GOP 'tough shit' Senator causes thousands of workers to be furloughed without pay

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Kentucky Republican Sen. Jim Bunning reportedly flipped the bird at reporters today, but 8,000 New Yorkers are among those who feel he did a lot worse to them.

Bunning’s single-handed obstruction of an emergency extension of unemployment benefits last week cost all of those people their checks.

“As of yesterday, 8,000 New Yorkers are left without benefits,” said Leo Rosales, a spokesman for the state Department of Labor. “What it means is, for the days they’re out, there is no money coming in…. You can imagine the worry they have right now.”

Democrats offered a long-term bill this afternoon that would fix the problem through the end of the year, but unless they can amend it to pay back the lost benefits, that money is gone for good.

Sen. Chuck Schumer said Bunning owes to out-of-work Americans to relent.

“I’ve gone around the state and met with New Yorkers who had the same jobs for years and years, but lost it and can’t find work no matter how hard they look,” Schumer said. “It is unfair and almost inhumane to cut these fine people off from their benefits.”

That’s not the only thing cut off by Bunning’s blockage. Also included was an extension of COBRA benefits, and funding for the Department of Transportation, which had to idle 2,000 workers (including in its Albany office). there’s also a provision that would have stopped a 21% cut in Medicare payments to doctors.

“Through his actions, Sen. Bunning is preventing people from getting unemployment compensation, health care access, transportation projects from going forward, and doctors who provide Medicare services from being paid,” said Maryland Rep. Chris Van Hollen, who runs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

The bill offered today is likely to be debated and amended into next week, so Democrats plan to ask Bunning every day to change his mind. Until he does, they’ll hammer him and his Republican colleagues for being out of touch obstructionists.

Jim Bunning Costs 8,000 NYers Checks Today

What a shameless piece of crap. Thoughts?
thoughts? I put in the links for you.
Or maybe this poster:


Are you suggesting that hunger doesn't motivate people?

Hungry may motivate people to pay a unexpected visit to Bunning...after all they know where he works.
So now the repubs on this board like people to be out of work?

Are these transport workers lazy? Are they not needed? What do they do? If they are not needed, why are they employed in the first place?

They are employed because the union needs to bolster its membership.
This isn't private business where such questions make sense. This is the gov't, where inefficiency is rewarded. The more workers "required" to do a job, the bigger the budget for the department and the more important the department head. So there is an incentive to hire incompetents.
They are employed because the union needs to bolster its membership. This isn't private business where such questions make sense. This is the gov't, where inefficiency is rewarded. The more workers "required" to do a job, the bigger the budget for the department and the more important the department head. So there is an incentive to hire incompetents.

Yeah, I hear ya. We had that problem too back home, but they kinda busted the unions, to a degree.

I would just like some more tangible evidence that they are lazy and don't do a day's work, other than somebody's opinion on a messageboard. They might be!

Bunning sounds like a jerk - not so much because of this, but he bitches and moans about not being able to see sport on the giggle box. Glad to see he is doing his job representing his constituents and the things that matter to them....:cool:
How sad that Chuck Schumer and his democrats are sitting on piles of stimulus cash and are unwilling to use it to pay for an extension of benefits. What do you think they're saving that money for? Hmmm.....
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I know!

They're saving it to spread around some wealth right before the 2010 elections!
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were demoncwats born with a whine? it's all one hears,, whine whine whine.
Kentucky Republican Sen. Jim Bunning reportedly flipped the bird at reporters today, but 8,000 New Yorkers are among those who feel he did a lot worse to them.

Bunning’s single-handed obstruction of an emergency extension of unemployment benefits last week cost all of those people their checks.

“As of yesterday, 8,000 New Yorkers are left without benefits,” said Leo Rosales, a spokesman for the state Department of Labor. “What it means is, for the days they’re out, there is no money coming in…. You can imagine the worry they have right now.”

Democrats offered a long-term bill this afternoon that would fix the problem through the end of the year, but unless they can amend it to pay back the lost benefits, that money is gone for good.

Sen. Chuck Schumer said Bunning owes to out-of-work Americans to relent.

“I’ve gone around the state and met with New Yorkers who had the same jobs for years and years, but lost it and can’t find work no matter how hard they look,” Schumer said. “It is unfair and almost inhumane to cut these fine people off from their benefits.”

That’s not the only thing cut off by Bunning’s blockage. Also included was an extension of COBRA benefits, and funding for the Department of Transportation, which had to idle 2,000 workers (including in its Albany office). there’s also a provision that would have stopped a 21% cut in Medicare payments to doctors.

“Through his actions, Sen. Bunning is preventing people from getting unemployment compensation, health care access, transportation projects from going forward, and doctors who provide Medicare services from being paid,” said Maryland Rep. Chris Van Hollen, who runs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

The bill offered today is likely to be debated and amended into next week, so Democrats plan to ask Bunning every day to change his mind. Until he does, they’ll hammer him and his Republican colleagues for being out of touch obstructionists.

Jim Bunning Costs 8,000 NYers Checks Today

What a shameless piece of crap. Thoughts?
Sucks when you lib whacks talk about "paygo" like it's the answer to everything from cancer to stinkfoot, then snivel when actually held to what you say you want, don't it? :lol:
Based on Republican scientific research, "Hungry people make the best workers".

Hmmmm....was Hitler a Republican?

Far, Far From it. Nazi Germany was never a "Republican" Form of government. So we can put this reference to rest.

The republican party (little "R") and democratic party (little "D") have nothing to do with the Republican and Democratic forms of government.

Hitler was a fascist, which is the far right of the political spectrum. So, in a manner of speaking, yes he was a super little-r/"Conservative."
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