Google: Pressure Cooker + Backpack=Police Visit

Damn! Guess we need a law for background checks for people buying pressure cookers.
Damn! Guess we need a law for background checks for people buying pressure cookers.

And maybe another law reminding everyone to wait until all the evidence is in before coming to a conclusion about issues as sensitive as this one. FWIW, I still believe much of today's hardware and software will be internalized within a generation. There will be something like the Google Brain Chip and you will not be able to compete in the market place without one. Then the NSA, FBI, and local police may well know what you are thinking before you do.
Apparently it was a former employer that alerted the police

Employer Tipped Off Police To Pressure Cooker And Backpack Searches, Not Google | TechCrunch

Suffolk County Criminal Intelligence Detectives received a tip from a Bay Shore based computer company regarding suspicious computer searches conducted by a recently released employee. The former employee’s computer searches took place on this employee’s workplace computer. On that computer, the employee searched the terms “pressure cooker bombs” and “backpacks.”

After interviewing the company representatives, Suffolk County Police Detectives visited the subject’s home to ask about the suspicious internet searches. The incident was investigated by Suffolk County Police Department’s Criminal Intelligence Detectives and was determined to be non-criminal in nature.

Any further inquiries regarding this matter should be directed to the Suffolk County Police Department
-Party Pooper

Does that actually justify sending out 6 guys in multiple vehicles?

Didn't think so.
How do they know what her browsing history is?

As we have learned from Hero Edward Snowden, it's Xkeyscore, data mining by the government.

Scary fucking shit, too. Just think - they know you are posting on this forum, probably reading this thread, and responding to it. Post the wrong thing and they'll be on your doorstep.
How do they know what her browsing history is?

As we have learned from Hero Edward Snowden, it's Xkeyscore, data mining by the government.

You do know if Bush were still president all the libs would be screaming and accusing the president for spying on American citizens.
Apparently it was a former employer that alerted the police

Employer Tipped Off Police To Pressure Cooker And Backpack Searches, Not Google | TechCrunch

Suffolk County Criminal Intelligence Detectives received a tip from a Bay Shore based computer company regarding suspicious computer searches conducted by a recently released employee. The former employee’s computer searches took place on this employee’s workplace computer. On that computer, the employee searched the terms “pressure cooker bombs” and “backpacks.”

After interviewing the company representatives, Suffolk County Police Detectives visited the subject’s home to ask about the suspicious internet searches. The incident was investigated by Suffolk County Police Department’s Criminal Intelligence Detectives and was determined to be non-criminal in nature.

Any further inquiries regarding this matter should be directed to the Suffolk County Police Department

-Party Pooper

That makes no sense and is an obvious blatant lie. The employee wasn't searching for pressure cookers, it was his wife Two separate people, two separate searches unless the woman came to her husband's workplace just to look up pressure cookers on his work computer. Pressure cooker bombs is just what the average housewife looks up when she wants to buy a new cooking appliance.

They had to find a plausible explanation and this is what the government came up with.

Possibly from the same computer?

Given recent history, maybe there is reason to have a look at this combination.
How do they know what her browsing history is?

As we have learned from Hero Edward Snowden, it's Xkeyscore, data mining by the government.

Scary fucking shit, too. Just think - they know you are posting on this forum, probably reading this thread, and responding to it. Post the wrong thing and they'll be on your doorstep.

Well, had anyone showed up on anybodies doorstep in this board, I think we would know about. None of us here would be here were we people given to keep our opinions to ourselves.
How do they know what her browsing history is?

As we have learned from Hero Edward Snowden, it's Xkeyscore, data mining by the government.

You do know if Bush were still president all the libs would be screaming and accusing the president for spying on American citizens.

Look, this started with Bush. I did not like it under Bush, I don't like it under Obama. However, there is also a paradox here. Were there to be another successful large attack, and had we closed down this survelience sometime before the attack, no matter who or what party he or she belonged to, the President would then vilefied for shutting down the survelience by the very same people damning it here.

I clearly remember the replies I got on message boards when I stated my dislike of the Patriot Act. I was accused of being a terrorist sympathizer, traitor, and worst. Now these same people are damning the result of that Act, and blaming the current President for those results.
How come no government is knocking on my door ?? you would have to think if that's all it took they would of been here long ago..I filled out endless dept of homeland security tips and FBI reports detailing the crimes of the government and all I ever got was computer generated responses thanking me for my input and promising the matter would be looked into thourghly
How do they know what her browsing history is?

As we have learned from Hero Edward Snowden, it's Xkeyscore, data mining by the government.

Scary fucking shit, too. Just think - they know you are posting on this forum, probably reading this thread, and responding to it. Post the wrong thing and they'll be on your doorstep.

Well, had anyone showed up on anybodies doorstep in this board, I think we would know about. None of us here would be here were we people given to keep our opinions to ourselves.

Not really.. Had it not been for whistleblowers, we would not know that the phone and Internet companies had gotten "security letters" to disclose their data.. The very EXISTANCE of investigations and data gathering is a non-reviewable non-disclosable secret under these rules..

In fact --- it's likely that the terms of these tap arrangements involve NSA personnel ON-SITE at all those commercial carriers to maintain the tapping equipment and tune the data collection bound for that HUGMongous new secret palace in UTah..
How sad it is that on the strength of nothing more than mere mention of such essentially harmless items, with no further suggestion they might be applied to nefarious purpose, can result in a police raid and a search of one's home. It's more than sad. It is absolutely Orwellian.

Fifty years ago no one would believe such things could happen in America, which was the reason for loving America. That reason no longer exists. Things of this nature only happen in police states. And that is no exaggeration.
Does that actually justify sending out 6 guys in multiple vehicles?

Didn't think so.
One of the problems with the kind of hysteria arising from the current anti-terrorism panic mode being fostered by the Homeland Security Gestapo is the fact that a certain type of cop, whether federal, state, or local, is enthralled with the kind of enhanced raw authority it imparts to them. This type of cop is a power freak. They love participating in SWAT raids. They love strip-searching ordinary, helpless civilians. They love interrogating them. They love searching their homes, invading their most intimate privacy and poring over their belongings. They are the ultimate authoritarians who will seize upon every opportunity, however slight, to assert themselves. For them, what is happening in America today is a forbidden dream come true.

For them, the mere mention of keywords "pressure cooker" and "backpack" is a trigger, a weak but useful excuse to actuate a power fantasy. They are the police equivalent of pyromaniacs who become firemen. Even a small fire is better than no fire.
How do they know what her browsing history is?

As we have learned from Hero Edward Snowden, it's Xkeyscore, data mining by the government.

Scary fucking shit, too. Just think - they know you are posting on this forum, probably reading this thread, and responding to it. Post the wrong thing and they'll be on your doorstep.
It's a goddam shame that we in this forum need to be concerned with that. But we do.

This is the new America. And we have Barack Obama and a corrupted Congress to thank for it.
Look, this started with Bush. I did not like it under Bush, I don't like it under Obama. However, there is also a paradox here. Were there to be another successful large attack, and had we closed down this survelience sometime before the attack, no matter who or what party he or she belonged to, the President would then vilefied for shutting down the survelience by the very same people damning it here.

I clearly remember the replies I got on message boards when I stated my dislike of the Patriot Act. I was accused of being a terrorist sympathizer, traitor, and worst. Now these same people are damning the result of that Act, and blaming the current President for those results.
You've raised a very good point. But it should be mentioned that in keeping with that point it is critically important that the public make it clear to the President and the Congress that we want this excessive assertion of police authority to stop!

We want the Patriot Act repealed! And we want the NSA to be subject to strict regulation.

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