Government has OVER-reported job growth by 501,000


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.

“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,” said chief economist Stephen Stanley of Amherst Pierpont Securities.

The average 223,000 monthly increase in employment in 2018 — the strongest in three years — could be trimmed to 180,000 to 185,000, economists estimate.

Fewer jobs were created in restaurants, hotels, retailers and professional business services. Leisure and hospitality employment was reduced by 175,000, business services by 163,000 and retail by 146,400.

And when you look at what constitutes an “employed” person vs someone who isn’t employed, the numbers mean even less.

Anyone who works in the house is considered not part of the labor force. Meanwhile someone looking for a job is considered part of the labor force even if they are not employed.

Much less the fact that a great many are underemployed.

The stat is a good yardstick but it’s highly inaccurate in telling the story of the health of the labor market
It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

It serves to remember, whatever emerges from the Trump administration is a lie and the opposite thereof is closer to the truth, is a good first approximation of the truth.

And yeah, the tax cuts etc. accomplished what they were after, a warm shower for the rich. Just the mendacious selling point, terrific (job) growth, didn't materialize, as predicted.
It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.

“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,” said chief economist Stephen Stanley of Amherst Pierpont Securities.

The average 223,000 monthly increase in employment in 2018 — the strongest in three years — could be trimmed to 180,000 to 185,000, economists estimate.

Fewer jobs were created in restaurants, hotels, retailers and professional business services. Leisure and hospitality employment was reduced by 175,000, business services by 163,000 and retail by 146,400.

Why don't you talk about Russian collusion....or racism.
This BS is a loser from the start.

It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.

“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,” said chief economist Stephen Stanley of Amherst Pierpont Securities.

The average 223,000 monthly increase in employment in 2018 — the strongest in three years — could be trimmed to 180,000 to 185,000, economists estimate.

Fewer jobs were created in restaurants, hotels, retailers and professional business services. Leisure and hospitality employment was reduced by 175,000, business services by 163,000 and retail by 146,400.

Why don't you talk about Russian collusion....or racism.
This BS is a loser from the start.

Holy crap, that's your best deflection?

Well, it's early. The caffeine hasn't kicked in yet for me, either.
It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.

“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,” said chief economist Stephen Stanley of Amherst Pierpont Securities.

The average 223,000 monthly increase in employment in 2018 — the strongest in three years — could be trimmed to 180,000 to 185,000, economists estimate.

Fewer jobs were created in restaurants, hotels, retailers and professional business services. Leisure and hospitality employment was reduced by 175,000, business services by 163,000 and retail by 146,400.


And when you look at what constitutes an “employed” person vs someone who isn’t employed, the numbers mean even less.

Anyone who works in the house is considered not part of the labor force. Meanwhile someone looking for a job is considered part of the labor force even if they are not employed.

Much less the fact that a great many are underemployed.

The stat is a good yardstick but it’s highly inaccurate in telling the story of the health of the labor market

It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

It serves to remember, whatever emerges from the Trump administration is a lie and the opposite thereof is closer to the truth, is a good first approximation of the truth.

And yeah, the tax cuts etc. accomplished what they were after, a warm shower for the rich. Just the mendacious selling point, terrific (job) growth, didn't materialize, as predicted.

It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.

“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,” said chief economist Stephen Stanley of Amherst Pierpont Securities.

The average 223,000 monthly increase in employment in 2018 — the strongest in three years — could be trimmed to 180,000 to 185,000, economists estimate.

Fewer jobs were created in restaurants, hotels, retailers and professional business services. Leisure and hospitality employment was reduced by 175,000, business services by 163,000 and retail by 146,400.

Why don't you talk about Russian collusion....or racism.
This BS is a loser from the start.

Holy crap, that's your best deflection?

Well, it's early. The caffeine hasn't kicked in yet for me, either.

The butthurt America hating liars club never sleeps. They know nothing for themselves only what their favorite proven media liars feed them.
It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.

“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,” said chief economist Stephen Stanley of Amherst Pierpont Securities.

The average 223,000 monthly increase in employment in 2018 — the strongest in three years — could be trimmed to 180,000 to 185,000, economists estimate.

Fewer jobs were created in restaurants, hotels, retailers and professional business services. Leisure and hospitality employment was reduced by 175,000, business services by 163,000 and retail by 146,400.

Why don't you talk about Russian collusion....or racism.
This BS is a loser from the start.

Holy crap, that's your best deflection?

Well, it's early. The caffeine hasn't kicked in yet for me, either.
So you think that by claiming that the estimates are wrong by claiming more estimates are more right than the previous estimates....this is a rock-solid case that the economy isn't doing well????
Is that what you're trying to say????
So you think that by claiming that the estimates are wrong by claiming more estimates are more right than the previous estimates....this is a rock-solid case that the economy isn't doing well???? Is that what you're trying to say????
Nope. The economy is doing okay right now, all things considered.

I just think it would be neat if you guys would demonstrate some combination of macroeconomic knowledge and intellectual honesty.

That's it.
They know nothing for themselves only what their favorite proven media liars feed them.
Well, I do love irony.

Are you trying to say that this report is fake news?

Are you trying to say that the economy is better than the numbers indicate?

Or are talk radio platitudes the best you can do?
Even the fake readjusted numbers are better than the numbers that Obama faked while he was president and were cheered by the fake media.
I would say that Obama and the Democrats would be cheering these disastrous numbers if they were ever able to achieve them....but they couldn't.
Let's face it......Democrats were trying to destroy the economy on purpose.....and all Trump did was use some common-sense and apply sound business practices to the economy......even though the Democrats have tried to thwart him at every turn. Trump has been fixing the economy and the Democraps have been trying to stop him from fixing the economy.
It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.

“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,” said chief economist Stephen Stanley of Amherst Pierpont Securities.

The average 223,000 monthly increase in employment in 2018 — the strongest in three years — could be trimmed to 180,000 to 185,000, economists estimate.

Fewer jobs were created in restaurants, hotels, retailers and professional business services. Leisure and hospitality employment was reduced by 175,000, business services by 163,000 and retail by 146,400.


And when you look at what constitutes an “employed” person vs someone who isn’t employed, the numbers mean even less.

Anyone who works in the house is considered not part of the labor force. Meanwhile someone looking for a job is considered part of the labor force even if they are not employed.

Much less the fact that a great many are underemployed.

The stat is a good yardstick but it’s highly inaccurate in telling the story of the health of the labor market

It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

It serves to remember, whatever emerges from the Trump administration is a lie and the opposite thereof is closer to the truth, is a good first approximation of the truth.

And yeah, the tax cuts etc. accomplished what they were after, a warm shower for the rich. Just the mendacious selling point, terrific (job) growth, didn't materialize, as predicted.

It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.

“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,” said chief economist Stephen Stanley of Amherst Pierpont Securities.

The average 223,000 monthly increase in employment in 2018 — the strongest in three years — could be trimmed to 180,000 to 185,000, economists estimate.

Fewer jobs were created in restaurants, hotels, retailers and professional business services. Leisure and hospitality employment was reduced by 175,000, business services by 163,000 and retail by 146,400.

Why don't you talk about Russian collusion....or racism.
This BS is a loser from the start.

Holy crap, that's your best deflection?

Well, it's early. The caffeine hasn't kicked in yet for me, either.

The butthurt America hating liars club never sleeps. They know nothing for themselves only what their favorite proven media liars feed them.
As of August 5th, orange Bin Laden has told 12,019 lies and here they are. The more he lies the more you want to have his baby. Why do you hate this country?
They know nothing for themselves only what their favorite proven media liars feed them.
Well, I do love irony.

Are you trying to say that this report is fake news?

Are you trying to say that the economy is better than the numbers indicate?

Or are talk radio platitudes the best you can do?
Even the fake readjusted numbers are better than the numbers that Obama faked while he was president and were cheered by the fake media.
I would say that Obama and the Democrats would be cheering these disastrous numbers if they were ever able to achieve them....but they couldn't.
Let's face it......Democrats were trying to destroy the economy on purpose.....and all Trump did was use some common-sense and apply sound business practices to the economy......even though the Democrats have tried to thwart him at every turn. Trump has been fixing the economy and the Democraps have been trying to stop him from fixing the economy.
Gawd. Okay. I wasn't expecting much there.
So you think that by claiming that the estimates are wrong by claiming more estimates are more right than the previous estimates....this is a rock-solid case that the economy isn't doing well???? Is that what you're trying to say????
Nope. The economy is doing okay right now, all things considered.

I just think it would be neat if you guys would demonstrate some combination of macroeconomic knowledge and intellectual honesty.

That's it.
I think it would be nice if you weren't trying to mislead people who don't understand economics.
It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.

“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,” said chief economist Stephen Stanley of Amherst Pierpont Securities.

The average 223,000 monthly increase in employment in 2018 — the strongest in three years — could be trimmed to 180,000 to 185,000, economists estimate.

Fewer jobs were created in restaurants, hotels, retailers and professional business services. Leisure and hospitality employment was reduced by 175,000, business services by 163,000 and retail by 146,400.


And when you look at what constitutes an “employed” person vs someone who isn’t employed, the numbers mean even less.

Anyone who works in the house is considered not part of the labor force. Meanwhile someone looking for a job is considered part of the labor force even if they are not employed.

Much less the fact that a great many are underemployed.

The stat is a good yardstick but it’s highly inaccurate in telling the story of the health of the labor market

It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

It serves to remember, whatever emerges from the Trump administration is a lie and the opposite thereof is closer to the truth, is a good first approximation of the truth.

And yeah, the tax cuts etc. accomplished what they were after, a warm shower for the rich. Just the mendacious selling point, terrific (job) growth, didn't materialize, as predicted.

It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.

“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,” said chief economist Stephen Stanley of Amherst Pierpont Securities.

The average 223,000 monthly increase in employment in 2018 — the strongest in three years — could be trimmed to 180,000 to 185,000, economists estimate.

Fewer jobs were created in restaurants, hotels, retailers and professional business services. Leisure and hospitality employment was reduced by 175,000, business services by 163,000 and retail by 146,400.

Why don't you talk about Russian collusion....or racism.
This BS is a loser from the start.

Holy crap, that's your best deflection?

Well, it's early. The caffeine hasn't kicked in yet for me, either.

The butthurt America hating liars club never sleeps. They know nothing for themselves only what their favorite proven media liars feed them.
As of August 5th, orange Bin Laden has told 12,019 lies and here they are. The more he lies the more you want to have his baby. Why do you hate this country?
Don't worry son! He'll never take the title from you!
So you think that by claiming that the estimates are wrong by claiming more estimates are more right than the previous estimates....this is a rock-solid case that the economy isn't doing well???? Is that what you're trying to say????
Nope. The economy is doing okay right now, all things considered.

I just think it would be neat if you guys would demonstrate some combination of macroeconomic knowledge and intellectual honesty.

That's it.
I think it would be nice if you weren't trying to mislead people who don't understand economics.
Exactly where am I trying to do that?

And why are people who don't understand economics so eager to pretend that they do?
So you think that by claiming that the estimates are wrong by claiming more estimates are more right than the previous estimates....this is a rock-solid case that the economy isn't doing well???? Is that what you're trying to say????
Nope. The economy is doing okay right now, all things considered.

I just think it would be neat if you guys would demonstrate some combination of macroeconomic knowledge and intellectual honesty.

That's it.
I think it would be nice if you weren't trying to mislead people who don't understand economics.
Exactly where am I trying to do that?

And why are people who don't understand economics so willing to pretend that they do?
Excellent deflection and redirection!
So you think that by claiming that the estimates are wrong by claiming more estimates are more right than the previous estimates....this is a rock-solid case that the economy isn't doing well???? Is that what you're trying to say????
Nope. The economy is doing okay right now, all things considered.

I just think it would be neat if you guys would demonstrate some combination of macroeconomic knowledge and intellectual honesty.

That's it.
I think it would be nice if you weren't trying to mislead people who don't understand economics.
Exactly where am I trying to do that?

And why are people who don't understand economics so willing to pretend that they do?
Excellent deflection and redirection!
That was a direct response to a direct point.

Are you ready to display your knowledge of macroeconomics for us?

I have a few questions.
It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.

“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,” said chief economist Stephen Stanley of Amherst Pierpont Securities.

The average 223,000 monthly increase in employment in 2018 — the strongest in three years — could be trimmed to 180,000 to 185,000, economists estimate.

Fewer jobs were created in restaurants, hotels, retailers and professional business services. Leisure and hospitality employment was reduced by 175,000, business services by 163,000 and retail by 146,400.


And when you look at what constitutes an “employed” person vs someone who isn’t employed, the numbers mean even less.

Anyone who works in the house is considered not part of the labor force. Meanwhile someone looking for a job is considered part of the labor force even if they are not employed.

Much less the fact that a great many are underemployed.

The stat is a good yardstick but it’s highly inaccurate in telling the story of the health of the labor market

It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

It serves to remember, whatever emerges from the Trump administration is a lie and the opposite thereof is closer to the truth, is a good first approximation of the truth.

And yeah, the tax cuts etc. accomplished what they were after, a warm shower for the rich. Just the mendacious selling point, terrific (job) growth, didn't materialize, as predicted.

It's looking like the tax cuts, spending and exploding deficit didn't accomplish what they were after.

This would explain the lackluster GDP and lack of inflation push.

U.S. created 500,000 fewer jobs since 2018 than previously reported, new figures show

Turns out hiring wasn’t nearly as strong in 2018 and early 2019 as the government initially reported — by about a half-million jobs.

The economy had about 501,000 fewer jobs as of March 2019 than the Bureau of Labor Statistics initially calculated in its survey of business establishments. That’s the largest revision since the waning stages of the Great Recession in 2009.

The newly revised figures indicate the economy didn’t get a huge boost last year from President Trump’s tax cuts and higher federal spending. They also signal the economy is a bit weaker than previously believed and could give the Federal Reserve even greater reason to cut interest rates in September.

“This makes some sense, as the 223,000 average monthly increase in 2018 seemed too good to be true in light of how tight the labor market has become and how much trouble firms are said to be having finding qualified workers,” said chief economist Stephen Stanley of Amherst Pierpont Securities.

The average 223,000 monthly increase in employment in 2018 — the strongest in three years — could be trimmed to 180,000 to 185,000, economists estimate.

Fewer jobs were created in restaurants, hotels, retailers and professional business services. Leisure and hospitality employment was reduced by 175,000, business services by 163,000 and retail by 146,400.

Why don't you talk about Russian collusion....or racism.
This BS is a loser from the start.

Holy crap, that's your best deflection?

Well, it's early. The caffeine hasn't kicked in yet for me, either.

The butthurt America hating liars club never sleeps. They know nothing for themselves only what their favorite proven media liars feed them.
As of August 5th, orange Bin Laden has told 12,019 lies and here they are. The more he lies the more you want to have his baby. Why do you hate this country?
How many of those lies are purely a difference of opinion?
And FYI, can't count it as a lie because "your truth" differs from reality.
We keep discovering that the media has lied so much about Trump that it's difficult to weed through all of the lies and misrepresentations. This is classic Russian tactics. Nobody knows what the truth is anymore.
So you think that by claiming that the estimates are wrong by claiming more estimates are more right than the previous estimates....this is a rock-solid case that the economy isn't doing well???? Is that what you're trying to say????
Nope. The economy is doing okay right now, all things considered.

I just think it would be neat if you guys would demonstrate some combination of macroeconomic knowledge and intellectual honesty.

That's it.
I think it would be nice if you weren't trying to mislead people who don't understand economics.
Exactly where am I trying to do that?

And why are people who don't understand economics so eager to pretend that they do?
Maybe you should put out a pop quiz and see how much everyone knows.

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