CDZ GUNS: a challenge to both liberals and conservatives

Of the choices offered to liberals and conservatives in the OP. . .

  • I don't need to compromise as I can accept all or most.

  • I can't accept any or most of the choices.

  • I can accept the options for compromise given the liberals but not the conservatives.

  • I can accept the options for compromise given the conservatives but not the liberals.

  • Other that I will explain in my post.

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Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
In the wake of yet another tragic school shooting, it is reasonable to have a national discussion on what to do about it. And since the discussion so far is a) more gun control vs b) more guns/protection for the kids, and there seems to be little middle ground, the solution seems to be an unattainable goal for most of American society.

So the challenge is:

Would liberals be willing to consider the truth in the following and consider working toward social policy to achieve it?

--kids need a responsible mom and a dad in the home. Very very few criminals or violent people of any sort come from such homes.

--kids benefit from a religious faith that teaches love, respect for life and authority, caring from others. Good churches and synagogues aren't producing many criminals.

--kids need role models that demonstrate some of the best to which we can aspire instead of heaping admiration and fame, making heroes out of, or generating sympathy for those who promote hate, anger, violence, and lawless behavior.

--kids need to be taught personal responsibility and accountability in which the norm is educating yourself, staying away from illegal substances and activities, meriting a good reputation, learning a trade, getting married before having kids, and contributing to your family, your community, your country. Such people are rarely involved in any kind of bad acts.

--kids need video games, television programs, and movies that promote real heroism, good triumphing over evil, and rejection of violence except in self defense. When video games have the player having to do bad, even evil things to win, how can that not translate how they relate to their real world? When what passes for entertainment promotes the worst kind of violence, promiscuity, immorality, and sympathy for the bad guys, it is no wonder that children become desensitized to violence or the pain of others and see bad acts as glorious acts. It all is teaching the kids and it is invariable that some of them will be motivated to act on it.

Maybe correlation isn't causation when it comes to kids being violent, but I sure think we need to look at what we really are teaching and how that contributes to the social problems we have.
And if the liberals were willing to acknowledge the advantage in all or most of that, would the conservatives/libertarians be willing to consider:

Reasonable restrictions on civilian guns that are not likely to ever be used for hunting or self protection or recreational target shooting but that are designed to effect maximum damage?

Reasonable gun registration even at gun shows, so that effective background checks can be run and guns can be denied or confiscated from those who are clearly incompetent to have them or who are a danger to themselves or society?

Maybe the problem is the people who do bad things with the guns and not the gun themselves, and certainly bad people who do terrible things don't care what laws they break to do them, but can we admit that at least some reasonable restrictions are worthwhile to consider? Could we compromise on some things in order to achieve agreement and cooperation from most everybody to actually fix the problem?
So that's it. This is the CDZ so keep it reasonably civil if the topic interests you. And the poll is designed so that you can change your choices if you are inspired to change your point of view during the discussion.


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Hmm. No interest? Or no brave souls willing to take a stand? Or just nobody wants to be the first response? Come on. At least some of that strikes a responsive chord with somebody.
There is no compromise. The Second Amendment and my God-given constitutional right to arm myself is not up for debate. Far more people have died while protecting the rights and freedoms we so graciously have, than those murdered by criminals.

Infinitely far more people have died in this world because their countries were not blessed with the same rights we have.
There is no compromise. The Second Amendment and my God-given constitutional right to arm myself is not up for debate. Far more people have died while protecting the rights and freedoms we so graciously have, than those murdered by criminals.

Infinitely far more people have died in this world because their countries were not blessed with the same rights we have.

Okay I can appreciate that but there was no option to give up our right to arm and defend ourselves. There was an option to compromise on some weapons in return for a national effort, including the left, to restore the values that kept the schools one of the safest places on the planet up until the last few decades.
There is no compromise. The Second Amendment and my God-given constitutional right to arm myself is not up for debate. Far more people have died while protecting the rights and freedoms we so graciously have, than those murdered by criminals.

Infinitely far more people have died in this world because their countries were not blessed with the same rights we have.

Okay I can appreciate that but there was no option to give up our right to arm and defend ourselves. There was an option to compromise on some weapons in return for a national effort, including the left, to restore the values that kept the schools one of the safest places on the planet up until the last few decades.

Why should there be a compromise for law-abiding citizens to give up "some" of their own personal property? Should we also force others to give up their televisions, radios, and internet because at the time of the writing of the First Amendment, the only means of free speech were hand-operated printing presses?
I would accept the Presidents package providing the age for voting, drinking, and being drafted also goes up.
I would also do a cigarette type lawsuit on big pharma in regards to all the drugs they get kids on.
I don't think the progressive liberals want anything less than no guns at all. Ultimately they don't want compromise, they want total capitulation; same thing with taxes, they always want more. Ask a progressive liberal how much is enough, how much is fair when it comes to taxing the rich and they won't tell you. Raise taxes to a max of 40%, they want 45. Give them 45, they want 50, and on it goes. Same with gun control, they don't want restrictions, they want bans. First on AR-15s, then on any semi-auto weapon, then on all of them. With them it's all take and no give, except maybe in the short term.

Right now the hue and cry is to ban AR-15s and the like. Fine, except for one small problem, which is that won't stop school shootings. You can buy 2 or 3 9mm handguns that fires 15 bullets each for the cost of one AR-15 and do as much death and damage. What then, ban 'em all, right? It just doesn't fix the problem.
I don't think the progressive liberals want anything less than no guns at all. Ultimately they don't want compromise, they want total capitulation; same thing with taxes, they always want more. Ask a progressive liberal how much is enough, how much is fair when it comes to taxing the rich and they won't tell you. Raise taxes to a max of 40%, they want 45. Give them 45, they want 50, and on it goes. Same with gun control, they don't want restrictions, they want bans. First on AR-15s, then on any semi-auto weapon, then on all of them. With them it's all take and no give, except maybe in the short term.

Right now the hue and cry is to ban AR-15s and the like. Fine, except for one small problem, which is that won't stop school shootings. You can buy 2 or 3 9mm handguns that fires 15 bullets each for the cost of one AR-15 and do as much death and damage. What then, ban 'em all, right? It just doesn't fix the problem.

No it doesn't. I know that and you know that. But there is no incentive for those who want to ban them to even have the conversation about what will for the most part solve the problem if the 2nd Amendment group won't concede anything or compromise in any way.
There is no compromise. The Second Amendment and my God-given constitutional right to arm myself is not up for debate. Far more people have died while protecting the rights and freedoms we so graciously have, than those murdered by criminals.

Infinitely far more people have died in this world because their countries were not blessed with the same rights we have.

Okay I can appreciate that but there was no option to give up our right to arm and defend ourselves. There was an option to compromise on some weapons in return for a national effort, including the left, to restore the values that kept the schools one of the safest places on the planet up until the last few decades.

Why should there be a compromise for law-abiding citizens to give up "some" of their own personal property? Should we also force others to give up their televisions, radios, and internet because at the time of the writing of the First Amendment, the only means of free speech were hand-operated printing presses?

Let's focus on one issue at a time please and don't throw a lot of extra stuff that could be valid questions in another topic but constitute a kind of straw man in this one.

I am not saying anybody should HAVE TO give up anything. I am looking for any area of compromise we can find between the strong 2nd Amendment group, of whom I am one, and those who truly believe that fewer or no legal guns would be a solution. We are looking for a voluntary good faith agreement.

The brave and honorable men who forged the Constitution over eleven long years of debate, discussion, argument, proposals all had to concede something. Nobody got everything he wanted, even some things very important to him, in the final document but they were able to finally compromise and agree on enough to give us this great nation unlike any other.

I am hoping this generation also has brave and honorable people who would be willing to compromise and agree on enough to solve the problem of mass murders and excessive violence in our current society. It is likely neither side will get everything they want in a compromise agreement, but if we aren't willing to even talk about the possibilities, no solution will be forthcoming. We have to start somewhere.
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There cannot be any compromise on the Second Amendment. End of story

So we can't even have the discussion? Subject closed even if it means that we further deteriorate socially and there is the same or increasing carnage across the land? We provide no incentive for the anti-gun group to agree to some real solutions? It has to be all or nothing? No room to compromise anywhere?

The options laid out in the OP do not in any way remove the right of law abiding, competent Americans to arm and defend themselves. Quite the opposite. So why?
No it doesn't. I know that and you know that. But there is no incentive for those who want to ban them to even have the conversation about what will for the most part solve the problem if the 2nd Amendment group won't concede anything or compromise in any way.

You're not being honest.

The 2nd Amendment group has been "compromising" for the last 5 decades.

It's time to stop giving up rights and time to address the REAL problem.
Leftist policies which are creating a society where people take out their anger by killing innocent people.

That is a sick society and taking away guns or adding more laws on top of the 10,000 plus gun control laws already on the books does not resolve that. It's like giving someone an aspirin.....for cancer.
There cannot be any compromise on the Second Amendment. End of story

So we can't even have the discussion? Subject closed even if it means that we further deteriorate socially and there is the same or increasing carnage across the land? We provide no incentive for the anti-gun group to agree to some real solutions? It has to be all or nothing? No room to compromise anywhere?

The options laid out in the OP do not in any way remove the right of law abiding, competent Americans to arm and defend themselves. Quite the opposite. So why?

The anti-gunners have no solutions. Their only thinly-veiled agenda is no guns for anyone but the police and military. It might just be a little erosion of rights here and a little there but their goal is transparent as glass. As a firearms owner I'm saying no deal. No way, no how.
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So we can't even have the discussion? Subject closed even if it means that we further deteriorate socially and there is the same or increasing carnage across the land? We provide no incentive for the anti-gun group to agree to some real solutions? It has to be all or nothing? No room to compromise anywhere?
No you understand, No Compromise. no surrender
As much as I hate to say it......

I could agree that if someone is Democrat, Socialist or Progressive, or their family is....THEN I would agree to limitations on their gun ownership since these are basically mental disorders.
After all, it's usually people from these persuasions that go on these shooting sprees.

If the Left is willing to agree to that, and no bans on magazine sizes or so called "assault weapons", then I could agree to raising the age to purchase weapons to 21.

That's about all the additional "compromising" I could agree to.
No it doesn't. I know that and you know that. But there is no incentive for those who want to ban them to even have the conversation about what will for the most part solve the problem if the 2nd Amendment group won't concede anything or compromise in any way.

You're not being honest.

The 2nd Amendment group has been "compromising" for the last 5 decades.

It's time to stop giving up rights and time to address the REAL problem.
Leftist policies which are creating a society where people take out their anger by killing innocent people.

That is a sick society and taking away guns or adding more laws on top of the 10,000 plus gun control laws already on the books does not resolve that. It's like giving someone an aspirin.....for cancer.

I am being 100% honest on this topic. I don't see the 2nd Amendment group budging an inch these days. Admittedly they have zero incentive to do so without the other side of the compromise coming into play. Please read the OP again to see what the other side of the compromise involves and see if that doesn't address the actual problem. We don't expect to just acquiesce to the demands of the left, but I do see room to compromise if they are willing to do the same in good faith.
There cannot be any compromise on the Second Amendment. End of story

So we can't even have the discussion? Subject closed even if it means that we further deteriorate socially and there is the same or increasing carnage across the land? We provide no incentive for the anti-gun group to agree to some real solutions? It has to be all or nothing? No room to compromise anywhere?

The options laid out in the OP do not in any way remove the right of law abiding, competent Americans to arm and defend themselves. Quite the opposite. So why?

The anti-gunners have no solutions. Their only thinly-veiled agenda is no guns for anyone but the police and military. It might just be a little erosion of rights here and a little there but their goal is transparent as glass. As a firearms owner I'm saying no deal. No way, no how.

But they believe they do just as the 2nd Amendment people believe they do. I have offered my version of what a solution could look like if each side was willing to compromise that far. And I'm sure others might have addition areas of compromise to add to each list. For example: I wish I had included a hardening of the school sites--more security, arming some staff, etc. on the list I would want the left to compromise on. The reason is that these horrendous mass shootings almost always happen in places known to be gun free zones.

But even if we couldn't have that, I think if the left would agree to go along with the other proposals, those would eliminate much of the element that is provoked to do those horrendous crimes.
So we can't even have the discussion? Subject closed even if it means that we further deteriorate socially and there is the same or increasing carnage across the land? We provide no incentive for the anti-gun group to agree to some real solutions? It has to be all or nothing? No room to compromise anywhere?
No you understand, No Compromise. no surrender

Okay. So the left says the same. And school children continue to be a risk of these sociopathic maniacs creating unbelievable tragedies and also others are at greater risk. And that is preferable to the 2nd Amendment group not compromising in any way? You aren't willing to offer a single bone anywhere?
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