God is a Monstrous, Evil, Bloodthirsty Tyrant

I mean the God of traditional Christian theology, of course. Consider:

1) He made human beings fallible, then expected them to be perfect.

2) Because they sought the knowledge of good and evil -- that is, tried to develop a conscience -- he condemned not only those who did this, but all of their descendants, to be tortured forever and ever.

3) For thousands of years, everyone (with perhaps a very few exceptions -- theory isn't clear on this) were sentenced to be tortured forever and ever, since he had designed everyone to be perfect but judged them according to an unachievable standard.

4) After thousands of years and millions of victims, who were screaming endlessly under horrible tortures, doubtless to his pleasure and satisfaction, he sent his son to assume human form and be tortured to death. Apparently, although we're not told why, this was sufficient to appease the divine blood-lust.

5) Meanwhile, all those millions of victims continued to scream endlessly under horrible torture.

6) Although Jesus' being whipped with cords studded with sharp metal so that his flesh was ripped apart and then nailed to a piece of wood to die slowly over several hours supposedly appeased the divine sadism, most people continued to be condemned to scream forever under horrible tortures, as the only ones who could take advantage of Jesus' being abused in this way were those who believed in this story (which was offered without evidence) and submitted to the authority of the Church. (Although there is some dispute about that last minor point.)

This, we are told, is the creator of the universe, perfectly good, perfectly wise, and all-powerful. We are asked to believe that the sublime all-in-all is worse by far than any mere human despot, who must be content with torturing people for only finite amounts of time.

In fairness, it's not unlikely that someone like Torquemada or Hitler would have had people screaming endlessly under horrible tortures, too, were that humanly possible. So perhaps God is not actually morally worse than the worst examples of human depravity, but merely endowed with power that gives his depravity more dreadful consequences.

Be that as it may, it is reasonable to question whether this conception of God makes any sense -- and by that I mean, on this occasion, not logical or scientific sense, but moral sense.

Whenever I hear the statement, "For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son," and I remember the divine blood-lust and cruelty and smarmy pretense that is supposed to accompany this "gift," I want to puke.

Be Gone Satan. :evil:

Satan (Hebrew: הַשָׂטָן ha-Satan), "the opposer",[1] is the title of various entities, both human and divine, who challenge the faith of humans in the Hebrew Bible.[2] In Christianity and Islam the title became a personal name, and "Satan" changed from an accuser appointed by God to test men's faith to the chief of the rebellious fallen angels ("the devil" in Christianity, "Shaitan" in Arabic, the term used by Arab Christians and Muslims).[3]

Satan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Did you know that the dumbest people I have ever met held at least one degree??

Don't forget -- leftists think "educated" and "intelligent" are synonymous.

Sterotype. I'm a liberal and I think there are many different kinds of intelligence. Common sense is more valuable many times than a PHD.

I was talking about leftists. You claim to be a liberal. What's the problem?

FWIW, I agree with your view of common sense.
I mean the God of traditional Christian theology, of course. Consider:

1) He made human beings fallible, then expected them to be perfect.

2) Because they sought the knowledge of good and evil -- that is, tried to develop a conscience -- he condemned not only those who did this, but all of their descendants, to be tortured forever and ever.

3) For thousands of years, everyone (with perhaps a very few exceptions -- theory isn't clear on this) were sentenced to be tortured forever and ever, since he had designed everyone to be perfect but judged them according to an unachievable standard.

4) After thousands of years and millions of victims, who were screaming endlessly under horrible tortures, doubtless to his pleasure and satisfaction, he sent his son to assume human form and be tortured to death. Apparently, although we're not told why, this was sufficient to appease the divine blood-lust.

5) Meanwhile, all those millions of victims continued to scream endlessly under horrible torture.

6) Although Jesus' being whipped with cords studded with sharp metal so that his flesh was ripped apart and then nailed to a piece of wood to die slowly over several hours supposedly appeased the divine sadism, most people continued to be condemned to scream forever under horrible tortures, as the only ones who could take advantage of Jesus' being abused in this way were those who believed in this story (which was offered without evidence) and submitted to the authority of the Church. (Although there is some dispute about that last minor point.)

This, we are told, is the creator of the universe, perfectly good, perfectly wise, and all-powerful. We are asked to believe that the sublime all-in-all is worse by far than any mere human despot, who must be content with torturing people for only finite amounts of time.

In fairness, it's not unlikely that someone like Torquemada or Hitler would have had people screaming endlessly under horrible tortures, too, were that humanly possible. So perhaps God is not actually morally worse than the worst examples of human depravity, but merely endowed with power that gives his depravity more dreadful consequences.

Be that as it may, it is reasonable to question whether this conception of God makes any sense -- and by that I mean, on this occasion, not logical or scientific sense, but moral sense.

Whenever I hear the statement, "For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son," and I remember the divine blood-lust and cruelty and smarmy pretense that is supposed to accompany this "gift," I want to puke.

Be Gone Satan. :evil:

Satan (Hebrew: הַשָׂטָן ha-Satan), "the opposer",[1] is the title of various entities, both human and divine, who challenge the faith of humans in the Hebrew Bible.[2] In Christianity and Islam the title became a personal name, and "Satan" changed from an accuser appointed by God to test men's faith to the chief of the rebellious fallen angels ("the devil" in Christianity, "Shaitan" in Arabic, the term used by Arab Christians and Muslims).[3]

Satan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You have got to be kidding me. You think Dragon is Satan?
Don't forget -- leftists think "educated" and "intelligent" are synonymous.

Sterotype. I'm a liberal and I think there are many different kinds of intelligence. Common sense is more valuable many times than a PHD.

I was talking about leftists. You claim to be a liberal. What's the problem?

FWIW, I agree with your view of common sense.

What is the difference between a leftist and a liberal? Most of you use the terms interchangeably.
I mean the God of traditional Christian theology, of course. Consider:

1) He made human beings fallible, then expected them to be perfect.

2) Because they sought the knowledge of good and evil -- that is, tried to develop a conscience -- he condemned not only those who did this, but all of their descendants, to be tortured forever and ever.

3) For thousands of years, everyone (with perhaps a very few exceptions -- theory isn't clear on this) were sentenced to be tortured forever and ever, since he had designed everyone to be perfect but judged them according to an unachievable standard.

4) After thousands of years and millions of victims, who were screaming endlessly under horrible tortures, doubtless to his pleasure and satisfaction, he sent his son to assume human form and be tortured to death. Apparently, although we're not told why, this was sufficient to appease the divine blood-lust.

5) Meanwhile, all those millions of victims continued to scream endlessly under horrible torture.

6) Although Jesus' being whipped with cords studded with sharp metal so that his flesh was ripped apart and then nailed to a piece of wood to die slowly over several hours supposedly appeased the divine sadism, most people continued to be condemned to scream forever under horrible tortures, as the only ones who could take advantage of Jesus' being abused in this way were those who believed in this story (which was offered without evidence) and submitted to the authority of the Church. (Although there is some dispute about that last minor point.)

This, we are told, is the creator of the universe, perfectly good, perfectly wise, and all-powerful. We are asked to believe that the sublime all-in-all is worse by far than any mere human despot, who must be content with torturing people for only finite amounts of time.

In fairness, it's not unlikely that someone like Torquemada or Hitler would have had people screaming endlessly under horrible tortures, too, were that humanly possible. So perhaps God is not actually morally worse than the worst examples of human depravity, but merely endowed with power that gives his depravity more dreadful consequences.

Be that as it may, it is reasonable to question whether this conception of God makes any sense -- and by that I mean, on this occasion, not logical or scientific sense, but moral sense.

Whenever I hear the statement, "For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son," and I remember the divine blood-lust and cruelty and smarmy pretense that is supposed to accompany this "gift," I want to puke.

Be Gone Satan. :evil:

Satan (Hebrew: הַשָׂטָן ha-Satan), "the opposer",[1] is the title of various entities, both human and divine, who challenge the faith of humans in the Hebrew Bible.[2] In Christianity and Islam the title became a personal name, and "Satan" changed from an accuser appointed by God to test men's faith to the chief of the rebellious fallen angels ("the devil" in Christianity, "Shaitan" in Arabic, the term used by Arab Christians and Muslims).[3]

Satan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You have got to be kidding me. You think Dragon is Satan?

Though not officially appointed (maybe ;) ), that post is doing Satan's work.....to turns mans' heads and hearts away from God

The only unforgivable sin, in the Bible, is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

(that's my take, anyway)
Dave, you presented an unorthodox, heretical view. It's your view, and as I said it makes more sense than traditional Christian theology. Nevertheless, it's NOT traditional Christian theology.
Did you know that being called a heretic by an unbeliever is so dumb it's hilarious? :lol:

Once again, you prove you have no understanding. You have unmerited arrogance that you have convinced yourself is understanding.

But you're wrong.

You're mighty harsh dave.
Your judgement is selective.
Did you know that being called a heretic by an unbeliever is so dumb it's hilarious? :lol:

Once again, you prove you have no understanding. You have unmerited arrogance that you have convinced yourself is understanding.

But you're wrong.

You're mighty harsh dave.
Your judgement is selective.

Fair enough. It's just my opinion. It's very hard to see one's own arrogance. JMO. So much easier to point out flaws in someone else, isn't it?
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I don't know whether or not there's anything after death........I strongly doubt it.

Well I suppose we will both know when we die. If I am right I will get to rub your nose in it in the afterlife, and if you are right neither of us will care. But my chances of being able to gloat about it seem better than yours. :D

Prove it.....when a person dies they're dead. That's why they call it dying. Do you reali e how goddam stupid it is for someone to actually talk about an afterlife. I'd sooner believe my neighbor was picked up by aliens and taken to another galaxy for a physical. Only two types of people believe in an afterlife. Those who were totally and helplessly brainwashed when they were an infant or small child and those who are very naive. 'Course the average IQ is 100. That means there are as many with an IQ below 100 as there are with one above. 100 ain't your sharpest knife in the drawer.

There is a show called "I survived: Beyond and Back" I believe it's on the Biography Channel. It tells the stories of people who have died and came back.... interesting stuff. The people were clinically dead... no heartbeat, no Brain activity.... Dead and brought back.

now... Could it be a chemical reaction that eases anxiety and fear that is involved in the process of dying? Possibly... but to sit there and say "I know there's nothing after death" is quite closed minded.
Sterotype. I'm a liberal and I think there are many different kinds of intelligence. Common sense is more valuable many times than a PHD.

I was talking about leftists. You claim to be a liberal. What's the problem?

FWIW, I agree with your view of common sense.

What is the difference between a leftist and a liberal? Most of you use the terms interchangeably.

I don't.

Liberals are reasonable people, closer to the center, who generally agree with conservatives on the end state of America, just disagreeing on how to get there.

Leftists are generally unreasonable, on the far left, and want to transform America into something she was never meant to be and which, whenever it's been tried throughout history, has turned out to be a bloody, murderous failure.
Ah, somehow it's different when you do it.

That makes sense. I'm not a human being to you.

Here, to quote you from this evening:
Thank you for telling me what I think. ....

And, somehow that's different when you do it.

I don't have the impression that you consider me a human being. That's my sense after posting with you over many months.

Feel free to challenge my opinion. I doubt you will.
That makes sense. I'm not a human being to you.

Here, to quote you from this evening:
Thank you for telling me what I think. ....

And, somehow that's different when you do it.

I don't have the impression that you consider me a human being. That's my sense after posting with you over many months.

Feel free to challenge my opinion. I doubt you will.
Well, it's easy enough to challenge you 'opinion'. I KNOW you are a human being.

I also KNOW that I have no control over your feelings. I have no desire to have any, either.

Here, to quote you from this evening:

And, somehow that's different when you do it.

I don't have the impression that you consider me a human being. That's my sense after posting with you over many months.

Feel free to challenge my opinion. I doubt you will.
Well, it's easy enough to challenge you 'opinion'. I KNOW you are a human being.

I also KNOW that I have no control over your feelings. I have no desire to have any, either.

Thank you for acknowledging my humanity. That's progress.

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