Global warming, my ass!

Over the cliff? Over the cliff to cheaper electricity? After all, that is what we get now with solar and wind. Add in grid scale storage, and the concept of a virtual utility, and you see the future.

As for the Arctic Ice, here is what is happening;

New Alert Bulletin!! This just in:

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This type of cold is part of global warming. With the lack of Arctic ice, the temperature difference between the North Pole and the mid-latitudes has decreased. It is this temperature difference that drives the jet stream.

As the strength of the jet stream decreases, the Rossby waves in the jet stream increase in deviation, that is, the loops in the jet stream that let cold air penetrate farther south and warm air penetrate farther north increase. See image!

This increase in the Rossby waves has been gradual and going on for decades. For example, once upon a time, northern Florida grew oranges - no more.

Aside from this process putting the rest of Florida's citrus industry at risk, there will be numerous other economic consequences - particularly when you consider this process could lead to killing frosts occurring much later in the spring.

As some one who teaches paradoxical presentation of the earth, you appear to be going down the same path of many who do not understand that a cooling planet, in its change state, will always present with decreased polar ice, as the heat is vented from the earth due to a reduced polar atmosphere thickness and heat being pulled poleward. This creates a strengthened polar jet which dips deeply to mid latitudes to capture heat, as it is doing today.

If current charts (projections) are correct, this summer will be very short and cool for most of the Northern hemisphere as we near the thermal input-output balance where median jets of equal strength balance with polar jets. When that occurs watch as things ice up very fast. We have one maybe two years before our balance is fairly close. Until then wild swings of the polar jet will continue.
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Over the cliff? Over the cliff to cheaper electricity? After all, that is what we get now with solar and wind. Add in grid scale storage, and the concept of a virtual utility, and you see the future.

As for the Arctic Ice, here is what is happening;

You really don't have a clue... So many who have no concept of how energy is transferred in our atmosphere or why.
But here is the problem for the climate crusaders who embrace the "consensus" science......

The public isn't giving a rat's ass about climate change in 2018. The reason? Duh..... it's because 80% of Americans are freezing their balls off between October and May....

Only the mental case alarmist contingent think that the science trumps the people's perceived need for nut sack warmers 8 months out of every year. Thankfully for the rest of us they are in the distinct minority.:2up::cul2::cul2:
This type of cold is part of global warming. With the lack of Arctic ice, the temperature difference between the North Pole and the mid-latitudes has decreased. It is this temperature difference that drives the jet stream.

As the strength of the jet stream decreases, the Rossby waves in the jet stream increase in deviation, that is, the loops in the jet stream that let cold air penetrate farther south and warm air penetrate farther north increase. See image!

This increase in the Rossby waves has been gradual and going on for decades. For example, once upon a time, northern Florida grew oranges - no more.

Aside from this process putting the rest of Florida's citrus industry at risk, there will be numerous other economic consequences - particularly when you consider this process could lead to killing frosts occurring much later in the spring.

Too bad the holy IPCC didn't say that.

Do you know what the difference between ZONAL and MERIDONAL Jet streams are?

Over the cliff? Over the cliff to cheaper electricity? After all, that is what we get now with solar and wind. Add in grid scale storage, and the concept of a virtual utility, and you see the future.

As for the Arctic Ice, here is what is happening;


Not cheaper electricity.....try far more expensive electricity. Would you like me to post an Obama video stating as much. Would be happy to....just say the word.

Here is a fear mongering graph from five years ago.

How stupid do you have to be, to imply that the Arctic will be ice free in winter? Or perhaps, how dishonest?
This type of cold is part of global warming. With the lack of Arctic ice, the temperature difference between the North Pole and the mid-latitudes has decreased. It is this temperature difference that drives the jet stream.

As the strength of the jet stream decreases, the Rossby waves in the jet stream increase in deviation, that is, the loops in the jet stream that let cold air penetrate farther south and warm air penetrate farther north increase. See image!

This increase in the Rossby waves has been gradual and going on for decades. For example, once upon a time, northern Florida grew oranges - no more.

Aside from this process putting the rest of Florida's citrus industry at risk, there will be numerous other economic consequences - particularly when you consider this process could lead to killing frosts occurring much later in the spring.

Between this and the OP we find the difference between science and the Cult of Ignorance. Respectively.

It appears we are heading for a period of global COOLING. The sun is not very know? ...that big ball of fire in the you think man has more power over our climate than it?

The below chart shows solar activity crashing down. With the lowest sunspot count in a hundred years, with agricultural sectors hit hard and food prices continuing to spiral up, what USA Today said is not funny. The weekend of June 11, 2017 saw more snow in California and thoughtful people are starting to think of using more than tar and feathers to put certain individuals from NOAA and NASA in their place.

I know it is not easy to think with facts in this world of climate lies but solar cycle 24 has seen very low solar activity thus far meaning the last thing we need to be afraid of is global warming. Dr. L.E. Kaiser writes, “It’s already the month of June and both air and water temperatures are well behind the seasonally adjusted “global warming = climate change = frying planet” conditions that were proclaimed by so many climate doomsters.”

This type of cold is part of global warming. With the lack of Arctic ice, the temperature difference between the North Pole and the mid-latitudes has decreased. It is this temperature difference that drives the jet stream.

As the strength of the jet stream decreases, the Rossby waves in the jet stream increase in deviation, that is, the loops in the jet stream that let cold air penetrate farther south and warm air penetrate farther north increase. See image!

This increase in the Rossby waves has been gradual and going on for decades. For example, once upon a time, northern Florida grew oranges - no more.

Aside from this process putting the rest of Florida's citrus industry at risk, there will be numerous other economic consequences - particularly when you consider this process could lead to killing frosts occurring much later in the spring.

As some one who teaches paradoxical presentation of the earth, you appear to be going down the same path of many who do not understand that a cooling planet, in its change state, will always present with decreased polar ice, as the heat is vented from the earth due to a reduced polar atmosphere thickness and heat being pulled poleward. This creates a strengthened polar jet which dips deeply to mid latitudes to capture heat, as it is doing today.

If current charts (projections) are correct, this summer will be very short and cool for most of the Northern hemisphere as we near the thermal input-output balance where median jets of equal strength balance with polar jets. When that occurs watch as things ice up very fast. We have one maybe two years before our balance is fairly close. Until then wild swings of the polar jet will continue.

Regarding this comment, "This creates a strengthened polar jet." There is no evidence of this. The article "Polar Vortex: How the Jet Stream and Climate Change Bring on Cold Snaps" found at Inside Climate News says this.


Research shows that over the past several decades, the jet stream has weakened. There's also evidence that as it wobbles, it can get stuck out of kilter, which can lead to more persistent weather extremes, including heat waves, cold snaps, droughts and flooding.

(End quote)
This type of cold is part of global warming. With the lack of Arctic ice, the temperature difference between the North Pole and the mid-latitudes has decreased. It is this temperature difference that drives the jet stream.

As the strength of the jet stream decreases, the Rossby waves in the jet stream increase in deviation, that is, the loops in the jet stream that let cold air penetrate farther south and warm air penetrate farther north increase. See image!

This increase in the Rossby waves has been gradual and going on for decades. For example, once upon a time, northern Florida grew oranges - no more.

Aside from this process putting the rest of Florida's citrus industry at risk, there will be numerous other economic consequences - particularly when you consider this process could lead to killing frosts occurring much later in the spring.

Between this and the OP we find the difference between science and the Cult of Ignorance. Respectively.

It appears we are heading for a period of global COOLING. The sun is not very know? ...that big ball of fire in the you think man has more power over our climate than it?

The below chart shows solar activity crashing down. With the lowest sunspot count in a hundred years, with agricultural sectors hit hard and food prices continuing to spiral up, what USA Today said is not funny. The weekend of June 11, 2017 saw more snow in California and thoughtful people are starting to think of using more than tar and feathers to put certain individuals from NOAA and NASA in their place.

I know it is not easy to think with facts in this world of climate lies but solar cycle 24 has seen very low solar activity thus far meaning the last thing we need to be afraid of is global warming. Dr. L.E. Kaiser writes, “It’s already the month of June and both air and water temperatures are well behind the seasonally adjusted “global warming = climate change = frying planet” conditions that were proclaimed by so many climate doomsters.”


Regarding the sun, my post was not discussing that issue. It is simply about the jet stream, what drives the system, and why it is weakening.

I understand that solar output this cycle is low, but this could be a disaster. Imagine that the planet cools because of the lack of solar output, and the world decides it is just fine to continue with business as usual regarding burning fossil fuels.

This will lead to a disastrous outcome when the sun returns to the output of previous cycles. We are already so deep into climate change that both the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets will likely disintegrate to a large degree resulting in meters of sea level rise in the distant future.

As Wallace Broecker, from Columbia University, says "Climate is an angry beast and we are poking at it with sticks”
This type of cold is part of global warming. With the lack of Arctic ice, the temperature difference between the North Pole and the mid-latitudes has decreased. It is this temperature difference that drives the jet stream.

As the strength of the jet stream decreases, the Rossby waves in the jet stream increase in deviation, that is, the loops in the jet stream that let cold air penetrate farther south and warm air penetrate farther north increase. See image!

This increase in the Rossby waves has been gradual and going on for decades. For example, once upon a time, northern Florida grew oranges - no more.

Aside from this process putting the rest of Florida's citrus industry at risk, there will be numerous other economic consequences - particularly when you consider this process could lead to killing frosts occurring much later in the spring.

As some one who teaches paradoxical presentation of the earth, you appear to be going down the same path of many who do not understand that a cooling planet, in its change state, will always present with decreased polar ice, as the heat is vented from the earth due to a reduced polar atmosphere thickness and heat being pulled poleward. This creates a strengthened polar jet which dips deeply to mid latitudes to capture heat, as it is doing today.

If current charts (projections) are correct, this summer will be very short and cool for most of the Northern hemisphere as we near the thermal input-output balance where median jets of equal strength balance with polar jets. When that occurs watch as things ice up very fast. We have one maybe two years before our balance is fairly close. Until then wild swings of the polar jet will continue.

Regarding this comment, "This creates a strengthened polar jet." There is no evidence of this. The article "Polar Vortex: How the Jet Stream and Climate Change Bring on Cold Snaps" found at Inside Climate News says this.


Research shows that over the past several decades, the jet stream has weakened. There's also evidence that as it wobbles, it can get stuck out of kilter, which can lead to more persistent weather extremes, including heat waves, cold snaps, droughts and flooding.

(End quote)

What is the difference between Zonal and Meridonal Jet Stream?
This type of cold is part of global warming. With the lack of Arctic ice, the temperature difference between the North Pole and the mid-latitudes has decreased. It is this temperature difference that drives the jet stream.

As the strength of the jet stream decreases, the Rossby waves in the jet stream increase in deviation, that is, the loops in the jet stream that let cold air penetrate farther south and warm air penetrate farther north increase. See image!

This increase in the Rossby waves has been gradual and going on for decades. For example, once upon a time, northern Florida grew oranges - no more.

Aside from this process putting the rest of Florida's citrus industry at risk, there will be numerous other economic consequences - particularly when you consider this process could lead to killing frosts occurring much later in the spring.

Between this and the OP we find the difference between science and the Cult of Ignorance. Respectively.

It appears we are heading for a period of global COOLING. The sun is not very know? ...that big ball of fire in the you think man has more power over our climate than it?

The below chart shows solar activity crashing down. With the lowest sunspot count in a hundred years, with agricultural sectors hit hard and food prices continuing to spiral up, what USA Today said is not funny. The weekend of June 11, 2017 saw more snow in California and thoughtful people are starting to think of using more than tar and feathers to put certain individuals from NOAA and NASA in their place.

I know it is not easy to think with facts in this world of climate lies but solar cycle 24 has seen very low solar activity thus far meaning the last thing we need to be afraid of is global warming. Dr. L.E. Kaiser writes, “It’s already the month of June and both air and water temperatures are well behind the seasonally adjusted “global warming = climate change = frying planet” conditions that were proclaimed by so many climate doomsters.”


Regarding the sun, my post was not discussing that issue. It is simply about the jet stream, what drives the system, and why it is weakening.

I understand that solar output this cycle is low, but this could be a disaster. Imagine that the planet cools because of the lack of solar output, and the world decides it is just fine to continue with business as usual regarding burning fossil fuels.

This will lead to a disastrous outcome when the sun returns to the output of previous cycles. We are already so deep into climate change that both the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets will likely disintegrate to a large degree resulting in meters of sea level rise in the distant future.

As Wallace Broecker, from Columbia University, says "Climate is an angry beast and we are poking at it with sticks”
1. Every jet is zonal.
2. The power of each jet is directly related to solar output.
3. It is the energy imbalance and routes of energy loss which determine what the planet is doing.

What are you basing your assumptions on?

In cooling world where the sun is giving less energy the release portion of the system will gain power ie: polar jet. In a warming world the equatorial jets gain power causing tightly constrained polar jets.

Where is your magical boogie man that is going to make the planet burn?

suggested reading: Paradoxical Earth.. Complex responses often misinterpreted...
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There are two main Jet Streams, from Decoded Science:

Zonal and Meridional Flow: Transfer of Energy in the Atmosphere


January 9, 2014 by Jon Plotkin

Zonal and Meridional Flow

We can separate the wind into two components: the east-west component and the north-south component. West to east wind is called ‘zonal’ and north to south wind is called ‘meridional.’ The meridional wind transports heat from equator to pole.

There are two main Jet Streams, from Decoded Science:

Zonal and Meridional Flow: Transfer of Energy in the Atmosphere


January 9, 2014 by Jon Plotkin

Zonal and Meridional Flow

We can separate the wind into two components: the east-west component and the north-south component. West to east wind is called ‘zonal’ and north to south wind is called ‘meridional.’ The meridional wind transports heat from equator to pole.

Each jet is comprised of both of these flows.. Its like putting guard rails around the zone of flow..

In my other thread i explain how those limitations are pushed and how those zones change.

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