Google Colluding With The Democrat Party To Rig The 2020 Election

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016

China also may be involved in the effort to suppress conservative voices, and is working with Google to promote Left leaning candidates more accepting of Communist Ideology and more friendly towards China's social and economic goals.

Working for Google is asking yourself to be subjected to abuse if you are a Conservative. You will be denied promotion, you will be harassed, discriminated against and eventually pushed out of your job if you ever let it be known in any way that you are a Conservative, and you will be made an example of.

Google also rigs their algorithms to suppress Conservative topics, and personalities being searched, and they also demonetize Conservative You Tube cites at an alarming rate over left leaning sites. Google uses it's technology to advance leftist agendas, while cloaking itself in secrecy.

Trump slams Google over alleged political bias: We're watching 'very closely’

Cernekee was fired in June 2018 after Google told him that he was terminated for misuse of the company’s equipment, including its software system for remote access. However, Cernekee, who describes himself as a whistleblower, maintains that he was terminated for his outspoken conservative views.

Google told Fox News that Cernekee was fired for multiple violations of company policies.

The former Google engineer has also reportedly filed complaints with the National Labor Relations Board. Some of the complaints were denied, but the original is pending, according to The Journal.

“To that end, I occasionally defended the free speech of extremists, and I frequently spoke out against Antifa mobs who supported shutting down political expression through force,” he wrote. “When the infamous white nationalist leader Richard Spencer was sucker punched in the face during an interview, several Googlers openly defended the violent act and took to internal company forums to promote the idea that ‘Nazis deserve to be punched’.”

“While I strongly disagree with Spencer’s views, I found this precedent absolutely horrifying, and I spoke out,” he added. “I also spoke out against a masked gang of Antifa thugs who violently attacked a skinhead group. I would have unabashedly defended far-left activists if violent right wingers had attacked them.”

Allegations of anti-conservative bias continue to swirl around Google. Republican lawmakers recently criticized Google during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing into allegations of bias against conservatives and censorship of conservative groups on the company’s platforms.

Last year, James Damore, a onetime Google employee who was fired after he wrote a memo criticizing the firm for pushing diversity, filed a class-action lawsuit against the tech giant. Damore is now in arbitration with Google.

Damore was fired in 2017 after he wrote a memo criticizing Google for pushing mentoring and diversity programs and for “alienating conservatives.” He also blamed biological differences for the relative lack of women in tech.

Data from the Federal Election Commission compiled and analyzed by Recode, recently found that Google employees are donating heavily to Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. This is despite the fact both Democratic presidential candidates are calling for the breakup of Google's parent company, Alphabet

China also may be involved in the effort to suppress conservative voices, and is working with Google to promote Left leaning candidates more accepting of Communist Ideology and more friendly towards China's social and economic goals.

Working for Google is asking yourself to be subjected to abuse if you are a Conservative. You will be denied promotion, you will be harassed, discriminated against and eventually pushed out of your job if you ever let it be known in any way that you are a Conservative, and you will be made an example of.

Google also rigs their algorithms to suppress Conservative topics, and personalities being searched, and they also demonetize Conservative You Tube cites at an alarming rate over left leaning sites. Google uses it's technology to advance leftist agendas, while cloaking itself in secrecy.

Trump slams Google over alleged political bias: We're watching 'very closely’

Cernekee was fired in June 2018 after Google told him that he was terminated for misuse of the company’s equipment, including its software system for remote access. However, Cernekee, who describes himself as a whistleblower, maintains that he was terminated for his outspoken conservative views.

Google told Fox News that Cernekee was fired for multiple violations of company policies.

The former Google engineer has also reportedly filed complaints with the National Labor Relations Board. Some of the complaints were denied, but the original is pending, according to The Journal.

“To that end, I occasionally defended the free speech of extremists, and I frequently spoke out against Antifa mobs who supported shutting down political expression through force,” he wrote. “When the infamous white nationalist leader Richard Spencer was sucker punched in the face during an interview, several Googlers openly defended the violent act and took to internal company forums to promote the idea that ‘Nazis deserve to be punched’.”

“While I strongly disagree with Spencer’s views, I found this precedent absolutely horrifying, and I spoke out,” he added. “I also spoke out against a masked gang of Antifa thugs who violently attacked a skinhead group. I would have unabashedly defended far-left activists if violent right wingers had attacked them.”

Allegations of anti-conservative bias continue to swirl around Google. Republican lawmakers recently criticized Google during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing into allegations of bias against conservatives and censorship of conservative groups on the company’s platforms.

Last year, James Damore, a onetime Google employee who was fired after he wrote a memo criticizing the firm for pushing diversity, filed a class-action lawsuit against the tech giant. Damore is now in arbitration with Google.

Damore was fired in 2017 after he wrote a memo criticizing Google for pushing mentoring and diversity programs and for “alienating conservatives.” He also blamed biological differences for the relative lack of women in tech.

Data from the Federal Election Commission compiled and analyzed by Recode, recently found that Google employees are donating heavily to Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. This is despite the fact both Democratic presidential candidates are calling for the breakup of Google's parent company, Alphabet

A true fifth column. And as we are now seeing it goes beyond electing Democrats. These oligarchs are truly trying to bring communism to the world.
Always and forever Marxism is a rich mans game.
Its time to break them up and then start the trials.

Peter Thiel Calls For Google To Be Investigated For Treason
There is no doubt the ultra Liberals at Google will use every tool at their disposal to tip the scales of the 2020 election toward the Democrats. The evidence of what that company has already done to Conservative employees and how they tweak search algorithms to favor Democrats is crystal clear.
I don't have any problem viewing any of PragerUs videos. Sometimes I watch them because they can be very interesting and informative. But other times, they can be very destructive and misinformed. It presents itself as a University when it's not. It's created news. The closest thing it can be listed as is Entertainment. It appears many of forgotten that. It's like calling Foxnews News. Even Foxnews has admitted that it's entertainment. So is MSNBC and others. When you present your product as the "Truth" it had better be the truth. PragerU falls short on that. And there are venues that it really must be restricted where the listening audience may not have the maturity to tell the difference.
The Russia hoax has been a distraction from the actual election rigging by Google/YouTube/Facebook.
Google also actively removes 911 truth links, and all foreign media links to what Putin said on 9/13, that 911 was a fraud and that Israel, the US and Saudi were behind it.

Google isn't just leftist, it is Zionist.
Yes, they have vowed to stop Trump.

What will end up happening instead is that Trump will stop them, together with Americans.

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