Got a memorable or favorite line from a movie?

"What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today!" — Famous line from Groundhog Day
" Come ahead, tis only a flesh wound."

"What are you going to do? Bleed on me?"

" I fart in your General Direction."

"What is the wind speed velocity of a sparrow?"

"Suddenly the animator dies of a heart attack, the Party is saved."

" Tis only a Bunny Rabbit.

" My name is Tim."

" I think I soiled my armor."

" Bring up the Holy Hand Grenade."

" Sir Robin Bravely ran away."
Can not believe no one knows this one. It has the Dread Pirate Roberts in it.

One of the best movies ever....

except he left out "hello"...

"Hello, my name is Inago Montoya... you killed my father... prepare to die" ;)

I like killer rabbits too...

Other great lines:

"There are two things jews know.... suffering and where to get good Chinese food". (My Favorite Year)

"We're gonna need a bigger boat"...
1996 - I prescribe this movie and Willie Nelson's Red Headed Stranger to dudes are suffering from a bad breakup. Probably some of the best non-Tarantino dialog from any movie in the 90s.

Mike: So how long do I wait to call?
Trent: A day.
Mike: Tomorrow.
Sue: Tomorrow, then a day.
Trent: Yeah.
Mike: So two days?
Trent: Yeah, I guess you could call it that, two days.
Sue: Definitely, two days is like industry standard.
Trent: You know I used to wait two days to call anybody, but now it's like everyone in town waits two days. So I think three days is kind of money. What do you think?
Sue: Yeah, but two's enough not to look anxious.
Trent: Yeah, two's enough not to look anxious. But I think three days is kind of money. You know because you...
Mike: Yeah, but you know what, mabey I'll wait 3 weeks. How's that? And tell her I was cleaning out my wallet and I just happened to run into her number.
Charles: Then ask her where you met her.
Mike: Yeah, I'll ask her where I met her. I don't remember. What does she look like? And then I'll asked if we fucked. Is that... would that be... T, would that be the money?
Trent: You know what. Ha ha ha Mike, laugh all you want but if you call too soon you might scare off a nice baby who's ready to party.
Mike: Well how long are you guys gonna wait to call your babies?
Trent, Sue: Six days.
1996 - I prescribe this movie and Willie Nelson's Red Headed Stranger to dudes are suffering from a bad breakup. Probably some of the best non-Tarantino dialog from any movie in the 90s.

Mike: So how long do I wait to call?
Trent: A day.
Mike: Tomorrow.
Sue: Tomorrow, then a day.
Trent: Yeah.
Mike: So two days?
Trent: Yeah, I guess you could call it that, two days.
Sue: Definitely, two days is like industry standard.
Trent: You know I used to wait two days to call anybody, but now it's like everyone in town waits two days. So I think three days is kind of money. What do you think?
Sue: Yeah, but two's enough not to look anxious.
Trent: Yeah, two's enough not to look anxious. But I think three days is kind of money. You know because you...
Mike: Yeah, but you know what, mabey I'll wait 3 weeks. How's that? And tell her I was cleaning out my wallet and I just happened to run into her number.
Charles: Then ask her where you met her.
Mike: Yeah, I'll ask her where I met her. I don't remember. What does she look like? And then I'll asked if we fucked. Is that... would that be... T, would that be the money?
Trent: You know what. Ha ha ha Mike, laugh all you want but if you call too soon you might scare off a nice baby who's ready to party.
Mike: Well how long are you guys gonna wait to call your babies?
Trent, Sue: Six days.

Ah, the great "Swingers"

I actually had a guy tell me he didn't call me for 3 days because of this part in the movie......
Nope, but it is a great movie and a great book (read it if you haven't)

Here, someone even referenced that part of the movie:

David Sirota

Well! Did that link gave it away? ....

There’s a hilarious moment in the movie “Say Anything” where Lili Taylor sings melodramatically about her ex-boyfriend, “Joe lies…Joe lies…Joe liiiieeeeessssss when he cries…” I kept hearing that song in my head tonight when I watched clips of the debate between Sen. Joe Lieberman and his Democratic challenger Ned Lamont.

..... I think I am going to guess the movie is .... SAY ANYTHING :D

Nope, I don't cheat Echo ... then the game would not be fun anymore. :eusa_angel:
"Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"

I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" (NOT "...I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!")

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