Good post about Bernie from Daniel Bongino...


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Jan 23, 2009
I've been reading most of what Daniel Bongino posts for about a year now. He cuts right to the chase and puts it eloquently (and bluntly, most of the time). He wrote a good post today about Bernie Sanders (whom does some things that I really like). It's a good read:

Daniel Bongino said:
A note to the younger voters following my page who are considering supporting Bernie Sanders:

I understand that you are both anxious and frustrated. Anxious, because both the economy, and your job prospects, are struggling right now. Frustrated, because the legions of promises made to you by politicians from both parties have amounted to nothing but fast-talk. You are right to be anxious about the future, and to be frustrated by the present.

But, I'm pleading with you to consider what candidates such as Bernie Sanders are selling you. I was always taught to be skeptical of people who speak as if they have all of the answers, and I'm guessing that you were taught the same. With that in mind, doesn't it make you suspicious that Bernie Sanders has an easy "answer" to all of your concerns, and the answer is the same to every question?

You have concerns about your job future? Bernie's answer is "More government spending." But, we have spent historic amounts of tax-payer money over the past 7 years (almost 10 trillion in NEW debt) and we still have a historic 94 million Americans out of work.

You have concerns about your healthcare? Bernie's answer is "More government healthcare spending and a government-takeover of the healthcare system." But, after years of Obamacare and its dramatic expansion of Medicaid (a government program), we STILL have millions of uninsured Americans and healthcare premiums all over the country are rising by double-digits.

You have concerns about the exploding costs of college? Bernie's answer is "free" college. But, the Obama administration took over the student loan market and dramatically expanded the role of government and the costs of college are rapidly growing. In fact, a recent N.B.E.R. study blamed nearly ALL of the exploding costs of college on government intervention.

In conclusion, I know you're upset. Most of us are too. I'm just asking you to think critically about any person promising you a cure for all that ails you. The answers are never easy. If they were, all of us would already have the answers and we would have no use for fast-talking politicians. But, when you understand that politicians crave power over all else, the fast-talk and promises make more sense.

Be guided by this one simple principle; when in doubt, follow the money. Higher taxes as a solution to our economic woes? Who gets the money under that scenario? Not you, but the political class and they dole out the favors with it. Government-controlled medicine which is "free"? Who gets the money under that scenario? Government bureaucrats who get to ration the money, and the healthcare. Finally, "free" college? Who gets the money under that scenario? Government bureaucrats and colleges who can ruthlessly raise prices because they're taking it from the tax-payers.

Remember, socialism provides easy answers only to those unwilling to ask the hard questions. Be skeptical.

Here's a link to the Facebook post: Daniel Bongino - Timeline Photos | Facebook
I'd like to poke a couple of holes in the logic here.

You have concerns about your job future? Bernie's answer is "More government spending." But, we have spent historic amounts of tax-payer money over the past 7 years (almost 10 trillion in NEW debt) and we still have a historic 94 million Americans out of work.

Simple translation: We spent lots money and still have no jobs.
This doesn't mean that we have no jobs BECAUSE we spent lots of money. That argument would be the equivalent of thinking, I went to the grocery store today, and there was crime in Japan. Therefore, if I want to reduce crime in Japan, I should NOT go to the grocery store today.

You might be able to make the argument that spending "historic amounts of tax-payer money" certainly didn't FIX our terrible unemployment rate, but again, it doesn't necessarily mean that spending LESS tax-payer money will mean you'll have more jobs. If you do believe that, it is because you subscribe to that political philosophy, not because of empirical facts. It would be an equally valid and opposite thought to suggest that more government spending could lead to more jobs.

You have concerns about your healthcare? Bernie's answer is "More government healthcare spending and a government-takeover of the healthcare system." But, after years of Obamacare and its dramatic expansion of Medicaid (a government program), we STILL have millions of uninsured Americans and healthcare premiums all over the country are rising by double-digits.

Obamacare sucks. I think a large majority of people from both parties would agree with this. Just because Obamacare sucks, doesn't necessarily mean that government healthcare sucks. There are plenty of other countries who have great national healthcare plans. In fact we're one of the only 1st world countries WITHOUT a decent national healthcare system.

You have concerns about the exploding costs of college? Bernie's answer is "free" college. But, the Obama administration took over the student loan market and dramatically expanded the role of government and the costs of college are rapidly growing. In fact, a recent N.B.E.R. study blamed nearly ALL of the exploding costs of college on government intervention.

Is this suggesting that if Universities were tuition free, then tuition would go up? That makes the least amount of sense.

Additionally, arguing that we shouldn't vote for Sanders because he's a fast talking politician? Then who should we vote for, one of the other fast-talking politicians? Or should we just stay home and not vote?
The article is half correct, half bullshit.
Sanders calls for Ricardian Free Trade, not the Anything Goes Free Trade we currently have.
It would probably take at least 6 years to implement most of his programs as the House and Senate would have to turn over.
I'd like to poke a couple of holes in the logic here.

You have concerns about your job future? Bernie's answer is "More government spending." But, we have spent historic amounts of tax-payer money over the past 7 years (almost 10 trillion in NEW debt) and we still have a historic 94 million Americans out of work.

Simple translation: We spent lots money and still have no jobs.
This doesn't mean that we have no jobs BECAUSE we spent lots of money. That argument would be the equivalent of thinking, I went to the grocery store today, and there was crime in Japan. Therefore, if I want to reduce crime in Japan, I should NOT go to the grocery store today.

You might be able to make the argument that spending "historic amounts of tax-payer money" certainly didn't FIX our terrible unemployment rate, but again, it doesn't necessarily mean that spending LESS tax-payer money will mean you'll have more jobs. If you do believe that, it is because you subscribe to that political philosophy, not because of empirical facts. It would be an equally valid and opposite thought to suggest that more government spending could lead to more jobs.

You have concerns about your healthcare? Bernie's answer is "More government healthcare spending and a government-takeover of the healthcare system." But, after years of Obamacare and its dramatic expansion of Medicaid (a government program), we STILL have millions of uninsured Americans and healthcare premiums all over the country are rising by double-digits.

Obamacare sucks. I think a large majority of people from both parties would agree with this. Just because Obamacare sucks, doesn't necessarily mean that government healthcare sucks. There are plenty of other countries who have great national healthcare plans. In fact we're one of the only 1st world countries WITHOUT a decent national healthcare system.

You have concerns about the exploding costs of college? Bernie's answer is "free" college. But, the Obama administration took over the student loan market and dramatically expanded the role of government and the costs of college are rapidly growing. In fact, a recent N.B.E.R. study blamed nearly ALL of the exploding costs of college on government intervention.

Is this suggesting that if Universities were tuition free, then tuition would go up? That makes the least amount of sense.

Additionally, arguing that we shouldn't vote for Sanders because he's a fast talking politician? Then who should we vote for, one of the other fast-talking politicians? Or should we just stay home and not vote?

Yes it does make sense.
Any time Government gets it's hands into the private sector on anything, the prices goes up.
Rules and Regulations have a big price.
I'd like to poke a couple of holes in the logic here.

You have concerns about your job future? Bernie's answer is "More government spending." But, we have spent historic amounts of tax-payer money over the past 7 years (almost 10 trillion in NEW debt) and we still have a historic 94 million Americans out of work.

Simple translation: We spent lots money and still have no jobs.
This doesn't mean that we have no jobs BECAUSE we spent lots of money. That argument would be the equivalent of thinking, I went to the grocery store today, and there was crime in Japan. Therefore, if I want to reduce crime in Japan, I should NOT go to the grocery store today.

You might be able to make the argument that spending "historic amounts of tax-payer money" certainly didn't FIX our terrible unemployment rate, but again, it doesn't necessarily mean that spending LESS tax-payer money will mean you'll have more jobs. If you do believe that, it is because you subscribe to that political philosophy, not because of empirical facts. It would be an equally valid and opposite thought to suggest that more government spending could lead to more jobs.

You have concerns about your healthcare? Bernie's answer is "More government healthcare spending and a government-takeover of the healthcare system." But, after years of Obamacare and its dramatic expansion of Medicaid (a government program), we STILL have millions of uninsured Americans and healthcare premiums all over the country are rising by double-digits.

Obamacare sucks. I think a large majority of people from both parties would agree with this. Just because Obamacare sucks, doesn't necessarily mean that government healthcare sucks. There are plenty of other countries who have great national healthcare plans. In fact we're one of the only 1st world countries WITHOUT a decent national healthcare system.

You have concerns about the exploding costs of college? Bernie's answer is "free" college. But, the Obama administration took over the student loan market and dramatically expanded the role of government and the costs of college are rapidly growing. In fact, a recent N.B.E.R. study blamed nearly ALL of the exploding costs of college on government intervention.

Is this suggesting that if Universities were tuition free, then tuition would go up? That makes the least amount of sense.

Additionally, arguing that we shouldn't vote for Sanders because he's a fast talking politician? Then who should we vote for, one of the other fast-talking politicians? Or should we just stay home and not vote?

Yes it does make sense.
Any time Government gets it's hands into the private sector on anything, the prices goes up.
Rules and Regulations have a big price.

Fewer houses and buildings burn to the ground.
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Is this suggesting that if Universities were tuition free, then tuition would go up? That makes the least amount of sense.

The crux of the issue is this logic right here. Nothing is free. Even if he says "college should be free" -- it will NEVER be free. It might be free to the people going to school at the moment they are in school, but it will never be free to anyone else who pays taxes (including them, after they graduate).

Say this very very slowly and let it sink in. NOTHING IS FREE.
Is this suggesting that if Universities were tuition free, then tuition would go up? That makes the least amount of sense.

The crux of the issue is this logic right here. Nothing is free. Even if he says "college should be free" -- it will NEVER be free. It might be free to the people going to school at the moment they are in school, but it will never be free to anyone else who pays taxes (including them, after they graduate).

Say this very very slowly and let it sink in. NOTHING IS FREE.
Of course nothing is free.
On the other hand, private Utilities can charge whatever they want.
And to the stupid woman who was asked, What is Socialism? by a reporter and replied that it means equal pay, do your freaking homework. What it really means is THERE IS NO PAY. You'll still get your tired ass up and go to work but instead of a $500.00 pay check, you'll get a $50.00 paycheck. Bernie gets the rest. But he promises that the government will "take good care of you" with it. Just like Social Security was the worker's insurance policy for retirement......
I'm not sold on the article.. He starts out comparing Bernie to other politicians selling false promises, then continues on to push false assumptions. Bernie has been consistent over many decades, hardly comparable to the "selling" of false promises of career politicians. And I've never heard him say anything about government take over of the healthcare system, rather the healthcare insurance system. Sure there would likely be overage limits similar to what medicare/medicaid requires, but otherwise healthcare provider's billing systems would be much simpler as they would bill a single payer.

This idea that _everyone_ (regardless of social conditions, medical conditions, environmental conditions) must just "pull themselves up from their bootstraps" and "ask the hard questions" is just bullying the unfortunate.
Is this suggesting that if Universities were tuition free, then tuition would go up? That makes the least amount of sense.

The crux of the issue is this logic right here. Nothing is free. Even if he says "college should be free" -- it will NEVER be free. It might be free to the people going to school at the moment they are in school, but it will never be free to anyone else who pays taxes (including them, after they graduate).

Say this very very slowly and let it sink in. NOTHING IS FREE.
I understand that. But this facebook post is directed at college kids, and to them, tuition WILL be free. You're right; its not really free, as it's likely going to come out of someone else's pockets, in this instance Wall Street, as Bernie has suggested over and over. But if I was a college kid, why would I not want that?
Of course college won't be free. The professors aren't going to donate their time. The textbook publishers aren't passing books out free. The janitors and maintenance workers aren't going to show up without being paid.

Health care won't be free. Doctors without borders aren't taking over the hospitals. The equipment makers aren't donating the medical supplies.

Nothing is really going to be free.
Free college is nothing more than a continuation of the indoctrination of our children by liberals. They are not being educated. Chinese students get educated. Our students are being "taught" not to say Mother/Father, husband/wife, boy/girl.
elchorizo is correct. "free college" in other countries means $12.00 a gallon gas, for those that can afford a $90,000 Toyota. And milk at $8.00 a gallon, and....
Is this suggesting that if Universities were tuition free, then tuition would go up? That makes the least amount of sense.

The crux of the issue is this logic right here. Nothing is free. Even if he says "college should be free" -- it will NEVER be free. It might be free to the people going to school at the moment they are in school, but it will never be free to anyone else who pays taxes (including them, after they graduate).

Say this very very slowly and let it sink in. NOTHING IS FREE.
I understand that. But this facebook post is directed at college kids, and to them, tuition WILL be free. You're right; its not really free, as it's likely going to come out of someone else's pockets, in this instance Wall Street, as Bernie has suggested over and over. But if I was a college kid, why would I not want that?
You might want it. Wall street will just slither out from under.
I understand that. But this facebook post is directed at college kids, and to them, tuition WILL be free. You're right; its not really free, as it's likely going to come out of someone else's pockets, in this instance Wall Street, as Bernie has suggested over and over. But if I was a college kid, why would I not want that?

You keep acting like taking it away from "someone else" somehow makes it free. Take it from Wall Street? OK.. they will just pass this expense onto all the customers (you, and the students)... with a large fee paid for by the Government (paid for by the taxpayers, read: you, and the students after they stop going to school.)

Any way you slice it, it will NEVER BE FREE. I don't understand why this point is so hard to get across to people.

Yes, the payment for college tuition might be payment DEFERRED for the students only... but it will never be free, no matter who tells you what, no matter where they say they are getting it.

The fact that politicians are even allowed to use the word free is laughable.
Is this suggesting that if Universities were tuition free, then tuition would go up? That makes the least amount of sense.

The crux of the issue is this logic right here. Nothing is free. Even if he says "college should be free" -- it will NEVER be free. It might be free to the people going to school at the moment they are in school, but it will never be free to anyone else who pays taxes (including them, after they graduate).

Say this very very slowly and let it sink in. NOTHING IS FREE.
I understand that. But this facebook post is directed at college kids, and to them, tuition WILL be free. You're right; its not really free, as it's likely going to come out of someone else's pockets, in this instance Wall Street, as Bernie has suggested over and over. But if I was a college kid, why would I not want that?

Congress on both sides will not pass that, they are in bed with Wall St.
I'd like to poke a couple of holes in the logic here.

You have concerns about your job future? Bernie's answer is "More government spending." But, we have spent historic amounts of tax-payer money over the past 7 years (almost 10 trillion in NEW debt) and we still have a historic 94 million Americans out of work.

Simple translation: We spent lots money and still have no jobs.
This doesn't mean that we have no jobs BECAUSE we spent lots of money. That argument would be the equivalent of thinking, I went to the grocery store today, and there was crime in Japan. Therefore, if I want to reduce crime in Japan, I should NOT go to the grocery store today.

You might be able to make the argument that spending "historic amounts of tax-payer money" certainly didn't FIX our terrible unemployment rate, but again, it doesn't necessarily mean that spending LESS tax-payer money will mean you'll have more jobs. If you do believe that, it is because you subscribe to that political philosophy, not because of empirical facts. It would be an equally valid and opposite thought to suggest that more government spending could lead to more jobs.

You have concerns about your healthcare? Bernie's answer is "More government healthcare spending and a government-takeover of the healthcare system." But, after years of Obamacare and its dramatic expansion of Medicaid (a government program), we STILL have millions of uninsured Americans and healthcare premiums all over the country are rising by double-digits.

Obamacare sucks. I think a large majority of people from both parties would agree with this. Just because Obamacare sucks, doesn't necessarily mean that government healthcare sucks. There are plenty of other countries who have great national healthcare plans. In fact we're one of the only 1st world countries WITHOUT a decent national healthcare system.

You have concerns about the exploding costs of college? Bernie's answer is "free" college. But, the Obama administration took over the student loan market and dramatically expanded the role of government and the costs of college are rapidly growing. In fact, a recent N.B.E.R. study blamed nearly ALL of the exploding costs of college on government intervention.

Is this suggesting that if Universities were tuition free, then tuition would go up? That makes the least amount of sense.

Additionally, arguing that we shouldn't vote for Sanders because he's a fast talking politician? Then who should we vote for, one of the other fast-talking politicians? Or should we just stay home and not vote?

Your logic is, shall we say, non-existent?
I don't even care how hard Rdean & Company will have to work to pay for my undergrad and Master in Archaeology

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