GOP Dials Back the Clock on Progress for Women


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
In some grass near you
Sen. Richard Blumenthal: GOP Dials Back the Clock on Progress for Women

The bills introduced by Representatives Mike Pence and Christopher Smith take an unprecedented step of blocking women's access to the reproductive health care they need and have a right to -- and I will strongly oppose them. These bills seek to overturn years of long-standing legal doctrine and, even worse, they endanger the health of women in this country by attempting to end insurance coverage -- including private coverage -- for all abortions. We cannot allow women's health to be jeopardized by limiting the options that they and their doctors have when it comes to their reproductive health care.
Them dirty whores better learn what birth control is.

BTW! They are not opposed to abortions due to Incest, rape or medical reasons. If you're going to post something you need to at least research the bills before touting MSNBC punch lines
Sen. Richard Blumenthal: GOP Dials Back the Clock on Progress for Women

The bills introduced by Representatives Mike Pence and Christopher Smith take an unprecedented step of blocking women's access to the reproductive health care they need and have a right to -- and I will strongly oppose them. These bills seek to overturn years of long-standing legal doctrine and, even worse, they endanger the health of women in this country by attempting to end insurance coverage -- including private coverage -- for all abortions. We cannot allow women's health to be jeopardized by limiting the options that they and their doctors have when it comes to their reproductive health care.

Hey Flayo, It's 2011, there is no reason a woman should get pregnant unless she wants to. Why don't you and others like you, spend the funds on educating women about why they need to take the responsibility for their bodies and to not have unprotected sex with some asswipe guy who will never take responsibility. Teach young women to respect themselves more, the goal should be that no women or girls should ever need an abortion....... period. For any woman with a conscience, the day she has an abortion is the beginning of a lifetime of guilt and doubt, that is what you should be concentrating on if you actually give a shit about women.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal: GOP Dials Back the Clock on Progress for Women

The bills introduced by Representatives Mike Pence and Christopher Smith take an unprecedented step of blocking women's access to the reproductive health care they need and have a right to -- and I will strongly oppose them. These bills seek to overturn years of long-standing legal doctrine and, even worse, they endanger the health of women in this country by attempting to end insurance coverage -- including private coverage -- for all abortions. We cannot allow women's health to be jeopardized by limiting the options that they and their doctors have when it comes to their reproductive health care.

The Hufflepuff Post AGAIN?! You SERIOUSLY need to get your head out of the blogs - and out of your ass - and read some REAL news sources once in a while.

Let me help you out:

The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia
Washington Post - Politics, National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines -
Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News |
The Associated Press | The essential global news network

These are what we call "news sources", as opposed to "opinion blogs". Try them sometime. I realize that there's no hope whatsoever of you being balanced and thoughtful enough to actually RESEARCH any of the things you read, so your outlook will still be skewed, but it is at least possible that you will stop wasting everyone's time and message board space with your undies all in an uproar about some jaundiced PuffnStuff opinion piece. Right now, you're one step away from haranguing us about something you read in the Weekly World News.
This has really been going on since sufferage, ever since we let you lot outta the barefoot & preggers indentured servitude, you're all off waving your uterine bits about the halls of Congress insisting on attention
Sen. Richard Blumenthal: GOP Dials Back the Clock on Progress for Women

The bills introduced by Representatives Mike Pence and Christopher Smith take an unprecedented step of blocking women's access to the reproductive health care they need and have a right to -- and I will strongly oppose them. These bills seek to overturn years of long-standing legal doctrine and, even worse, they endanger the health of women in this country by attempting to end insurance coverage -- including private coverage -- for all abortions. We cannot allow women's health to be jeopardized by limiting the options that they and their doctors have when it comes to their reproductive health care.

The Hufflepuff Post AGAIN?! You SERIOUSLY need to get your head out of the blogs - and out of your ass - and read some REAL news sources once in a while.

Let me help you out:

The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia
Washington Post - Politics, National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines -
Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News |
The Associated Press | The essential global news network

These are what we call "news sources", as opposed to "opinion blogs". Try them sometime. I realize that there's no hope whatsoever of you being balanced and thoughtful enough to actually RESEARCH any of the things you read, so your outlook will still be skewed, but it is at least possible that you will stop wasting everyone's time and message board space with your undies all in an uproar about some jaundiced PuffnStuff opinion piece. Right now, you're one step away from haranguing us about something you read in the Weekly World News.

Regardless of the newsource, is it true or not that Pence and Smith are trying to introduce such a bill jackass?Oh and by the way, that piece was written by a Senator you jackass, not by Huffington Post staff.
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good gawd, so not having the Federal Government use TAXPAYERS monies for women to kill their own children, is now dialing back the clock on women's progress.

How the hell do you call ABORTIONS PROGRESS.?

You all want to kill your own kids, GO FRIGGEN PAY FOR IT YOUSELF.

Blumenthal is one sick SOB and you all who elected him are too.
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So Women killing their offspring is progress in your mind?

If that's progress, what's your final goal? Total genocide?
good gawd, so not having the Federal Government use TAXPAYERS monies for women to kill their own children, is now dialing back the clock on women's progress.

Another clueless fright-winger who doesn't know what she is talking about. Obama already signed an executive order banning ALL tax payer funding for abortions. Second, the bil in question has language in it that limits the rights of women. It says that only incest and forcible rape should be exemptions to the ban on federal funding for abortions. Do you understand what that means? It means, for example, that if a woman is slipped a date rape drug, and is subsequently raped and impregnated, she would have to prove that she was physically forced to have sex. Under the GOP's proposal, simply being drugged and waking up pregnant won't qualify. Being a woman, I'd think that you would be opposed to such draconian measures.

How the hell do you call ABORTIONS PROGRESS.?

Pay attention. This isn't about abortion in general. It's about women who use gov't health care subsidies being able to abort after being raped. Do you call limiting the rights of women 'progress'?

Blumenthal is one sick SOB and you all who elected him are too.

Like I give a shit what some dumbass rightie thinks.
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good gawd, so not having the Federal Government use TAXPAYERS monies for women to kill their own children, is now dialing back the clock on women's progress.

Another clueless fright-winger who doesn't know what she is talking about. Obama already signed an executive order banning ALL tax payer funding for abortions. Second, the bil in question has language in it that limits the rights of women. It says that only incest and forcible rape should be exemptions to the ban on federal funding for abortions. Do you understand what that means? It means, for example, that if a woman is slipped a date rape drug, and is subsequently raped and impregnated, she would have to prove that she was physically forced to have sex. Under the GOP's proposal, simply being drugged and waking up pregnant won't qualify. Being a woman, I'd think that you would be opposed to such draconian measures.

How the hell do you call ABORTIONS PROGRESS.?

Pay attention. This isn't about abortion in general. It's about women who use gov't health care subsidies being able to abort after being raped. Do you call limiting the rights of women 'progress'?

Blumenthal is one sick SOB and you all who elected him are too.

Like I give a shit what some dumbass rightie thinks.

Most abortions in this country is by choice for use as BIRTHCONTROL.
that is a sad damn fact, and I guess what you all call, Progress.
and why should I be forced to pay for others HEALTH CARE? I pay for my own by working.
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I think abortion is a good thing...just think how many more thugs and gangsters we'd have in jails across the country if they weren't killing them before they had to raise them to be thugs and gangsters. We would be paying to feed them, house them and clothe them in the penal system. It's cheaper to just kill em before they ever breathe a single breath.

What we should do to protect women from rape and incest is abort the bastard that committed the crime on the spot. No death row, no appeals court, no chance for life after conviction. Cut his nuts off and let him bleed out. After a few of those, the rapist will begin to think before he pounces.
Senator Blumenthal (whose state I used to live in) ought to get it through his head that maybe some of his 99 collegues might actually have an interest in pressing forward with the agendas and interests of THEIR CONSTITUENTS rather than simply whatever might make it easiest for them to get re-elected or be most Politically Correct?

Has Sen. Blumenthal ever considered that maybe Senators Pence and Smith believe in the concepts of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and MORALITY over political expediency?

Personally I am against abortion in any case where the woman cannot PROVE: incest, rape, or high probablility of her own death from carrying the pregnancy to term. It is, has been, and will always be my belief that BOTH PARTIES CONSENT TO BECOMING PARENTS when they engage in ANY sexual activity which may cause pregnancy. That is an almost 19 year (18 year, 9 month) MINIMUM committment to support and assist any child(ren) that are the result of that sexual act.

The only form of contraception that is 100% guaranteed is ABSTINANCE. If you choose not to use it, you need to be ready to embrace the potential consequences of the act.

As for the "Progress" of women.... We've moved way too far away from the proper roles, duties, and responsibilities of BOTH genders over the last century so far as I'm concerned. It's one of the main factors that is destroying this nation, in my opinion.
What we should do to protect women from rape and incest is abort the bastard that committed the crime on the spot. No death row, no appeals court, no chance for life after conviction. Cut his nuts off and let him bleed out. After a few of those, the rapist will begin to think before he pounces.

As a bumper sticker that used to be on one of my cars says:

Gun Control: The political philosophy that a woman, kidnapped, abused, and strangled with her own pantyhose is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to the police how her assailant got that fatal gunshot wound.
So, the crown jewel of women's rights is the ability to terminate human life at will?

Abortion is not progress. Hopefully, one day, future generations will look back on it and remember it along with slavery as abominations.

I would suggest that one could replace the word "Abortion" with "Feminism" in your statement and it would have equal, if not more truth to it, Trout.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal: GOP Dials Back the Clock on Progress for Women

The bills introduced by Representatives Mike Pence and Christopher Smith take an unprecedented step of blocking women's access to the reproductive health care they need and have a right to -- and I will strongly oppose them. These bills seek to overturn years of long-standing legal doctrine and, even worse, they endanger the health of women in this country by attempting to end insurance coverage -- including private coverage -- for all abortions. We cannot allow women's health to be jeopardized by limiting the options that they and their doctors have when it comes to their reproductive health care.

The Hufflepuff Post AGAIN?! You SERIOUSLY need to get your head out of the blogs - and out of your ass - and read some REAL news sources once in a while.

Let me help you out:

The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia
Washington Post - Politics, National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines -
Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News |
The Associated Press | The essential global news network

These are what we call "news sources", as opposed to "opinion blogs". Try them sometime. I realize that there's no hope whatsoever of you being balanced and thoughtful enough to actually RESEARCH any of the things you read, so your outlook will still be skewed, but it is at least possible that you will stop wasting everyone's time and message board space with your undies all in an uproar about some jaundiced PuffnStuff opinion piece. Right now, you're one step away from haranguing us about something you read in the Weekly World News.

Regardless of the newsource, is it true or not that Pence and Smith are trying to introduce such a bill jackass?Oh and by the way, that piece was written by a Senator you jackass, not by Huffington Post staff.

And Pence is a Congressman. Both are members of political parties. Should we play guess that party by the wing nut statements made?
good gawd, so not having the Federal Government use TAXPAYERS monies for women to kill their own children, is now dialing back the clock on women's progress.

Another clueless fright-winger who doesn't know what she is talking about. Obama already signed an executive order banning ALL tax payer funding for abortions. Second, the bil in question has language in it that limits the rights of women. It says that only incest and forcible rape should be exemptions to the ban on federal funding for abortions. Do you understand what that means? It means, for example, that if a woman is slipped a date rape drug, and is subsequently raped and impregnated, she would have to prove that she was physically forced to have sex. Under the GOP's proposal, simply being drugged and waking up pregnant won't qualify. Being a woman, I'd think that you would be opposed to such draconian measures.

How the hell do you call ABORTIONS PROGRESS.?

Pay attention. This isn't about abortion in general. It's about women who use gov't health care subsidies being able to abort after being raped. Do you call limiting the rights of women 'progress'?

Blumenthal is one sick SOB and you all who elected him are too.

Like I give a shit what some dumbass rightie thinks.

I don't call abortion a right. I call free speech a right. I can get it anytime and don't need to pay someone to get it.

If you need to pay for something, it's not a right. It's a service or a product. You have the right to pay for a car. You should have the right to pay for an abortion. The right to pay for something and the right to just recieve that thing are two very different things.
Senator Blumenthal (whose state I used to live in) ought to get it through his head that maybe some of his 99 collegues might actually have an interest in pressing forward with the agendas and interests of THEIR CONSTITUENTS rather than simply whatever might make it easiest for them to get re-elected or be most Politically Correct?

Has Sen. Blumenthal ever considered that maybe Senators Pence and Smith believe in the concepts of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and MORALITY over political expediency?

Personally I am against abortion in any case where the woman cannot PROVE: incest, rape, or high probablility of her own death from carrying the pregnancy to term. It is, has been, and will always be my belief that BOTH PARTIES CONSENT TO BECOMING PARENTS when they engage in ANY sexual activity which may cause pregnancy. That is an almost 19 year (18 year, 9 month) MINIMUM committment to support and assist any child(ren) that are the result of that sexual act.

The only form of contraception that is 100% guaranteed is ABSTINANCE. If you choose not to use it, you need to be ready to embrace the potential consequences of the act.

As for the "Progress" of women.... We've moved way too far away from the proper roles, duties, and responsibilities of BOTH genders over the last century so far as I'm concerned. It's one of the main factors that is destroying this nation, in my opinion.

In the "Good ol' days" there was extramarital sex and it was often followed by the now legendary shot gun marriage. It has happened, is happening and will happen. Throw away that dream world image of restraint that never did exist.

If the abortion is chosen, that is sad, but it is a needed option given the world.

In the real world, though, taxpayer abortions should include a complimentary sterilization. Also taxpayer paid.
In the "Good ol' days" there was extramarital sex and it was often followed by the now legendary shot gun marriage. It has happened, is happening and will happen. Throw away that dream world image of restraint that never did exist.

I'm a firm believer in Governmentally Enforcing those Shotgun Marriages for unwed couples who create a life outside of a committed relationship. If you can't live a properly moral and decent life then you should get to reap the "rewards" of doing so.... including a minimum of a 19 year marriage to an individual that you may not even like. I never said that restraint existed.... just that there were penalties for those who chose to act otherwise.

If the abortion is chosen, that is sad, but it is a needed option given the world.

I disagree completely. With the exceptions I noted above, I see NO REASON why a woman who engaged in sexual activity should have the right to terminate the life that she helped create. Nor do I see any reason why the man who helped her create it should be allowed to avoid his responsibilities to that child as well.

In the real world, though, taxpayer abortions should include a complimentary sterilization. Also taxpayer paid.

Assuming that we were allowed to add a caveat to the abortions, it would be this in my mind.... You put the two people who created the child in front of a wall, have six men with rifles stand in front of them, and the officer in charge of the party orders their execution. 2 live bullets, three dead human beings, hopefully ONE lesson learned.

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