GOP ideas: “old and out of shape”

I showed the DOJ skew, and the FBI reports as part of the DOJ.

And that was the 2020 election, with Republicans controlling the White House.
I still dont see your numbers you are basing crime trends on. Will you be posting about the lowest crime levels in history that currently exist or are you just gonna avoid it so you dont have to face the truth?

You cant prove the FBI is biased. Neither can I. But I can tell you that the FBI just consolidates crime numbers. Police departments forward their crime figures and I dare you to argue the police skew liberal. lol.
I still dont see your numbers you are basing crime trends on. Will you be posting about the lowest crime levels in history that currently exist or are you just gonna avoid it so you dont have to face the truth?

You cant prove the FBI is biased. Neither can I. But I can tell you that the FBI just consolidates crime numbers. Police departments forward their crime figures and I dare you to argue the police skew liberal. lol.

Again, your numbers are skewed because in many places people have given up reporting, and cops have given up on arresting.

The police brass in many blue cities skew progressive, just like the DA's in those cities, the mayors, and the city councils.
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Are Biden's border policies "logical?"
You obviously can't understand no matter how often it is pointed out that the US has international obligations in regard to refugees. If money is denied (mainly by slack jawed yokels) to expeditiously fulfil those obligations, a shit storm will occur. As has happened.

At the Orange Turd's request.
You obviously can't understand no matter how often it is pointed out that the US has international obligations in regard to refugees. If money is denied (mainly by slack jawed yokels) to expeditiously fulfil those obligations, a shit storm will occur. As has happened.

At the Orange Turd's request.

These aren't refugees, they are economic migrants pretending to by political asylum seekers, because they have been told that is the way to stay here the longest time possible before having to prove they are what they say they are.
Self explanatory. No democrat ever accused anyone of stuffing ballots or using Chinese ballots, or getting dead people to vote, or inventing the idea of mules and faking a video.

All dems have done is challenged republicans making up fake news or making it hard to vote. That’s it. No one ever accused the US of election vote flipping until the GOP just started making it up.
of course they did it Fl, Ohio, and then claimed Russia did it in 2016
Again, your numbers are skewed because in many places people have given up reporting, and cops have given up on arresting.

The police brass in many blue cities skew progressive, just like the DA's in those cities, the mayors, and the city councils.
Where are you getting that from? Don’t you think it’s weird to make up your own narrative simply so you don’t have to accept you don’t live in a shit hole country. It’s actually better than it has ever been? You should be proud.
A border bill that let's 5,000 people a day in when Democrat cities like New York, Chicago, Denver and Boston are already screaming out that they can't handle the illegals they have now? That's "logical" How stupid are you?
Stupid enough to consider even for a moment you have read the bill and know what you're talking about.
Yeah, that's why a bill to fund remedies was deep sixed by the Orange Turd, (May he be elected again).
LOL Going with Trump is a God, huh? You'll believe any shit put out by your cult's masters.
LOL Going with Trump is a God, huh?
It's either go with my lying eyes or accept your non-denial denial is not a denial.

trump idol.jpg
You obviously can't understand no matter how often it is pointed out that the US has international obligations in regard to refugees. If money is denied (mainly by slack jawed yokels) to expeditiously fulfil those obligations, a shit storm will occur. As has happened.
What shit storm do you imagine? Who will do what if we seal our own border and process asylum requests on the spot with only legit cases being accepted?

How embarrassing to be the president of Mexico, and to have your primary issue, be making sure your citizens can escape your country into the United States, the most racist country ever in the history of the world?
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They are not refugees.
Another one who won't understand the strictures and obligations of the 1951 Refugee Convention, despite being pointed in the right direction. Perhaps if it's laid out if front of them?

The 1951 Convention consolidates previous international instruments relat-ing to refugees and provides the most comprehensive codification of the rights of refugees at the international level. In contrast to earlier internation-al refugee instruments, which applied to specific groups of refugees, the 1951 Convention endorses a single definition of the term “refugee” in Article 1.
The emphasis of this definition is on the protection of persons from politi-
cal or other forms of persecution. A refugee, according to the Convention,
is someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin
owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.
The Convention is both a status and rights-based instrument and is under-
pinned by a number of fundamental principles, most notably non-discrim-
ination, non-penalization and non-refoulement. Convention provisions, for example, are to be applied without discrimination as to race, religion or coun-try of origin. Developments in international human rights law also reinforce the principle that the Convention be applied without discrimination as to sex, age, disability, sexuality, or other prohibited grounds of discrimination.
The Convention further stipulates that, subject to specific exceptions, refu-
gees should not be penalized for their illegal entry or stay. This recognizes that the seeking of asylum can require refugees to breach immigration rules.
Prohibited penalties might include being charged with immigration or crim-inal offences relating to the seeking of asylum, or being arbitrarily detained purely on the basis of seeking asylum. Importantly, the Convention contains various safeguards against the expulsion of refugees. The principle of non-refoulement is so fundamental that no reservations or derogations may be made to it. It provides that no one shall expel or return (“refouler”) a refugee against his or her will, in any manner whatsoever, to a territory where he or she fears threats to life or freedom.
Finally, the Convention lays down basic minimum standards for the treat-
ment of refugees, without prejudice to States granting more favourable treat-ment. Such rights include access to the courts, to primary education, to work, and the provision for documentation, including a refugee travel document in passport form. Most States parties to the Convention issue this document, which has become as widely accepted as the former “Nansen passport”, an identity document for refugees devised by the first Commissioner for Refu-gees, Fridtjof Nansen, in 1922.
What short storm do you imagine? Who will do what if we seal our own border and process asylum requests on the spot with only legit cases being accepted?
It would be hilarious to see Russia, for example, bring a case to the UN Security Council where it accuses the US of breaching UN Conventions.

If the US was to breach the 1951 Convention on Refugees, of course.

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