Guns and Assault Rifles are not the Problem, mentally ill people with Guns and assault rifles are the problem.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I can not understand how the news media fails to see the real problem in America today. There are millions of Gun and assault rifles owners that live in America today. And they are not mass killers. The real problem is mentally ill people with guns and or assault rifles. It seems that the news media networks have this agenda to demonize assault rifles and guns in America. These two items are not active until a person picks them up. Wake up America, and see what is really going on.!? There should be a psychological test to screen purchasers of all weapons before they can be sold, to weed out the nut cases. Your thoughts.?
I can not understand how the news media fails to see the real problem in America today. There are millions of Gun and assault rifles owners that live in America today. And they are not mass killers. The real problem is mentally ill people with guns and or assault rifles. It seems that the news media networks have this agenda to demonize assault rifles and guns in America. These two items are not active until a person picks them up. Wake up America, and see what is really going on.!? There should be a psychological test to screen purchasers of all weapons before they can be sold, to weed out the nut cases. Your thoughts.?
It is the plan of the Marxists to allow the mentally ill people to get their hands on weapons and use them on children and teachers because the Marxists think that they can then take the guns away from everyone, and the stupid people will rejoice..

Lets ask a certain group of people what happened when the government last took their weapons away.

It is the plan of the Marxists to allow the mentally ill people to get their hands on weapons and use them on children and teachers
The sane person plan is to use Red Flag Laws.
Identify the crazy, and take away their guns.

Yet, you think this in an "Infringement" and you support the crazy keeping their weapons, then you blame others by saying those others want to kill children and teachers, when in FACT it's you that demands that the crazy are allowed to keep their guns. Crazy huh!

Your simple mind allowed you to stray from anything sane to the crazy.
I can not understand how the news media fails to see the real problem in America today. There are millions of Gun and assault rifles owners that live in America today. And they are not mass killers. The real problem is mentally ill people with guns and or assault rifles. It seems that the news media networks have this agenda to demonize assault rifles and guns in America. These two items are not active until a person picks them up. Wake up America, and see what is really going on.!? There should be a psychological test to screen purchasers of all weapons before they can be sold, to weed out the nut cases. Your thoughts.?

It is unconstitutional to infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms.

The last thing I want is some stupid deranged Liberal bureaucrat or politician making the decision on whether I can enjoy a Consititonal right or not.

Let me give you an example.

The filthy NY SAFE Act was touted as being "reasonable gun control law". In it was a stipulation that a person that was deemed by the filthy government to be mental unstable could not have a firearm.

A man (decorated veteran) went to see his doctor about insomnia. The doctor felt compelled under the SAFE Act to report him to the authorities. The jackboot government thugs came to his house and confiscated all his firearms, including his hunting rifles.

I do not want the damn government assholes to decide if I am fit to enjoy the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. The government cannot ever be trusted. Our Founding Fathers knew that.

It is unconstitutional to infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms.

The last thing I want is some stupid deranged Liberal bureaucrat or politician making the decision on whether I can enjoy a Consititonal right or not.

Let me give you an example.

The filthy NY SAFE Act was touted as being "reasonable gun control law". In it was a stipulation that a person that was deemed by the filthy government to be mental unstable could not have a firearm.

A man (decorated veteran) went to see his doctor about insomnia. The doctor felt compelled under the SAFE Act to report him to the authorities. The jackboot government thugs came to his house and confiscated all his firearms, including his hunting rifles.

I do not want the damn government assholes to decide if I am fit to enjoy the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. The government cannot ever be trusted. Our Founding Fathers knew that.
I think you are MI and shouldn't have a weapon.
I can not understand how the news media fails to see the real problem in America today. There are millions of Gun and assault rifles owners that live in America today. And they are not mass killers. The real problem is mentally ill people with guns and or assault rifles. It seems that the news media networks have this agenda to demonize assault rifles and guns in America. These two items are not active until a person picks them up. Wake up America, and see what is really going on.!? There should be a psychological test to screen purchasers of all weapons before they can be sold, to weed out the nut cases. Your thoughts.?
What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
I can not understand how the news media fails to see the real problem in America today. There are millions of Gun and assault rifles owners that live in America today. And they are not mass killers. The real problem is mentally ill people with guns and or assault rifles. It seems that the news media networks have this agenda to demonize assault rifles and guns in America. These two items are not active until a person picks them up. Wake up America, and see what is really going on.!? There should be a psychological test to screen purchasers of all weapons before they can be sold, to weed out the nut cases. Your thoughts.?
100% of mass shootings have one thing in common.
What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

thats exactly the problem with red flag laws,, its based on opinions,,,

I think your fucking nuts,,,
You guys want to solve the mental health issues, so you say.
But support nothing to stop the mentally ill from having weapons, all because of............

Not willing to use Red Flag Laws, because, you know, infringement.
You guys want to solve the mental health issues, so you say.
But support nothing to stop the mentally ill from having weapons, all because of............

Not willing to use Red Flag Laws, because, you know, infringement.
when you figure out a law that crazies and criminals will abide by then we can make a law to deal with that,, so far every law only effects law abiding people,,,

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