Got a memorable or favorite line from a movie?

"badges? We Ain't Got No Badges! We Don't Need No Badges! I Don't Have To Show You Any Stinking Badges!"


WTF? What's with the caps automatically lower-casing themselves?
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"Nobody told you to smoke that thing. You made the decision. Live with your decision. Ain't like I put a gun to your head."
This is the movie adaptation of my favorite play

"On the page it looked nothing. The beginning simple, almost comic. Just a pulse - bassoons and basset horns - like a rusty squeezebox. Then suddenly - high above it - an oboe, a single note, hanging there unwavering, till a clarinet took over and sweetened it into a phrase of such delight! This was no composition by a performing monkey! This was a music I'd never heard. Filled with such longing, such unfulfillable longing, it had me trembling. It seemed to me that I was hearing the very voice of God. "

"Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year. It's just not really widely reported."
I answered UHF to matt's line, and then I asked why when I put UHF it automatically lower cased it.

Points for you for UHF (You get to drink from the FIREHOSE!) but im thinking he said Badges.. not BADGERS..

"Thank you for a memorable afternoon, usually one must go to a bowling alley to meet a woman of your stature."

Hey, I'm a reasonable guy. But I've just experienced some very unreasonable things.

I'm gonna tell you about an accident, and I don't wanna hear "act of God"!

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