GOP Oligarchs Starting to Panick?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
"With billionaire Donald Trump still dominating the polls, the GOP’s big donors are panicking because they see their influence slipping away, New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters said Tuesday on “The Laura Ingraham Show.”

"Peters counted himself among the journalists and pundits who misjudged Trump’s appeal and staying power, noting that the latest Wall Street Journal poll – which has Trump at a solid 25 percent – makes the error undeniable.

"Peters former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush demonstrates the limits of political money. Aside from Trump, he pointed out, outsider candidate Ben Carson also stands far above the politician-candidates.

“A lot of these donors are scared that they are losing control of the system,” he said. “If you look at how far Jeb Bush has slipped, this is a candidate who has raised more money quicker than any Republican in history, and he’s flailing.”

"Peters called it a “rude awakening” for the party’s big donors. Trump has completely upended conventional wisdom — he’s only spent $2 million and on Tuesday, word came out that he’s raised $3.5 million in small donations.

“He’s hardly spent any money,” he said. “He said he’s going to use his own, although he hasn’t quite used his own. He’s taken a lot from donations. But he’s spending far less than anyone else. He’s not advertising. He’s using television. He’s using social media. He’s breaking every rule of conventional, modern politics. And money has had nothing to do with it.”*********************************
GOP Donors in Full Freakout Mode

Just cry bitches.
Trump verses Biden.
Hillary has about a month left before she quits for 'health reasons'.
Biden won't stand a chance against Trump.
Trump verses Biden.
Hillary has about a month left before she quits for 'health reasons'.
Biden won't stand a chance against Trump.
Biden couldn't win in an election where he was the only candidate. Reminds me of an old Richard Pryor movie Brewster's Millions where none of the above was on the ballot.
Trump is looking stronger and stronger. I don't see any GOP (or dem) candidate that can beat him.

He is ahead in Iowa & New Hampshire,and has commanding leads in Nevada & South Carolina. If he wins all of those, it's over.

Establishment heads are exploding from coast to coast.

If anyone in the GOP has a brain they will back a winner. Trump could well be the Republican Candidate.

Hillbat has was to much baggage and if the DNC had a brain they would get Biden to run. At least with Biden they have a guy who's been VP for eight years.

A guy who's way more qualified to be POTUS than that POS Hillbat will ever be.
Right now the only Dem that can beat Trump is, IMNSHO, Bernie Sanders. He is hitting a cord that rings true with desperate Americans. We have huge un/underemployeed numbers, huge 'not counted but looking' numbers off the labor pool count, and huge numbers of H1-B visa immigrants, huge illegal immigrant numbers and now we are going to receive about 200,000 Syrian ISIS 'refugees'. And in response to all this the GOP is talking about making 'Open Borders' Paul Ryan Speaker of the House?

This is insane and Sanders could catch the windfall.
Slow Joe Biden the human gaffe machine, looked at the polls and realized he had no chance. But instead of being honest, he blamed it on his "mourning process".... 8 years as VEEP and he can't beat a lying bitch that nobody trusts, or a crackpot who's entire platform is the word "FREE"......what a fucking LOSER!!!


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