Hamas fires dozens of mortars at Israel


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 50 mortar shells into Israel on Saturday, the heaviest barrage in two years, Israeli officials said, raising the prospect of a new Mideast flareup. Also Saturday, Hamas police beat reporters and news photographers covering a rally in Gaza City, drawing a stiff condemnation from the reporters' association.
Israel invaded Gaza two years ago to put a stop to daily rocket barrages by Gaza militants, and Saturday's exchange showed how the conflict could quickly spiral out of control. Gaza's Hamas rulers are thought to be trying to avoid another Israeli invasion, after the last one caused widespread damage, killed more than 1,400 and left the territory under blockade
Hamas fires dozens of mortars at Israel - FoxNews.com
Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 50 mortar shells into Israel on Saturday, the heaviest barrage in two years, Israeli officials said, raising the prospect of a new Mideast flareup. Also Saturday, Hamas police beat reporters and news photographers covering a rally in Gaza City, drawing a stiff condemnation from the reporters' association.
Israel invaded Gaza two years ago to put a stop to daily rocket barrages by Gaza militants, and Saturday's exchange showed how the conflict could quickly spiral out of control. Gaza's Hamas rulers are thought to be trying to avoid another Israeli invasion, after the last one caused widespread damage, killed more than 1,400 and left the territory under blockade
Hamas fires dozens of mortars at Israel - FoxNews.com

I saw this too and thought about the timing. Very crazy stuff.
GAZA, (PIC)-- Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, warned the Israeli occupation state of going too far in escalating its military attacks against the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip, asserting that Saturday’s mortar attack was a message for Israeli troops.

The spokesman affirmed that the firing of mortar shells on Israeli military posts in border areas east of Gaza was in retaliation to deadly attacks waged during the past days on Gaza.

Al-Qassam Brigades had fired 33 mortar shells on Israeli military posts on Saturday morning. Consequently, two Israeli soldiers were injured during the retaliatory attack, according to the Hebrew radio.

Al-Qassam warns Israel of escalating its military attacks against Gaza
Hamas's military said it has targeted military positions along the Israeli border of the Gaza Strip. Hamas said it fired at least 33 mortar shells toward four Israeli military bases on March 19.

"The mortars directly targeted the Israeli military bases," Hamas said.

The Israel Army has acknowledged the Hamas attacks, and sources said two civilians were injured and property was destroyed. The Israeli bases at Eshkol, Nahal Oz and Sufa were said to have been targeted.

Hamas was said to have fired a range of mortars, including 60mm and 120mm shells. Hamas said the shelling was in retaliation for what it termed "continued Israeli air strikes and violations against the Gaza Strip."

Hamas mortar fire targets Israeli military bases
Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 50 mortar shells into Israel on Saturday, the heaviest barrage in two years, Israeli officials said, raising the prospect of a new Mideast flareup. Also Saturday, Hamas police beat reporters and news photographers covering a rally in Gaza City, drawing a stiff condemnation from the reporters' association.
Israel invaded Gaza two years ago to put a stop to daily rocket barrages by Gaza militants, and Saturday's exchange showed how the conflict could quickly spiral out of control. Gaza's Hamas rulers are thought to be trying to avoid another Israeli invasion, after the last one caused widespread damage, killed more than 1,400 and left the territory under blockade
Hamas fires dozens of mortars at Israel - FoxNews.com

Are you aware that Israel has killed at least 10 times as many Palestinian children as Palestinians have Israeli children?
Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 50 mortar shells into Israel on Saturday, the heaviest barrage in two years, Israeli officials said, raising the prospect of a new Mideast flareup. Also Saturday, Hamas police beat reporters and news photographers covering a rally in Gaza City, drawing a stiff condemnation from the reporters' association.
Israel invaded Gaza two years ago to put a stop to daily rocket barrages by Gaza militants, and Saturday's exchange showed how the conflict could quickly spiral out of control. Gaza's Hamas rulers are thought to be trying to avoid another Israeli invasion, after the last one caused widespread damage, killed more than 1,400 and left the territory under blockade
Hamas fires dozens of mortars at Israel - FoxNews.com

Are you aware that Israel has killed at least 10 times as many Palestinian children as Palestinians have Israeli children?

A picture of a yellow flag bearing the letters "B.S." must be your only answer to everything. Good show. Is it tough being a genius??
Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 50 mortar shells into Israel on Saturday, the heaviest barrage in two years, Israeli officials said, raising the prospect of a new Mideast flareup. Also Saturday, Hamas police beat reporters and news photographers covering a rally in Gaza City, drawing a stiff condemnation from the reporters' association.
Israel invaded Gaza two years ago to put a stop to daily rocket barrages by Gaza militants, and Saturday's exchange showed how the conflict could quickly spiral out of control. Gaza's Hamas rulers are thought to be trying to avoid another Israeli invasion, after the last one caused widespread damage, killed more than 1,400 and left the territory under blockade
Hamas fires dozens of mortars at Israel - FoxNews.com

Are you aware that Israel has killed at least 10 times as many Palestinian children as Palestinians have Israeli children?

Would that be because the cowardly terrorist hide underneath schools and other places where children gather? They purposefully choose locations with high civilian populations to fire rockets/mortars. When Israel targets the "terrorists", those civilians get hurt. The next time the terrorists want to bomb Israel, guess where they set their launchers? If you guessed where more children or civilians would be killed, you would be right. They are cowards.

http://www.youtube.com/user/idfnadesk just one more example of lies and deceit used by the Palestinians. This was advertised as "humanitarian" aid.

Are you aware that Israel has killed at least 10 times as many Palestinian children as Palestinians have Israeli children?

Would that be because the cowardly terrorist hide underneath schools and other places where children gather? They purposefully choose locations with high civilian populations to fire rockets/mortars. When Israel targets the "terrorists", those civilians get hurt. The next time the terrorists want to bomb Israel, guess where they set their launchers? If you guessed where more children or civilians would be killed, you would be right. They are cowards.

http://www.youtube.com/user/idfnadesk just one more example of lies and deceit used by the Palestinians. This was advertised as "humanitarian" aid.

A good American would want to bomb the hell out of Israel, but from your avatar, I see why you posted that way.


Are you unable to come up with a cogent post, old sport?

Welcome to USMB. Don't expect to come across many posts on the Israel/Palestine issue that are more intellectually stimulating than what you've seen in this thread. We like to keep these discussions dim-witted and angry.
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Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 50 mortar shells into Israel on Saturday, the heaviest barrage in two years, Israeli officials said, raising the prospect of a new Mideast flareup. Also Saturday, Hamas police beat reporters and news photographers covering a rally in Gaza City, drawing a stiff condemnation from the reporters' association.
Israel invaded Gaza two years ago to put a stop to daily rocket barrages by Gaza militants, and Saturday's exchange showed how the conflict could quickly spiral out of control. Gaza's Hamas rulers are thought to be trying to avoid another Israeli invasion, after the last one caused widespread damage, killed more than 1,400 and left the territory under blockade
Hamas fires dozens of mortars at Israel - FoxNews.com

Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 50 mortar shells into Israel...

"Into Israel" is an interesting term since there is no border between Gaza and Israel.

Also Saturday, Hamas police beat reporters and news photographers covering a rally in Gaza City...

Relevance to the story? "Hamas police?" The police in Gaza consists of Hamas, Fatah, smaller parties and independents.

A Hamas official was killed and four civilians were wounded when Israel hit back..

Fox uses the term "hit back" like it is the Palestinians who are the aggressors. Not so. Israel occupies Palestine. That is the primary aggression.

Israeli police spokesman Tamir Avtabi said Gaza militants fired 54 mortar shells at Israeli border communities..

What border? There is no border. Fox pretends to be a news organization. They should know this.

Footage broadcast on Israeli media showed homes pockmarked with large shrapnel holes from where mortar shells exploded.

Like in Gaza.


Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, headed by President Mahmoud Abbas.

Abbas' term in office expired Jan. 9, 2009. Fox should know this.

Hamas overran Gaza in 2007, leading to the split.

The Hamas led government in Palestine was the elected government in office. And still is by the way. What was there to overrun?

Fox isn't reporting news. It is selling an agenda.
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Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 50 mortar shells into Israel on Saturday, the heaviest barrage in two years, Israeli officials said, raising the prospect of a new Mideast flareup. Also Saturday, Hamas police beat reporters and news photographers covering a rally in Gaza City, drawing a stiff condemnation from the reporters' association.
Israel invaded Gaza two years ago to put a stop to daily rocket barrages by Gaza militants, and Saturday's exchange showed how the conflict could quickly spiral out of control. Gaza's Hamas rulers are thought to be trying to avoid another Israeli invasion, after the last one caused widespread damage, killed more than 1,400 and left the territory under blockade
Hamas fires dozens of mortars at Israel - FoxNews.com

in other news, night follows day...;)
Are you aware that Israel has killed at least 10 times as many Palestinian children as Palestinians have Israeli children?

Would that be because the cowardly terrorist hide underneath schools and other places where children gather? They purposefully choose locations with high civilian populations to fire rockets/mortars. When Israel targets the "terrorists", those civilians get hurt. The next time the terrorists want to bomb Israel, guess where they set their launchers? If you guessed where more children or civilians would be killed, you would be right. They are cowards.

http://www.youtube.com/user/idfnadesk just one more example of lies and deceit used by the Palestinians. This was advertised as "humanitarian" aid.


So you feel it is kosher to murder little school children as long as one of your enemies is nearby and might also get killed? You sound very cruel. Did you like it when Sarah Corrie was smashed by the IDF bull-dozer?
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Would that be because the cowardly terrorist hide underneath schools and other places where children gather? They purposefully choose locations with high civilian populations to fire rockets/mortars. When Israel targets the "terrorists", those civilians get hurt. The next time the terrorists want to bomb Israel, guess where they set their launchers? If you guessed where more children or civilians would be killed, you would be right. They are cowards.

http://www.youtube.com/user/idfnadesk just one more example of lies and deceit used by the Palestinians. This was advertised as "humanitarian" aid.


So you feel it is kosher to murder little schoolchildren as long as one of your enemies is nearby and might also get killed? You sound very cruel. Did you like it when Sarah Corrie was smashed by the IDF bull-dozer?

Can we take this opportunity to bomb the hell out of Palestine?

A good American would want to bomb the hell out of Israel, but from your avatar, I see why you posted that way.

Good Americans want to destroy the terror group Hamas.

That filth uses women and children as shields every time they start shit and claim Israel aimed at them.

Filth like that should be hunted down and killed.

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