Hamas could end this war tomorrow if they released the 100+ Israeli.citizens whose rights have been stolen, put their hands up and surrendered.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Where is the leadership in the region demanding this?.The UN? I heard an interview with one Gazan citizen who cursed the Hamas leaders, calling them cowards and dogs who hide wirh great wealth in foreign countries while Gazans suffer. Surely some of them care enough about their country to demand a.surrender and brighter future for their country. Over 100 people held against their will when this couod easily end tomorrow if the terrorists wanted it to.
Where is the leadership in the region demanding this?.The UN? I heard an interview with one Gazan citizen who cursed the Hamas leaders, calling them cowards and dogs who hide wirh great wealth in foreign countries while Gazans suffer. Surely some of them care enough about their country to demand a.surrender and brighter future for their country. Over 100 people held against their will when this couod easily end tomorrow if the terrorists wanted it to.
The UN is blatantly anti-Israel, and if they were to issue such a demand, it would remind everyone that the cause of the war - and it’s continuation - lie squarely with the HAMAS monsters and the Palestinians who support them.
Where is the leadership in the region demanding this?.The UN? I heard an interview with one Gazan citizen who cursed the Hamas leaders, calling them cowards and dogs who hide wirh great wealth in foreign countries while Gazans suffer. Surely some of them care enough about their country to demand a.surrender and brighter future for their country. Over 100 people held against their will when this couod easily end tomorrow if the terrorists wanted it to.

The entire culture is drowning in the propaganda of jihad as mothers gladly give their children over to jihadists to die for "the cause".

Jihad is apart of every aspect of their lives. It is why they were born into the world.

It amazes me that National Geographic would give us the truth here.
Where is the leadership in the region demanding this?.The UN? I heard an interview with one Gazan citizen who cursed the Hamas leaders, calling them cowards and dogs who hide wirh great wealth in foreign countries while Gazans suffer. Surely some of them care enough about their country to demand a.surrender and brighter future for their country. Over 100 people held against their will when this couod easily end tomorrow if the terrorists wanted it to.
the hostages must be released, unharmed as much as possible. i do hope as many as possible are ok.

stalingrad had about 500,000 in 1940. 2 1/2 million died in the battle. not great odds for a civilian population that was out of dogs, cats, and rats.

gaza, with 2 million, has got to be the most serious urban warfare since , well, stalingrad.
More relevant here, where are the U.S. demonstrators, imploring Hamas to lay down their arms?

It is universally known that the killing would stop immediately if they did so.
More relevant here, where are the U.S. demonstrators, imploring Hamas to lay down their arms?

It is universally known that the killing would stop immediately if they did so.
The reason the protestors are demonstrating against Israel, and ignoring the fact that HAMAS is still starving, raping, and torturing their surviving hostages, is due to antisemitism.

It’s horrific whaf has happened to this country. Jews are removing their mezuzahs, not wearing their Jewish jewelry, having to hire armed security to stand in front on their synagogues, walking by Muslims screaming “Death to Jews!,” and getting harassed looking at Chanukah decorations.

If this type of Nazi-era hate were happening to blacks or Muslims, the Democrats would be up in arms. But because it’s Jews, it’s downplayed or ignored.
When people warn this poster that he should stop obssessing about what he call "the repressive, authoritarian nature" of America's northern neighbor and start denouncing the insane, genocidal policy of flooding the nation with Indians, africans, arabs, hispanics, etc.... destroying the anglo-french majority he usually replies:

Why are you a racist?

But he seems to have no problem with a jewish racial dictatorship treating the native arab population as foreigners in their own homeland.

Indians and Chinese citizens whose parents and grandparents have never been to North America are entitled to more rights than the native people of Palestine. :confused-84: :confused-84: :rolleyes-41: :rolleyes-41:

The english language just don't have the ability to describe the mental confusion, the indescribable incoherent mess of the political thinking of this Canadian.

The entire culture is drowning in the propaganda of jihad as mothers gladly give their children over to jihadists to die for "the cause".

Jihad is apart of every aspect of their lives. It is why they were born into the world.

It amazes me that National Geographic would give us the truth here.

It is frightening. Judaism is modern, the Talmud even "evolves". If you have people being indoctrinated with the belief that killing others sends you to heaven, then there is a clear separation between the West and such indoctrinated people. Maybe some Western leaders and the UN would have some courage and address this reality, or are there so many who believe in this extrmism in the West that they actual fear losing votes?
When people warn this poster that he should stop obssessing about what he call "the repressive, authoritarian nature" of America's northern neighbor and start denouncing the insane, genocidal policy of flooding the nation with Indians, africans, arabs, hispanics, etc.... destroying the anglo-french majority he usually replies:

Why are you a racist?

But he seems to have no problem with a jewish racial dictatorship treating the native arab population as foreigners in their own homeland.

Indians and Chinese citizens whose parents and grandparents have never been to North America are entitled to more rights than the native people of Palestine. :confused-84: :confused-84: :rolleyes-41: :rolleyes-41:

The english language just don't have the ability to describe the mental confusion, the indescribable incoherent mess of the political thinking of this Canadian.
Jose can you see? I reject extremism on all sides, but there are still, 3 months later over 100 hostages held and these as Hamas "soldiers" who kidnapped them hide underground to extend the conflict while their citizens suffer. Their leaders live in luxury oveseas.

How did the obtain that wealth? Did they create a new app? Design the newest vehicle design? Of course not, they stole it from the mouths of Gazan citizens. They should be ordering their remaining Hamas to surrender and release the hostages if they have any integrity. Japan surrendered to.protect their citizens. some of their leaders even killed themselves out of shame for allowing that suffering to occur. Quite a difference in leadership.

I recall after 9/11 that some were blaming America for the event because of their support of Israel. I recall a teacher from B.C openly saying that America deserved this, it disgusted me. Some in my own corporate workplace, a U.S corporation at that were saying that America and Israel were responsible for 9/11.

It appears that a couple of decades later there are still people apologizing for the extremism that purposely targets and murders innocent people. How many in the M.E died after the attacks then? What was achieved?

The world better wake up. These threats don't seem to go away they just hide for awhile. Americas enemies seem to be 20 moves ahead and they know precisely which people to influence. To this day the CIA still don't know how so many of their vital sources in China went dark. All of this, in a roundabout way is related. They are just influencing policy and world affairs by proxy.
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the hostages must be released, unharmed as much as possible. i do hope as many as possible are ok.

stalingrad had about 500,000 in 1940. 2 1/2 million died in the battle. not great odds for a civilian population that was out of dogs, cats, and rats.

gaza, with 2 million, has got to be the most serious urban warfare since , well, stalingrad.
Gaza is not a city under siege; it is a fortress Hamas has spent 16 years and billions of dollars building in preparation for war with Israel. If the hostages can be saved, they must be saved, but either way, Hamas cannot be left in control of Gaza and all their weapons and fortifications must be destroyed.
Where is the leadership in the region demanding this?.The UN? I heard an interview with one Gazan citizen who cursed the Hamas leaders, calling them cowards and dogs who hide with great wealth in foreign countries while Gazans suffer. Surely some of them care enough about their country to demand a.surrender and brighter future for their country. Over 100 people held against their will when this could easily end tomorrow if the terrorists wanted it to.
Terrorists never surrender, blending in with innocent people is their goal and they view those citizens as expendable. And unless some innocents die, you'll never be able to target terrorists.

In the blink of an eye, a terrorist will shoot you given the chance. So the world needs to commit genocide, kill a specific group, and that group is called terrorists.
Gaza is not a city under siege; it is a fortress Hamas has spent 16 years and billions of dollars building in preparation for war with Israel. If the hostages can be saved, they must be saved, but either way, Hamas cannot be left in control of Gaza and all their weapons and fortifications must be destroyed.
no problem destroying buildings, tunnels, and weapons. destroy them all.

and i have no brief for hamas, but i do wonder why some accommodation can't be made for the people.
no problem destroying buildings, tunnels, and weapons. destroy them all.

and i have no brief for hamas, but i do wonder why some accommodation can't be made for the people.
"Why some accommodation can't be made for the people"? In other words you can't think of anything specific to complain about but just wanted to say something negative about Israel.
The UN is blatantly anti-Israel, and if they were to issue such a demand, it would remind everyone that the cause of the war - and it’s continuation - lie squarely with the HAMAS monsters and the Palestinians who support them.
It is the UN's opinion that Israel should no longer exist therefore they will not lift a finger to help in that regard.
They won't do it!

They won't release the hostages..........that's not in the menu of terrorists.....

Sadly :confused:
More relevant here, where are the U.S. demonstrators, imploring Hamas to lay down their arms?

It is universally known that the killing would stop immediately if they did so.

I agree.^^

But that won't happen either.
Hamas has committed a war.crime by kidnapping these people. They have a baby ffs. The world.has to.speak up louder or else we should accpet that the.West has little to no global influence and it is time to shutdown the U.N and create a new body.
"Why some accommodation can't be made for the people"? In other words you can't think of anything specific to complain about but just wanted to say something negative about Israel.

Hamas has committed a war.crime by kidnapping these people. They have a baby ffs. The world.has to.speak up louder or else we should accpet that the.West has little to no global influence and it is time to shutdown the U.N and create a new body.
taking the hostages is a war crime and the perps should be captured or killed, are all of the people of gaza guilty of "aiding and abetting?" or "accessory after the fact?"

i do not know. perhaps the hamas gang is holding 2 million palestinians hostage?

"kill them all. god will recognize his own.?" bishop amalric

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