
VIP Member
Jan 25, 2016
God Created the Zika Virus

Any being who would create the Zika virus is pure evil and that is what God is. I'm not going to sugar coat it. Only vile and depraved being would inflict this horrible disease on his children.


This is what God designed the Zika virus to do to a baby. God also knows how much it would hurt the parents.


God created the mosquito to spread it. God uses mosquitoes to deliver malaria. What a fucking douche bag.


God is looking at this baby knowing it will have a lifetime of suffering. God is cumming in his pants.


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oh brother. some people always need to find someone to blame for everything in life:rolleyes-41:

Monkeys had the virus..

Just like dogs or any animals , like a cat scratch carry things that most of the time is ok..
But just like swine flu, ect. we will get certain viruses.

Our bodies are fragile, and even more so are the babies . Sad to see this.
God Created the Zika Virus

Any being who would create the Zika virus is pure evil and that is what God is. I'm not going to sugar coat it. Only vile and depraved being would inflict this horrible disease on his children.


This is what God designed the Zika virus to do to a baby. God also knows how much it would hurt the parents.


God created the mosquito to spread it. God uses mosquitoes to deliver malaria. What a fucking douche bag.


God is looking at this baby knowing it will have a lifetime of suffering. God is cumming in his pants.


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Only vile and depraved would say that these creatures shouldn't be aborted in utero.

Monkeys had the virus..

Just like dogs or any animals , like a cat scratch carry things that most of the time is ok..
But just like swine flu, ect. we will get certain viruses.

Our bodies are fragile, and even more so are the babies . Sad to see this.

Yes it's another thing we can thank Africa for, the only things that Africa has contributed to planet are diseases....AIDS, Ebola, Zika etc. All involving African savages either having sex with monkeys or eating the monkeys and giving THEMSELVES Ebola therefore.

This is why we don't need Africans in our Western Civilisation and why they never should be amongst our peoples.

Monkeys had the virus..

Just like dogs or any animals , like a cat scratch carry things that most of the time is ok..
But just like swine flu, ect. we will get certain viruses.

Our bodies are fragile, and even more so are the babies . Sad to see this.

Yes it's another thing we can thank Africa for, the only things that Africa has contributed to planet are diseases....AIDS, Ebola, Zika etc. All involving African savages either having sex with monkeys or eating the monkeys and giving THEMSELVES Ebola therefore.

This is why we don't need Africans in our Western Civilisation and why they never should be amongst our peoples.
When the white people came over from Europe they brought diseases too..It killed off many Indians, and the first of the colonies died off as well

sadly the pressure will cause them pain and disability
they will die within a few years
Only a few (minor) case reach their teens or early adulthood

depends on the pressure and how small brains, most will be mentally "different", some might be blind. It will effect growth and cause nerve pain. Those that do live to their teens will be slow and have a harder time concentrating and moving. Small head and brain is just part of it.
Children should not have to suffer like that.

There might be a possibility of removing part of the skull to allow for brain growth, but any surgery might have too many dangers and some alternative would have to replace the skull. If they did live to their teens or above it would be extremely hard for them.

sadly the pressure will cause them pain and disability
they will die within a few years
Only a few (minor) case reach their teens or early adulthood

depends on the pressure and how small brains, most will be mentally "different", some might be blind. It will effect growth and cause nerve pain. Those that do live to their teens will be slow and have a harder time concentrating and moving. Small head and brain is just part of it.
Children should not have to suffer like that.

There might be a possibility of removing part of the skull to allow for brain growth, but any surgery might have too many dangers and some alternative would have to replace the skull. If they did live to their teens or above it would be extremely hard for them.


God doesn't mean for these tragic mutants to be in this world, they should be aborted and set free into the next world where they can be happy and perfect.

It's ultimate cruelty to make these babies live and suffer in this manner. It's ultimate kindness to set them free into the next world.

Monkeys had the virus..

Just like dogs or any animals , like a cat scratch carry things that most of the time is ok..
But just like swine flu, ect. we will get certain viruses.

Our bodies are fragile, and even more so are the babies . Sad to see this.

Yes it's another thing we can thank Africa for, the only things that Africa has contributed to planet are diseases....AIDS, Ebola, Zika etc. All involving African savages either having sex with monkeys or eating the monkeys and giving THEMSELVES Ebola therefore.

This is why we don't need Africans in our Western Civilisation and why they never should be amongst our peoples.
When the white people came over from Europe they brought diseases too..It killed off many Indians, and the first of the colonies died off as well


Many viruses occur naturally in monkeys who can eventually pass it to man. Mosquitoes have also been carriers of a number of deadly diseases.
Why humans only blame God for the bad but not for the good?

It's human nature dear...:dunno:

they can not help themselves

Monkeys had the virus..

Just like dogs or any animals , like a cat scratch carry things that most of the time is ok..
But just like swine flu, ect. we will get certain viruses.

Our bodies are fragile, and even more so are the babies . Sad to see this.

Yes it's another thing we can thank Africa for, the only things that Africa has contributed to planet are diseases....AIDS, Ebola, Zika etc. All involving African savages either having sex with monkeys or eating the monkeys and giving THEMSELVES Ebola therefore.

This is why we don't need Africans in our Western Civilisation and why they never should be amongst our peoples.
When the white people came over from Europe they brought diseases too..It killed off many Indians, and the first of the colonies died off as well


This was multiple Centuries ago, when hygiene wasn't as it is now, WE have DEVELOPED and EVOLVED.

The Africans are still on square one, they haven't developed or evolved ever. The entire African Continent should have been sterilised 30 years ago, there were too many of them then, breeding out of control, now in few years it's said 11 billion of them, 98% of them 100% useless to man and beast. It's time the entire African Continent were sealed off and then let nature take it's course with them.

God has never been with these people, God has never blessed them, if he had of, then they wouldn't still be situated in filth and devastation, they would be living in marvellous conditions and be productive individuals.

Monkeys had the virus..

Just like dogs or any animals , like a cat scratch carry things that most of the time is ok..
But just like swine flu, ect. we will get certain viruses.

Our bodies are fragile, and even more so are the babies . Sad to see this.

Yes it's another thing we can thank Africa for, the only things that Africa has contributed to planet are diseases....AIDS, Ebola, Zika etc. All involving African savages either having sex with monkeys or eating the monkeys and giving THEMSELVES Ebola therefore.

This is why we don't need Africans in our Western Civilisation and why they never should be amongst our peoples.
When the white people came over from Europe they brought diseases too..It killed off many Indians, and the first of the colonies died off as well


Many viruses occur naturally in monkeys who can eventually pass it to man. Mosquitoes have also been carriers of a number of deadly diseases.

Yes but the Africans live amongst the monkeys and we know have sex with them and also eat them. This is not the behaviour of civilised and NORMAL people, giving themselves diseases that CAN be avoided if they weren't basic savages.

This is why Western Civilisation has never experienced Ebola outbreak or Zika outbreak etc. When in our nations there have been cases of these diseases, it's always been brought to US from outside, from someone visiting African dump nation and then coming back to our nations.

Monkeys had the virus..

Just like dogs or any animals , like a cat scratch carry things that most of the time is ok..
But just like swine flu, ect. we will get certain viruses.

Our bodies are fragile, and even more so are the babies . Sad to see this.

Yes it's another thing we can thank Africa for, the only things that Africa has contributed to planet are diseases....AIDS, Ebola, Zika etc. All involving African savages either having sex with monkeys or eating the monkeys and giving THEMSELVES Ebola therefore.

This is why we don't need Africans in our Western Civilisation and why they never should be amongst our peoples.
We can also thank Africa for our entire existence. But a supremacist like you wouldn't understand.
God Created the Zika Virus

Any being who would create the Zika virus is pure evil and that is what God is. I'm not going to sugar coat it. Only vile and depraved being would inflict this horrible disease on his children.


This is what God designed the Zika virus to do to a baby. God also knows how much it would hurt the parents.


God created the mosquito to spread it. God uses mosquitoes to deliver malaria. What a fucking douche bag.


God is looking at this baby knowing it will have a lifetime of suffering. God is cumming in his pants.


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There is something terribly wrong with you.
The Bible clearly says that sickness and diseases comes from Satan not God.

You just walked into that one because the Bible or as us smart people call it the BuyBull doesn't say that. What the Bible does say is..
Isaiah 45:7King James Version (KJV)
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

What can be more evil than the Zika virus? Answer.. GOD!
Only vile and depraved would say that these creatures shouldn't be aborted in utero.

Ana Carolina Cáceres, a Brazilian journalist born with microcephaly, is speaking out against the push for contraception and abortion in affected areas. She disagrees with the Brazilian Health Minister's statement about having a "damaged generation" due to the zika outbreak which may be linked to microcephaly. She believes it is the Health Minister's statement that is damaged.
God Created the Zika Virus

Any being who would create the Zika virus is pure evil and that is what God is. I'm not going to sugar coat it. Only vile and depraved being would inflict this horrible disease on his children.

Many pregnant women all over the world have zika, but are not pregnant with babies showing signs of microcephaly. Colombia has identified over three thousand pregnant women with zika--and not one fetus is showing signs of microcephaly.

Brazil is where microcephaly is showing up disproportionately.

In late 2014, Brazil mandated that all pregnant women would receive a particular vaccine -- TDAP. It's too soon to make conclusions on this, either, but something is different on Brazil, so limiting yourself to hating God because of zika may be short-sighted. You may have to hate God because he created man with the ability to create a vaccine that causes microcephaly.

Here's the difference: Instead of being like man and so disgusted by microcephaly babies they inspire a hate-filled rant and the wish to destroy all of them, God loves microcephaly babies, and is close to them.

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