Green Book wins oscar, time for a new Green Book?

Green Book Wins Best Picture in Surprise Victory Following Months of Controversy

With conservatives being hassled coast to coast, whole states like New York being told that conservatives aren't welcome, folks like Cruz and Sanders being barred from restaurants because of their conservative views, time for a conservative green book to be published, let conservatives know where they are free to shop and dine at.
What a Snowflake!

Can I find you a safe space Sissy Boi?

Hey, if people are on vacation, they don't want to be hassled. Nothing snow flake about it.

I think that we Conservatives need to have sit-ins in restaurants that refuse to serve us as well.
I think we should all put on our MAGA hats, have our cellphone cameras at the ready, and any liberal who wants to start some shit, give them a cement sandwich. When the bullies of the left understand we arent going to be intimidated anymore, then you might see
1. they back off.
2. leave the country
3. all of the above.

You talk big, but I'm sure you'd end up in prison if ever you did what you say. You are probably a mouse who is encouraging violence.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders wasn't wearing a MAGA hat when she was denied service.

Besides, why should anyone be denied their right of Free Expression? Openly Islamofascist and Homosexual patrons demand service.

Nobody's denying you your right to free expression. Just be prepared to be mocked and ridiculed for it.

Actually, conservatives are being denied food in America because of their political beliefs. If a tour bus full of conservatives want to stop at a liberal joint and see libs in their own environment, some mocking a ridicule from the natives is expected- just like if the tourists stop by at the zoo and see the natives there throw monkey feces at each other.
Green Book Wins Best Picture in Surprise Victory Following Months of Controversy

With conservatives being hassled coast to coast, whole states like New York being told that conservatives aren't welcome, folks like Cruz and Sanders being barred from restaurants because of their conservative views, time for a conservative green book to be published, let conservatives know where they are free to shop and dine at.
"whole states like New York"? So you don't realize that Western NY is conservative, eh?

The guv of NY has said there is no place in any of New York for conservatives. If there are still some conservatives in western New York, it won't be for long.
He was only talking about asshole conservatives such as yourself

What Hillarycalled the deplorables
Green Book Wins Best Picture in Surprise Victory Following Months of Controversy

With conservatives being hassled coast to coast, whole states like New York being told that conservatives aren't welcome, folks like Cruz and Sanders being barred from restaurants because of their conservative views, time for a conservative green book to be published, let conservatives know where they are free to shop and dine at.
What a Snowflake!

Can I find you a safe space Sissy Boi?

Hey, if people are on vacation, they don't want to be hassled. Nothing snow flake about it.

I think that we Conservatives need to have sit-ins in restaurants that refuse to serve us as well.
I think we should all put on our MAGA hats, have our cellphone cameras at the ready, and any liberal who wants to start some shit, give them a cement sandwich. When the bullies of the left understand we arent going to be intimidated anymore, then you might see
1. they back off.
2. leave the country
3. all of the above.
What an awesome idea!
Poor little RWNJ cupcakes are SO fragile and SO offended. Angry old, entitled white guys, sitting in their barca loungers, pissed because the the whole world doessn't bow down to them.

I think they're right about having special safe places just for them. And there's no doubt the US would much better if we could get rid of the sicko kkk, nazi, alt right, fascists with their idiotic magat hats.

Best would be to get them off the planet but in lieu of that, how about Mississippi? Texas?
Conservatives need to acknowledge their second class status and stop whimpering like sissy girls

They are not welcome in civilized society and really need to keep their conservative views to themselves

Conservatism is a Choice. They choose to be the way they are. They do not deserve our sympathy
Conservatives need to acknowledge their second class status and stop whimpering like sissy girls

They are not welcome in civilized society and really need to keep their conservative views to themselves

Conservatism is a Choice. They choose to be the way they are. They do not deserve our sympathy

Liberalism is a choice as well.

I remember when Americans could sit around and shoot the shit about political topics and no one took personal offense.

I try not to do that to this very day, but I'm a dinosaur
Conservatives need to acknowledge their second class status and stop whimpering like sissy girls

They are not welcome in civilized society and really need to keep their conservative views to themselves

Conservatism is a Choice. They choose to be the way they are. They do not deserve our sympathy

Liberalism is a choice as well.

I remember when Americans could sit around and shoot the shit about political topics and no one took personal offense.

I try not to do that to this very day, but I'm a dinosaur

We have “ separate but equal” locations where conservatives are free to spout their adle brained beliefs

Redneck Bars, Bowling Alleys, Baptist Church’s and Klan meetings
We have “ separate but equal” locations where conservatives are free to spout their adle brained beliefs

Redneck Bars, Bowling Alleys, Baptist Church’s and Klan meetings
It's great to see how conservatives have gotten under your skin and how they live in your head. It must be tough having to share the nation with your political betters.
Green Book Wins Best Picture in Surprise Victory Following Months of Controversy

With conservatives being hassled coast to coast, whole states like New York being told that conservatives aren't welcome, folks like Cruz and Sanders being barred from restaurants because of their conservative views, time for a conservative green book to be published, let conservatives know where they are free to shop and dine at.

I am guessing that if you all moved to the "fly over states", and left the union, then you would be able to elect your own president and actually win the popular vote!
You people are beyond pathetic...

What's "pathetic" about demanding service at public accommodations?

That's what we did at the Woolworth's Lunch Counters as well when they didn't want to serve us.

And now the Woolworths are closed down, which is the same thing we should aim to do with all these "farm to table" joints.
This is why its pathetic.....when black patrons decided to go into Woolworths, they DID NOT have an option to take off their blackness as to not be discriminated against -- they DID NOT decide that wearing their "blackness" would be a fun thing to do to piss off the white folks..

You people want to be oppressed so bad its pathetic -- because you will never encounter any real oppression, no matter how much you bitch and complain.....besides, you guys have a white "conservative" president...isn't that what you guys would tell a black guy when he brings up racism? Hey, we had a black president, there is no more racism...

However you folks have had numerous so-called conservative white presidents and you still bitch and whine about how oppressed white men are...gtfoh
Democrats then, Democrats today, nothing changed.
We have “ separate but equal” locations where conservatives are free to spout their adle brained beliefs

Redneck Bars, Bowling Alleys, Baptist Church’s and Klan meetings
It's great to see how conservatives have gotten under your skin and how they live in your head. It must be tough having to share the nation with your political betters.

Don’t see liberals whimpering like little bitches about how nobody loves them
We have “ separate but equal” locations where conservatives are free to spout their adle brained beliefs

Redneck Bars, Bowling Alleys, Baptist Church’s and Klan meetings
It's great to see how conservatives have gotten under your skin and how they live in your head. It must be tough having to share the nation with your political betters.
Its funny that you say bullshit like that on a thread made by a so-called conservative whining about how nobody likes them....

Its almost as if some libs pissed them off (got under their skin) by awarding some other libs an Oscar award or something....oh wait!
Its funny that you say bullshit like that on a thread made by a so-called conservative whining about how nobody likes them....

Its almost as if some libs pissed them off (got under their skin) by awarding some other libs an Oscar award or something....oh wait!
And of course you lie about the issue too. Or is it just that you aren't smart enough to tell the difference between suffering assaults and attacks due to political orientation and being hated by a bunch of liars and cowards you don't give a damn about either?

We don't pine for your approval. Please don't pretend we care about you.
We just want to be free of physical attacks and public harassment.
Its funny that you say bullshit like that on a thread made by a so-called conservative whining about how nobody likes them....

Its almost as if some libs pissed them off (got under their skin) by awarding some other libs an Oscar award or something....oh wait!
And of course you lie about the issue too. Or is it just that you aren't smart enough to tell the difference between suffering assaults and attacks due to political orientation and being hated by a bunch of liars and cowards you don't give a damn about either?
You will also get assaulted for wearing Nazi outfits too...

Maybe what you should do is wonder what it is about MAGA cucks and Nazi cucks that always ends up with them getting their ass kicked -- here is a hint, it isn't because of their fashion sense
You will also get assaulted for wearing Nazi outfits too...

Maybe what you should do is wonder what it is about MAGA cucks and Nazi cucks that always ends up with them getting their ass kicked -- here is a hint, it isn't because of their fashion sense
Unless you are talking about sucker punches and gang attacks I'm not aware of anyone having their "ass kicked" for wearing a Maga hat. Quite the contrary.

And I know what it is about the hat that cause leftists to loose their reminds them constantly how they have lost control of the country and how their insane tactics make it unlikely they will get it back.

Leftists are angry children lashing out in rage. So sad.
That you think it's okay to assault someone because you don't like what they wear demonstrates who the real Nazis are. It's you and your deplorable friends.
We do need Green Book for Conservatives

Frankly, polite society does not want to deal with them. I mean who wants to eat dinner near them or God Forbid, drink from the same water fountain or use the same rest room

Most decent people would rather share a restroom with a transsexual than be forced to share one with a conservative
We do need Green Book for Conservatives

Frankly, polite society does not want to deal with them. I mean who wants to eat dinner near them or God Forbid, drink from the same water fountain or use the same rest room

Most decent people would rather share a restroom with a transsexual than be forced to share one with a conservative
Try Canada, snow flake.

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