva conventions by firing from civilian areas. This makes those areas military targets under international law and it is then up to hamas as the duly elected government to safeguard the civilian population.
Israel Denies Contacts With Hamas on Long-term Truce

Israel officially denied Monday night that it is conducting direct or indirect negotiations with Hamas on a long-term cease-fire agreement. “There are no meetings with Hamas,” the prime minister’s bureau said in a statement, adding: “There are no direct contacts, no contacts through other countries and no contacts through intermediaries.” the statement from Prime Minister Netanyahu’s bureau came after weeks of frequent reports from Palestinian and other Arab media of contacts between Israel and Hamas over a long-term cease-fire. ..

Israel denies contacts with Hamas on long-term truce - Diplomacy and Defense

Much ado about nothing?

I wonder. Often in these sort of things, there are a lot of behind the scenes negotiating - "unofficially" - to see if a suitable framework can be found for some sort of agreement before anything is made public. It's not made public early on because it might amount to nothing and also the political pressures from the various special interest groups mght make it impossible. This is very much the way Nixon dealt with China.

I hope there is validity to it - could be a good thing. Would be nice to see Hamas more interested in governance than terrorism and this would be a positive step towards legitimizing their state.

In the last week hamas has fired 25 illegal rockets at Israel, to which Israel retaliated with an air strike on a senior hamas official. reported by Huffington post yesterday.
And last week there was the blockade which is an act of war.

Do you have a point?

Under which law is a blockade an act of war. You keep saying this but never give an unbiased and non partisan link to substantiate your claims. As far as the UN and ICC/ICJ are concerned the blockade is legal.
When Egypt blocked the Strait of Tiran in 1967, didn't Israel call that an act of war?
If Hamas did not embed their military assets amongst civilian populations, residential neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, mosques, etc., the collateral casualties incurred in silencing and neutralizing those enemy war-assets would never have occurred. It's what happens when pussies hide behind the skirts of their women and children. Tragic.
This is what happens when the other side comes down to their level. The Hamas level.

Over half of gaza is urban land which proves that hamas is in breach of IHL and the Geneva conventions by firing from civilian areas. This makes those areas military targets under international law and it is then up to hamas as the duly elected government to safeguard the civilian population.
You are talking like a murderer who found a gap in the law.
Israel Denies Contacts With Hamas on Long-term Truce

Israel officially denied Monday night that it is conducting direct or indirect negotiations with Hamas on a long-term cease-fire agreement. “There are no meetings with Hamas,” the prime minister’s bureau said in a statement, adding: “There are no direct contacts, no contacts through other countries and no contacts through intermediaries.” the statement from Prime Minister Netanyahu’s bureau came after weeks of frequent reports from Palestinian and other Arab media of contacts between Israel and Hamas over a long-term cease-fire. ..

Israel denies contacts with Hamas on long-term truce - Diplomacy and Defense

Much ado about nothing?

I wonder. Often in these sort of things, there are a lot of behind the scenes negotiating - "unofficially" - to see if a suitable framework can be found for some sort of agreement before anything is made public. It's not made public early on because it might amount to nothing and also the political pressures from the various special interest groups mght make it impossible. This is very much the way Nixon dealt with China.

I hope there is validity to it - could be a good thing. Would be nice to see Hamas more interested in governance than terrorism and this would be a positive step towards legitimizing their state.

In the last week hamas has fired 25 illegal rockets at Israel, to which Israel retaliated with an air strike on a senior hamas official. reported by Huffington post yesterday.
And last week there was the blockade which is an act of war.

Do you have a point?

Under which law is a blockade an act of war. You keep saying this but never give an unbiased and non partisan link to substantiate your claims. As far as the UN and ICC/ICJ are concerned the blockade is legal.
When Egypt blocked the Strait of Tiran in 1967, didn't Israel call that an act of war?

No the UN did that and stated as much to the Egyptians, The act of war was the massing of troops on the border and the warmongering in the days leading up to Israel's pre-emptive strike.
If Hamas did not embed their military assets amongst civilian populations, residential neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, mosques, etc., the collateral casualties incurred in silencing and neutralizing those enemy war-assets would never have occurred. It's what happens when pussies hide behind the skirts of their women and children. Tragic.
This is what happens when the other side comes down to their level. The Hamas level.

Over half of gaza is urban land which proves that hamas is in breach of IHL and the Geneva conventions by firing from civilian areas. This makes those areas military targets under international law and it is then up to hamas as the duly elected government to safeguard the civilian population.
You are talking like a murderer who found a gap in the law.

No I am talking like an unbiased and non partisan outsider who is seeing the full picture and applying the relevant international laws
And when you deliberately Slaughter Palestinians,ya gotta break a lot of heads

No problem.

Then again, there is no 'deliberate slaughter' of Palestinians occuring.

Merely military casualties inflicted by the IDF against their enemies operating from unincorporated slivers of disjointed land occupied by barbarians.

Oh, and, civilian collateral casualties inflicted by the IDF, unavoidably, when the IDF hits paramilitary targets, due to the tendency of these paramilitaries (Hamas, et al) to embed war-assets amongst their civilian populations - in residential neighborhoods, in hospitals, mosques and children's schools - hiding behind the skirts of their women and children, like the pussies (effeminate cowards) that they are.

Don't want civilian casualties?

Stop hiding behind the skirts of your women and children.

Or not.

Your choice.
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If Hamas did not embed their military assets amongst civilian populations, residential neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, mosques, etc., the collateral casualties incurred in silencing and neutralizing those enemy war-assets would never have occurred. It's what happens when pussies hide behind the skirts of their women and children. Tragic.
This is what happens when the other side comes down to their level. The Hamas level.

Over half of gaza is urban land which proves that hamas is in breach of IHL and the Geneva conventions by firing from civilian areas. This makes those areas military targets under international law and it is then up to hamas as the duly elected government to safeguard the civilian population.
You are talking like a murderer who found a gap in the law.

No I am talking like an unbiased and non partisan outsider who is seeing the full picture and applying the relevant international laws
You are talking like a murderer who found a gap in the law.
Must be a bitch, being both (1) militarily impotent and (2) on the wrong side of the law in this instance - like your Hamas buddies are.
So, neutral people are on the side of Hamas? Maybe, they are not as bloodthirsty as you USMB Zionists are.

How about you define what you mean by Zionists so we can all see your Nazi racist Jew hatreds
You are not neutral.
I am...
No, you're not, but, enough of that - we must agree to disagree on that score.

...While you want the Palestinians to be deported and have their nationality taken away from them...
Yes. The so-called Palestinians need to pack up and leave. Sooner rather than later.

No. They are (or were) Jordanian Nationals. It is time for them to reclaim their old citizenship. On the Jordanian side of the Israel-Jordan border.

...and be bombed with the most cruel weapons,..

Every time that these Neanderthal Palestinians fire-off rockets at Israel, and oblige Israel to shoot back, it's one more senseless and preventable tragedy.

These knuckle-draggers cannot get it through their thick skulls that you don't piss into the wind, nor poke a giant who outguns you by an order of magnitude.

Then again, sitting-around refugee camps and refugee towns for 67 years, without waking up to reality, and moving-on, is not the mark of all-round high intelligence.

They need to leave.

...I support the two-state solution so that each side can be happy.
The two-state solution has been off the table for decades, truth be told.

Israel can never trust these knuckle-draggers to keep their word nor to keep the peace. It's been tried before. Over and over again.

Enough times, that sensible folk have long-reached the conclusion that a two-state solution is now a non-starter.

You, too, are pissing into the wind.

Not to mention, not fooling anybody, with your thinly-disguised advocacy for the Palestinians.
You are not neutral.
I am. While you want the Palestinians to be deported and have their nationality taken away from them and be bombed with the most cruel weapons, I support the two-state solution so that each side can be happy.

There is no two state solution. The Hamas Charter precludes that.

There will be no final agreement to any two state configuration. Hamas will not and can not agree to any recognition of Israel's right to exist and sovereignty over its designated territory because that will make Hamas look weak and ineffective to the Arab street. With their islamo-credibility gone, they will have the Arab rats gnawing at their heels (and worse), for not being islamist enough.

We already know for certainty what happens when islamo's are not islamo-enough. Just ask Anwar Sadat.
You are not neutral.
I am...
No, you're not, but, enough of that - we must agree to disagree on that score.

...While you want the Palestinians to be deported and have their nationality taken away from them...
Yes. The so-called Palestinians need to pack up and leave. Sooner rather than later.

No. They are (or were) Jordanian Nationals. It is time for them to reclaim their old citizenship. On the Jordanian side of the Israel-Jordan border.

...and be bombed with the most cruel weapons,..

Every time that these Neanderthal Palestinians fire-off rockets at Israel, and oblige Israel to shoot back, it's one more senseless and preventable tragedy.

These knuckle-draggers cannot get it through their thick skulls that you don't piss into the wind, nor poke a giant who outguns you by an order of magnitude.

Then again, sitting-around refugee camps and refugee towns for 67 years, without waking up to reality, and moving-on, is not the mark of all-round high intelligence.

They need to leave.

...I support the two-state solution so that each side can be happy.
The two-state solution has been off the table for decades, truth be told.

Israel can never trust these knuckle-draggers to keep their word nor to keep the peace. It's been tried before. Over and over again.

Enough times, that sensible folk have long-reached the conclusion that a two-state solution is now a non-starter.

You, too, are pissing into the wind.

Not to mention, not fooling anybody, with your thinly-disguised advocacy for the Palestinians.
Why do the Palestinians have to leave and the Israelis not?

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