Green Agenda Dangerous = CFL bulbs


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Check the news today? California is in the process of banning incandescent light bulbs to push the use of CFL bulbs = more mindless k00k idea's from people on the left.

Check out this link............Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs - The Dangers of CFLs | Holistic Health Talk

Damn CFL's are highly toxic when broken. Ive removed all of them from indoors and only use them for outdoor lights. You gotta be a nut to have these in your house, particularly with kids around. Mercury levels far exceed safe levels when these things break. They say, "Oh....if one breaks, just clear the room for 15 mintues".

Oh............OK assholes............we'll take the chance that we leave the area in time to avoid exposure.

This is more evidence of liberals solving problems that dont exist and creating bigger ones in the process. Even GE says that disposal of mercury in coming years may call for increased regulations for disposal:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Increased regulations.............more government. Must just be a co:funnyface::boobies::funnyface:incidence!!!!
For interested parties...........and before they become law in your state. Call these bulbs what they are................

Mercury Light Bulbs..................NOT CFL's.

Is it not hysterical that liberals are the one's always, always calling for increased protections of the environment..........but have absollutely NO PROBLEM with this. Nor does the are in the process of forcing Americans to put mercury into our houses.

You see folks..........liberals have no interest in the environment if the concern interferes with their agenda!!!:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:
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Well then, silly ass, buy some LEDs.

lol......note the response from the self-proclaimed USMB #1 defender of the environment.:eek: Doesnt care jack about kids exposure to mercury from CFL's!!!

All frauds..........all anti-capitalist/hate America assholes who all have a middle initial of H = hipocrite.:lol:
Well then, silly ass, buy some LEDs.

lol......note the response from the self-proclaimed USMB #1 defender of the environment.:eek: Doesnt care jack about kids exposure to mercury from CFL's!!!

All frauds..........all anti-capitalist/hate America assholes who all have a middle initial of H = hipocrite.:lol:

:eek: Mercury Bulbs????
:eek: Cancer Bulbs???
:eek: Death Bulbs???

Oceania has alway's been at war with Eurasia. ;)
I have actually replaced all the lights in the house with CFL's. And when i had a few burn out they went in the trash. We did have one get broken. pfft. Cleaned it up and tossed it out. But I have replaced some of the lower wattage bulbs with LED's. I wonder what they'll come up with next.
The flourscent bulbs have all have had mercury vapor in them for decades.

It is that enlarged fear part of the right wingers brains acting up again.

We go thru this same thread about once a month.

We get more mercury from coal powered power plants.
The flourscent bulbs have all have had mercury vapor in them for decades.

It is that enlarged fear part of the right wingers brains acting up again.

We go thru this same thread about once a month.

We get more mercury from coal powered power plants.

So that makes it okay???? :cuckoo: Mandatet Mercury Death Bulbs endorsed by Big Brother???:eusa_whistle: :cuckoo:

Still obstructing the development of clean coal technology over the emission of CO2, The Only non toxic Refrigerant known to man? :eusa_whistle: :cuckoo: :eek:
The flourscent bulbs have all have had mercury vapor in them for decades.

It is that enlarged fear part of the right wingers brains acting up again.

We go thru this same thread about once a month.

We get more mercury from coal powered power plants.

Thats right.........we've all had flourescent bulbs around our houses for decades!!!!!:up:
So they are killing us in our schools too, and as we shop??? OMG!!! I think our Government want's our toy's and our land, and Toto too!!! :eek: :lol:
Of course one could do their homework and find out what the primary source of mercury in the environment is.

As I stated before, if you do not like the small flourescent bulbs, buy LEDs. They use even less power, and last far longer than even the CFLs.

Basic Information | Mercury | US EPA

Mercury is found in many rocks including coal. When coal is burned, mercury is released into the environment. Coal-burning power plants are the largest human-caused source of mercury emissions to the air in the United States, accounting for over 50 percent of all domestic human-caused mercury emissions (Source: 2005 National Emissions Inventory). EPA has estimated that about one quarter of U.S. emissions from coal-burning power plants are deposited within the contiguous U.S. and the remainder enters the global cycle. Burning hazardous wastes, producing chlorine, breaking mercury products, and spilling mercury, as well as the improper treatment and disposal of products or wastes containing mercury, can also release it into the environment. Current estimates are that less than half of all mercury deposition within the U.S. comes from U.S. sources. More information.
IKEA stops selling incandescent light bulbs in US - Yahoo! Finance

CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa. (AP) -- Home decor and furniture company IKEA is no longer stocking or selling incandescent light bulbs in its U.S. stores, instead offering longer-lasting and energy-efficient bulbs.

The retailer began phasing out the sale of the light bulbs in August. IKEA's action comes ahead of federal legislation that would mandate more efficient light bulbs starting in 2012.

The pullout also applies to IKEA stores in Canada. Stores in France and Australia started phasing out the incandescent bulbs last year.

"Eliminating incandescents is just one simple way for IKEA customers to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gases," Mike Ward, U.S. IKEA president, said in a statement Tuesday.

IKEA's available lighting options include the compact fluorescent bulb, LED, halogen and solar-powered lamps.

Compact fluorescent, or CFL, bulbs use up to 80 percent less energy and last up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs.
Check the news today? California is in the process of banning incandescent light bulbs to push the use of CFL bulbs = more mindless k00k idea's from people on the left.

Check out this link............Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs - The Dangers of CFLs | Holistic Health Talk

Damn CFL's are highly toxic when broken. Ive removed all of them from indoors and only use them for outdoor lights. You gotta be a nut to have these in your house, particularly with kids around. Mercury levels far exceed safe levels when these things break. They say, "Oh....if one breaks, just clear the room for 15 mintues".

Oh............OK assholes............we'll take the chance that we leave the area in time to avoid exposure.

This is more evidence of liberals solving problems that dont exist and creating bigger ones in the process. Even GE says that disposal of mercury in coming years may call for increased regulations for disposal

Increased regulations.............more government. Must just be a coincidence!!!!

It would take breaking 1000 CFLs to equal the amount of mercury found in one old-time thermometer. The mercury scare is just another incidence of telling only part of the story, i.e. basically a LIE!!! CFL Mercury Light Bulbs
Check the news today? California is in the process of banning incandescent light bulbs to push the use of CFL bulbs = more mindless k00k idea's from people on the left.

Check out this link............Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs - The Dangers of CFLs | Holistic Health Talk

Damn CFL's are highly toxic when broken. Ive removed all of them from indoors and only use them for outdoor lights. You gotta be a nut to have these in your house, particularly with kids around. Mercury levels far exceed safe levels when these things break. They say, "Oh....if one breaks, just clear the room for 15 mintues".

Oh............OK assholes............we'll take the chance that we leave the area in time to avoid exposure.

This is more evidence of liberals solving problems that dont exist and creating bigger ones in the process. Even GE says that disposal of mercury in coming years may call for increased regulations for disposal

Increased regulations.............more government. Must just be a coincidence!!!!

It would take breaking 1000 CFLs to equal the amount of mercury found in one old-time thermometer. The mercury scare is just another incidence of telling only part of the story, i.e. basically a LIE!!! CFL Mercury Light Bulbs

The government is busy forbidding salt and transfat in our food, but we're supposed to take comfort in the fact that handling mercury from broken CFLs is not dangerous because you found a blurb on the internet that old timey thermometers were more dangerous.


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