Good Samaritian beat down for Helping white Woman


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
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Shit, and Al Sharpton and Obama are as Quiet as Church mouse.
Customer Mary Fuller was so scared by the unruly teens flashing gang signs and raising a “ruckus” in the parking lot of the BP gas station in Memphis, Tennessee, that she expressed her fears to a complete stranger, who offered to walk the elderly white woman outside to her car.

“I said, ‘I don’t know if I ought to walk out of here or not, because they’re still fighting,’” Fuller told WMC-TV. “He said, ‘It’s not a problem. I’ll take care of this.’”

The man she confided in was Orrden Williams, who had gone to the gas station to use the ATM.


“I put my arms around her, told her it would be OK, and walked her out of the store,” Williams, who is black, told the TV station.

Fuller says an irate Williams admonished and “hollered” at the group of black teens to settle down.

“I guess they thought, ‘I’ll show him,’” she explained.

Seconds after Williams ushered Fuller safely into her car, one of the students sucker-punched him in the back of the head. Others then joined in, kicking and punching him as he fled to his minivan, where his fiancee, toddler son and 4-month-old baby were waiting. Police reported he suffered bruises on his upper body, but his baby was unharmed. His vehicle, however, was damaged in the attack.

Read more at Black man helps white woman black mob retaliates

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A black guy too. That will teach him to be a race traitor.

Ironically the kids doing the beat down were all students at an all black prepatory academy and college bound. The black educated elite.
Is there any aspect of your day when you might feel like having a thread that is not negative?

All the threads you start on the best flavors of Ensure and how you managed to have a nice poop this morning without making a mess aren't in the political sections. In fact, if it wasn't for the threads that other people start, you wouldn't participate here at all.
Is there any aspect of your day when you might feel like having a thread that is not negative?

All the threads you start on the best flavors of Ensure and how you managed to have a nice poop this morning without making a mess aren't in the political sections. In fact, if it wasn't for the threads that other people start, you wouldn't participate here at all.
Why kid yourself, we all know you are a man that has a problem with your fear and trying to dissuade it by being the tough guy...
Is there any aspect of your day when you might feel like having a thread that is not negative?

All the threads you start on the best flavors of Ensure and how you managed to have a nice poop this morning without making a mess aren't in the political sections. In fact, if it wasn't for the threads that other people start, you wouldn't participate here at all.
Why kid yourself, we all know you are a man that has a problem with your fear and trying to dissuade it by being the tough guy...

When? I'm usually the one making fun of internet tough guys. I think you're confusing me with someone else in the throes of geriatric senility.
Is there any aspect of your day when you might feel like having a thread that is not negative?

All the threads you start on the best flavors of Ensure and how you managed to have a nice poop this morning without making a mess aren't in the political sections. In fact, if it wasn't for the threads that other people start, you wouldn't participate here at all.
Why kid yourself, we all know you are a man that has a problem with your fear and trying to dissuade it by being the tough guy...

When? I'm usually the one making fun of internet tough guys. I think you're confusing me with someone else in the throes of geriatric senility.
I only have geriatric profanity disease.....
Is there any aspect of your day when you might feel like having a thread that is not negative?

All the threads you start on the best flavors of Ensure and how you managed to have a nice poop this morning without making a mess aren't in the political sections. In fact, if it wasn't for the threads that other people start, you wouldn't participate here at all.
Why kid yourself, we all know you are a man that has a problem with your fear and trying to dissuade it by being the tough guy...

When? I'm usually the one making fun of internet tough guys. I think you're confusing me with someone else in the throes of geriatric senility.
I only have geriatric profanity disease.....

That's ok. We haven't institutionalized euthanasia yet.


Until then, you can continue to be an ornery old fart.
this is what happens when thugs rule and the rest of us hide.. the MAN who walked the elderly lady to her car is a hero, and the thugs who have no fear and no shame attacked him for being a gentleman and a good Samaritan. Those "kids" need to be put in isolation to think about the crime they did against a man who was only helping.
Is there any aspect of your day when you might feel like having a thread that is not negative?

All the threads you start on the best flavors of Ensure and how you managed to have a nice poop this morning without making a mess aren't in the political sections. In fact, if it wasn't for the threads that other people start, you wouldn't participate here at all.

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