Global 5G WIFI will be inescapable


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

The entire world will soon be tapped into the global 5G wireless system whether we like it or not! The powers that ought not to be are currently putting together a global wifi system that will be impossible to escape but the good news is there are still ways that one can protect themselves and mitigate any adverse health effects they may experience and/or the surveillance they will most certainly be under. In This video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with John Sneisen of World Alternative Media about this soon to be implemented system and more importantly what we can do about it to protect ourselves moving forward. To learn more from John visit:

And you won't believe how the slow kill wil have you saying why didn't I listen, but hey enjoy that radiation in the months to come.
Why the hell would one want to “escape” something which will make their lives a gabillion times better? :dunno:
Why the hell would one want to “escape” something which will make their lives a gabillion times better? :dunno:
Guess you don't trust the gov.

"Why is there concern that cell phones may cause cancer or other health problems?

There are three main reasons why people are concerned that cell phones (also known as “mobile” or “wireless” telephones) might have the potential to cause certain types of cancer or other health problems:

  • Cell phones emit radiofrequency energy (radio waves), a form of non-ionizing radiation, from their antennas. Tissues nearest to the antenna can absorb this energy.
  • The number of cell phone users has increased rapidly. As of December 2014, there were more than 327.5 million cell phone subscribers in the United States, according to the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association. This is a nearly threefold increase from the 110 million users in 2000. Globally, the number of subscriptions is estimated by the International Telecommunications Union to be 5 billion.
  • Over time, the number of cell phone calls per day, the length of each call, and the amount of time people use cell phones have increased. However, improvements in cell phone technology have resulted in devices that have lower power outputs than earlier models.
Cell Phones and Cancer Risk
Why would I not want WiFi?

WiFi is proven to disperse chemtrails.
Why the hell would one want to “escape” something which will make their lives a gabillion times better? :dunno:
Guess you don't trust the gov.
You are correct. I do not trust the government. But what does that have to do with anything? The government doesn’t control cell phones or cell phone towers.

I have a little bit of tinfoil hat in me. Something about a global wifi that will interact with any electronic device capable of using wifi is a tiny bit, I don't putting? I definitely see the benefit and I'm sure it will be fine, but some little part of me is a tiny bit worried about it I must admit. I guess I should just get over the whole being monitored and spied on thing. Privacy is just about dead.
I already told ya, but it went through the hole in your head.
Well that’s what happens with the ramblings of schizophrenics. You have all of the logic and reasoning of Rain Man while drunk, stoned, and sleep deprived. :laugh:

It's not I who rambles of schizophrenics and is drunk like Rain Man. You can't even tell if this is an illustration or photography.

Privacy is just about dead.
Just about? Privacy is dead. The Wikileaks cables and the Snowden files proved that. Every single keystroke, text, email, phone call, etc. is captured by the NSA and stored.

But that’s not a problem with technology. That’s a problem with left-wing, unconstitutional government.

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