
  1. Pastelli

    Israel most moral army - FACT (IDF high morality)

    Is this what is causing so much envy in the Arab world? #### Source The High Level Military Group is "an independent body of former chiefs of staff, senior military officers and cabinet ministers from NATO countries with many decades of expertise at the highest level of land, air and...
  2. Pastelli

    WH: We know Islamic Republc of Iran funds / pushes some of "palestine" protests

    Then you have (aljihad-zeera) Al Jazeera's Qatar...too ### Suppressed News. @SuppressedNws 🚨BREAKING: Right after Netanyahu mentioned Iran multiple times in congress, white house confirms Iranian funding of U.S protest: John Kirby: “We do know that Iran has been funding and encouraging some...
  3. Pastelli

    Kamala Harris sincere in condemning genocide pro Palestine & its nazi inspired symbolism?

    Or is it just pure politics? ### 'Hamas is coming': Protesters pull down US flag, vandalize DC landmarks By Michael Starr. Published: July 25, 2024 . SENSITIVE MATERIAL. THIS IMAGE MAY OFFEND OR DISTURB Graffiti covers the Columbus Memorial Fountain at Union Station during a...
  4. Sayaras

    Article 78 years ago ('46): Arab-Nazi alliance - foundation of conflicts in M.E. / Far East

    It's not everything about the conflicts but major foundation. A Nazi Legacy Unrest in the Middle East and Far East is to a considersble extend a Nazi legacy. Part of the background to the present conflict in Palestine is Nazi intrigue among the Arabs. The British press recently reported the...
  5. Sayaras

    "Pro palestine" - Hitler glorification [by Islamists]: BDS, SJP, WOL, AMP, MSA ..

    The following are examples of Hitler admiration. [At best only a few " just" whitewash him..]. Because it's not just one or two cases. It's wide spread - all over "palestine" activism: BDS SJP WOL AMP MSA ... All of them are Muslim, most are Arabs. SJP and the Holocaust Support for Hitler...
  6. Pastelli

    Article: "Hatred of Israel is part of a malevolent anti-white racism"

    In addition to this article, racist-liars such as Hatem Bazian of SJP and Omar Shakir ex HRW tried to portray Israel as if all only "white." (The deceptive tactic meant to arouse racism by non-whites radicals, not just Farrakhan islamofascists). While of course it is multi ethnic multi color...

    Hamas (It’s the real name, not name-calling or a pet name) alleged atrocities (nothing inflammatory only alleged) on October 7 (the official date)

    It is my opinion that it’s all false. (first sentence) There is no proof. (second sentence). There is no exhibit. (third sentence). There is no credibility. (fourth sentence). But can it be true? )fifth sentence. Here is what one view on the subject is - I'm not sure if it should be a colon or a...
  8. Pastelli

    "Pro" palestine & Nazi symbols

    It's a palestine routine more than by neo nazis, by now. "Free Palestine" rioter made Nazi salute towards photographers. The Jews are the Nazis and Hitler just fought Zionists. That's pretty much the path they're taking now to make neo-Nazism more appealing.. (Feb 2024) ‘Death to the...
  9. Pastelli

    One of the ironies is some BLM cowing to "palestine" propaganda - despite Arab racism goliath

    Do some at BLM even know what ABID means among Arabs especially among Arab "palestine"? The "palestine" racist Arab example: Aaron Klein, "Rice labeled 'black spinster'", YNet, July 31, 2006.,7340,L-3284271,00.html Some global examples here: And not just...
  10. Pastelli

    Documentary on genocidal Islamofascistic palestine October 7 sexual violence is important response to racist deniers

    IMHO a racist is a racist is a racist. But it's important for the average person Documentary on October 7 sexual violence is important response to deniers. Review: 'Screams Before Silence,' Sheryl Sandberg's moving documentary, presents brave descriptions and reconstructions from those who...
  11. Sayaras

    The roots of 7 October atrocities are in the pogroms of 1834. (Islamist bigotry)

    The following translated piece from French is important for historical and present events. The roots of 7 October are in the pogroms of 1834. The Hamas 7 October massacre echoes previous pogroms in Palestine – notably the Safed pogrom of 1834. In this masterful analysis, published by the...
  12. S

    Arabs chant “From river to sea”.

    Arabs chant “From river to sea”; (i.e. eliminate all Jews). Palestinians will not accept a two-nation solution and they cannot reconcile with the fact that the nation of Israel will continue to exist; Israel now (with good reason) fears permitting Palestinians to even enter and daily working...
  13. BackAgain

    Osteen mega church shooter ID’d It was a tranny. It identified as a woman but was born a male. (It also died a male, but that’s another story.) Another one for the tranny hall of shame.
  14. FDR_Reagan

    Lies and more lies about Arabs supposedly welcoming Jews

    PALLYWOOD This fake take was contributed to Days of Palestine by: Mustajab Zehra Dhoki. Who can forget the Holocaust of Jews? In 1933 when Hitler the German Christian took over the oath as the General of Germany , he murdered thousands of Jews living in Germany and Eastern Europe, total...
  15. FDR_Reagan

    Islamist in NJ, inspired by Oct. 7 massacre - ‘devoted to waging violent jihad against America’

    Keep this in mind when you see COVERED MASKED faces at those genocidal "globalize the intifada" beastly riots. = “Nasr was prepared to kill and be killed to support the jihadist cause…” “NJ man Karem Nasr inspired by Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack busted allegedly trying to join Islamist terror...
  16. FDR_Reagan

    ANIMALISTIC CULT (Islamist) Arab 'Palestinians'

    ANIMALISTIC CULT Arab 'Palestinians' It's out in the open, en masse, in public! Regarding the latest: 2 men executed in West Bank for allegedly spying for Israel, as mob cheers Men’s bodies hung on an electricity pole and later dumped in the trash as crowds call ‘traitors’ and ‘Allahu...
  17. Pastelli

    More Islamization in Bethlehem: Jesus' birthplace removes all Christmas decorations in honor of Hamas 'martyrs’

    Jesus' birthplace removes all Christmas decorations in honor of Hamas 'martyrs’ __ Comment: ISLAMIZED, ISLAMIZATION Since at least the 1920s, many Arabs were heavily influenced by the surrounding dominant Islamic culture. By 1937...
  18. Pastelli

    David' Israel vs 'Goliath' Israelophobia (factors)

    'David' Israel vs 'Goliath' Israelophobia Five factors in current aggressive Israelophobia spilling towards genocidal anti-Jewish : * Ignorance. (Note also how ignorants avoid talking about Arab supremacists anti-Jewish massacres before 1947). * Youths being influenced by a fake-info clip on...
  19. Pastelli

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s)

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s) 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll. * Ahmad Shukeiri writing in his book (Beirut, 1969 ) that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler. (Re 1940-1941). "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem, in spring of 1967...
  20. Invisibleflash

    If the Jews take over Gaza for themselves will this put an end to Jewish expansion?

    If the Jews take over Gaza for themselves will this put an end to Jewish expansion, or will they continue taking land? AR-15 forum, which lifetime banned me, had a discussion on it. They said Jews owned the land, then Arabs took it, then Jews took it back. They said it is akin to the white...
  21. HaShev

    The piece of the Pie Analogy-a study in Behavior Science

    Is the Middle East conflict religious, territorial or something else? I liken the behavior of the initial PA movement by Haj Amin Al-Husseini when initially given equal portion of land, and todays radicals call for the whole pie, to that of a child being given an equal portion of pie as his...
  22. The Duke

    The Israel/Palestine conflict could be resolved with minimal damage within 2 weeks.

    The Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip could end very quickly, with minimal bloodshed, and people being bombed out of their homes could be stopped if only Palestinians would capture and deliver HAMAS to the Israelis or tell them where they all are. (without it being just busines rivals)...
  23. TDontTouchMyCigars

    Deal of the century: Israeli Arabs Cities might become part of the PLO state

    After years of 'Apartheid', after 2000 October riots, Finally the Arabs will have their opportunity to become a part of the Palestinian state. Meanwhile, Arab citizens in Israel: We will die and won't become Palestinian citizens, we are Israelis Arabs don't want to live under Muslim state...
  24. Litwin

    REVEALED: Trump's 'deal of the century' map for a future Palestine, Israel

    Trump farted publicly in water again , i don't see how Palestinian elites could it (withóut eastern Jerusalem) sell to Palestinians and the muslim world . but I guess his buddy vova putler blessed Trump's 'deal of the century' and this is only important for the red clown REVEALED: Trump's...
  25. Street Juice

    Yes, BDS should be supported on humanitarian grounds

    The most disappointing aspect of Donald Trump is his acquiescence in the Palestinian genocide and Israels crime against humanity. Recent events have shone a spotlight not only on how Israel is intensifying its abuse of Palestinians under its rule, but the utterly depraved complicity of western...
  26. georgephillip

    AOC Proposes Cutting US Aid to Israel

    US Congresswoman proposes cutting Israel aid "US Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has proposed the US cut military and economic aid worth $3 billion a year from Israel in response to the re-election of Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister...." "Ocasio-Cortez’s view on Israel and...
  27. toobfreak

    What You'll Never See..... Palestine Agree To Something

    Kind of a convoluted plot to my final thought, but when I read this article, it made me think of the constant fighting between Israel and Palestine, but since the story isn't actually ABOUT those two countries, I posted it here. But it brings me back to what I often wonder, that despite decades...
  28. Weatherman2020

    Trump to Recognize Jerusalem As Capital of Israel Wednesday

    More proof of Trump's anti-Semitism. Trump to recognize Jerusalem the capital of Israel on Wednesday
  29. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Liberal, Chicago activist immigrant failed to disclose prior convictions for fatal bombings

    Chicago activist loses US citizenship, will be deported DETROIT (AP) — An activist known for helping Arab women in the Chicago area lost her U.S. citizenship Thursday and will be deported for failing to disclose convictions for bombings in Jerusalem decades ago. Rasmea Odeh was interrupted...
  30. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Thom Yorke of Radiohead refuses to give in to socialist demands to boycott Tel Aviv show

    Radiohead's Thom Yorke Calls Pro-Palestinian Protesters 'Some F-cking People' TEL AVIV – Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke on Friday flipped his middle finger at a group of pro-Palestinian protesters at a gig in Glasgow, Scotland who were calling for the band to cancel its upcoming gig in Tel Aviv...
  31. S

    Trump- can he broker an Israeli/Palestine agreement?

    One of my bigger frustrations with President Obama is that he did little to try to address the Israeli/Palestine debacle. Trump has announced that he is going to make such a deal happen- and I applaud his intentions- and I hope he succeeds. Perhaps Trump is the person to broker such a deal. I...
  32. P@triot

    Setting the record straight yet again

    The left has created a false narrative about Israel as they have about everything else. Israel has done everything in their power to create peace with Palestine. They have shown tremendous restraint, tremendous forgiveness, and made tremendous offers. All have been rejected by the muslims just...
  33. American_Jihad

    The End of Palestine

    With Trump's help end of palestine is possible... The End of Palestine Israel has the opportunity to reclaim its nation. February 16, 2017 Daniel Greenfield Palestine is many things. A Roman name and a Cold War lie. Mostly it’s a justification for killing Jews. Palestine was an old...
  34. anotherlife

    Israel - Palestine, one state solution?

    Jimmy Carter's one state solution is frequently dismissed and ridiculed. But it may be the only solution. In a two state solution, we divide land between an intermixed population of Muslims and Jews, so it is bound to end up unfair to at least one of them. The one state solution avoids...
  35. D

    Two states solution is not working.

    After 2 decades of failure of the Oslo process to achieve the so called two states solution its time to realize that its not working and we need to change our plan. I am open to different ideas, Anything but the Oslo process! The Oslo process for two state solution is the politically correct...
  36. American_Jihad

    The Marriage of Black Lives Matter & Jew Hatred

    Notice all left wing ilk come out during an election year, to bad were not in the middle east... The Marriage of Black Lives Matter & Jew Hatred How BLM and anti-Israel activists found common cause. March 15, 2016 John Perazzo The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement's welcoming embrace of the...
  37. G

    If Jews have rights to Israel because of history, do American Indians have rights to America...?

    If Jews have rights to Israel because of history, do American Indians have rights to America because of history?
  38. American_Jihad

    Jewish Students vs Palestinian/Leftist Propaganda

    Leave it to the left to indoctrinate everyone with their deviousness and sinisterism ... Open Hillel Welcomes the Enemy into the Jewish Tent Israel-hating academics want to force Palestinianism down Jewish students’ throats. Winston Churchill could have been observing the sorry state of...
  39. Anonymous1977

    Acts 10:34-35; if "God does NOT show favoritism," why do some Christians?

    My other thread about this issue in the Palestine - Israel conflict was closed because the OP didn't plainly state what I meant in citing this Scripture, but if the New Testament in the Bible says that "God does not show favoritism" — and it does say that — why do some Christians continue to...
  40. Anonymous1977

    Re: Thoughts on [Israel and Palestine] conflict?

    My thoughts: I'm an Agnostic but this is Acts 10:34-35, NIV Bible: Acts 10:34-35, NIV (34)Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism (35)but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right." -

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