GOP Intel Chief Busts Trump Lie: My Committee Never Said ‘No Collusion’

Republican Rep. Mike Conaway quickly and clearly shot down Trump's favorite self-serving talking point.

Trump never tires of telling the “no collusion” lie. But even Texas Rep. Mike Conaway, the Republican head of the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation, won’t go along with him.

Trump made the bogus claim again Sunday morning. And Conaway quickly issued a clear correction during an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“Do you now regret trying to draw a conclusion about collusion?” host Chuck Todd asked.

“Well, we haven’t drawn that,” Conaway replied. “What we said … is that we found no evidence of it.”

And he pointedly noted that it’s “a different statement” than what Trump repeatedly insists.

“We found no evidence of collusion,” he repeated, as opposed to a clear ruling of “no collusion.”

Conaway, who took charge of the probe following the ostensible recusal of chairman Devin Nunes, is far from a Trump foe.

He and the other Republicans on the committee released a sham report that contradicted the U.S. intelligence community. And they ended the probe without questioning a long list of important witnesses.

Yet even Conaway is refusing to go along with Trump’s self-serving lie that the committee has shown there was “no collusion.”

Furthermore, this rebuke comes on the same day that two other notable Republican voices have taken a stand against Trump’s behavior. Conaway’s fellow intel committee member Trey Gowdy said that Trump’s lawyer is making him look guilty. And Sen. Lindsey Graham threatened toremove Trump if he fired Mueller.

Republicans have been almost unanimous in their complicity with Trump to date. But as Trump plays with fire by attacking Robert Mueller, their wall of silence is finally beginning to crack.

So there's that lie to add to Filthy Don's attacks on the G-Men. :113:

Again with the "Shareblue"....WTF. Next you'll be providing a link from Facebook...dumbass.
Republicans shut down House Russia probe over Democratic objections
Mueller also agrees that there's no collusion

No he F-ing did NOT - We don't know what Mueller has at this point

Please stop

The Carlos Slim Times reported today that Mueller hit a dead end on Trumps conspiracy to collude and is now looking at the Comey and Flynn firings

Speculation in it's purest form. They are exploring about a couple DOZEN elements .. and none of us know what those are.

Please stop

So far Mueller has uncovered a massive conspiracy, but it's all on the DNC, Comey and Hillary
There is plenty of evidence of collusion with Russia....

....but all of it is by Democrats.
No Dems met directly with the Russians means "plenty" of collusion with the Russians, but plenty of Tramp's campaign meeting directly with Russians in Tramp Tower and that means no collusion with the Russians. :cuckoo:

Let's check:

1. There is zero evidence that of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

There are scads of evidence of collusion between the media and the DNC, and there is this:

The only folks with a close relationship with the Russians are Democrats.

The names Clinton and Podesta come to mind.

2. "52% Say Clintons Should Be Part of Russia Probe"

52% Say Clintons Should Be Part of Russia Probe - Rasmussen Reports™

Here's why:

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

The first Republican President

And this:

3. "Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

...the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

....major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons,...."


4. "Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin"

Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin » Liberty Alliance


5. "EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank"

EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank

6. News anchor highlights all of the known links to Russia


Democrat collusion???

7. "Claire McCaskill Used Undisclosed Foundation to Pay for Dinner at Russian Ambassador’s House

Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.) used a personal foundation to pay for a dinner she attended at Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak's Washington, D.C., residence. The senator had failed to disclose her role in the foundation until earlier this month.

McCaskill came under fire this March after she told the Washington Post she never had a "call or meeting" with Kislyak even though she had publicly announced both a call and meeting with him. This week, CNN reportedthat McCaskill also attended a black-tie reception at Kislyak's D.C. residence in November 2015.

McCaskill's attendance at the dinner was accompanied by an $873 payment to the American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation, where Kislyak serves on its board of directors as honorary chairman."

Claire McCaskill Used Undisclosed Foundation to Pay for Dinner at Russian Ambassador's House

8. Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

...the powerful Washington lobbying firm run by Clinton ally Tony Podesta filed a document admitting its work for the pro-Russia European Centre for a Modern Ukraine may have principally benefited a foreign government. New disclosures revealed dozens of previously unreported interactions the firm made with influential government offices, including Hillary Clinton's State Department and the office of former Vice President Joe Biden, while lobbying on behalf of the center. Embattled ex-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort failed to disclose his extensive lobbying efforts on behalf of the center at the time as well.

How do you say 'whoops' in Russian? Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

9. And we now know.....


a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?

b. Bill was slipped $500,000 to give a fake speech.
See a. above.

c. " Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta exits after ... a company that received $35 million from the Russian government..."

d. "WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of a federal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller,...violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA."
Mueller now investigating Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta
Russian spies influencing the Obama/Clinton administration via bribes.

e. In 11 months of thorough investigations, there has not been a smidgen of evidence of any connections of Trump to the Russians.

10. Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who has been leading a congressional investigation into President Trump's alleged ties to Russia, had extensive contact last year with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, according to text messages obtained exclusively by Fox News.

Throughout the text exchanges, Warner seemed particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop -- at least initially. In one text to the lobbyist, Warner wrote that he would "rather not have a paper trail" of his messages. Democratic Sen. Mark Warner texted with Russian oligarch lobbyist in effort to contact dossier author Christopher Steele

11. Adam Schiff is the head Democrat on the Intelligence Committee
Remember....if not for double standards, the Democrats would have no standards at all....
The Dems are claiming that the Trump folks colluded with a foreign power to collect damaging material about a political adversary....
And remember: to know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

Schiff orchestrated a plan to get naked and 'kompromat' pictures of Trump, from the Ukrainians!
The problem is.....the 'Ukrainians' who contacted him were comedians who exposed Schiff and the Democrats for what they are.

"Adam Schiff sent his staff to try and collect 'classified materials for the FBI' after Russian pranksters told him Putin has NAKED blackmail pictures of Trump

Adam Schiff spoofed with Russian claim of nude Trump pic | Daily Mail Online

12.“Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who has been leading a congressional investigation into President Trump's alleged ties to Russia, had xtensive contact last year with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, according to text messages…

From Democrat Warner:
"We have so much to discuss u need to be careful but we can help our country," Warner texted the lobbyist, Adam Waldman, on March 22, 2017.

"I'm in," Waldman, whose firm has ties to Hillary Clinton, texted back to Warner.

Secrecy seemed very important to Warner

"Throughout the text exchanges, Warner seemed particularly intent on connecting directly with Steele without anyone else on the Senate Intelligence Committee being in the loop -- at least initially. In one text to the lobbyist, Warner wrote that he would "rather not have a paper trail" of his messages.” Democratic Sen. Mark Warner texted with Russian oligarch lobbyist in effort to contact dossier author Christopher Steele

“ Secrecy seemed very important to Warner …”
"...would rather not have a paper trail...."

“,,,an honest person would ask themselves how’d they react if that was a text message between Donald Trump, Jr., and some fixer paid for by Sergei Lavrov in which he sought a meeting with someone and didn’t want a paper trail.”
Why Did Mark Warner Try to Secretly Meet With Trump Dossier Author and a Blacklisted Russian Oligarch?

13. The ONLY ones with any collusion with Russia are Democrats.

The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, sink the Trump candidacy.

And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing, to be President.

The only group that we know has colluded with, conspired with, contracted with, been bribed by, paid the Russians, the Kremlin, Moscow....

...are Democrats.

Don't forget to include 'duhhhhhh' in your next post.

Lies, all lies.
Mueller also agrees that there's no collusion

No he F-ing did NOT - We don't know what Mueller has at this point

Please stop

The Carlos Slim Times reported today that Mueller hit a dead end on Trumps conspiracy to collude and is now looking at the Comey and Flynn firings

Speculation in it's purest form. They are exploring about a couple DOZEN elements .. and none of us know what those are.

Please stop

So far Mueller has uncovered a massive conspiracy, but it's all on the DNC, Comey and Hillary
Lies, all lies.

Oh hell, PoliticalChic's got a million of 'em. How much time and bandwidth you got? :) come you can't find any?

Some babies were dropped on their heads but you were clearly thrown against the wall.

Do you honestly think anyone has the time and patience to wade through your 5,000 word screeds to pick out the lies?

Ya might try to make one point her post and not several dozen - that you C&P over and over infinity.

Do as Billo the Clown used to suggest before Fox got tired of paying off his bitches :)

What part of "no evidence of" are you having trouble with?

Before the super collider, there was no evidence of the higgs boson

There still isn't, you imbecile.

THE LAST THIRTY years of particle physics have been a little disappointing. A scientist’s job is to prove themselves wrong, but despite their best efforts, despite recreating the conditions of the Big Bang, particle physicists just keep being correct. Aside from a few unexplained observations(meddling neutrinos!), the Standard Model, which describes interactions between all known particles, has exactly predicted the outcome of every experiment in the history of particle physics. Physicists try to prove it wrong, and they keep failing."
Sorry, Folks. The LHC Didn't Find a New Particle After All

"It's Official: We Haven't Found a New Fundamental Particle
The Standard Model remains in tact, for now...
5 AUG 2016
Well, we called it earlier today, and now it's official. CERN has announced that, for the present at least, we haven't detected a brand new particle capable of breaking the Standard Model of particle physics.

If you've been following the story so far, you'll know that the news comes as a blow for many physicists who've spent the past seven months coming up with possible explanations for this new particle.

...the latest data collected by the LHC shows no evidence that this particle exists - despite further experiments, no sign of this 750 GeV bump has emerged since the original reading. "
It's Official: We Haven't Found a New Fundamental Particle

"The infamous “diphoton bump” that arose in data plots in December has disappeared, indicating that it was a fleeting statistical fluctuation rather than a revolutionary new fundamental particle. And in fact, the machine’s collisions have so far conjured up no particles at all beyond those catalogued in the long-reigning but incomplete “Standard Model” of particle physics. In the collision debris, physicists have found no particles that could comprise dark matter, no siblings or cousins of the Higgs boson, no sign of extra dimensions, no leptoquarks — and above all, none of the desperately sought supersymmetry particles that would round out equations and satisfy “naturalness,” a deep principle about how the laws of nature ought to work."
What No New Particles Means for Physics | Quanta Magazine
Lies, all lies.

Oh hell, PoliticalChic's got a million of 'em. How much time and bandwidth you got? :) come you can't find any?

Some babies were dropped on their heads but you were clearly thrown against the wall.

Do you honestly think anyone has the time and patience to wade through your 5,000 word screeds to pick out the lies?

Ya might try to make one point her post and not several dozen - that you C&P over and over infinity.

Do as Billo the Clown used to suggest before Fox got tired of paying off his bitches :)


So we can't find a single lie in any of my posts.


You're dismissed.
Mueller also agrees that there's no collusion

No he F-ing did NOT - We don't know what Mueller has at this point

Please stop

The Carlos Slim Times reported today that Mueller hit a dead end on Trumps conspiracy to collude and is now looking at the Comey and Flynn firings

Speculation in it's purest form. They are exploring about a couple DOZEN elements .. and none of us know what those are.

Please stop

Mueller's got nothing or Andrew Weissmann would have leaked it.



Not a fucking single thing linking Trump to Russia in any criminal manner






Mueller also agrees that there's no collusion

No he F-ing did NOT - We don't know what Mueller has at this point

Please stop

The Carlos Slim Times reported today that Mueller hit a dead end on Trumps conspiracy to collude and is now looking at the Comey and Flynn firings

Speculation in it's purest form. They are exploring about a couple DOZEN elements .. and none of us know what those are.

Please stop

Mueller's got nothing or Andrew Weissmann would have leaked it.



Not a fucking single thing linking Trump to Russia in any criminal manner







Republican Rep. Mike Conaway quickly and clearly shot down Trump's favorite self-serving talking point.

Trump never tires of telling the “no collusion” lie. But even Texas Rep. Mike Conaway, the Republican head of the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation, won’t go along with him.

Trump made the bogus claim again Sunday morning. And Conaway quickly issued a clear correction during an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“Do you now regret trying to draw a conclusion about collusion?” host Chuck Todd asked.

“Well, we haven’t drawn that,” Conaway replied. “What we said … is that we found no evidence of it.”

And he pointedly noted that it’s “a different statement” than what Trump repeatedly insists.

“We found no evidence of collusion,” he repeated, as opposed to a clear ruling of “no collusion.”

Conaway, who took charge of the probe following the ostensible recusal of chairman Devin Nunes, is far from a Trump foe.

He and the other Republicans on the committee released a sham report that contradicted the U.S. intelligence community. And they ended the probe without questioning a long list of important witnesses.

Yet even Conaway is refusing to go along with Trump’s self-serving lie that the committee has shown there was “no collusion.”

Furthermore, this rebuke comes on the same day that two other notable Republican voices have taken a stand against Trump’s behavior. Conaway’s fellow intel committee member Trey Gowdy said that Trump’s lawyer is making him look guilty. And Sen. Lindsey Graham threatened toremove Trump if he fired Mueller.

Republicans have been almost unanimous in their complicity with Trump to date. But as Trump plays with fire by attacking Robert Mueller, their wall of silence is finally beginning to crack.

So there's that lie to add to Filthy Don's attacks on the G-Men. :113:

nope. the committee never did say no collusion. and anyone who takes anything Devon (head up trump's butt) Nunes says at face value is delusional.
Mueller also agrees that there's no collusion

No he F-ing did NOT - We don't know what Mueller has at this point

Please stop

The Carlos Slim Times reported today that Mueller hit a dead end on Trumps conspiracy to collude and is now looking at the Comey and Flynn firings

Speculation in it's purest form. They are exploring about a couple DOZEN elements .. and none of us know what those are.

Please stop

Mueller's got nothing or Andrew Weissmann would have leaked it.



Not a fucking single thing linking Trump to Russia in any criminal manner








no matter what language you put it in, you're both liars and you embarrass yourselves constantly.


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