Government of the People, By the People, For the People

Lawd have mercy! Cyberville just sent us a brand new troll who does ELVIS! Where is wardrobe? Where the hell is wardrobe?
guno, Get this bozo a clown suit NOW!
Is the clown suit for me, or Mr. Lincoln?

I love cowards like you. Hyper-partisan scum. Next will be the inevitable insults of my parentage. Let me save you the trouble. My mother was a whore and my daddy was the Anti-Christ. Or is it that my daddy was a whore and my mummy was secretly Obama's Kenyan mama?

Let's face it, you can't answer this simple question about what Lincoln's statement means to you because it means nothing to you. You can make mindless insults, which have about as much affect on me as the babbling of a Tourette's sufferer, but you are incapable of anything else.

The only question left is whether Lincoln's statement means nothing to you because you're a closet fascist who hates this country and tries to pretend he doesn't, or are you just a low-grade moron? My money is on moron.

Don't worry, I know NOTHING will ever make you say something thoughtful.
You've got a big mouth for someone that has only posted a couple of dozen entries to date.

So, c'mon, tell us... which banned and resurrected LibTard are you again... just so the rest of us can keep it straight.
I don't know. Which one do you hate the most? That's me.

Being banned from here? Yeah, that would be a real loss. What scintillating discourse you hyper-partisan scum provide.
That, of course, was Lincoln's description of American government.

What does that mean to you?

This should be funny. Just to streamline the process I provide the following, for your dining and dancing pleasure.

Libtards iz stupid!

Conservitards iz stupid!

Copy and paste, as needed. Repeat, every five minutes.
It is a lie.

Our gov is of elites, by elites, and for elites...and has been for a very long time.
So Lincoln was lying?
Dishonest Abe was a prolific liar. Much like the jackass the WH now.
At least you're honest. Not many of you sick bastards have the courage to admit how much you hate this country. Slavery Über Alles!
Lawd have mercy! Cyberville just sent us a brand new troll who does ELVIS! Where is wardrobe? Where the hell is wardrobe?
guno, Get this bozo a clown suit NOW!
Is the clown suit for me, or Mr. Lincoln?

I love cowards like you. Hyper-partisan scum. Next will be the inevitable insults of my parentage. Let me save you the trouble. My mother was a whore and my daddy was the Anti-Christ. Or is it that my daddy was a whore and my mummy was secretly Obama's Kenyan mama?

Let's face it, you can't answer this simple question about what Lincoln's statement means to you because it means nothing to you. You can make mindless insults, which have about as much affect on me as the babbling of a Tourette's sufferer, but you are incapable of anything else.

The only question left is whether Lincoln's statement means nothing to you because you're a closet fascist who hates this country and tries to pretend he doesn't, or are you just a low-grade moron? My money is on moron.

Don't worry, I know NOTHING will ever make you say something thoughtful.
You've got a big mouth for someone that has only posted a couple of dozen entries to date.

So, c'mon, tell us... which banned and resurrected LibTard are you again... just so the rest of us can keep it straight.
I don't know. Which one do you hate the most? That's me.

Being banned from here? Yeah, that would be a real loss. What scintillating discourse you hyper-partisan scum provide.
Back under your rock, Princess...
Our government has been busy corrupting these principals, no different than the governments in countless empires that have risen and fallen in the last several thousand years.
Wow. So America, to you, is no better than any other government? Does no one here like America? I've always taken pride in my country. The first country ever founded on Enlightenment principles. That's worthy of respect and protection.

Since NO ONE cares to address the very simple question I posted, I shall do so. What Mr. Lincoln's statement means is that YOU are the government. The American people are responsible for the corruption of those principles. The American people are also responsible for fixing that corruption.
First? No, not really.

Is it a good government? In comparison to others, yes it is. The problem is the political machine has gotten out of control and you can clearly see that in the responses to your OP. Essentially, no one believe the government is for or by the people anymore - and they are right. Democratic or Republic governments do not function well when the electorate remains purposefully and willfully ignorant and today the electorate does just that. Not only willingly but it seems most people relish in it.
Really, it wasn't the first? Which one was first then?

Well, let's face it, most Americans have always been ignorant. What percentage of people in the colonies read David Hume or John Locke? Damn few. The smart people imposed their ideas on the masses. That was why the FFs, when they instituted a popular vote, limited the franchise so severely. They knew the danger of ignorance.

The amazing thing is, the will of the people is all that matters in this country. When we take our eyes off the politicians they do what they want. When we make it clear that we have arrived at a consensus, politicians go with the flow. Unfortunately, the really important things are too complex for an ignorant public. Marijuana is simple. Legal or illegal. Same with abortion, or same sex marriage. Gerrymandering? Way too complex for ignorant Americans.
The real question is how do you solve it.

The original idea - an aristocracy that made all the decisions is no better IMHO than an ignorant electorate. As a matter of fact, it tends to lead to the same thing.
Government would be of the people, by the people and for the people if there were term limits to prevent despicable leeches of all parties to hang on for a life time of freeloading and sucking at the tax payer's teat.

If term limits are good for the President - as that ultimate bully freeloader FDR proved it and made it necessary - it should be good for all politicians on every level of government, because it is necessary there, as well.

Also, prohibit adding pork to major bills and give the President line item veto oin exchange for less abuse of executive orders.

This could be a logical first step to government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Thank you. That's one real American, at least. We can't expect corrupt politicians to impose term limits on themselves, though. Only the real government, the people, can create those changes. In order to do that we must be great enough to rise above petty squabbles and find common cause with people we disagree with. In other words, we're doomed.
That odes not solve anything. It simply shifts the power base from the politician that sticks around for 60 years to the party that puts their lap dong in every 2 years for 30 elections running.

Like the ideas you mentioned earlier, term limits are simple. They will not be effective though IMHO.
That, of course, was Lincoln's description of American government.

What does that mean to you?

This should be funny. Just to streamline the process I provide the following, for your dining and dancing pleasure.

Libtards iz stupid!

Conservitards iz stupid!

Copy and paste, as needed. Repeat, every five minutes.
It is a lie.

Our gov is of elites, by elites, and for elites...and has been for a very long time.
So Lincoln was lying?
Dishonest Abe was a prolific liar. Much like the jackass the WH now.
At least you're honest. Not many of you sick bastards have the courage to admit how much you hate this country. Slavery Über Alles!
Learn history.

I love this country, but unlike you I can distinguish it from lying corrupt politicians.
Mostly our state Governments are still pretty much run by those words. Excluding a few states where the people has given up your responsibility to your governments.

It's this Federal Government that has become a MONSTER and is now consuming us and the states we live in. If the people doesn't stand up to that, then we can all call ourselves, slaves. which we are now since almost 50% of the people are on some form of taxpayer assistance that is DOLED out by THE GOVERNMENT
That, of course, was Lincoln's description of American government.

What does that mean to you?

This should be funny. Just to streamline the process I provide the following, for your dining and dancing pleasure.

Libtards iz stupid!

Conservitards iz stupid!

Copy and paste, as needed. Repeat, every five minutes.

It means that ideally we are a democracy in the best sense of that word.
That, of course, was Lincoln's description of American government.

What does that mean to you?

This should be funny. Just to streamline the process I provide the following, for your dining and dancing pleasure.

Libtards iz stupid!

Conservitards iz stupid!

Copy and paste, as needed. Repeat, every five minutes.
Posting idiotic comments to poke fun at others' intellect? That's really special.

It isn't a fucking mystery, government is supposed to represent the citizens in a republic, liberals are hell bent on making us subjects to the state. That's why we are at odds, Snowflower. Some of us prefer owning the government, some of us prefer the government owning us.
Nope. I guess to you it is a mystery. It means YOU are the government. Not the representatives you choose. Not the clowns in Washington and the state capitals. They are merely servants. You have a responsibility, not to make sure the government does what you want it to do, but to make sure the government is not corrupted. Not to abandon the founding principles of this country when it suits your convenience. YOU are responsible for making sure the government is free of corruption. There are tools for this purpose. Term limits, electoral reform, anti-gerrymandering legislation. We could implement these fixes, if we had the will to do so. Unfortunately, only a tiny percentage of the American electorate knows what gerrymandering is. You can't fix something that you don't comprehend. Do you know what gerrymandering is? Are you smart enough to care about it? I doubt it, but please, feel free to surprise me.

I congratulate you on recognizing when you are being mocked. I respond to serious people with serious replies and I respond to morons with mockery. All hyper-partisan scum are morons.
No, we aren't the government, where do you get this shit? We don't pass or enforce any laws, we have representatives do that, look it up!

You mocking me is nothing but a chimp throwing feces around in its' cage.
That, of course, was Lincoln's description of American government.

What does that mean to you?

This should be funny. Just to streamline the process I provide the following, for your dining and dancing pleasure.

Libtards iz stupid!

Conservitards iz stupid!

Copy and paste, as needed. Repeat, every five minutes.

It means that ideally we are a democracy in the best sense of that word.
Wrong. As always.
What does that mean to you?

Government of the People, By the People, For the People

what it means to me is it excludes low life critters like you who are for the most part a.., TROLL >>>>-----------> .

you and your kind are shown above in actual size but not as good looking. :lmao: .......... :up:
That, of course, was Lincoln's description of American government.

What does that mean to you?

This should be funny. Just to streamline the process I provide the following, for your dining and dancing pleasure.

Libtards iz stupid!

Conservitards iz stupid!

Copy and paste, as needed. Repeat, every five minutes.

It means that ideally we are a democracy in the best sense of that word.
Wrong. As always.

Democracy by definition is a government where the power resides with the people.

You're an idiot.
That, of course, was Lincoln's description of American government.

What does that mean to you?

This should be funny. Just to streamline the process I provide the following, for your dining and dancing pleasure.

Libtards iz stupid!

Conservitards iz stupid!

Copy and paste, as needed. Repeat, every five minutes.

It means that ideally we are a democracy in the best sense of that word.
Wrong. As always.

Democracy by definition is a government where the power resides with the people.

You're an idiot.
LOL, hammering home my point! Democracy means rule by the majority. The US is a republic. And you taught kids for a living? No wonder they are so fucked up!
That, of course, was Lincoln's description of American government.

What does that mean to you?

This should be funny. Just to streamline the process I provide the following, for your dining and dancing pleasure.

Libtards iz stupid!

Conservitards iz stupid!

Copy and paste, as needed. Repeat, every five minutes.

It means that ideally we are a democracy in the best sense of that word.
Wrong. As always.

Democracy by definition is a government where the power resides with the people.

You're an idiot.
LOL, hammering home my point! Democracy means rule by the majority. The US is a republic. And you taught kids for a living? No wonder they are so fucked up!

We have rule by majority.
That, of course, was Lincoln's description of American government.

What does that mean to you?

This should be funny. Just to streamline the process I provide the following, for your dining and dancing pleasure.

Libtards iz stupid!

Conservitards iz stupid!

Copy and paste, as needed. Repeat, every five minutes.

It means that ideally we are a democracy in the best sense of that word.
Wrong. As always.

Democracy by definition is a government where the power resides with the people.

You're an idiot.
LOL, hammering home my point! Democracy means rule by the majority. The US is a republic. And you taught kids for a living? No wonder they are so fucked up!

We have rule by majority.
No, we elect representatives. That way the majority can't vote for free gasoline or outlaw the airing of different opinions.

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