Gov't telling lies about Unemployment


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
The Government is telling lies about unemployment. This is not a partisan issue either folks, it is a deception practiced and used by both parties. It is sickening when you think about the way we are manipulated.

Lie #1. "Discouraged workers — unemployed workers who give up looking for jobs — are not really unemployed." Even a third grader would know that's laughable. If jobs are so hard to find that people are abandoning the search, that's a sign things are actually WORSE, right? Yes, but that's not how the government counts its headline unemployment number. Every time more people get discouraged, the government's jobless number improves! Woohoo!!

Lie #2. "Unemployed workers seeking full-time jobs who are forced to accept minimum-wage or lower paying part-time jobs are also not unemployed." In other words, based on the government's definition ...
If you're a laid-off policewoman delivering newspapers for two hours a day, or ...
If you're a former sales manager, greeting shoppers at Wal-Mart on weekends ...
You're not counted among the jobless! WooHoo!!

But if you think that's strange, consider this:
These lies are so enormous and egregious, the government has tried to address the outrage by quietly publishing another unemployment rate, dubbed "U-6." This number does include some of the part-time and discouraged workers, and that reveals an outrageously high U.S. unemployment rate of 15.1%. When was the last time you read an article or heard a news item that referenced the U-6??

Lie #3 began about 18 years ago during the Clinton administration. Back then, officials at the Bureau of Labor Statistics were counting virtually all discouraged workers — those who had given up looking for jobs because there were no jobs available. But one day, they decided to STOP counting anyone who had given up looking for more than a year. So here's the deal - If you're out of a job and you gave up looking for work 365 days ago, you're still counted as a "discouraged worker" and you're still among the 15.1% that the government admits are unemployed (based on their less known U-6 number I mentioned a moment ago).

But if you gave up looking 366 days ago, based on their cockamamie scheme, you're not "discouraged" any more. As far as they know, you're so happy, you could be dancing in the streets! WooHoo!!

Now do you see why I say the government is lying about jobs?

For anyone interested, below is a chart by Shadow stats - they track the "real" unemployment number and it is well over 20%. They have no political axe to grind...

Alternate Unemployment Charts
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Unemployment is just one manuplulated data point, and there never is one data point that tells the whole story when looking at the economy.
Incumbent politicians do not have the incentive to embrace the higher U6 number since it makes them look even worse. In addition, the media is also at fault for this, since they do a poor job informing the public about the difference between U3 and U6.

It is a shame that we keep hearing about the lower U3 number, but even then it is deceitful since it doesn't take into consideration the precipitous fall in the Labor Force Participation rate.
The Government is telling lies about unemployment. This is not a partisan issue either folks, it is a deception practiced and used by both parties. It is sickening when you think about the way we are manipulated.

Lie #1. "Discouraged workers — unemployed workers who give up looking for jobs — are not really unemployed." Even a third grader would know that's laughable. If jobs are so hard to find that people are abandoning the search, that's a sign things are actually WORSE, right? Yes, but that's not how the government counts its headline unemployment number. Every time more people get discouraged, the government's jobless number improves! Woohoo!!

Lie #2. "Unemployed workers seeking full-time jobs who are forced to accept minimum-wage or lower paying part-time jobs are also not unemployed." In other words, based on the government's definition ...
If you're a laid-off policewoman delivering newspapers for two hours a day, or ...
If you're a former sales manager, greeting shoppers at Wal-Mart on weekends ...
You're not counted among the jobless! WooHoo!!

But if you think that's strange, consider this:
These lies are so enormous and egregious, the government has tried to address the outrage by quietly publishing another unemployment rate, dubbed "U-6." This number does include some of the part-time and discouraged workers, and that reveals an outrageously high U.S. unemployment rate of 15.1%. When was the last time you read an article or heard a news item that referenced the U-6??

Lie #3 began about 18 years ago during the Clinton administration. Back then, officials at the Bureau of Labor Statistics were counting virtually all discouraged workers — those who had given up looking for jobs because there were no jobs available. But one day, they decided to STOP counting anyone who had given up looking for more than a year. So here's the deal - If you're out of a job and you gave up looking for work 365 days ago, you're still counted as a "discouraged worker" and you're still among the 15.1% that the government admits are unemployed (based on their less known U-6 number I mentioned a moment ago).

But if you gave up looking 366 days ago, based on their cockamamie scheme, you're not "discouraged" any more. As far as they know, you're so happy, you could be dancing in the streets! WooHoo!!

Now do you see why I say the government is lying about jobs?

For anyone interested, below is a chart by Shadow stats - they track the "real" unemployment number and it is well over 20%. They have no political axe to grind...

Alternate Unemployment Charts

The Bureau of Labor Statistics REPORTS all of those numbers every month. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is a GOVERNMENT agency.

Therefore, the government is not lying about anything.
My son has had jobs that when laid off he was unable to collect unemployment. He was usually hired as "contract" service, as in the building trade. So when laid off, he was not counted. He still isn't counted.

A friend of mine has been on ue, and is unable to take just ANY job because of medical conditions. She can't get disability, and she just got a letter telling her that her unemployment would be cut off in about a month. Didn't matter that she still had more coming....everyone is being cut off. This sounds crazy to me, but this is what she told me.

I can just imagine when this happens....the left are going to be going nuts because the unemployment numbers are going to look so good! I wonder how many other states are doing this....has anyone else heard anything like this?
Lie #1. "Discouraged workers — unemployed workers who give up looking for jobs — are not really unemployed." Even a third grader would know that's laughable. If jobs are so hard to find that people are abandoning the search, that's a sign things are actually WORSE, right? Yes, but that's not how the government counts its headline unemployment number. Every time more people get discouraged, the government's jobless number improves! Woohoo!!

I don't know where you got the part you put in quotes, but that is not what the government says.

The government actually publishes the numbers of discouraged voters. Always has. Just because you did not know that, does not make them lies.

Lie #2. "Unemployed workers seeking full-time jobs who are forced to accept minimum-wage or lower paying part-time jobs are also not unemployed." In other words, based on the government's definition ...
If you're a laid-off policewoman delivering newspapers for two hours a day, or ...
If you're a former sales manager, greeting shoppers at Wal-Mart on weekends ...
You're not counted among the jobless! WooHoo!!

The government also publishes these numbers.

What is important when measuring labor data is making sure the same methodologies are used from period to period.

If you only get your Unemployment figures from a major media news outlet, then you are never going to have the full picture. That does not mean anyone is lying. It means you are being lazy. All the data is there. No one is hiding it.

The media just reports one of the figures instead of all of them. But as long as it is the same figure using the same methodology, there is no dishonesty.
The Government is telling lies about unemployment. This is not a partisan issue either folks, it is a deception practiced and used by both parties. It is sickening when you think about the way we are manipulated.

Lie #1. "Discouraged workers — unemployed workers who give up looking for jobs — are not really unemployed." Even a third grader would know that's laughable. If jobs are so hard to find that people are abandoning the search, that's a sign things are actually WORSE, right? Yes, but that's not how the government counts its headline unemployment number. Every time more people get discouraged, the government's jobless number improves! Woohoo!!

Lie #2. "Unemployed workers seeking full-time jobs who are forced to accept minimum-wage or lower paying part-time jobs are also not unemployed." In other words, based on the government's definition ...
If you're a laid-off policewoman delivering newspapers for two hours a day, or ...
If you're a former sales manager, greeting shoppers at Wal-Mart on weekends ...
You're not counted among the jobless! WooHoo!!

But if you think that's strange, consider this:
These lies are so enormous and egregious, the government has tried to address the outrage by quietly publishing another unemployment rate, dubbed "U-6." This number does include some of the part-time and discouraged workers, and that reveals an outrageously high U.S. unemployment rate of 15.1%. When was the last time you read an article or heard a news item that referenced the U-6??

Lie #3 began about 18 years ago during the Clinton administration. Back then, officials at the Bureau of Labor Statistics were counting virtually all discouraged workers — those who had given up looking for jobs because there were no jobs available. But one day, they decided to STOP counting anyone who had given up looking for more than a year. So here's the deal - If you're out of a job and you gave up looking for work 365 days ago, you're still counted as a "discouraged worker" and you're still among the 15.1% that the government admits are unemployed (based on their less known U-6 number I mentioned a moment ago).

But if you gave up looking 366 days ago, based on their cockamamie scheme, you're not "discouraged" any more. As far as they know, you're so happy, you could be dancing in the streets! WooHoo!!

Now do you see why I say the government is lying about jobs?

For anyone interested, below is a chart by Shadow stats - they track the "real" unemployment number and it is well over 20%. They have no political axe to grind...

Alternate Unemployment Charts

Maybe we should only count the jobs that are available.

We're down about 5 million of them since Obama took office. He projected we would be up 3 million he's off by 8 million.
My son has had jobs that when laid off he was unable to collect unemployment. He was usually hired as "contract" service, as in the building trade. So when laid off, he was not counted. He still isn't counted.

A friend of mine has been on ue, and is unable to take just ANY job because of medical conditions. She can't get disability, and she just got a letter telling her that her unemployment would be cut off in about a month. Didn't matter that she still had more coming....everyone is being cut off. This sounds crazy to me, but this is what she told me.

I can just imagine when this happens....the left are going to be going nuts because the unemployment numbers are going to look so good! I wonder how many other states are doing this....has anyone else heard anything like this?

They're cutting back on Section 8 payments too.

Seems Obama isn't really concerned about the very poor.
Lie #1. "Discouraged workers — unemployed workers who give up looking for jobs — are not really unemployed." Even a third grader would know that's laughable. If jobs are so hard to find that people are abandoning the search, that's a sign things are actually WORSE, right? Yes, but that's not how the government counts its headline unemployment number. Every time more people get discouraged, the government's jobless number improves! Woohoo!!

I don't know where you got the part you put in quotes, but that is not what the government says.

The government actually publishes the numbers of discouraged voters. Always has. Just because you did not know that, does not make them lies.

Lie #2. "Unemployed workers seeking full-time jobs who are forced to accept minimum-wage or lower paying part-time jobs are also not unemployed." In other words, based on the government's definition ...
If you're a laid-off policewoman delivering newspapers for two hours a day, or ...
If you're a former sales manager, greeting shoppers at Wal-Mart on weekends ...
You're not counted among the jobless! WooHoo!!

The government also publishes these numbers.

What is important when measuring labor data is making sure the same methodologies are used from period to period.

If you only get your Unemployment figures from a major media news outlet, then you are never going to have the full picture. That does not mean anyone is lying. It means you are being lazy. All the data is there. No one is hiding it.

The media just reports one of the figures instead of all of them. But as long as it is the same figure using the same methodology, there is no dishonesty.

that would be pretty much all of them at this point.
The Government is telling lies about unemployment. This is not a partisan issue either folks, it is a deception practiced and used by both parties. It is sickening when you think about the way we are manipulated.

Lie #1. "Discouraged workers — unemployed workers who give up looking for jobs — are not really unemployed." Even a third grader would know that's laughable. If jobs are so hard to find that people are abandoning the search, that's a sign things are actually WORSE, right? Yes, but that's not how the government counts its headline unemployment number. Every time more people get discouraged, the government's jobless number improves! Woohoo!!

Lie #2. "Unemployed workers seeking full-time jobs who are forced to accept minimum-wage or lower paying part-time jobs are also not unemployed." In other words, based on the government's definition ...
If you're a laid-off policewoman delivering newspapers for two hours a day, or ...
If you're a former sales manager, greeting shoppers at Wal-Mart on weekends ...
You're not counted among the jobless! WooHoo!!

But if you think that's strange, consider this:
These lies are so enormous and egregious, the government has tried to address the outrage by quietly publishing another unemployment rate, dubbed "U-6." This number does include some of the part-time and discouraged workers, and that reveals an outrageously high U.S. unemployment rate of 15.1%. When was the last time you read an article or heard a news item that referenced the U-6??

Lie #3 began about 18 years ago during the Clinton administration. Back then, officials at the Bureau of Labor Statistics were counting virtually all discouraged workers — those who had given up looking for jobs because there were no jobs available. But one day, they decided to STOP counting anyone who had given up looking for more than a year. So here's the deal - If you're out of a job and you gave up looking for work 365 days ago, you're still counted as a "discouraged worker" and you're still among the 15.1% that the government admits are unemployed (based on their less known U-6 number I mentioned a moment ago).

But if you gave up looking 366 days ago, based on their cockamamie scheme, you're not "discouraged" any more. As far as they know, you're so happy, you could be dancing in the streets! WooHoo!!

Now do you see why I say the government is lying about jobs?

For anyone interested, below is a chart by Shadow stats - they track the "real" unemployment number and it is well over 20%. They have no political axe to grind...

Alternate Unemployment Charts

All lies unless its a republican right?
Maybe we should only count the jobs that are available.

We're down about 5 million of them since Obama took office. He projected we would be up 3 million he's off by 8 million.

Only 3 million jobs were created during Bush's 8 years in office, so it isn't like Obama has a tough benchmark to beat.

Just for perspective, 25 million were created during Clinton's.
Maybe we should only count the jobs that are available.

We're down about 5 million of them since Obama took office. He projected we would be up 3 million he's off by 8 million.

Only 3 million jobs were created during Bush's 8 years in office, so it isn't like Obama has a tough benchmark to beat.

Just for perspective, 25 million were created during Clinton's.

Clinton didnt have 9-11. He didn't have Katrina, or 2 wars (that all our politicians wanted!)....guess things were a little better back then huh?
Next, right wingers will be saying the country was gaining 750,000 jobs a month when they handed the economy to Obama.
I know lots of people signing up and receiving Disability payments who are not disable

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