GOP Strategist: Party Needs To Be Less Old, White And Fat


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Melissa Jeltsen

In the words of GOP strategist Ed Rollins, the Republican Party can still be summed up as "a bunch of old white guys."

Appearing on Fox News Tuesday morning, Rollins was asked whom he would pick as a running mate for presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Rollins said he would choose Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who is a Cuban American, and also addressed criticism of the Republican Party's relative homogeny.

"It is a bunch of old white guys. Unfortunately, a lot of them are fat like me," he said. "We need to basically broaden the base. We need to have more women. We need to have more Latinos. We need to have more African Americans."

Rollins is not exactly out on a limb with his comments.

Research, notably by political scientist Ruy Teixeira, has suggested that various ongoing demographic shifts -- the rising number of Hispanics, a growing gender gap between the two parties and the movement of urban professionals to the Democratic side -- benefit the Democratic Party.

More: Ed Rollins: GOP Needs To Be Less Old, White And Fat (VIDEO)
Let's see, Rollins said the republican party needs to broaden it's base to include more Hispanics, Blacks and women but inside out left wing logic interprets Rollins as saying the republican party needs less fat white guys. No wonder they voted for Barry Hussein.
"It is a bunch of old white guys. Unfortunately, a lot of them are fat like me," he said. "We need to basically broaden the base.

We need to have more women.

Not going to happen as long as conservatives try to undermine privacy rights.

We need to have more Latinos.

Not going to happen as long as conservatives ignore due process rights.

We need to have more African Americans."
Not going to happen as long as conservatives attempt to restrict voting rights.
Let's see, Rollins said the republican party needs to broaden it's base to include more Hispanics, Blacks and women but inside out left wing logic interprets Rollins as saying the republican party needs less fat white guys. No wonder they voted for Barry Hussein.

Yeah, but he also said they're old, white, and fat...
By Melissa Jeltsen

In the words of GOP strategist Ed Rollins, the Republican Party can still be summed up as "a bunch of old white guys."

Appearing on Fox News Tuesday morning, Rollins was asked whom he would pick as a running mate for presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Rollins said he would choose Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who is a Cuban American, and also addressed criticism of the Republican Party's relative homogeny.

"It is a bunch of old white guys. Unfortunately, a lot of them are fat like me," he said. "We need to basically broaden the base. We need to have more women. We need to have more Latinos. We need to have more African Americans."

Rollins is not exactly out on a limb with his comments.

Research, notably by political scientist Ruy Teixeira, has suggested that various ongoing demographic shifts -- the rising number of Hispanics, a growing gender gap between the two parties and the movement of urban professionals to the Democratic side -- benefit the Democratic Party.

More: Ed Rollins: GOP Needs To Be Less Old, White And Fat (VIDEO)

Yes, but how will they continue to fight united against women, blacks, latinos, and gays if they accept those people into their party? The whole purpose of the party is to protect the power of rich christian white guy. If they start taking those people, then they will become more moderate, and then the tea party will get all the racists and religious radicals, and then there will be just the women, latinos, blacks, and gays left in the party, and you can't have a political party with ten tokens.
The Republicans just completed a record 800+ legislative seat shellacking of the Dims in the most recent election, and all indications are on for a repeat in '12.

The Republicans are doing just fine, and it is a big tent.
The Republicans just completed a record 800+ legislative seat shellacking of the Dims in the most recent election, and all indications are on for a repeat in '12.

The Republicans are doing just fine, and it is a big tent.


A strength of the GOP is also a weakness. It would be hypocritical of the party to pander to each individual ethnic group, because an ideal of the party is to look at people as Americans, not hyphenated-Americans. The negative side is that their opponents pander their asses off to minorities (well, certain minorities), which gives them an advantage.

The GOP can adjust its message and attract minorities without pandering. I don't think they're doing a great job of that yet, but that could change.

By Melissa Jeltsen

In the words of GOP strategist Ed Rollins, the Republican Party can still be summed up as "a bunch of old white guys."

Appearing on Fox News Tuesday morning, Rollins was asked whom he would pick as a running mate for presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Rollins said he would choose Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who is a Cuban American, and also addressed criticism of the Republican Party's relative homogeny.

"It is a bunch of old white guys. Unfortunately, a lot of them are fat like me," he said. "We need to basically broaden the base. We need to have more women. We need to have more Latinos. We need to have more African Americans."

Rollins is not exactly out on a limb with his comments.

Research, notably by political scientist Ruy Teixeira, has suggested that various ongoing demographic shifts -- the rising number of Hispanics, a growing gender gap between the two parties and the movement of urban professionals to the Democratic side -- benefit the Democratic Party.

More: Ed Rollins: GOP Needs To Be Less Old, White And Fat (VIDEO)

Funny.....since Ed Rollins is bald, old, fat, and white himself.

I think he should STFU.
GOP Strategist: Party Needs To Be Less Old, White And Fat

.....Some day.......


I would take a Winston Churchill :eusa_clap: after being up for 24 hrs with no sleep
having smoked 10 cigars and having had 5 martinis and and the stress
of WWII over Obama with his cool sun glasses and designer suits and
his team of fluffers kissing hiss ass 24/7....

I take Churchill and I don't look back.
You wanna give this guy Nobel Prizes every day...go for it.

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