Well, duh.

Yeah, double duh.

Alabama has been Redneck Land since before the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock.
ROLL TIDE! Proud to be from the Great State of Alabama.

A state soooooooooo red that the Dems don't even try to put a candidate up anymore.

Gotta love it.
So you are a republican that does not support term limits?
Never said that. I posted this because I was surprised that no one was even running against Sessions. I like Sessions but still support Term limits..........

Because I think it is needed.

I got attacked for being from I'm just toying with the other posters anyway............

This was supposed to be a KNOW YOUR VOTE THREAD.

Which is why I posted the State's Constitutional Amendments we will be voting on shortly.
You got attacked because you think Alabama is awesome rather than a shit-hole of ignorance and poverty.
I don't live in poverty. I learned a trade. I am very skilled..................Many don't...........and would rather sit on their fat butts...........if jobs dry up here I'll go to where the work is instead of crying like a baby.

All States have those who prefer to live in the nanny state..........I'm not one of them.

:clap2: That IS what conservatives do....they go where the jobs are, before heading to the local welfare office. They have pride and want to work and will do what it takes to find work. Lesser proud individuals gasp when you suggest that approach, saying WHAT?!?!?!? Move away from friends and family??? :rofl:

True story. I have heard it more than once.
Yes Ma'am.............We still say Sir and Ma'am down here as well.

One day, going home from work, a lady had a blow out and went off the road with her kids...........I stopped, and 2 others stopped and went out to help her in the pouring rain.........she had her kids in there too.............No problem.......we replaced her tire and got her back on the road.......4 other vehicles stopped and asked if we needed help..........We said thanks and they moved on..............

Before the lady left, she stated......."I just moved here from Ohio..........and they would have just left us on the side of the road..........and said thanks".............

Our reply........WELCOME TO THE SOUTH MA'AM.............AND HAVE A GREAT DAY....................

True story..........
Awesome, that sort of thing does occur, but if that lady needed food stamps for those kids she would have to go through a less than Christian process that insures that any pride she ever had would be left at the front door of the food stamp office while the elected politicians openly uses her as a scapegoat for such a sorry state economy.
Most on the dole down here are misguided Democrats..............

Most anywhere. It's the entitlement mentality at work, full-blown. The elected Dems will see to it. They are in actuality, doing noting more than buying votes. There is no compassion involved.....merely the objective of keeping as many unemployed as possible, subservient to the government.
Yes it is and always has been.

It is about Power and Control..........irregardless of the means or Lies to accomplish their mission.............
Well, duh.

Yeah, double duh.

Alabama has been Redneck Land since before the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock.
ROLL TIDE! Proud to be from the Great State of Alabama.

A state soooooooooo red that the Dems don't even try to put a candidate up anymore.

Gotta love it.
So you are a republican that does not support term limits?
Never said that. I posted this because I was surprised that no one was even running against Sessions. I like Sessions but still support Term limits..........

Because I think it is needed.

I got attacked for being from I'm just toying with the other posters anyway............

This was supposed to be a KNOW YOUR VOTE THREAD.

Which is why I posted the State's Constitutional Amendments we will be voting on shortly.
Well, I understand about the rotten things said about Alabamians, I was born there, half of my family blood is from there and continue to live there despite the conditions that state may be suffering....

but, my point was that when you have life long incumbents such as Sessions, then it reaches a point that there is no need to waste / spend your money on some candidate to run against's a shoe in, so why just watch campaign funds or DNC funds go down the drain? It was a financial decision, for certain...imo.....

But the root comes from not having term limits, imho. and I am not certain how I even feel about them....I haven't made up my mind yet.... just fuel for thought....
Well, duh.

Yeah, double duh.

Alabama has been Redneck Land since before the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock.
ROLL TIDE! Proud to be from the Great State of Alabama.

A state soooooooooo red that the Dems don't even try to put a candidate up anymore.

Gotta love it.
So you are a republican that does not support term limits?
Never said that. I posted this because I was surprised that no one was even running against Sessions. I like Sessions but still support Term limits..........

Because I think it is needed.

I got attacked for being from I'm just toying with the other posters anyway............

This was supposed to be a KNOW YOUR VOTE THREAD.

Which is why I posted the State's Constitutional Amendments we will be voting on shortly.
Well, I understand about the rotten things said about Alabamians, I was born there, half of my family blood is from there and continue to live there despite the conditions that state may be suffering....

but, my point was that when you have life long incumbents such as Sessions, then it reaches a point that there is no need to waste / spend your money on some candidate to run against's a shoe in, so why just watch campaign funds or DNC funds go down the drain? It was a financial decision, for certain...imo.....

But the root comes from not having term limits, imho. and I am not certain how I even feel about them....I haven't made up my mind yet.... just fuel for thought....
I understand your point and have been for term limits for a very long time.........irregardless of the fact that I like Sessions..............I think it is needed because we don't need Career long politicians...........I believe it should be a temporary SERVICE........NOT A CAREER............
I would say this thread has gone pretty south....

Good. I Love the South..........

There is a lot to love about the south but a willingness to vote for one party no matter what is not one of those things you should love, it makes the politicians who get voted in unopposed lazy and unresponsive to their state.
Sessions stands for many issues I agree with. Not all, but most...........

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