Global Worming "B.S."


Oct 21, 2008
We Skipped the Indian Grand finality of Summer here in So. Cal.

Was that because of the $$$,$$$,$$$.$$ Was Spent?????:hellno: [ Global Warming "B.S." ]
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Now why don't you communicate your vast evidence about this subject to every scientific society, every National Acedemy of Science, and every major university in the world. They all seem to be under the delusion that global warming is real and a clear danger to all of human civilization.
We Skipped the Indian Grand finality of Summer here in So. Cal.

Was that because of the $$$,$$$,$$$.$$ Was Spent?????:hellno: [ Global Warming "B.S." ]

Global worming?

Does the globe need to take its worm pills?

What the devil is the "Indian Grand finality of Summer"? Some kind of native American festival, or perhaps an increase in the number of immigrants from India?
It should say "Man Made" global warming is B.S.

Man is no more responsible for the 1 degree of rising temperature per 100 years we are experiencing than man was responsible for 2 Ice-Ages and the subsequent warming that pushed the ice back to whence it came.

The dismal theory of "Man Made Global Warming" is yet another two pronged testimony to man's arrogance.

First that we think we can cause it. Second that we think we can control it.

If you want to save the environment, I'm with you 100%. But please try to keep the boogyman of Man-made Global Warming safely under the bed where it belongs.
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It should say "Man Made" global warming is B.S.

Man is no more responsible for the 1 degree of rising temperature per 100 years we are experiencing than man was responsible for 2 Ice-Ages and the subsequent warming that pushed the ice back to whence it came.

The dismal theory of "Man Made Global Warming" is yet another two pronged testimony to man's arrogance.

First that we think we can cause it. Second that we think we can control it.

If you want to save the environment, I'm with you 100%. But please try to keep the boogyman of Man-made Global Warming safely under the bed where it belongs.

And what is your science to back this up? Can you refute anything at all on this site?
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