Google Vows to Fight U.S. Air Pollution While Censoring Data on Chinese Smog


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
if anyone still has doubts that a large part of the "environmental movement" is pushing a globalist agenda; I can't help you

let's find a way to handcuff American industry while the rest of the world catches up...


Google plans to update its U.S. and Europe-based street view cars with pollution recording devices — but will also reportedly replace factual pollution data on its new censored search engine for China with statistics provided by the Chinese government.

The Washington Times reports that Google will soon be outfitting its Google Street View cars with pollution recording devices in Europe and the United States to monitor fluctuations in air quality. This is not Google’s first step into environmental studies, the company’s Earth Outreach division has been monitoring air quality since 2014 but the majority of the information has stayed in-house, something which may soon be changing.
Yet another dumbfuck Trumpette who thinks we need to be allowed to spew more greenhouse gases so a corporation can make more profit.
if anyone still has doubts that a large part of the "environmental movement" is pushing a globalist agenda; I can't help you

let's find a way to handcuff American industry while the rest of the world catches up...


Google plans to update its U.S. and Europe-based street view cars with pollution recording devices — but will also reportedly replace factual pollution data on its new censored search engine for China with statistics provided by the Chinese government.

The Washington Times reports that Google will soon be outfitting its Google Street View cars with pollution recording devices in Europe and the United States to monitor fluctuations in air quality. This is not Google’s first step into environmental studies, the company’s Earth Outreach division has been monitoring air quality since 2014 but the majority of the information has stayed in-house, something which may soon be changing.
"while the world catches up"? No one is building wind and solar farms faster than the Chinese who also operate the world`s most powerful hydro dam. Like their bullet trains these can be seen and the Chinese govt. statistics are meaningless. They have plans to end the sale of internal combustion engines by 2040 while we`re trying to bring back coal. Your sources are pretty impressive I must say. Breitbart and the Mooneys` Washington Times. When it comes to low info you`ve bottomed out. :)

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