GOP plans for Social Security

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Johnson's "Social Security Reform Act" changes the program's benefit formula to provide modest benefit increases for the lowest-earning workers in the system- those who earned up to an annual average of about $22,105 over their lifetimes in inflation-indexed pay - with cuts for everyone else ranging from 17% to as much as 43%, compared with currently scheduled benefits, by 2080.

The GOP unveils a 'permanent save' for Social Security -- with massive benefit cuts

What else were we to expect from these clowns. Tax cuts for the rich, and cuts in wages and Medicare and Social Security for everyone else. Health Care? Forget about it, if you are not rich, you don't need it.
23% of married couples receive at least 90% of their income from Social Security.

46% of single people receive at least 90% of their income from Social Security.

Additionally, the families of these people would be affected if their loved one needed (more) help.

If the GOP is dead set on shooting themselves in the foot with this, fine, let them.
Bed wetters insist this every time a republicrat is elected.

SS is in danger of becoming insolvent. I think that Trump's democrook advisers, like his Treasury secretary, will help find a way to fix it.

Of course the parrots will continue to chirp about Trump destroying it along with everything else he does.

Johnson's "Social Security Reform Act" changes the program's benefit formula to provide modest benefit increases for the lowest-earning workers in the system- those who earned up to an annual average of about $22,105 over their lifetimes in inflation-indexed pay - with cuts for everyone else ranging from 17% to as much as 43%, compared with currently scheduled benefits, by 2080.

The GOP unveils a 'permanent save' for Social Security -- with massive benefit cuts

What else were we to expect from these clowns. Tax cuts for the rich, and cuts in wages and Medicare and Social Security for everyone else. Health Care? Forget about it, if you are not rich, you don't need it.

Social Security is headed for insolvency. I realize you don't care because you're a greedy Baby Boomer who intends to leach off of my generation leaving us with nothing when we get to be your age, but most people would prefer the system be saved as opposed to crashing and burning.
Johnson's "Social Security Reform Act" changes the program's benefit formula to provide modest benefit increases for the lowest-earning workers in the system- those who earned up to an annual average of about $22,105 over their lifetimes in inflation-indexed pay - with cuts for everyone else ranging from 17% to as much as 43%, compared with currently scheduled benefits, by 2080.

The GOP unveils a 'permanent save' for Social Security -- with massive benefit cuts

What else were we to expect from these clowns. Tax cuts for the rich, and cuts in wages and Medicare and Social Security for everyone else. Health Care? Forget about it, if you are not rich, you don't need it.

Social Security is headed for insolvency. I realize you don't care because you're a greedy Baby Boomer who intends to leach off of my generation leaving us with nothing when we get to be your age, but most people would prefer the system be saved as opposed to crashing and burning.
Don't worry, some day you will be the leach..
Johnson's "Social Security Reform Act" changes the program's benefit formula to provide modest benefit increases for the lowest-earning workers in the system- those who earned up to an annual average of about $22,105 over their lifetimes in inflation-indexed pay - with cuts for everyone else ranging from 17% to as much as 43%, compared with currently scheduled benefits, by 2080.

The GOP unveils a 'permanent save' for Social Security -- with massive benefit cuts

What else were we to expect from these clowns. Tax cuts for the rich, and cuts in wages and Medicare and Social Security for everyone else. Health Care? Forget about it, if you are not rich, you don't need it.

Social Security is headed for insolvency. I realize you don't care because you're a greedy Baby Boomer who intends to leach off of my generation leaving us with nothing when we get to be your age, but most people would prefer the system be saved as opposed to crashing and burning.
Get a grip. He paid into the scheme too. It's not his fault politicians plundered his retirement.
Having said that it is his fault he's too stupid to see the looming disaster.
Johnson's "Social Security Reform Act" changes the program's benefit formula to provide modest benefit increases for the lowest-earning workers in the system- those who earned up to an annual average of about $22,105 over their lifetimes in inflation-indexed pay - with cuts for everyone else ranging from 17% to as much as 43%, compared with currently scheduled benefits, by 2080.

The GOP unveils a 'permanent save' for Social Security -- with massive benefit cuts

What else were we to expect from these clowns. Tax cuts for the rich, and cuts in wages and Medicare and Social Security for everyone else. Health Care? Forget about it, if you are not rich, you don't need it.

Social Security is headed for insolvency. I realize you don't care because you're a greedy Baby Boomer who intends to leach off of my generation leaving us with nothing when we get to be your age, but most people would prefer the system be saved as opposed to crashing and burning.
Don't worry, some day you will be the leach..

I don't intend on ever having to rely on Social Security. I currently passed the $100k mark in my 401k. I also have a secondary retirement plan that my buddy, who is an insurance salesman and financial adviser, set me up with which in 30 years from now at current projections I should have over a million dollars in. That doesn't mean I don't want to see Social Security around for those who will have to rely on it.
I would be very interested to know how people would feel about Social Security if they spent a year or so volunteering for the low-income elderly.

Sit with them, talk with them, cry with them, hold their hand, hear their personal stories. Change their sheets. Rub their feet.

They're remarkable people, walking history books, so interesting.

My guess is that, while some would remain indifferent, many others would walk away with a fresh set of eyes.
I would be very interested to know how people would feel about Social Security if they spent a year or so volunteering for the low-income elderly.

Sit with them, talk with them, cry with them, hold their hand, hear their personal stories. Change their sheets. Rub their feet.

They're remarkable people, walking history books, so interesting.

My guess is that, while some would remain indifferent, many others would walk away with a fresh set of eyes.
A fresh appreciation for the elderly does not create cash. All the sympathy is the world will not pay a utility bill or put food on the table.
I would be very interested to know how people would feel about Social Security if they spent a year or so volunteering for the low-income elderly.

Sit with them, talk with them, cry with them, hold their hand, hear their personal stories. Change their sheets. Rub their feet.

They're remarkable people, walking history books, so interesting.

My guess is that, while some would remain indifferent, many others would walk away with a fresh set of eyes.
A fresh appreciation for the elderly does not create cash. All the sympathy is the world will not pay a utility bill or put food on the table.
! Exactly!

That's why we have SS.
There are more people taking out than putting in. What do you suggest we do as a solution?

Raise taxes on the rich.
Of course. Rob Peter to pay Paul.

It's been working for decades now, and quite popular. The GOP clearly learned nothing from their disastrous six years of unified power under the cross-eyed war monkey boy Bush. It's going to be more assaults on social programs and wars in the middle east.
There are more people taking out than putting in. What do you suggest we do as a solution?

Raise taxes on the rich.
Of course. Rob Peter to pay Paul.

It's been working for decades now, and quite popular. The GOP clearly learned nothing from their disastrous six years of unified power under the cross-eyed war monkey boy Bush. It's going to be more assaults on social programs and wars in the middle east.
Where are we going to goto war in the middle east? Obama has already got us at War in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan
I would be very interested to know how people would feel about Social Security if they spent a year or so volunteering for the low-income elderly.

Sit with them, talk with them, cry with them, hold their hand, hear their personal stories. Change their sheets. Rub their feet.

They're remarkable people, walking history books, so interesting.

My guess is that, while some would remain indifferent, many others would walk away with a fresh set of eyes.
I'm kind of curious about you in this regard. I don't always agree with you, but you seem to be someone who actually thinks about these issues, but this is nothing but a pure call to emotionalism with a disregard for some facts.

If I am broke, as in: Bank account is zero, pockets are empty, with only cat food in the cupboard.....How will spending time with the elderly improve that situation? I could want to help them until the cows come home, but in the end, I have nothing to help them with.

We are fast approaching that with Social Security. All the compassion in the world is not going to change the fact that SS has been mismanaged and will not survive unless something is done about it.

We are approaching a precipice in which the system collapses and those whose very lives depend upon these monies will be suddenly, and likely without warning, cut off from any means of income. Or, we can start making tweaks now, and work on saving it.

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