Green Agenda Dangerous = CFL bulbs

So what amount of Mercury is Safe??? 2+2=5. Yep.

Hardly the point. The OP was suggesting that CFLs somehow present a new danger that we haven't encountered before. Actually, we have encoountered it and this version is MUCH LESS dangerous than our previous uses of mercury, NOT MORE!!!
Mercury-Containing Items

Electrical switches and relays. These typically contain about 3.5 grams of mercury each. Mercury switches can be found in some chest freezers, pre-1972 washing machines, sump pumps, electric space heaters, clothes irons, silent light switches, automobile hood and trunk lights, and ABS brakes.
Thermostats that contain mercury. There is a mercury inside the sealed glass "tilt switch" of the old style thermostats (not the newer electronic kind).
Pilot light sensors. Mercury-containing switches are found in some gas appliances such as stoves, ovens, clothes dryers, water heaters, furnaces, and space heaters.
Mercury gauges. Some gauges, such as barometers, manometers, blood pressure, and vacuum gauges contain mercury.
Mercury thermometers. Mercury thermometers typically contain about a half gram of mercury. Many health clinics, pharmacies and doctor's offices have thermometer exchange programs that will give you a new mercury-free fever thermometer in exchange for your old one.
Mercury-added novelties. Examples include greeting cards that play music when opened; athletic shoes (made before 1997) with flashing lights in soles; and mercury maze games.

Wastes Banned From The Trash
So what amount of Mercury is Safe??? 2+2=5. Yep.

Hardly the point. The OP was suggesting that CFLs somehow present a new danger that we haven't encountered before. Actually, we have encoountered it and this version is MUCH LESS dangerous than our previous uses of mercury, NOT MORE!!!

Like you said. 2+2=5 when you say it does. ;)
So what amount of Mercury is Safe??? 2+2=5. Yep.

Hardly the point. The OP was suggesting that CFLs somehow present a new danger that we haven't encountered before. Actually, we have encoountered it and this version is MUCH LESS dangerous than our previous uses of mercury, NOT MORE!!!

Like you said. 2+2=5 when you say it does. ;)

Not at all. You're the one saying it, not me. Of course mercury is a concern, just not in CFLs to the extent that the OP suggested. If the gist of your message is, "when you say it does", who's really the chicken-little, an AGW believer concerned over increases in CO2 or a denier whining over miniscule amounts of mercury?
If CFLs are not such a health hazard, then why does the EPA have these directions on its website to explain how to clean up a broken one?

Cleaning Up a Broken CFL

Fluorescent light bulbs contain a small amount of mercury sealed within the glass tubing. When a fluorescent bulb breaks in your home, some of this mercury is released as mercury vapor. The broken bulb can continue to release mercury vapor until it is cleaned up and removed from the residence. To minimize exposure to mercury vapor, EPA recommends that residents follow the cleanup and disposal steps described below.

This page presents only the most important steps to reduce exposure to mercury vapor from a broken bulb.

* View the detailed recommendations
* Download and print:
o a three-page PDF version of this overview and the detailed recommendations (91K, about PDF)
o a two-page color brochure on how to safely clean up and recycle compact fluorescent bulbs (869K, about PDF) | en español (876K, about PDF)

1. Before cleanup
* Have people and pets leave the room.
* Air out the room for 5-10 minutes by opening a window or door to the outdoor environment.
* Shut off the central forced air heating/air-conditioning (H&AC) system, if you have one.
* Collect materials needed to clean up broken bulb.

2. During cleanup
* Be thorough in collecting broken glass and visible powder.
* Place cleanup materials in a sealable container.

3. After cleanup
* Promptly place all bulb debris and cleanup materials outdoors in a trash container or protected area until materials can be disposed of properly. Avoid leaving any bulb fragments or cleanup materials indoors.
* For several hours, continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the H&AC system shut off.

Cleaning Up a Broken Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb (CFL) | Cleanup and Safe Disposal of Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs | US EPA

And these are just the most important steps. There is a 3 page pdf for the full set of detailed recommendations.

What a pain in the ass. One had better be sure to plan ahead and not break a bulb when it is freezing cold or boiling hot as one shouldn't use the HVAC for SEVERAL HOURS after breaking a bulb. If one lives in a congested or high crime area, one had better be prepared to sit around guarding open windows or doors to air out the room.
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If CFLs are not such a health hazard, then why does the EPA have these directions on its website to explain how to clean up a broken one?

It's simply precautionary. You seem to be missing the point. The OP was about CFLs being dangerous, when the truth its only BROKEN CFLs that present any concern. Most CFLs don't break. No one is saying mercury isn't a concern, just that the scare stories are widely over-blown. It's funny how the same people who complain about AGW believers spreading scare stories are falling head-over-heels to get in on this one!!!
The mandated change is putting our economy ahead of our health. I pay my own electric bill and should be allowed to use the safer ones if I can afford it.
If CFLs are not such a health hazard, then why does the EPA have these directions on its website to explain how to clean up a broken one?

It's simply precautionary. You seem to be missing the point. The OP was about CFLs being dangerous, when the truth its only BROKEN CFLs that present any concern. Most CFLs don't break. No one is saying mercury isn't a concern, just that the scare stories are widely over-blown. It's funny how the same people who complain about AGW believers spreading scare stories are falling head-over-heels to get in on this one!!!


Simply Precautionary? How many hours of one's life should be devoted to disposing of a LIGHT BULB? It may take 17 government workers a week to change a light bulb in a federal building - but the rest of us have much better things to do with our time.
The mandated change is putting our economy ahead of our health. I pay my own electric bill and should be allowed to use the safer ones if I can afford it.

Actually, it's putting CFL manufacturers ahead of all of us. It's an example of economically nonsensical cronyism.
The mandated change is putting our economy ahead of our health. I pay my own electric bill and should be allowed to use the safer ones if I can afford it.

Actually, it's putting CFL manufacturers ahead of all of us. It's an example of economically nonsensical cronyism.

point taken---I should stop being so generous in my assesments. It probably is even putting political fund raising ahead of our health.
The mandated change is putting our economy ahead of our health. I pay my own electric bill and should be allowed to use the safer ones if I can afford it.

Actually, it's putting CFL manufacturers ahead of all of us. It's an example of economically nonsensical cronyism.

point taken---I should stop being so generous in my assesments. It probably is even putting political fund raising ahead of our health.

Political Funding raising seems to be ahead of nearly everything.
Actually, it's putting CFL manufacturers ahead of all of us. It's an example of economically nonsensical cronyism.

point taken---I should stop being so generous in my assesments. It probably is even putting political fund raising ahead of our health.

Political Funding raising seems to be ahead of nearly everything.

ok dammit---I see I gotta get a cup of coffee. You're way ahead of me this AM :lol:
Even on the caffeine-loading front. I've already had a double cap. ;)
If CFLs are not such a health hazard, then why does the EPA have these directions on its website to explain how to clean up a broken one?

It's simply precautionary. You seem to be missing the point. The OP was about CFLs being dangerous, when the truth its only BROKEN CFLs that present any concern. Most CFLs don't break. No one is saying mercury isn't a concern, just that the scare stories are widely over-blown. It's funny how the same people who complain about AGW believers spreading scare stories are falling head-over-heels to get in on this one!!!


Simply Precautionary? How many hours of one's life should be devoted to disposing of a LIGHT BULB? It may take 17 government workers a week to change a light bulb in a federal building - but the rest of us have much better things to do with our time.

If you don't break it, NONE!!! You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. Just another example of how, like the AGW deniers, ones political stance is taking precedence over science and logic.
If CFLs are not such a health hazard, then why does the EPA have these directions on its website to explain how to clean up a broken one?

It's simply precautionary. You seem to be missing the point. The OP was about CFLs being dangerous, when the truth its only BROKEN CFLs that present any concern. Most CFLs don't break. No one is saying mercury isn't a concern, just that the scare stories are widely over-blown. It's funny how the same people who complain about AGW believers spreading scare stories are falling head-over-heels to get in on this one!!!

When most of mine fail, they burn out, stinking up the whole general area. I stopped using them. The fail is Government regulation shoving them down our throats in the first place. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Fuck the EPA Nazi's. Chicken Little indeed. :lol:
If CFLs are not such a health hazard, then why does the EPA have these directions on its website to explain how to clean up a broken one?

It's simply precautionary. You seem to be missing the point. The OP was about CFLs being dangerous, when the truth its only BROKEN CFLs that present any concern. Most CFLs don't break. No one is saying mercury isn't a concern, just that the scare stories are widely over-blown. It's funny how the same people who complain about AGW believers spreading scare stories are falling head-over-heels to get in on this one!!!

When most of mine fail, they burn out, stinking up the whole general area. I stopped using them. The fail is Government regulation shoving them down our throats in the first place. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Fuck the EPA Nazi's. Chicken Little indeed. :lol:


The k00ks dont care about the environment if its not part of their agenda.

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