Google/YouTube is Pulling Out All the Stops

He did not execute Trump's plans. Trump had conditions on the Taliban that Joe the buffoon ignored. Joe Biden is solely responsible for what happened. Do you agree it was a debacle? Embarrassing to the United states? Well it's on the buffoon Biden, sorry if it hurts your feelings
You are lying.
I know you're lying.
You know you're lying
EVERYONE reading this knows you're a liar.

Unfortunately for you MAGATS everyone isn't as stupid as you.
Correct they were not, that is why were were going to leave by May so the Taliban would be half a country away .

That is why moving the date was such a stupid idea
Half a country away?


Trump surrendered ALL of Afghanistan to the Taliban.

Not half.

As for the topic, Google and Facebook are going to go all in against Trump and his supporters this election cycle, just like in 2020. Expect bannings and silencings across the board for Republicans and Conservatives, and promoting of all things Democrat/Globalist.

You are right, but as long people know what's going on..... they will not pay attention to the lies the Globalist Rats spread.
You have to be stupid and dishonest to be a Democrat
This from a MAGAT


And unfortunately that's exactly how it is!

So be careful what you choose to believe.

Everything is a conspiracy to you right wingers. Probably George Soros monitoring your browsing. Grow up and just scroll past it you snowflake cry baby.
Unless it’s Russian videos on YouTube then it’s a stolen election.
I’m talking about all the soldier deaths you ignore under Trump. Where are their pictures? 5Xs Biden’s.
I wasnt going to go there, but since you did feel free to complain about wars that trump did not start

Whereas biden has a part in all the US wars of the 21st Century
Half a country away?


Trump surrendered ALL of Afghanistan to the Taliban.

Not half.


Yes he did. But in May the Taliban controlled little of the country.

The Red is what they controlled when we were supposed to leave


This is what they controlled when we finally got around to leaving after Biden moved the day so he could have a made for TV moment on 9/11.
