GOP continues to fiddle while the USA burns


Active Member
Jun 13, 2017
Forget the criminal left who are beyond despicable. My question is what the hell is wrong with the walking dead on the right? Like probably all other conservatives these days, I find myself not only livid regarding all those on the left but also just as much so against the sheeple on the right albeit for very different reasons.

I consider myself to have a fairly decent temperament but find these days that even I am finding it more and more difficult with each passing day to ignore what's happening on the news between the parties. Due to be being so peeved about all the backstabbing and viciousness and all of which is about NOTHING, I want to throw something through the TV. I think if this crap keeps up, all of America is going to need anger management classes.

I have never in my life seen anything like it. The sheer arrogance of the democratic party who to date has not found even one shred of evidence to support collusion, obstruction, or any other crimes against Trump or his team but no way are they going to let that stop them. Someone ask for proof? They don't need no stinking proof. That crap is for legitimate cases, not Kangaroo courts which is what they're running. And if anyone from the stupid GOP ever reads this post instead of picking themselves up, they'll no doubt just nod their heads in agreement. Pathetic limp dick morons the lot of them.

And should those idiots ever decide to get up off their lazy arses to go after the left, due to not being able to argue a case worth squat, they to the contrary will need a shit ton of evidence. But even though they would have plenty, it still wouldn't be enough because I think it's abundantly clear to everyone on this planet by now liberals are totally above the law.

But regardless of what they do, the left will keep advancing their bogus narrative to fever pitch in hopes of impeachment not giving a rat's ass if Trump and his team are guilty or not or if they ruin their reputations and the country in the process. And 2018 is just around the corner so they need to hurry and kick those white house derelicts to the curb ASAP. That way hopefully they can rig the election with enough votes to make their come back so they can continue degrading the country even more. Millions more Muslims are needed to stir things up. More of Al Sharpton and his race baiters as well. Who knows maybe they can stir the pot up enough to get a few more cops blown away too.

But just as annoying are the GOP who instead of employing a special prosecutor to go after the left for which there is ample evidence of treason and wrongdoing, they themselves remain on the defensive like a bunch of friggin sheep! Would someone please wake me from this ridiculous nightmare already? I mean have never seen anything like this. And to what end? So the left can get another pass for all their criminality while Trump's team are impeached for doing NOTHING wrong?

And while all of these narcissistic a-holes are going at it over nothing, Putin is perfecting some type of super weapon which has the capacity to take out all the electric grids all over the U.S. which will kill everyone within three months!

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