GOP Oversight Committee Chair Says He Can't Find His Star Witness Against Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The new and razor thin Republican majority in the House of Representatives is proving that it is wholly unfit to govern and has no real interest in doing so. For the three months that they have been in charge, they have produced nothing but transparently partisan and meritless smear campaigns against President Biden, his family, and other Democrats.

This sorry state of state affairs is a result of the GOP's deliberate and openly articulated mission to bring down the President and to buttress their own illegitimate seizure of power and perversion of democracy. From the day that they assumed their majority they have pursued political vendettas, while ignoring the needs of the nation and the American people.

So instead of legislation protecting children from mass shooters, or maintaining women's reproductive health rights, or resolving immigration issues, or preventing a catastrophic debt default, Republicans are desperately trying - and failing - to sabotage the Biden presidency.

Among the worst offenders is James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee. The maliciousness of his crusade to cripple the progress made by Biden and congressional Democrats has been matched by its ineptitude, dishonesty, and failure. And all of that was on display when he visited with Fox News on Sunday to spread more propaganda. In an exchange with Fox's Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, Comer announced that the star witness in his political persecution has gone missing.

I'm sure he will turn up some place.
Hopefully we'll see more legislation like there was in Tennessee protecting our children from drag shows.
Arkansas' was blocked, but not sure the status at present. I have heard ours is being looked at by DOJ but have not heard a case being brought against it. We'll see. Hopefully, it was written correctly.
The new and razor thin Republican majority in the House of Representatives is proving that it is wholly unfit to govern and has no real interest in doing so. For the three months that they have been in charge, they have produced nothing but transparently partisan and meritless smear campaigns against President Biden, his family, and other Democrats.

This sorry state of state affairs is a result of the GOP's deliberate and openly articulated mission to bring down the President and to buttress their own illegitimate seizure of power and perversion of democracy. From the day that they assumed their majority they have pursued political vendettas, while ignoring the needs of the nation and the American people.

So instead of legislation protecting children from mass shooters, or maintaining women's reproductive health rights, or resolving immigration issues, or preventing a catastrophic debt default, Republicans are desperately trying - and failing - to sabotage the Biden presidency.

Among the worst offenders is James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee. The maliciousness of his crusade to cripple the progress made by Biden and congressional Democrats has been matched by its ineptitude, dishonesty, and failure. And all of that was on display when he visited with Fox News on Sunday to spread more propaganda. In an exchange with Fox's Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, Comer announced that the star witness in his political persecution has gone missing.

I'm sure he will turn up some place.

Oh no!!! Don'tell me the banana republicans star witness is missing. We all know how entertaining they can be.
Oh no!!! Don'tell me the banana republicans star witness is missing. We all know how entertaining they can be.
You'd ignore what they had to say anyway. All that testimony that should have gotten Hillary locked up was ignored by left wing prosecutors.
You'd ignore what they had to say anyway. All that testimony that should have gotten Hillary locked up was ignored by left wing prosecutors.
Technically, is it ignoring if they never show up to testify in the first place?
So instead of legislation protecting children from mass shooters
You mean a federal mandate putting police in every school so the democrats can holler fascism and refuse to comply? Or maybe a federal mandate doing away with crazy leftwing initiatives in schools driving kids to bring guns to school to shoot everyone for the massive mental and emotional harm inflicted on them by the Left?

or maintaining women's reproductive health rights,
You WANT the government telling women how to care for their bodies?

or resolving immigration issues,
Another false start that democrats would just give the finger to? Trump HAD it resolved and you assholes made the mess we have now instead.

or preventing a catastrophic debt default,
So, you are FOR impeaching Joe Biden then? He's the guy who spewnt 2.5 trillion in his first year building back better. Back from what? Where are the improvements?

Republicans are desperately trying - and failing - to sabotage the Biden presidency.
Fuck the Biden presidency. They are just trying to save what is left of the country before that crooked asshole wrecks it any farther. And you can take the rest of your issues above and shove them up your ass. You people are the cause of them all and whenever anyone tries to fix any of it, you riot and scream and protest and threaten, then redouble down your efforts to just do MORE of it.

And with a psycho traitor chinese sellout in the WH, whom you WANT there, you have the GALL to complain republicans aren't doing enough to stop him too busy investigating all of his crimes?!

WHY DON'T YOU COMPLAIN TO THE DEMOCRATS AND BIDEN for doing all this crazy shit instead of gaslighting people bitching it is the GOP's fault for not STOPPING it?
The new and razor thin Republican majority in the House of Representatives is proving that it is wholly unfit to govern and has no real interest in doing so. For the three months that they have been in charge, they have produced nothing but transparently partisan and meritless smear campaigns against President Biden, his family, and other Democrats.

This sorry state of state affairs is a result of the GOP's deliberate and openly articulated mission to bring down the President and to buttress their own illegitimate seizure of power and perversion of democracy. From the day that they assumed their majority they have pursued political vendettas, while ignoring the needs of the nation and the American people.

So instead of legislation protecting children from mass shooters, or maintaining women's reproductive health rights, or resolving immigration issues, or preventing a catastrophic debt default, Republicans are desperately trying - and failing - to sabotage the Biden presidency.

Among the worst offenders is James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee. The maliciousness of his crusade to cripple the progress made by Biden and congressional Democrats has been matched by its ineptitude, dishonesty, and failure. And all of that was on display when he visited with Fox News on Sunday to spread more propaganda. In an exchange with Fox's Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, Comer announced that the star witness in his political persecution has gone missing.

I'm sure he will turn up some place.

Like Schiffs whistleblower did?
So instead of legislation protecting children from mass shooters

Everyone who supports gun control and confiscation raise your right hand...

witnesses disappearing? the xiden family case is bringing to look more and more like a good old fashion mafia trial

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