Goldman Sachs; With 160 vaccines in the Pipeline, Economy is Sure to Explode once one is Available.


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Since Goldman is saying it, the muppets must be betting the opposite way.

With 160 Vaccine Candidates In Development, Goldman Expects An Economic Boom Once At Least One Is Approved By The End Of 2020
As Deutsche Bank Marion Laboure and Jim Reid wrote last week, whereas vaccines normally require years of testing and additional time to produce at scale, amidst the modern era pandemic scientists are hoping to develop a coronavirus vaccine within 12 to 18 months. The reason for that while normally a vaccine takes years to develop using a traditional process, with covid things are far more accelerated.. ...
The risk of a failed vaccine however no longer figures in Goldman's economic forecast, and as Goldman's Jan Hatzius writes in a report over the weekend, Goldman now expects "that at least one vaccine will be approved by the end of 2020 and will be widely distributed by the end of 2021 Q2. We have incorporated this timeline as our baseline forecast, and now assume consumer services spending accelerates in the first half of 2021 as consumers resume activities that would previously have exposed them to Covid-19 risk."
Yet even though polling has shown that only 42% of Americans would submit to a covid vaccine, Goldman is still optimistic enough to upgrade its growth forecast which becomes more front-loaded. Specifically, the bank's previous GDP forecast reflected a weighted average across possible vaccine scenarios, including the possibility of no vaccine by the end of 2021

Thank you President Trump for streamlining the vaccine process!

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