Government Must Release Bin Laden Death Photos Immediately...

Now some people are just being drama queens defending their guy. Wanting proof is not an attack or an insult on this current President. It's a very reasonable request. I see no harm in releasing Photos and in a limited fashion,Video as well. They already blew it disposing the body so quickly. There can never be Independent confirmation of his death now. I'm not attacking the President,i'm just stating fact. Evidence & proof are always the right way to go.
I think you'll see them release some photos in a few days. But the longer they wait,the more people will doubt their story. They're doing a lot of unnecessary damage right now. The People of the World will demand proof at some point. And so far there has been no proof at all.

I think your right my friend, release the photos, we had no problem doing it with Saddams sons, Abu Musab Al-Zaraqwi, hell Saddams execution is on Youtube, release the tapes!
I think you'll see them release some photos in a few days. But the longer they wait,the more people will doubt their story. They're doing a lot of unnecessary damage right now. The People of the World will demand proof at some point. And so far there has been no proof at all.

I think your right my friend, release the photos, we had no problem doing it with Saddams sons, Abu Musab Al-Zaraqwi, hell Saddams execution is on Youtube, release the tapes!

And the left sure did not worry about the 'effect on the muslim world' or the efforts of our military when they called for the immediate release of the Abu Ghraib photos
Actually, I think they are making the right decision. The douchebag's body is not a trophy and if we post gruesome pictures, that makes us no better than the animals who decapitate reporters and upload pictures for all to see - remember how upset you were seeing those images? Are you a radicalized nutjob? Do you realize that the radical nutjobs are just chomping at the bit for a litte "retribution" to see to? As someone who has to walk the streets of NYC and take the subway every day, I can tell you that the risk of these pictures being the stick poking the already swarming hornet's nest is too real. It made me queasy that people were actually celebrating the killing of a human being. I'm glad he can no longer do harm to others, but celebrating the killing makes us no better than those sick people dancing in the streets on 9-11. Take off your partisan hack blindfolders and really think about this.

We already put out photos of Saddams sons when they were killed as well as Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi and the execution of Saddam Hussein, we have already done it so what makes Bin Laden so special? not even counting the pics from Abu Ghuraib and Guantanemo.
I think you'll see them release some photos in a few days. But the longer they wait,the more people will doubt their story. They're doing a lot of unnecessary damage right now. The People of the World will demand proof at some point. And so far there has been no proof at all.

I think your right my friend, release the photos, we had no problem doing it with Saddams sons, Abu Musab Al-Zaraqwi, hell Saddams execution is on Youtube, release the tapes!

And the left sure did not worry about the 'effect on the muslim world' or the efforts of our military when they called for the immediate release of the Abu Ghraib photos

Yup not to mention Guantanamo and the recent pics of the US Kill Team posing with dead Afghans like they were deer.
I'm going to be kind here.....

You guys realize that the WH is probably HOPING that you conspiracists put enough pressure on Republican Congresscritters that they publically pressure the WH to release the photos.

Then the WH most likely will...with the caveat that they don't think it's a good idea, it's inflammatory, and they sure hope it doesn't cause the deaths of more Americans...but if it does....well, they were pressured by the Republicans who were the ones who WANTED the photos released.

Call me cynical....but I see that playing
I think the Video would be very interesting too. I know they would have to edit it a bit but why not release that too?
Situations like this (not releasing the photos) is why orgs like wikileaks is so vital
Though I have absolutely have no desire to see pictures of a dead bin Laden, I have to disagree about the pictures to an extent.
If not show the pictures publicly, show the verifiable pictures and all the other data used to identify bin Laden to congressional leaders and to the entire intelligence committee; etc. Otherwise, I can see the US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence subpoena the White House for the evidence, you can count of pressure from the far right to do so.
That way Obama gets his creditability, the right/deathers get their answer.
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Come on guys, lay off President Obama. He the Hope and Change President. He can't go and prove that Osama is dead, he has to give hope to the Muslim world. It would be too demoralizing and too mean to show them that their folk hero is dead.
Are pics shown on tv and newspapers of prisoners that have been executed by our prisons? Witnesses were there to see it done. Witnesses were there that saw this done. Are you not trusting the Team 6 crew or something?
Come on guys, lay off President Obama. He the Hope and Change President. He can't go and prove that Osama is dead, he has to give hope to the Muslim world. It would be too demoralizing and too mean to show them that their folk hero is dead.

If we really are that worried about offending Muslims, we should have left Bin Laden alone.
Ex-Justice Department Official: Obama Could Be Forced to Release the Osama Death Photos

John Cook — Barack Obama has finally decided against releasing a photo of Osama bin Laden's corpse as proof of his death. But the former chief freedom of information expert for the U.S. government tells Gawker that he may not have that choice.
Up until a few moments ago, when CBS News reported Obama's decision, the Administration had issued mixed signals on whether it intended to release graphic evidence of Osama's demise. CIA director Leon Panetta stated that he expected a photo would eventually be released, while Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton were reportedly opposed. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said yesterday that "there are sensitivities here in terms of the appropriateness of releasing photographs of Osama bin Laden in the aftermath of this firefight."

But all the agonizing may have been for naught. According to Daniel Metcalfe, the former chief of the Department of Justice's Office of Information and Privacy—a post that effectively made him the government's top expert in the Freedom of Information Act—the odds are better than even that a FOIA lawsuit seeking the photo's release would succeed.

"If someone brought a FOIA complaint seeking the photo, and the government had improperly classified it, I think the government would lose," Metcalfe, who supervised the defense of more than 500 FOIA and Privacy Act lawsuits for the U.S., told Gawker. He is now the executive director of the Collaboration on Government Secrecy at American University's Washington College of Law.

Under the FOIA, government agencies—but not the White House itself—can be compelled to turn over any document, photo, video, or other record as long as there's no statutory reason for withholding it. If Obama decides against releasing a bin Laden photo, he faces two obstacles to keeping it secret: 1) Since it was (presumably) taken by a Navy SEAL working on a joint mission of the CIA and Department of Defense's Joint Special Operations Command, it was originated by a federal agency subject to the FOIA and 2) There doesn't appear to be a good reason under the FOIA to keep it secret.

"As far as photos of the corpse go," said Kel McClanahan, the executive director of National Security Counselors, a law firm specializing in litigating secrecy issues, "there's nothing I can reasonably think of that would exempt that, unless someone classified them." The government could conceivably try to deny a FOIA request for the photos based on the statute's privacy exemptions, but that would put it in the awkward position of going to court to protect Osama bin Laden's surviving family members' privacy.

So classification is the best bet. Trouble is, you can't simply classify things because you don't want them released. There has to be a reason. And according to Metcalfe, it's hard to imagine a good reason to classify a simple photograph of bin Laden's corpse.

the rest here.
Gawker — Today's gossip is tomorrow's news
Obama is making a mistake here. He should bend over backwards to honor the families and citizens of the US right now, not the Muslims. There are families who are hurting and want to see the face of the man who caused the death of the loved ones. The Monster.

For some. this year they are alot remembering where last year Obama did not want Sept 11 to be a year of Remembrance but a year of Service. Service??? Service? What about those who jumped? the babies that were lost? ALL that died and he wanted to remember by serivice?

He should be meeting with families, not making this a campaign stop. Look into the hearts of people and thank those who serve our Country all over this world!

Show the face of this Monster and we can all remember. And hope this brings an end to the senseless Satanish terror.

If one american gets killed because of the release of a pic because some damn extremists goes this ok with you? Reasonable people wanted to stop that "preacher" from burning the Koran because we knew americans would be killed because of it.

What the hell is the difference....the result is the same, our boys and ladies being in even more so, harms way and that is just idiotic to put them there.

And as far as Obama honoring those who died during 9/11.....bin laden had his fucking face blown off. Obama did not disband a team to get him like bush did in 2005.

Again, bin laden had his fucking face blown off. I would say that showed mad respect for those killed during 9/11.
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OMG... you guys have to make up a silly name for everything huh?


Considering how silly the birthers/deathers are, they deserve funny names.

But I thought dissent and skepticism is healthy?

But ok, let's accept your premise... then can we just go ahead and call the "Bush Lied" crowd "The Delusionals", considering every commission that looked into the matter concluded otherwise?

Can we call the crowd that howled about the Plame non-issue the "The Plamers"?


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