Eric Holder: Voter ID Laws Are 'Poll Taxes'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

HOUSTON -- Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday he opposes a new photo ID requirement in Texas elections because it would be harmful to minority voters.

In remarks to the NAACP in Houston, the attorney general said the Justice Department "will not allow political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens of their most precious right."

Under the law passed in Texas, Holder said that "many of those without IDs would have to travel great distances to get them – and some would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain them."

"We call those poll taxes," Holder added spontaneously, drawing applause as he moved away from the original text of his speech with a reference to a fee used in some Southern states after slavery's abolition to disenfranchise black people.

"I will not allow that to happen," he added.

More: Eric Holder: Voter ID Laws Are 'Poll Taxes'

HOUSTON -- Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday he opposes a new photo ID requirement in Texas elections because it would be harmful to minority voters.

In remarks to the NAACP in Houston, the attorney general said the Justice Department "will not allow political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens of their most precious right."

Under the law passed in Texas, Holder said that "many of those without IDs would have to travel great distances to get them – and some would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain them."

"We call those poll taxes," Holder added spontaneously, drawing applause as he moved away from the original text of his speech with a reference to a fee used in some Southern states after slavery's abolition to disenfranchise black people.

"I will not allow that to happen," he added.

More: Eric Holder: Voter ID Laws Are 'Poll Taxes'

So give the Poor Free ID's Problem Solved. Yet I bet Holder is still Opposed because what he really wants is for Illegal aliens to be able to vote for Democrats in elections. Period.

HOUSTON -- Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday he opposes a new photo ID requirement in Texas elections because it would be harmful to minority voters.

In remarks to the NAACP in Houston, the attorney general said the Justice Department "will not allow political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens of their most precious right."

Under the law passed in Texas, Holder said that "many of those without IDs would have to travel great distances to get them – and some would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain them."

"We call those poll taxes," Holder added spontaneously, drawing applause as he moved away from the original text of his speech with a reference to a fee used in some Southern states after slavery's abolition to disenfranchise black people.

"I will not allow that to happen," he added.

More: Eric Holder: Voter ID Laws Are 'Poll Taxes'

So give the Poor Free ID's Problem Solved. Yet I bet Holder is still Opposed because what he really wants is for Illegal aliens to be able to vote for Democrats in elections. Period.

I am pretty sure that is already done.

HOUSTON -- Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday he opposes a new photo ID requirement in Texas elections because it would be harmful to minority voters.

In remarks to the NAACP in Houston, the attorney general said the Justice Department "will not allow political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens of their most precious right."

Under the law passed in Texas, Holder said that "many of those without IDs would have to travel great distances to get them – and some would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain them."

"We call those poll taxes," Holder added spontaneously, drawing applause as he moved away from the original text of his speech with a reference to a fee used in some Southern states after slavery's abolition to disenfranchise black people.

"I will not allow that to happen," he added.
More: Eric Holder: Voter ID Laws Are 'Poll Taxes'
Eric Holder is sick in the head if he thinks people are buying that malarkey.
Holder is and knows more then any criminal this high up in our governments history whatever he wants I'd die for to do the opposite
Eric Holder has also told us that the people responsible for Fast and Furious would be punished. What happened was all the officials involved were PROMOTED and moved to DC.

He told us that he did not know about Fast and Furious until 2 weeks before he was asked about it, even though we have an e-mail that clearly states that the program was mentioned to him months before.

By the way? A Federal Court will decide if ID laws are poll taxes. And if a lower court does so you can rest assured it will go to the Supreme Court. Facts, history and precedent all stand opposed to the view that requiring ID to vote is a poll tax. I believe 21 or 27 States have such laws and some have had them for quite some time.

HOUSTON -- Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday he opposes a new photo ID requirement in Texas elections because it would be harmful to minority voters.

In remarks to the NAACP in Houston, the attorney general said the Justice Department "will not allow political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens of their most precious right."

Under the law passed in Texas, Holder said that "many of those without IDs would have to travel great distances to get them – and some would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain them."

"We call those poll taxes," Holder added spontaneously, drawing applause as he moved away from the original text of his speech with a reference to a fee used in some Southern states after slavery's abolition to disenfranchise black people.

"I will not allow that to happen," he added.

More: Eric Holder: Voter ID Laws Are 'Poll Taxes'

Well then why doesn't he and the rest of the idiot liberals support it? All those Marxists want to do is tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, tax, and tax!

HOUSTON -- Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday he opposes a new photo ID requirement in Texas elections because it would be harmful to minority voters.

In remarks to the NAACP in Houston, the attorney general said the Justice Department "will not allow political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens of their most precious right."

Under the law passed in Texas, Holder said that "many of those without IDs would have to travel great distances to get them – and some would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain them."

"We call those poll taxes," Holder added spontaneously, drawing applause as he moved away from the original text of his speech with a reference to a fee used in some Southern states after slavery's abolition to disenfranchise black people.

"I will not allow that to happen," he added.

More: Eric Holder: Voter ID Laws Are 'Poll Taxes'

I still have to disagree with this idea. Gwetting a state issued ID is something everyone should do. It is not just for voting, but for getting good jobs, getting prescriptions, getting a bank account, cashing checks, getting welfare and government benefits, identifying yourself, buying alcohol and tobacco products, and many other things. I do not see where the problem is in getting to the DMV and getting your state issued ID. Once you get it then no one can keep you from voting, and you can register to vote when you get it.

I also feel that given the number of places we require Id to be shown, and the minimal importance some of those have, we should probably have ID requirements on something like voting. I know some people who have worked the voting places in the US, and it is not uncommon for both parties to pick up poor and homeless people and drive them to iffy districts and have them vote. It is a big step in eliminating voter fraud on both sides to require a state issued photo ID to vote.

This whole idea of disenfranchising a group of people is a load of crap. If you did not care enough about your vote to go register and get your ID which is a simple process then maybe you should just stay at home and continue top be lazy that day. Just make the law that you need ID to vote, and every american citizen knows to get it so they can vote. If you want to help out the poor who find it hard to get a picture ID then waive the cost for them to do so. If you are already that poor you are probably getting aid from DSS anyway, so have the DSS issue a voucher for you to get a non-driver photo ID. You could even advertise this shit at the DSS office and get the information out to the poor people.

Let us get with the new millenium and get some ID requirements at the voting booth.
What's really funny about his speech at the NAACP is that he required all journalists to show proper identification.
The idea that requiring us to prove who we are is somehow a way to disenfranchise us is utterly ridiculous.
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Check it out. :lol: you can't make this shit up. You have to have ID to hear him speak, but to vote for the person who will hold the highest office in the land, nope. Who needs ID to vote for the President?

NOTE: All media must present government-issued photo I.D. (such as a driver’s license) as well as valid media credentials.

Members of the media must RSVP to receive press credentials at

For security purposes, media check-in and equipment set up must be completed by 9:45 a.m. CDT for a 10:00 a.m. CDT security sweep.

Once the security sweep is completed, additional media equipment will NOT be permitted to enter and swept equipment will NOT be permitted to exit. Press inquiries regarding logistics should be directed to REDACTED.
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By Nick Wing

Pennsylvanians will be required to show government-issued photo identification in order to cast votes in November, thanks to a GOP-supported voter ID law signed by Gov. Tom Corbett (R) earlier this year. While supporters argued that it was a simple measure meant to combat voter fraud, figures released this week show that the law may affect more than 750,000 Pennsylvanians who don't currently possess identification cards issued by the state Department of Transportation.

According to the report, which compared voter registration rolls with transportation department ID databases, more than 758,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania have no driver's license -- a primary form of identification. That's 9.2 percent of the state's 8.2 million voters, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. In Philadelphia, the state's biggest city, that number balloons to 18 percent of the city's total voting population -- around 186,830 registered voters, according to the newspaper.

More: Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Threatens To Disenfranchise Nearly 10 Percent Of State's Voters

So give the Poor Free ID's Problem Solved. Yet I bet Holder is still Opposed because what he really wants is for Illegal aliens to be able to vote for Democrats in elections. Period.

I am pretty sure that is already done.

I have never seen a program for free state IDs, but a state non-driver ID from the DMV which is your state photo ID is only a couple of dollars.

I am surprised the republicans are rallying around this because they have to know it fucks them on voter fraud also. Both sides do it, I am not stupid enough to think it is only one side.

But if it takes hate of Obama to have the republicans shoot themselves in the foot and make voter fraud harder on them, then go go Obama. I have to agree with the idea of having people identify themselves with a photo ID. It would also be good to get some computers into the voting areas so they can scan those IDs to make sure they correspond with state records. This would eliminate deceased voting, and make it really hard to forge IDs for voting purposes. I would imagine it would also make it much easier to catch people with fake IDs trying to vote, and we can charge them with a number of crimes including identity theft.

I am sorry a few people are too fucking lazy to get an ID, but they really need a kick in the ass to get with the program.
By Nick Wing

Pennsylvanians will be required to show government-issued photo identification in order to cast votes in November, thanks to a GOP-supported voter ID law signed by Gov. Tom Corbett (R) earlier this year. While supporters argued that it was a simple measure meant to combat voter fraud, figures released this week show that the law may affect more than 750,000 Pennsylvanians who don't currently possess identification cards issued by the state Department of Transportation.

According to the report, which compared voter registration rolls with transportation department ID databases, more than 758,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania have no driver's license -- a primary form of identification. That's 9.2 percent of the state's 8.2 million voters, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. In Philadelphia, the state's biggest city, that number balloons to 18 percent of the city's total voting population -- around 186,830 registered voters, according to the newspaper.

More: Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Threatens To Disenfranchise Nearly 10 Percent Of State's Voters

It is not like this was passed a week before the election. They have a couple of months to put together the few dollars, and the identification they need to get a state non-drivers ID. Get your ID and there is no stopping you from voting. By the time October comes around the people who want their ID and to vote will have it, and those who are too lazy will probably not vote anyway. If it is too hard to get to the DMV for a day then it would certainly be too hard on you to vote.

HOUSTON -- Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday he opposes a new photo ID requirement in Texas elections because it would be harmful to minority voters.

In remarks to the NAACP in Houston, the attorney general said the Justice Department "will not allow political pretexts to disenfranchise American citizens of their most precious right."

Under the law passed in Texas, Holder said that "many of those without IDs would have to travel great distances to get them – and some would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain them."

"We call those poll taxes," Holder added spontaneously, drawing applause as he moved away from the original text of his speech with a reference to a fee used in some Southern states after slavery's abolition to disenfranchise black people.

"I will not allow that to happen," he added.

More: Eric Holder: Voter ID Laws Are 'Poll Taxes'

Why doesn't that inept clown just do the job he's supposed to do. Hand over the friggin documents?
So give the Poor Free ID's Problem Solved. Yet I bet Holder is still Opposed because what he really wants is for Illegal aliens to be able to vote for Democrats in elections. Period.

I am pretty sure that is already done.

I have never seen a program for free state IDs, but a state non-driver ID from the DMV which is your state photo ID is only a couple of dollars.

I am surprised the republicans are rallying around this because they have to know it fucks them on voter fraud also. Both sides do it, I am not stupid enough to think it is only one side.

But if it takes hate of Obama to have the republicans shoot themselves in the foot and make voter fraud harder on them, then go go Obama. I have to agree with the idea of having people identify themselves with a photo ID. It would also be good to get some computers into the voting areas so they can scan those IDs to make sure they correspond with state records. This would eliminate deceased voting, and make it really hard to forge IDs for voting purposes. I would imagine it would also make it much easier to catch people with fake IDs trying to vote, and we can charge them with a number of crimes including identity theft.

I am sorry a few people are too fucking lazy to get an ID, but they really need a kick in the ass to get with the program.

How young are you that you don't realize that Republicans having been trying to get voter I.D laws in place for the last ten years? It has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with making sure that elections are fair.

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