GOPer accidently tells the truth!

Holy crap? Democrats had been in the majority in congress and the senate for two years when Obama was elected. You could make the argument that democrats set up the financial collapse as the biggest October surprise in history. The "man" who was holding all the cards was the powerful banking chairman and he confessed that he had "ideological blinders" on when Fannie collapsed.

Well you could make that argument, but then you didn't read what he said about,

Good evening. I'm Congressman Paul Ryan from Janesville, Wisconsin — and chairman here at the House Budget Committee....President Obama just addressed a congressional chamber filled with many new faces....Our debt is the product of acts by many presidents and many Congresses over many years. No one person or party is responsible for it. There is no doubt the president came into office facing a severe fiscal and economic situation.

So now your argument falls flat on it's face.

Only if one is ignorant of the GOP defense of the Shrub's reaganomics on steriods. Just ask McCain or Cheney or Ari Fleisher or the host of neocon pundits from Fox News Clear Channel the WND, etc., etc.

Yeah, when they were in power the neocon mantra was that the Shrub was gold even when he was fucking up. But now that they can't escape the reality of history, it's suddenly EVERYONE'S fault. Sure, I'll point the finger at Nixon's 5 year Plan, Reaganomics, Clinton's complicity and Nafta screw-up...but the Bush family isn't going to skate on this.

What is your definition of a necon?
i'm not the one using it on a regular basis
ask HIM


Dive Con's an asshole....he can't debate worth a damn and has been ehumiliated by me so many times he's just following me around trying to be a nuisance out of bitter revenge. I have him on IA....ignore him like I do.
Okay, maybe this has slipped passed a lot of people....ESPECIALLY the alleged "liberal media".....but when Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) made his televised response for the GOP to President Obama's State of the Union address earlier this week, he let slip this little tidbit:

"...There is no doubt the President came into office facing a severe fiscal and economic situation."

Republican response to State of the Union Address

:eek: Holy Crap! Amid the usual rehash of neocon half-truths, distortions and lies regarding Obama's 2 years in office, Ryan ADMITS that Obama inherited one major steaming mess from the previous administration!

That's right all you oathers/birthers/teabaggers/neocons/Libertarians and what have you....the poster boy for the GOP rebuttal to the President's SOTU just derailed the Shrub propaganda train of "it's all Obama's fault"!

And not ONE main stream media entity that I know of has asked the question of any GOP politico....."So, does this mean that the historical narrative for the Bush administration is validating it's critics from the Democratic, liberal and Independent parties to a large degree?"


Wow, I see we have another poster with delusions of grandeur and an inability to admit the truth. You attempt to take Ron Paul's acknowledgment that the economy was bad when Obama took office and twist that into proof that when the people say that Obama is validating Bush-Cheney's policies about Iraq, Afghanistan, the war on terror, and the PATRIOT Act they are wrong. Please explain to me, if you can, what they have to do with each other.

Something else Ron Paul said in his speech.

The social unrest will elicit cries for government to exert unusual force to head off a complete breakdown of law and order. The ultimate trap will be set for a system of government claiming to protect a free society. If more power and police authority are not given to the federal government, it will be argued that only anarchy will result.

Why don't you talk about how obama is already doing just what Ron Paul is talking about, and moving our country from a land of liberty to something else entirely?
Okay, maybe this has slipped passed a lot of people....ESPECIALLY the alleged "liberal media".....but when Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) made his televised response for the GOP to President Obama's State of the Union address earlier this week, he let slip this little tidbit:

"...There is no doubt the President came into office facing a severe fiscal and economic situation."

Republican response to State of the Union Address

:eek: Holy Crap! Amid the usual rehash of half-truths, distortions and lies regarding Obama's 2 years in office, Ryan ADMITS that Obama inherited one major steaming mess from the previous administration!

That's right all you oathers/birthers/teabaggers/neocons/Libertarians and what have you....the poster boy for the GOP rebuttal to the President's SOTU just derailed the Shrub propaganda train of "it's all Obama's fault"!

And not ONE main stream media entity that I know of has asked the question of any GOP politico....."So, does this mean that the historical narrative for the Bush administration is validating it's critics from the Democratic, liberal and Independent parties to a large degree?"


Holy crap? Democrats had been in the majority in congress and the senate for two years when Obama was elected. You could make the argument that democrats set up the financial collapse as the biggest October surprise in history. The "man" who was holding all the cards was the powerful banking chairman and he confessed that he had "ideological blinders" on when Fannie collapsed.

First off, you need to stop regurgitating false neocon talking points, Avatar. The Dem win in 2006 DID NOT give the Dems the majority votes in the Senate necessary to pass their reforms and proposals. Add to that the record number of filibusters by the Party of NO, and a key support of your "argument" disappears. To try and IGNORE the deregulation and reaganomic approach by the Shrub & company effect on the country would only be accepted by someone who is only attune to one type of news source.

As I suspected, when a GOPer makes a slip and acknowledges that Obama inherited a steaming mess from the previous administration, the neocon apologist rush to the Shrub's defense with the same tired half-truths and distortions....pathetic.

What policy was it that the Dems wanted to pass that failed between 2006 and 2008? Why would the Republicans, which had the majority, have to resort to the filibuster to block anything?

Ron Paul did not slip when he said that the economy was bad when Obama took office, he has been calling out the Presidents, Congress, and the Fed since 1970, before he won an election, and has not stopped once. He also opposed the war in both Iran and Afghanistan, wants to bring all American troops back home, and abolish the Fed completely. If you actually paid more attention to him you would understand the difference between a conservative and a Republican.
this tichilib guy is the best.

If I need to check the stereo type for redundant, rinse and repeat, I just look up one of his blather on posts.

gop- evul neo-cons
libs - innocent bystandards that the evul neo-cons wouldn't let save America.


funny, but still pathetic.
and this idiot still cant define his usage of the term "neocon"

The fact that he is trying to put Ron Paul up as a neocon indicates he has no idea what a conservative is, never mind what a neocon is.
this tichilib guy is the best.

If I need to check the stereo type for redundant, rinse and repeat, I just look up one of his blather on posts.

gop- evul neo-cons
libs - innocent bystandards that the evul neo-cons wouldn't let save America.


funny, but still pathetic.
and this idiot still cant define his usage of the term "neocon"

The fact that he is trying to put Ron Paul up as a neocon indicates he has no idea what a conservative is, never mind what a neocon is.
in other words, he is a fucking moronic idiot
this tichilib guy is the best.

If I need to check the stereo type for redundant, rinse and repeat, I just look up one of his blather on posts.

gop- evul neo-cons
libs - innocent bystandards that the evul neo-cons wouldn't let save America.


funny, but still pathetic.
and this idiot still cant define his usage of the term "neocon"

The fact that he is trying to put Ron Paul up as a neocon indicates he has no idea what a conservative is, never mind what a neocon is.

He is not talking about Ron Paul he is talking about Paul Ryan.
The fact that he is trying to put Ron Paul up as a neocon indicates he has no idea what a conservative is, never mind what a neocon is.

He is not talking about Ron Paul he is talking about Paul Ryan.
the dipshit calls anyone that disagrees with him a neocon
people that are not even close to being one

I realize that but in this case he wasn't even talking about Ron Paul. I suspect that QW just didn't see the "Ryan" after "Representavive Paul' and thought he was talking about him instead of Paul Ryan.
He is not talking about Ron Paul he is talking about Paul Ryan.
the dipshit calls anyone that disagrees with him a neocon
people that are not even close to being one

I realize that but in this case he wasn't even talking about Ron Paul. I suspect that QW just didn't see the "Ryan" after "Representavive Paul' and thought he was talking about him instead of Paul Ryan.
maybe, i dont know
i assumed he has done it somewhere else though
the dipshit calls anyone that disagrees with him a neocon
people that are not even close to being one

I realize that but in this case he wasn't even talking about Ron Paul. I suspect that QW just didn't see the "Ryan" after "Representavive Paul' and thought he was talking about him instead of Paul Ryan.
maybe, i dont know
i assumed he has done it somewhere else though

It's obvious:

Okay, maybe this has slipped passed a lot of people....ESPECIALLY the alleged "liberal media".....but when Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) made his televised response for the GOP to President Obama's State of the Union address earlier this week, he let slip this little tidbit:

"...There is no doubt the President came into office facing a severe fiscal and economic situation."

Republican response to State of the Union Address

:eek: Holy Crap! Amid the usual rehash of neocon half-truths, distortions and lies regarding Obama's 2 years in office, Ryan ADMITS that Obama inherited one major steaming mess from the previous administration!

That's right all you oathers/birthers/teabaggers/neocons/Libertarians and what have you....the poster boy for the GOP rebuttal to the President's SOTU just derailed the Shrub propaganda train of "it's all Obama's fault"!

And not ONE main stream media entity that I know of has asked the question of any GOP politico....."So, does this mean that the historical narrative for the Bush administration is validating it's critics from the Democratic, liberal and Independent parties to a large degree?"


Wow, I see we have another poster with delusions of grandeur and an inability to admit the truth. You attempt to take Ron Paul's acknowledgment that the economy was bad when Obama took office and twist that into proof that when the people say that Obama is validating Bush-Cheney's policies about Iraq, Afghanistan, the war on terror, and the PATRIOT Act they are wrong. Please explain to me, if you can, what they have to do with each other.

Something else Ron Paul said in his speech.

The social unrest will elicit cries for government to exert unusual force to head off a complete breakdown of law and order. The ultimate trap will be set for a system of government claiming to protect a free society. If more power and police authority are not given to the federal government, it will be argued that only anarchy will result.

Why don't you talk about how obama is already doing just what Ron Paul is talking about, and moving our country from a land of liberty to something else entirely?
Okay, maybe this has slipped passed a lot of people....ESPECIALLY the alleged "liberal media".....but when Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) made his televised response for the GOP to President Obama's State of the Union address earlier this week, he let slip this little tidbit:

"...There is no doubt the President came into office facing a severe fiscal and economic situation."

Contrast this with the surplus that Bush II inherited and the Teascum with their dumb signs should realize they're pointing fingers at the wrong people.
Okay, maybe this has slipped passed a lot of people....ESPECIALLY the alleged "liberal media".....but when Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) made his televised response for the GOP to President Obama's State of the Union address earlier this week, he let slip this little tidbit:

"...There is no doubt the President came into office facing a severe fiscal and economic situation."

Contrast this with the surplus that Bush II inherited and the Teascum with their dumb signs should realize they're pointing fingers at the wrong people.
dipshit, the TEA Party movement got started when Bush was still in office
Okay, maybe this has slipped passed a lot of people....ESPECIALLY the alleged "liberal media".....but when Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) made his televised response for the GOP to President Obama's State of the Union address earlier this week, he let slip this little tidbit:

"...There is no doubt the President came into office facing a severe fiscal and economic situation."

Contrast this with the surplus that Bush II inherited and the Teascum with their dumb signs should realize they're pointing fingers at the wrong people.
dipshit, the TEA Party movement got started when Bush was still in office

That makes the Teascum look even more stupid, dipshit.
Contrast this with the surplus that Bush II inherited and the Teascum with their dumb signs should realize they're pointing fingers at the wrong people.
dipshit, the TEA Party movement got started when Bush was still in office

That makes the Teascum look even more stupid, dipshit.
you are the dipshit
the TEA Party people are NOT scum
but you sure do fit that
dipshit, the TEA Party movement got started when Bush was still in office

That makes the Teascum look even more stupid, dipshit.
you are the dipshit
the TEA Party people are NOT scum
but you sure do fit that

If you think Obama is a socialist your brain is scum, if you think Obama is like Hitler your brain is scum, if you think Obama is Stalin and Mao your brain is scum, the Teascum are scum. Stop being a cry baby about insults and slurs.
That makes the Teascum look even more stupid, dipshit.
you are the dipshit
the TEA Party people are NOT scum
but you sure do fit that

If you think Obama is a socialist your brain is scum, if you think Obama is like Hitler your brain is scum, if you think Obama is Stalin and Mao your brain is scum, the Teascum are scum. Stop being a cry baby about insults and slurs.
you are the scum
fucking moronic idiot
Okay, maybe this has slipped passed a lot of people....ESPECIALLY the alleged "liberal media".....but when Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) made his televised response for the GOP to President Obama's State of the Union address earlier this week, he let slip this little tidbit:

"...There is no doubt the President came into office facing a severe fiscal and economic situation."

Republican response to State of the Union Address

:eek: Holy Crap! Amid the usual rehash of neocon half-truths, distortions and lies regarding Obama's 2 years in office, Ryan ADMITS that Obama inherited one major steaming mess from the previous administration!

That's right all you oathers/birthers/teabaggers/neocons/Libertarians and what have you....the poster boy for the GOP rebuttal to the President's SOTU just derailed the Shrub propaganda train of "it's all Obama's fault"!

And not ONE main stream media entity that I know of has asked the question of any GOP politico....."So, does this mean that the historical narrative for the Bush administration is validating it's critics from the Democratic, liberal and Independent parties to a large degree?"


You're confused.

The main theme was "Is all Bush's fault".

The economy was in a mess. Who's responsible is debatable, but we can at least say the Senate, which Obama was a member is partly responsible.

You lefties tried blaming it all on Bush but now that the economy keeps getting worse you don't want to blame any of it on Obama or the Democrats.

Well, you had 18 months to fix it and you failed. Spending will not fix the economy. Raising taxes is not the only solution.

The OP is a prime example of projection. The poster projecting the deeds of the left onto the GOP.
Okay, maybe this has slipped passed a lot of people....ESPECIALLY the alleged "liberal media".....but when Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) made his televised response for the GOP to President Obama's State of the Union address earlier this week, he let slip this little tidbit:

"...There is no doubt the President came into office facing a severe fiscal and economic situation."

Contrast this with the surplus that Bush II inherited and the Teascum with their dumb signs should realize they're pointing fingers at the wrong people.
dipshit, the TEA Party movement got started when Bush was still in office
BULLSHIT!!!!!! Bush's last day in office you mean.

Notice how CON$ deliberately mislead! Bush had only hours left in office, but the way DumbCon words it you would think the protest was throughout Bush's presidency.

The Tea Party Terrorist Movement began January 19, 2009, 15:02:42, and you know it, but it didn't go viral until Jan, 24, 2009.

MAIL A TEA BAG TO CONGRESS & TO SENATE! [FedUp-Old] - MarketTicker Forums


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Place: Boston
Time: 17:73
Date: February 1, 2009

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