GOP Slaps the EPA upside the head


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
Farm dust bill approved in House - The Hill's Floor Action

The House on Thursday approved legislation Republicans said was aimed at ensuring the EPA cannot regulate so-called "farm dust."

The House on Thursday afternoon approved legislation Republicans said was aimed at ensuring that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cannot regulate so-called "farm dust."

The Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act, H.R. 1633, which would prevent the EPA from issuing any new rule over the next year that regulates coarse particulate matter, or "nuisance dust," passed in a 268-150 vote.

Like other environmental bills the GOP has brought forward this year, the bill enjoyed some support from Democrats: 33 voted along with Republicans in favor of the bill.

obama's losing a lot lately.
obama's losing a lot lately

As is the GOP, wasting its time on this nonsense rather than jobs and the economy.

Ummm, that's what this bill will do. Had the EPA been able to regulate this area like they want to, food production costs would have soared. All costs would have soared and thousands would have been put out of work. It seems every time you turn around Obama's team is figuring out ways to impoverish this country.
obama's losing a lot lately

As is the GOP, wasting its time on this nonsense rather than jobs and the economy.

Ummm, that's what this bill will do. Had the EPA been able to regulate this area like they want to, food production costs would have soared. All costs would have soared and thousands would have been put out of work. It seems every time you turn around Obama's team is figuring out ways to impoverish this country.

yep Obama has not slowed down the offshoring at all.
It is competition with offshore wages that is driving this country down.
Well that and the stupid people in it.
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Other "nonsense" includes the report that childhood asthma is still increasing and that the same ole air pollution is to blame. Yep, its time we got rid of all regulations because the profits of the 1% is a helluva lot more important than our children's health.
obama's losing a lot lately

As is the GOP, wasting its time on this nonsense rather than jobs and the economy.

You are kidding, right? Do you really not realize what the EPA was getting ready to do to every Mom and Pop farm along with the corporate ones? Are you really itching to pay even more for the food you eat after the EPA drives up the cost of food production over dust? You think its possible to limit how much DUST is created while farming? The only way I know is to stop certain activities like plowing and letting livestock walk around too much.

The idea that over-regulation can't possibly harm businesses is ludicrous. Increasing the cost of doing business and increasing the cost of the production of goods and food products must be offset by very real, legitimate benefits that outweigh the proposed increased costs. In the case of "farm dust" there is no increased benefit to anyone -especially not the small farmers and not consumers who would have taken it right in the shorts on this one. But yeah, you go ahead and criticize them for making sure the EPA didn't end up increasing your food budget because they out an out of control, power hungry government bureaucracy that thinks their job is to shut down thriving industries in this country by making the cost of doing business untenable.

The ONLY government body given the Constitutional authority to create new law is CONGRESS -not some fucking government bureaucracy filled with assholes who can't be held accountable by the voters for the harm they do this nation that has long outstripped any good they do.
Medscape: Medscape Access

Farmer's lung is a type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis, also known as extrinsic allergic alveolitis, is an immunologically mediated inflammatory disease of the lung involving the terminal airways. The condition is associated with intense or repeated exposure to inhaled biologic dusts. The classic presentation of farmer's lung results from inhalational exposure to thermophilic Actinomyces species and occasionally from exposure to various Aspergillus species.

Farming is currently ranked as one of the top 3 most hazardous occupations, along with construction and mining.
There is no way to stop dust. It is naturally occurring. It makes as much sense as passing a law against sunshine because it causes cancer.
obama's losing a lot lately

As is the GOP, wasting its time on this nonsense rather than jobs and the economy.

Ummm, that's what this bill will do. Had the EPA been able to regulate this area like they want to, food production costs would have soared. All costs would have soared and thousands would have been put out of work. It seems every time you turn around Obama's team is figuring out ways to impoverish this country.

But they would have just been imaginary costs, right? For them to be real costs there would have to be a real regulation, right? I'd appreciate a cite to the wording of the proposed regulation. If it's real, you should be able to supply it, right? Please, don't ask me to do my own homework. I don't have time to waste searching for the political version of the Loch Ness monster. :cool:
Other "nonsense" includes the report that childhood asthma is still increasing and that the same ole air pollution is to blame. Yep, its time we got rid of all regulations because the profits of the 1% is a helluva lot more important than our children's health.

Ummmm hate to point this out to you 'cause you're so smart and all, but the dust levels that the EPA is looking to impose are only found in clean rooms. There is such a thing as reasonable regulation, and then there is the current loons at the EPA who want to classify CO2 as a pollutant (kind of funny there, remove the CO2 and life vanishes, but you have to actually understand science to realise that) and regulated dust to such an extreme level that we would have to import all of our food from overseas. Oh and even with that their air quality goals could never be met because...well the air blows shit around you know.

Just the crap that blows over from China will negate all the EPA's efforts to stranle dust here.

Yep, that's intelligence for you. Or the lack thereof. But, you're a follower of Ned Lud so why am I not surprised.
Other "nonsense" includes the report that childhood asthma is still increasing and that the same ole air pollution is to blame. Yep, its time we got rid of all regulations because the profits of the 1% is a helluva lot more important than our children's health.

Ummmm hate to point this out to you 'cause you're so smart and all, but the dust levels that the EPA is looking to impose are only found in clean rooms. There is such a thing as reasonable regulation, and then there is the current loons at the EPA who want to classify CO2 as a pollutant (kind of funny there, remove the CO2 and life vanishes, but you have to actually understand science to realise that) and regulated dust to such an extreme level that we would have to import all of our food from overseas. Oh and even with that their air quality goals could never be met because...well the air blows shit around you know.

Just the crap that blows over from China will negate all the EPA's efforts to stranle dust here.

Yep, that's intelligence for you. Or the lack thereof. But, you're a follower of Ned Lud so why am I not surprised.

LOL!!! You just won't stop, will you? First, you rail against a non-existent regulation and then you level the charge that all CO2 is to be removed! When does hyper-partisanship become out-and-out lies, hmmmmmmmmm?!?! :eek:
While I admit am not an expert on Farm Dust or it's hazards, it does appear that any legislation that the House passes is but one single step before it becomes a reality. It does seem to me that a bill such as this would need to clear the Senate and the Presidents Desk which it does not appear it will. So given that environment it would seem to be a prudent thing to make sure your legislation have appeal not only to your constituants but a large number of others as well. Frankly, this focus on legislation that serves to gin up the base of one's party or the other much to the chagrin of the rest of the nation is akin to playing the fiddle while Rome Burns and is no different than a Congress that spends an entire year on healthcare legislation while the economy falls apart around them.
Other "nonsense" includes the report that childhood asthma is still increasing and that the same ole air pollution is to blame. Yep, its time we got rid of all regulations because the profits of the 1% is a helluva lot more important than our children's health.

Ummmm hate to point this out to you 'cause you're so smart and all, but the dust levels that the EPA is looking to impose are only found in clean rooms. There is such a thing as reasonable regulation, and then there is the current loons at the EPA who want to classify CO2 as a pollutant (kind of funny there, remove the CO2 and life vanishes, but you have to actually understand science to realise that) and regulated dust to such an extreme level that we would have to import all of our food from overseas. Oh and even with that their air quality goals could never be met because...well the air blows shit around you know.

Just the crap that blows over from China will negate all the EPA's efforts to stranle dust here.

Yep, that's intelligence for you. Or the lack thereof. But, you're a follower of Ned Lud so why am I not surprised.

LOL!!! You just won't stop, will you? First, you rail against a non-existent regulation and then you level the charge that all CO2 is to be removed! When does hyper-partisanship become out-and-out lies, hmmmmmmmmm?!?! :eek:

The only philosophical ideal I am hyper partisan about is science konny. I have been a Democrat all my life and support all manner of liberal ideals like gay marriage and drug decriminalization, not to mention health insurance reform and better bank regulations etc.

However, I abhor the prostitution of science for political games and the concentration of power in the hands of the government. All things which you and your fellow socialists support.

Me hyper partisan? No. You and your fellow travellers? Absolutely.
However, I abhor the prostitution of science for political games and the concentration of power in the hands of the government. All things which you and your fellow socialists support.

I hate to break it to you, but multinationals like Cargill and Monsanto are behind almost all of the farm legislation passed. They OWN the government and pay them to pass laws that benefit only them.
As is the GOP, wasting its time on this nonsense rather than jobs and the economy.

Ummm, that's what this bill will do. Had the EPA been able to regulate this area like they want to, food production costs would have soared. All costs would have soared and thousands would have been put out of work. It seems every time you turn around Obama's team is figuring out ways to impoverish this country.

But they would have just been imaginary costs, right? For them to be real costs there would have to be a real regulation, right? I'd appreciate a cite to the wording of the proposed regulation. If it's real, you should be able to supply it, right? Please, don't ask me to do my own homework. I don't have time to waste searching for the political version of the Loch Ness monster. :cool:

This is the third thread on this and the third time that I've had to do the liberal's homework for them. This was a very REAL proposal by the EPA.

FR Doc 2010-16490

There is nothing "imaginary" about this proposal.

Typical Tea Bagging legislation

Passin laws against a nonexistent threat

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