God Help us, the clown in chief is overseas on impeachment day!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
His monkey handlers decided to send their pet project, Trump overseas to a world stage to create headlines to offset the start of today's impeachment trials. One need only imagine what the moronic simp, Trump will do and say while there. I'm 1000% certain, the Switz owe us money and he'll demand payment with check or visa card, I'm 1000% certain he's gonna talk bad about the democrats when asked his opinion on global warming and what time it is and I'm 1000% certain, once he leaves, all the leaders will be once again laughing at his stupid dumb ass AGAIN BEHIND HIS BACK ON MIC!!.
Trump has nothing to do with this impeachment so he can do whatever he wants. This whole fiasco is a fabrication of our incompetent Democrats.
The only explanation for how America is in such great shape despite those who govern it is that 'God' is helping.
His monkey handlers decided to send their pet project, Trump overseas to a world stage to create headlines to offset the start of today's impeachment trials. One need only imagine what the moronic simp, Trump will do and say while there. I'm 1000% certain, the Switz owe us money and he'll demand payment with check or visa card, I'm 1000% certain he's gonna talk bad about the democrats when asked his opinion on global warming and what time it is and I'm 1000% certain, once he leaves, all the leaders will be once again laughing at his stupid dumb ass AGAIN BEHIND HIS BACK ON MIC!!.
Oh....so you think Trump timed this?
My understanding is Nancy Pelosi chose to hold onto the articles of impeachment till now...not Trump..probably to keep anything Trump was doing overseas out of the headlines.
And I also make a note of your calling Trump a monkey you fucking racist.
His monkey handlers decided to send their pet project, Trump overseas to a world stage to create headlines to offset the start of today's impeachment trials. One need only imagine what the moronic simp, Trump will do and say while there. I'm 1000% certain, the Switz owe us money and he'll demand payment with check or visa card, I'm 1000% certain he's gonna talk bad about the democrats when asked his opinion on global warming and what time it is and I'm 1000% certain, once he leaves, all the leaders will be once again laughing at his stupid dumb ass AGAIN BEHIND HIS BACK ON MIC!!.
Oh....so you think Trump timed this?
My understanding is Nancy Pelosi chose to hold onto the articles of impeachment till now...not Trump..probably to keep anything Trump was doing overseas out of the headlines.
And I also make a note of your calling Trump a monkey you fucking racist.
Yeah he's a monkey ass white mf, and?
Trump is an embarrassment.
He has long graduated from being an embarrassment, he now holds the title of W.T.F for the rest of his effin life, along with his supporters and the GOP

& he will always be known for being the 3rd prez in US history to have ever been impeached.

& that drives him crazy.
Drive him crazy????Uh, last I heard, the Neo Nazi Nut look at impeachment as a badge of honor, because his followers think its a cocktail drink...preach mint with vodka.
His monkey handlers decided to send their pet project, Trump overseas to a world stage to create headlines to offset the start of today's impeachment trials. One need only imagine what the moronic simp, Trump will do and say while there. I'm 1000% certain, the Switz owe us money and he'll demand payment with check or visa card, I'm 1000% certain he's gonna talk bad about the democrats when asked his opinion on global warming and what time it is and I'm 1000% certain, once he leaves, all the leaders will be once again laughing at his stupid dumb ass AGAIN BEHIND HIS BACK ON MIC!!.
Oh....so you think Trump timed this?
My understanding is Nancy Pelosi chose to hold onto the articles of impeachment till now...not Trump..probably to keep anything Trump was doing overseas out of the headlines.
And I also make a note of your calling Trump a monkey you fucking racist.
That sorry non funny cartoon of yours pretty much sums you up, Mudpile.....white boring and stupid!!
This impeachment is the only accomplishment the Democrats have in their time in the majority. The American people expected much more when they gave Ds the majority. Pretty sad.
Trump is an embarrassment.
He has long graduated from being an embarrassment, he now holds the title of W.T.F for the rest of his effin life, along with his supporters and the GOP

& he will always be known for being the 3rd prez in US history to have ever been impeached.

& that drives him crazy.
Drive him crazy????Uh, last I heard, the Neo Nazi Nut look at impeachment as a badge of honor, because his followers think its a cocktail drink...preach mint with vodka.

outwardly, he's trying to act like it's a badge, but all that angry tweeting during the hearings & especially after the articles passed, knowing he will forever have an * after his name & be side by side with slick willy,; then trying to demand the trial be dismissed etc is gnawing at him relentlessly.

i'll bet he brings the trial & impeachment up while he's over there. & if there is a presser, & he's asked - just watch him go off the rails.

* impeached.
This impeachment is the only accomplishment the Democrats have in their time in the majority. The American people expected much more when they gave Ds the majority. Pretty sad.

there are a multitude of bills that passed the house, but turtleboy won't even bring them to the senate floor for debate.

bills that include: lowering drug costs, election protection, net neutrality, a veteran child care bill.....
Trump has nothing to do with this impeachment so he can do whatever he wants. This whole fiasco is a fabrication of our incompetent Democrats.
The evidence against him is undisputable and overwhelming. Do you think that everyone who gave testimony was lying?
He'll be telling them that the US's economy is doing great. That's in comparison to their economies that are not! I'm sure they'll love him for that. Laugh if they want but Trump is succeeding where they are flailing. At some point their constituents are going to start asking why that is? My guess is there won't be much "laughing" going on when that point is reached! Just saying...
May our bleating bumbling billionaire's bombastic appearances influence the entire world's opinion of HIM, not America

Trump has nothing to do with this impeachment so he can do whatever he wants. This whole fiasco is a fabrication of our incompetent Democrats.
Says a guy who anoints a pussy grabbing lying sac of shit for president...haven't you heard by now, your kind is a non effin factor...poof begone

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