Haiti gonna Haiti


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020

The president of Haiti was assassinated at home​

The serving president of Haiti was assassinated at his home early Wednesday morning, the government said. He was 53.

Jovenel Moïse was killed in his private residence in Port-au-Prince around 1 a.m. local time Wednesday by a group of assailants, Haitian Prime Minister Claude Joseph said in a Wednesday statement. The first lady was also injured by gunshot, the statement said.

Dreadful news but then again it is a violent region.

I understand that in a neighbouring country the mob stormed the government buildings and attempted to hang the Vice President. this was just a few months ago and the criminals actually turned up with a ready made gallows.

We are so lucky that we do not live in the third world.
We should not be too sanctimonious about this tragic news, for the United States has had four Presidents who were murdered and others shot at.

Haiti's history, of course, is very sad, to say the least.

I have read that its only period of relative peace and even progress was during World War One when the United States occupied the island to prevent Germany from establishing a base there.
That place has been a rancid shithole since they kicked the French out in the 18th century.
Yea.....when a majority black country is being anti-colonial -- it doesn't bode well for that country....

They should have remained a slave state and waited patiently for the French to treat them as human....but instead, they decided to fight and liberate themselves and they have been screwed ever since...

Darkie nations are best when they are under colonial rule
That place has been a rancid shithole since they kicked the French out in the 18th century.
Yea.....when a majority black country is being anti-colonial -- it doesn't bode well for that country....

They should have remained a slave state and waited patiently for the French to treat them as human....but instead, they decided to fight and liberate themselves and they have been screwed ever since...

Darkie nations are best when they are under colonial rule
Well, they kicked out, or murdered the French landowners and managers, and then quickly deforested their half of the island. This led to massive land erosion which destroyed much of their arable land. Haiti was rich in Sugar, coffee, indigo. However that was all destroyed. By whom? The French? No, the Haitian slaves who ravaged everything around them. Plus, because the Haitians had raped and murdered hundreds of French in the process of their revolution, no European powers would take the time to invest with them for fear of a similar uprising.
This, of course led to mass starvation, and disease. This process has repeated itself over and over throughout the centuries. The Haiti of today is very much the same as the Haiti of 200 years ago.
That place has been a rancid shithole since they kicked the French out in the 18th century.
Yea.....when a majority black country is being anti-colonial -- it doesn't bode well for that country....

They should have remained a slave state and waited patiently for the French to treat them as human....but instead, they decided to fight and liberate themselves and they have been screwed ever since...

Darkie nations are best when they are under colonial rule
Well, they kicked out, or murdered the French landowners and managers, and then quickly deforested their half of the island. This led to massive land erosion which destroyed much of their arable land. Haiti was rich in Sugar, coffee, indigo. However that was all destroyed. By whom? The French? No, the Haitian slaves who ravaged everything around them. Plus, because the Haitians had raped and murdered hundreds of French in the process of their revolution, no European powers would take the time to invest with them for fear of a similar uprising.
This, of course led to mass starvation, and disease. This process has repeated itself over and over throughout the centuries. The Haiti of today is very much the same as the Haiti of 200 years ago.
Which is why I always say slavery isn't really that bad...Some darkies need to be slaves......

It's sad that France was not able to maintain their rule over Haiti......
That place has been a rancid shithole since they kicked the French out in the 18th century.
Yea.....when a majority black country is being anti-colonial -- it doesn't bode well for that country....

They should have remained a slave state and waited patiently for the French to treat them as human....but instead, they decided to fight and liberate themselves and they have been screwed ever since...

Darkie nations are best when they are under colonial rule
Well, they kicked out, or murdered the French landowners and managers, and then quickly deforested their half of the island. This led to massive land erosion which destroyed much of their arable land. Haiti was rich in Sugar, coffee, indigo. However that was all destroyed. By whom? The French? No, the Haitian slaves who ravaged everything around them. Plus, because the Haitians had raped and murdered hundreds of French in the process of their revolution, no European powers would take the time to invest with them for fear of a similar uprising.
This, of course led to mass starvation, and disease. This process has repeated itself over and over throughout the centuries. The Haiti of today is very much the same as the Haiti of 200 years ago.
Which is why I always say slavery isn't really that bad...Some darkies need to be slaves......

It's sad that France was not able to maintain their rule over Haiti......
Thanks for the repeat of the ad hominem, but I caught it the first time. The fact remains that Haiti has been a violent, corrupt, failed state, from inception. They will continue to be. Sad for Haiti, and Haitians that they have ravaged their once lush island so thoroughly that no one wants to reconquer it. BUT they are Free! Free! Free to beg now. Foul place.
That place has been a rancid shithole since they kicked the French out in the 18th century.
Yea.....when a majority black country is being anti-colonial -- it doesn't bode well for that country....

They should have remained a slave state and waited patiently for the French to treat them as human....but instead, they decided to fight and liberate themselves and they have been screwed ever since...

Darkie nations are best when they are under colonial rule
Well, they kicked out, or murdered the French landowners and managers, and then quickly deforested their half of the island. This led to massive land erosion which destroyed much of their arable land. Haiti was rich in Sugar, coffee, indigo. However that was all destroyed. By whom? The French? No, the Haitian slaves who ravaged everything around them. Plus, because the Haitians had raped and murdered hundreds of French in the process of their revolution, no European powers would take the time to invest with them for fear of a similar uprising.
This, of course led to mass starvation, and disease. This process has repeated itself over and over throughout the centuries. The Haiti of today is very much the same as the Haiti of 200 years ago.
Which is why I always say slavery isn't really that bad...Some darkies need to be slaves......

It's sad that France was not able to maintain their rule over Haiti......
Thanks for the repeat of the ad hominem, but I caught it the first time. The fact remains that Haiti has been a violent, corrupt, failed state, from inception. They will continue to be. Sad for Haiti, and Haitians that they have ravaged their once lush island so thoroughly that no one wants to reconquer it. BUT they are Free! Free! Free to beg now. Foul place.
Because they are darkie savages...duh.......

Best thing that can be done is for them to be invaded and taken over by a more deserving people......definitely not darkies.....

When that happens.....their trade exports will stop being undervalued like it has been for 200 years
That place has been a rancid shithole since they kicked the French out in the 18th century.
Yea.....when a majority black country is being anti-colonial -- it doesn't bode well for that country....

They should have remained a slave state and waited patiently for the French to treat them as human....but instead, they decided to fight and liberate themselves and they have been screwed ever since...

Darkie nations are best when they are under colonial rule
Well, they kicked out, or murdered the French landowners and managers, and then quickly deforested their half of the island. This led to massive land erosion which destroyed much of their arable land. Haiti was rich in Sugar, coffee, indigo. However that was all destroyed. By whom? The French? No, the Haitian slaves who ravaged everything around them. Plus, because the Haitians had raped and murdered hundreds of French in the process of their revolution, no European powers would take the time to invest with them for fear of a similar uprising.
This, of course led to mass starvation, and disease. This process has repeated itself over and over throughout the centuries. The Haiti of today is very much the same as the Haiti of 200 years ago.
They actually genocided them, and then 100 years later kicked out all of the Syrian immigrants.....their crime? They were successful merchants.

During February and March, Dessalines traveled among the cities of Haiti to assure himself that his orders were carried out. Despite his orders, the massacres were often not carried out until he visited the cities in person.[15]

The course of the massacre showed an almost identical pattern in every city he visited. Before his arrival, there were only a few killings, despite his orders.[21] When Dessalines arrived, he first spoke about the atrocities committed by former white authorities, such as Rochambeau and Leclerc, after which he demanded that his orders about mass killings of the area's white population should be put into effect. Reportedly, he ordered the unwilling to take part in the killings, especially men of mixed race, so that the blame should not be placed solely on the black population.[17][22] Mass killings took place on the streets and on places outside the cities. Eyewitness accounts of the massacre describe imprisonment and killings even of whites who had been friendly and sympathetic to the black population.[23]

In parallel to the killings, plundering and rape also occurred.[22] Women and children were generally killed last. White women were "often raped or pushed into forced marriages under threat of death."[22]

Dessalines did not specifically mention that the white women should be killed, and the soldiers were reportedly somewhat hesitant to do so. In the end, however, the women were also put to death, though normally at a later stage of the massacre than the adult males.[21] The argument for killing the women was that whites would not truly be eradicated if the white women were spared to give birth to new Frenchmen.[24]

Before his departure from a city, Dessalines would proclaim an amnesty for all the whites who had survived in hiding during the massacre. When these people left their hiding place however, most (French) were killed as well.[22] Many[quantify] whites were, however, hidden and smuggled out to sea by foreigners.[22] However, there were notable exceptions to the ordered killings. A contingent of Polish defectors were given amnesty and granted Haitian citizenship for their renouncement of French allegiance and support of Haitian independence. Dessalines referred to the Poles as "the White Negroes of Europe", as an expression of his solidarity and gratitude.[25]

In Port-au-Prince, only a few killings had occurred in the city despite the orders. After Dessalines arrived on 18 March, the number of killings escalated. According to a merchant captain, about 800 people were killed in the city, while about 50 survived.[22] On 18 April 1804, Dessalines arrived at Cap-Haïtien. Only a handful of killings had taken place there before his arrival, but the killings escalated to a massacre on the streets and outside the city after his arrival.[22]

As elsewhere, the majority of the women were initially not killed. Dessalines's advisers, however, pointed out that the white Haitians would not disappear if the women were left to give birth to white men, and after this, Dessalines ordered that the women should be killed as well, with the exception of those who agreed to marry non-white men.[21] Sources created at the time stated that 3,000 people were killed in Cap-Haïtien; Philippe Girard writes that this figure was unrealistic as in the post-evacuation of the French people the settlement had only 1,700 white people.[26]

One of the most notorious of the massacre participants was Jean Zombi, a mulatto resident of Port-au-Prince who was known for his brutality. One account describes how Zombi stopped a white man on the street, stripped him naked, and took him to the stair of the Presidential Palace, where he killed him with a dagger. Dessalines was reportedly among the spectators; he was said to be "horrified" by the episode.[27] In Haitian Vodou tradition, the figure of Jean Zombi has become a prototype for the zombie.[28]
That place has been a rancid shithole since they kicked the French out in the 18th century.
Yea.....when a majority black country is being anti-colonial -- it doesn't bode well for that country....

They should have remained a slave state and waited patiently for the French to treat them as human....but instead, they decided to fight and liberate themselves and they have been screwed ever since...

Darkie nations are best when they are under colonial rule
Well, they kicked out, or murdered the French landowners and managers, and then quickly deforested their half of the island. This led to massive land erosion which destroyed much of their arable land. Haiti was rich in Sugar, coffee, indigo. However that was all destroyed. By whom? The French? No, the Haitian slaves who ravaged everything around them. Plus, because the Haitians had raped and murdered hundreds of French in the process of their revolution, no European powers would take the time to invest with them for fear of a similar uprising.
This, of course led to mass starvation, and disease. This process has repeated itself over and over throughout the centuries. The Haiti of today is very much the same as the Haiti of 200 years ago.
Which is why I always say slavery isn't really that bad...Some darkies need to be slaves......

It's sad that France was not able to maintain their rule over Haiti......
Thanks for the repeat of the ad hominem, but I caught it the first time. The fact remains that Haiti has been a violent, corrupt, failed state, from inception. They will continue to be. Sad for Haiti, and Haitians that they have ravaged their once lush island so thoroughly that no one wants to reconquer it. BUT they are Free! Free! Free to beg now. Foul place.
Because they are darkie savages...duh.......

Best thing that can be done is for them to be invaded and taken over by a more deserving people......definitely not darkies.....

When that happens.....their trade exports will stop being undervalued like it has been for 200 years
Yeah, good talk.
That place has been a rancid shithole since they kicked the French out in the 18th century.
Yea.....when a majority black country is being anti-colonial -- it doesn't bode well for that country....

They should have remained a slave state and waited patiently for the French to treat them as human....but instead, they decided to fight and liberate themselves and they have been screwed ever since...

Darkie nations are best when they are under colonial rule
Well, they kicked out, or murdered the French landowners and managers, and then quickly deforested their half of the island. This led to massive land erosion which destroyed much of their arable land. Haiti was rich in Sugar, coffee, indigo. However that was all destroyed. By whom? The French? No, the Haitian slaves who ravaged everything around them. Plus, because the Haitians had raped and murdered hundreds of French in the process of their revolution, no European powers would take the time to invest with them for fear of a similar uprising.
This, of course led to mass starvation, and disease. This process has repeated itself over and over throughout the centuries. The Haiti of today is very much the same as the Haiti of 200 years ago.
They actually genocided them, and then 100 years later kicked out all of the Syrian immigrants.....their crime? They were successful merchants.

During February and March, Dessalines traveled among the cities of Haiti to assure himself that his orders were carried out. Despite his orders, the massacres were often not carried out until he visited the cities in person.[15]

The course of the massacre showed an almost identical pattern in every city he visited. Before his arrival, there were only a few killings, despite his orders.[21] When Dessalines arrived, he first spoke about the atrocities committed by former white authorities, such as Rochambeau and Leclerc, after which he demanded that his orders about mass killings of the area's white population should be put into effect. Reportedly, he ordered the unwilling to take part in the killings, especially men of mixed race, so that the blame should not be placed solely on the black population.[17][22] Mass killings took place on the streets and on places outside the cities. Eyewitness accounts of the massacre describe imprisonment and killings even of whites who had been friendly and sympathetic to the black population.[23]

In parallel to the killings, plundering and rape also occurred.[22] Women and children were generally killed last. White women were "often raped or pushed into forced marriages under threat of death."[22]

Dessalines did not specifically mention that the white women should be killed, and the soldiers were reportedly somewhat hesitant to do so. In the end, however, the women were also put to death, though normally at a later stage of the massacre than the adult males.[21] The argument for killing the women was that whites would not truly be eradicated if the white women were spared to give birth to new Frenchmen.[24]

Before his departure from a city, Dessalines would proclaim an amnesty for all the whites who had survived in hiding during the massacre. When these people left their hiding place however, most (French) were killed as well.[22] Many[quantify] whites were, however, hidden and smuggled out to sea by foreigners.[22] However, there were notable exceptions to the ordered killings. A contingent of Polish defectors were given amnesty and granted Haitian citizenship for their renouncement of French allegiance and support of Haitian independence. Dessalines referred to the Poles as "the White Negroes of Europe", as an expression of his solidarity and gratitude.[25]

In Port-au-Prince, only a few killings had occurred in the city despite the orders. After Dessalines arrived on 18 March, the number of killings escalated. According to a merchant captain, about 800 people were killed in the city, while about 50 survived.[22] On 18 April 1804, Dessalines arrived at Cap-Haïtien. Only a handful of killings had taken place there before his arrival, but the killings escalated to a massacre on the streets and outside the city after his arrival.[22]

As elsewhere, the majority of the women were initially not killed. Dessalines's advisers, however, pointed out that the white Haitians would not disappear if the women were left to give birth to white men, and after this, Dessalines ordered that the women should be killed as well, with the exception of those who agreed to marry non-white men.[21] Sources created at the time stated that 3,000 people were killed in Cap-Haïtien; Philippe Girard writes that this figure was unrealistic as in the post-evacuation of the French people the settlement had only 1,700 white people.[26]

One of the most notorious of the massacre participants was Jean Zombi, a mulatto resident of Port-au-Prince who was known for his brutality. One account describes how Zombi stopped a white man on the street, stripped him naked, and took him to the stair of the Presidential Palace, where he killed him with a dagger. Dessalines was reportedly among the spectators; he was said to be "horrified" by the episode.[27] In Haitian Vodou tradition, the figure of Jean Zombi has become a prototype for the zombie.[28]
Yes. The history is readily available if anyone wants to read it. It is all very well documented.
That place has been a rancid shithole since they kicked the French out in the 18th century.
Yea.....when a majority black country is being anti-colonial -- it doesn't bode well for that country....

They should have remained a slave state and waited patiently for the French to treat them as human....but instead, they decided to fight and liberate themselves and they have been screwed ever since...

Darkie nations are best when they are under colonial rule
Well, they kicked out, or murdered the French landowners and managers, and then quickly deforested their half of the island. This led to massive land erosion which destroyed much of their arable land. Haiti was rich in Sugar, coffee, indigo. However that was all destroyed. By whom? The French? No, the Haitian slaves who ravaged everything around them. Plus, because the Haitians had raped and murdered hundreds of French in the process of their revolution, no European powers would take the time to invest with them for fear of a similar uprising.
This, of course led to mass starvation, and disease. This process has repeated itself over and over throughout the centuries. The Haiti of today is very much the same as the Haiti of 200 years ago.
Which is why I always say slavery isn't really that bad...Some darkies need to be slaves......

It's sad that France was not able to maintain their rule over Haiti......
Thanks for the repeat of the ad hominem, but I caught it the first time. The fact remains that Haiti has been a violent, corrupt, failed state, from inception. They will continue to be. Sad for Haiti, and Haitians that they have ravaged their once lush island so thoroughly that no one wants to reconquer it. BUT they are Free! Free! Free to beg now. Foul place.
Because they are darkie savages...duh.......

Best thing that can be done is for them to be invaded and taken over by a more deserving people......definitely not darkies.....

When that happens.....their trade exports will stop being undervalued like it has been for 200 years
Yeah, good talk.
You do understand that we have darkies here...

and if we don't keep an eye on them -- there will be problems...

Let Haiti be a reminder to keep darkies in their place
That place has been a rancid shithole since they kicked the French out in the 18th century.
Yea.....when a majority black country is being anti-colonial -- it doesn't bode well for that country....

They should have remained a slave state and waited patiently for the French to treat them as human....but instead, they decided to fight and liberate themselves and they have been screwed ever since...

Darkie nations are best when they are under colonial rule
Well, they kicked out, or murdered the French landowners and managers, and then quickly deforested their half of the island. This led to massive land erosion which destroyed much of their arable land. Haiti was rich in Sugar, coffee, indigo. However that was all destroyed. By whom? The French? No, the Haitian slaves who ravaged everything around them. Plus, because the Haitians had raped and murdered hundreds of French in the process of their revolution, no European powers would take the time to invest with them for fear of a similar uprising.
This, of course led to mass starvation, and disease. This process has repeated itself over and over throughout the centuries. The Haiti of today is very much the same as the Haiti of 200 years ago.
Which is why I always say slavery isn't really that bad...Some darkies need to be slaves......

It's sad that France was not able to maintain their rule over Haiti......
Thanks for the repeat of the ad hominem, but I caught it the first time. The fact remains that Haiti has been a violent, corrupt, failed state, from inception. They will continue to be. Sad for Haiti, and Haitians that they have ravaged their once lush island so thoroughly that no one wants to reconquer it. BUT they are Free! Free! Free to beg now. Foul place.
Because they are darkie savages...duh.......

Best thing that can be done is for them to be invaded and taken over by a more deserving people......definitely not darkies.....

When that happens.....their trade exports will stop being undervalued like it has been for 200 years
Yeah, good talk.
He is too emotional and bias to have an actual conversation with. Dont waste your energy.
That place has been a rancid shithole since they kicked the French out in the 18th century.
Yea.....when a majority black country is being anti-colonial -- it doesn't bode well for that country....

They should have remained a slave state and waited patiently for the French to treat them as human....but instead, they decided to fight and liberate themselves and they have been screwed ever since...

Darkie nations are best when they are under colonial rule
Well, they kicked out, or murdered the French landowners and managers, and then quickly deforested their half of the island. This led to massive land erosion which destroyed much of their arable land. Haiti was rich in Sugar, coffee, indigo. However that was all destroyed. By whom? The French? No, the Haitian slaves who ravaged everything around them. Plus, because the Haitians had raped and murdered hundreds of French in the process of their revolution, no European powers would take the time to invest with them for fear of a similar uprising.
This, of course led to mass starvation, and disease. This process has repeated itself over and over throughout the centuries. The Haiti of today is very much the same as the Haiti of 200 years ago.
Which is why I always say slavery isn't really that bad...Some darkies need to be slaves......

It's sad that France was not able to maintain their rule over Haiti......
Thanks for the repeat of the ad hominem, but I caught it the first time. The fact remains that Haiti has been a violent, corrupt, failed state, from inception. They will continue to be. Sad for Haiti, and Haitians that they have ravaged their once lush island so thoroughly that no one wants to reconquer it. BUT they are Free! Free! Free to beg now. Foul place.
Because they are darkie savages...duh.......

Best thing that can be done is for them to be invaded and taken over by a more deserving people......definitely not darkies.....

When that happens.....their trade exports will stop being undervalued like it has been for 200 years
Yeah, good talk.
He is too emotional and bias to have an actual conversation with. Dont waste your energy.
and you are too much of a coward to be honest.....

Darkies (98% of them) are the problem...which is why Haiti is how it is....
That place has been a rancid shithole since they kicked the French out in the 18th century.
Yea.....when a majority black country is being anti-colonial -- it doesn't bode well for that country....

They should have remained a slave state and waited patiently for the French to treat them as human....but instead, they decided to fight and liberate themselves and they have been screwed ever since...

Darkie nations are best when they are under colonial rule
Well, they kicked out, or murdered the French landowners and managers, and then quickly deforested their half of the island. This led to massive land erosion which destroyed much of their arable land. Haiti was rich in Sugar, coffee, indigo. However that was all destroyed. By whom? The French? No, the Haitian slaves who ravaged everything around them. Plus, because the Haitians had raped and murdered hundreds of French in the process of their revolution, no European powers would take the time to invest with them for fear of a similar uprising.
This, of course led to mass starvation, and disease. This process has repeated itself over and over throughout the centuries. The Haiti of today is very much the same as the Haiti of 200 years ago.
Which is why I always say slavery isn't really that bad...Some darkies need to be slaves......

It's sad that France was not able to maintain their rule over Haiti......
Thanks for the repeat of the ad hominem, but I caught it the first time. The fact remains that Haiti has been a violent, corrupt, failed state, from inception. They will continue to be. Sad for Haiti, and Haitians that they have ravaged their once lush island so thoroughly that no one wants to reconquer it. BUT they are Free! Free! Free to beg now. Foul place.
Because they are darkie savages...duh.......

Best thing that can be done is for them to be invaded and taken over by a more deserving people......definitely not darkies.....

When that happens.....their trade exports will stop being undervalued like it has been for 200 years
Yeah, good talk.
He is too emotional and bias to have an actual conversation with. Dont waste your energy.
and you are too much of a coward to be honest.....

Darkies (98% of them) are the problem...which is why Haiti is how it is....
Honest about what, you stupid fuck?
Dreadful news but then again it is a violent region.

I understand that in a neighbouring country the mob stormed the government buildings and attempted to hang the Vice President. this was just a few months ago and the criminals actually turned up with a ready made gallows.

We are so lucky that we do not live in the third world.
you are a racist ! how dare you speak ill of a predominately black nation that way ! you owe an apology to the people of Haiti and your woke leftist comrades !

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