GOP Senator block bill to make BP pay


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
GOP Senator Blocks Bill to Make BP Pay - The Daily Beast

Follow the money, my friends. Follow the money...

I don't care if BP goes under! They need to pay and reimburse anyone that is harmed due to their incompetence and the greed that has allowed all of the oil industry to run roughshod over regulators for decades. The damage to the Gulf is going to add up to BILLIONS!
The damage is going to last decades. Maybe all profits should go to paying the bills?

They wont and all the companies combined will never pay the cost of this mess.

Idiots will defend them and they will get off without paying.

Everyone knows it but few will admitt it.

There are Americans who are more concerned about corporations (even foriegn ones) more than they care about this country.

I just cant understand how any American voters can be sooo fucking stupid.
Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), a longtime advocate of offshore drilling, became the face of opposition to Congressional efforts at holding oil companies accountable for their spills after blocking a bill on Thursday. The Alaskan Senator blocked a voice vote on a bill by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) that would have dramatically raised the cap on liabilities for oil companies from $75 million, likely a small fraction of the damage caused by the BP disaster, to $10 billion. Meanwhile, the White House, who backs the bill, appears to have a strong hand politically. 42 percent of Americans favor President Obama's handling of the gulf spill, versus 33 percent who disapprove and 21 percent who are neutral, a new AP-GfK poll reports.

I sure hope the Tea Baggers go after this guy!
GOP Senator Blocks Bill to Make BP Pay - The Daily Beast

Follow the money, my friends. Follow the money...

I don't care if BP goes under! They need to pay and reimburse anyone that is harmed due to their incompetence and the greed that has allowed all of the oil industry to run roughshod over regulators for decades. The damage to the Gulf is going to add up to BILLIONS!

This would be for future spills. Any change in current law would be ex post facto when it comes to the BP screw up. That makes it unconstitutional.

Article 1 section 9.

No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
GOP Senator Blocks Bill to Make BP Pay - The Daily Beast

Follow the money, my friends. Follow the money...

I don't care if BP goes under! They need to pay and reimburse anyone that is harmed due to their incompetence and the greed that has allowed all of the oil industry to run roughshod over regulators for decades. The damage to the Gulf is going to add up to BILLIONS!

This would be for future spills. Any change in current law would be ex post facto when it comes to the BP screw up. That makes it unconstitutional.

Article 1 section 9.

No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

According to Cali G....there is NOTHING to worry about. BP has promised to clean all of this mess up AND so far they have already spent $450M. Based on the pictures of the Gulf and the oil leak...I would say they are not getting a very good return on their investement.....
GOP Senator Blocks Bill to Make BP Pay - The Daily Beast

Follow the money, my friends. Follow the money...

I don't care if BP goes under! They need to pay and reimburse anyone that is harmed due to their incompetence and the greed that has allowed all of the oil industry to run roughshod over regulators for decades. The damage to the Gulf is going to add up to BILLIONS!

This would be for future spills. Any change in current law would be ex post facto when it comes to the BP screw up. That makes it unconstitutional.

Article 1 section 9.

No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

And this is what they're attempting to do, ignore Art. 1, sect. 9.
a voice vote? :lol: There had been no formal floor debate or roll call vote requested on the legislation. This is all posturing.

But Murkowski said the legislation is “not where we need to be right now” and would unfairly advantage large oil companies by pricing the small companies out of the market. Murkowski did signal that she would be open to "look at the liability cap and consider raising it.” Just not at this moment.
Read more: Murkowski blocks oil liability bill - Jake Sherman -
The oil industry is vehemently opposed to this legislation. The American Petroleum Institute, in a study released Thursday, said the proposal would result in a shortage of insurance coverage or skyrocketing premiums. Costs for exploring and producing oil would jump 25 percent, the API said, and the proposal “would threaten the viability of deep-water operations, significantly reduce U.S. domestic oil production and harm U.S. energy security.”
BTW, It would not even effect the Gulf spill, only future events.
GOP Senator Blocks Bill to Make BP Pay - The Daily Beast

Follow the money, my friends. Follow the money...

I don't care if BP goes under! They need to pay and reimburse anyone that is harmed due to their incompetence and the greed that has allowed all of the oil industry to run roughshod over regulators for decades. The damage to the Gulf is going to add up to BILLIONS!
BP is not going under, even if costs are twice estimates. BP earned 16+ billion for 2009. The company has a net worth in excess of 50 billion.

No, matter what Congress does, the courts will decide who pays and how much they pay. It will be in the courts for years.
GOP Senator Blocks Bill to Make BP Pay - The Daily Beast

Follow the money, my friends. Follow the money...

I don't care if BP goes under! They need to pay and reimburse anyone that is harmed due to their incompetence and the greed that has allowed all of the oil industry to run roughshod over regulators for decades. The damage to the Gulf is going to add up to BILLIONS!
BP is not going under, even if costs are twice estimates. BP earned 16+ billion for 2009. The company has a net worth in excess of 50 billion.

No, matter what Congress does, the courts will decide who pays and how much they pay. It will be in the courts for years.

Which in the end, means we the US taxpayer will pay for the clean up.
a voice vote? :lol: There had been no formal floor debate or roll call vote requested on the legislation. This is all posturing.

But Murkowski said the legislation is “not where we need to be right now” and would unfairly advantage large oil companies by pricing the small companies out of the market. Murkowski did signal that she would be open to "look at the liability cap and consider raising it.” Just not at this moment.
Read more: Murkowski blocks oil liability bill - Jake Sherman -
The oil industry is vehemently opposed to this legislation. The American Petroleum Institute, in a study released Thursday, said the proposal would result in a shortage of insurance coverage or skyrocketing premiums. Costs for exploring and producing oil would jump 25 percent, the API said, and the proposal “would threaten the viability of deep-water operations, significantly reduce U.S. domestic oil production and harm U.S. energy security.”
BTW, It would not even effect the Gulf spill, only future events.

BTW, you're wrong.

BP PLC's global chief executive, Tony Hayward, privately balked at committing to paying all claims for economic damage caused by the company's oil spill, Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) disclosed after the two met yesterday. That directly contradicts Hayward's public statements, including the ones he made moments before Nelson spoke.

"When I said 'Will you be responsible for the economic damages?' he said, "That's something we'll have to work out in the future,'" said Nelson, a longtime foe of drilling who has co-sponsored legislation to raise a $75 million cap on BP's legal liability for economic damages, retroactively, to $10 billion.

BP Chief Sends Mixed Messages on Economic Damage Payments for Gulf Spill -
a voice vote? :lol: There had been no formal floor debate or roll call vote requested on the legislation. This is all posturing.

But Murkowski said the legislation is “not where we need to be right now” and would unfairly advantage large oil companies by pricing the small companies out of the market. Murkowski did signal that she would be open to "look at the liability cap and consider raising it.” Just not at this moment.
Read more: Murkowski blocks oil liability bill - Jake Sherman -
BTW, It would not even effect the Gulf spill, only future events.

BTW, you're wrong.

BP PLC's global chief executive, Tony Hayward, privately balked at committing to paying all claims for economic damage caused by the company's oil spill, Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) disclosed after the two met yesterday. That directly contradicts Hayward's public statements, including the ones he made moments before Nelson spoke.

"When I said 'Will you be responsible for the economic damages?' he said, "That's something we'll have to work out in the future,'" said Nelson, a longtime foe of drilling who has co-sponsored legislation to raise a $75 million cap on BP's legal liability for economic damages, retroactively, to $10 billion.

BP Chief Sends Mixed Messages on Economic Damage Payments for Gulf Spill -

That would be unconstitutional, therefore the Senator did the right thing.
a voice vote? :lol: There had been no formal floor debate or roll call vote requested on the legislation. This is all posturing.

BTW, It would not even effect the Gulf spill, only future events.

BTW, you're wrong.

BP PLC's global chief executive, Tony Hayward, privately balked at committing to paying all claims for economic damage caused by the company's oil spill, Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) disclosed after the two met yesterday. That directly contradicts Hayward's public statements, including the ones he made moments before Nelson spoke.

"When I said 'Will you be responsible for the economic damages?' he said, "That's something we'll have to work out in the future,'" said Nelson, a longtime foe of drilling who has co-sponsored legislation to raise a $75 million cap on BP's legal liability for economic damages, retroactively, to $10 billion.

BP Chief Sends Mixed Messages on Economic Damage Payments for Gulf Spill -

That would be unconstitutional, therefore the Senator did the right thing.

GOP Senator Blocks Bill to Make BP Pay - The Daily Beast

Follow the money, my friends. Follow the money...

I don't care if BP goes under! They need to pay and reimburse anyone that is harmed due to their incompetence and the greed that has allowed all of the oil industry to run roughshod over regulators for decades. The damage to the Gulf is going to add up to BILLIONS!
BP is not going under, even if costs are twice estimates. BP earned 16+ billion for 2009. The company has a net worth in excess of 50 billion.

No, matter what Congress does, the courts will decide who pays and how much they pay. It will be in the courts for years.

Which in the end, means we the US taxpayer will pay for the clean up.
There is no way that all cleanup costs, damaging, and loss of income will be paid. I'm sure the taxpayer will be stuck with some of the costs, however we will never know just how much.

It can be pretty hard to determine just what the cost really are. The actually cleanup costs are pretty easy, but what about lost of future income, destruction of oyster beds, shrimping areas, and ecological costs that you can not put a price tag on.
GOP Senator Blocks Bill to Make BP Pay - The Daily Beast

Follow the money, my friends. Follow the money...

I don't care if BP goes under! They need to pay and reimburse anyone that is harmed due to their incompetence and the greed that has allowed all of the oil industry to run roughshod over regulators for decades. The damage to the Gulf is going to add up to BILLIONS!

This would be for future spills. Any change in current law would be ex post facto when it comes to the BP screw up. That makes it unconstitutional.

Article 1 section 9.

No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

According to Cali G....there is NOTHING to worry about. BP has promised to clean all of this mess up AND so far they have already spent $450M. Based on the pictures of the Gulf and the oil leak...I would say they are not getting a very good return on their investement.....

Product my post where I said this. I want evidence that I have said there is nothing to worry about. Don't go and find one and then say 'what you are saying here is....' I want to see the exact post where I have claimed that.

I can tell you, you will not find that post because I have not posted such crap. Again, you are a fucking liar. Are you retarded or something - genuine question. Is lying a mental issue that you have? Do you even recognize that you're lying?

I really despise liars.
Let's start with this one where you tell us all how the BBC is reporting that:

Holy shit, you people are fucking pathetic. By "you people" I mean specifically VaYank, truthmatters and Spiderman tuba.

Each of you is a brainless fucking moron.... critical thinking is so far above your IQ that it is embarrassing to watch.

Firstly, the OP totally misrepresents what I said... and has to backtrack in his second post.

All of you assume that I am defending BP - which I am not. I am simply correcting errors - like idiots screaming that they are responsible when that has not been proven. I have not once said they are not liable.

Truthmatters seems to equate wanting evidence of who is responsible for what with being 'anti-American'. This is according to someone who supports communism by thinking that the US Government can seize the assets of a foreign owned business and sell them off. Better yet, she still thinks I'm a Republican.... because in her tiny little brain.... if you ain't a democrat, you have to be a republican.

And Spidey... well, bless his heart, he's such a fucking moron that I'm not even gonna start to list his moronic statements.

Three fucking losers.

Hey aren't you the idiot who swore up and down ex post facto applied to civil law - in spite of a very clear Supreme Court ruling to the contrary?

Hey, aren't you the idiot who keeps claiming that BP have to be forced to clean up? Fucking idiot.

For the record, according to the BBC, the clean up has already cost BP in excess of $300m. I see no sign of them refusing to pay for the clean up and yet you still scream about them being forced to pay for it.

The moron cap fits you. Wear it with left wing pride.
This would be for future spills. Any change in current law would be ex post facto when it comes to the BP screw up. That makes it unconstitutional.

Article 1 section 9.

No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

According to Cali G....there is NOTHING to worry about. BP has promised to clean all of this mess up AND so far they have already spent $450M. Based on the pictures of the Gulf and the oil leak...I would say they are not getting a very good return on their investement.....

Product my post where I said this. I want evidence that I have said there is nothing to worry about. Don't go and find one and then say 'what you are saying here is....' I want to see the exact post where I have claimed that.

I can tell you, you will not find that post because I have not posted such crap. Again, you are a fucking liar. Are you retarded or something - genuine question. Is lying a mental issue that you have? Do you even recognize that you're lying?

I really despise liars.

Be weary there Girl! Where were you when the GOP and the tea party were sending out lie after lie about the HC reform bill? The GOP has the most developed manner of spinning a lie to apear true that I have ever seen. I guess it is a talent that has been perfected over the years.

The Senate Bill is going to be interesting. How does the GOP serve two masters? How do they assure themselves the vote in Alabama, LA, and Miss by appearing concerned about the oil spill and at the same time bow to their oil industry masters. They are going to have to do some fast stepping to get out of this one! I LOOK FORWARD TO IT!

They better hope that BP plugs the well, cause this is getting bigger and bigger. Sonner or later their Hypocrisy is going to start spewing just like the oil! :clap2:
Good. Somebody took a stand against passing an Ex Post Facto law to punish BP.

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