Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

i'm watching the replay right now and you are completely full of shit

You're a partisan hack if you think that's not exactly what he's doing.

I urge anyone watching this to just watch the video.

His implications are clear. He denies he is saying something, then turns right around and says it anyway.

Just watch it.

I can't find it on the web yet, I'm sure it will be on there tomorrow. Here's just a portion of it:

YouTube - Glenn Beck Starts Crying While Talking "Eugenics"

I think your guilt is getting to you. Because whether or not that's what he came out and said, it's true. Lefties are eugenecists. And they firmly believe that just because they are who they are, and they think like they think, they are "superior" to everyone else in the world. This leads them to believe that they are "entitled" to control the masses, in whatever way they deem necessary and "best".

Somewhere deep down, you know that, which is why you get really uncomfortable when anyone even IMPLIES such a thing.
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It doesnt disturb you that Obama is a Hitler figure, just that someone has the gall to point it out. Appointing Czars, declaring laws, etc doesnt bother you, just people pointing it out bothers you.

For some odd reason, trying to take the rights of the American people away from them doesnt bother you, but exercising those rights to speak out against it does. That's insane.

You really are a bad liar.

Obama hasn't appointed any "czars". Czars is a media created term.

And do say precisely what rights Obama is trying to take away.

As for comparing Obama to Hitler...

Hitler did this:


Now. Unless you can tell me what Obama has done that is even remotely close to that, shut your fucking mouth and stop disrespecting the massive genocide that was the Holocaust.

Obama hasn't appointed any czars?


A bank bailout czar? Herb Allison. Energy czar? Carol Browner.

There's a drug czar, a U.S. border czar, an urban czar, a regulatory czar, a stimulus accountability czar, an Iran czar, a Middle East czar, and a czar for both Afghanistan and Pakistan, which in Washington-speak has been lumped together into a policy area called Af-Pak.

There are upward of 20 such top officials, all with lengthy official titles but known in the media as czars, and next week there will be one more, when Obama appoints a czar for cyber-security who will be charged with improving the security of computer networks.

Obama fashions a government of many czars | U.S. | Reuters

There's health reform czar, a drug czar, a border czar, a regulatory czar, an info-tech czar -- everything, it sometimes seems, but a Russian czar.

Barack Obama administration's czars: How many are there? --

The Science CZAR is a eugenicist. as is mr. emanuel's brother.. :lol:
Tonight I watched Glenn Beck utter some of the most hateful propaganda I have ever seen.

If he was on any other station, he would have been fired. Hell, if this had been someone talking about the Bush administration, they would have been jailed.

First he ran a segment equating public health care to Nazi Eugenics. He actually used his own disabled daughter to back up his lies at one point, implying that public health care would kill her.

Every other sentence was "I'm not saying the Democrats are going to kill your grandmother" or something to that effect, but it was always followed with a "but" and then an explanation of how the Democrats are in fact going to try and kill your grandmother.

This is clearly the equivalent to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.

He is specifically trying to incite an uprising against the Obama administration.

Glenn Beck has become a truly dangerous individual and a traitor. This is not "partisanship" anymore, this is clearly an attempt to incite insurrection against the government of the United States.

I ask all of you, if you don't want to see a violent coup d'tat attempt in this country, to call FoxNews and all of their advertisers calling for the immediate removal of Glenn Beck from the air.

funny i watched the same show.......he was pointing out parrallels between the economic situation in germany at the time and our situation at the moment.....he poinited out that eugnics was once practiced in the us and that many of obama's advisors speak in rehtoric with eugenic themes.....

he was pontificating on the possibility that an economic crisis such as ours and government run health care could result in selective health care for some should funding for government health care need to be cut due to cost issues.....

if you read up on some of obama's helath care advisiors they say exactly that......they say we spend too much money on keeping old people alive that do not contribute to society any longer.....

finally he and his guests went out of their way to say the opposite of what you are accusing him of....

Wouldn't it be super if someone killed Beck?
Tonight I watched Glenn Beck utter some of the most hateful propaganda I have ever seen.

If he was on any other station, he would have been fired. Hell, if this had been someone talking about the Bush administration, they would have been jailed.

First he ran a segment equating public health care to Nazi Eugenics. He actually used his own disabled daughter to back up his lies at one point, implying that public health care would kill her.

Every other sentence was "I'm not saying the Democrats are going to kill your grandmother" or something to that effect, but it was always followed with a "but" and then an explanation of how the Democrats are in fact going to try and kill your grandmother.

This is clearly the equivalent to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.

He is specifically trying to incite an uprising against the Obama administration.

Glenn Beck has become a truly dangerous individual and a traitor. This is not "partisanship" anymore, this is clearly an attempt to incite insurrection against the government of the United States.

I ask all of you, if you don't want to see a violent coup d'tat attempt in this country, to call FoxNews and all of their advertisers calling for the immediate removal of Glenn Beck from the air.

funny i watched the same show.......he was pointing out parrallels between the economic situation in germany at the time and our situation at the moment.....he poinited out that eugnics was once practiced in the us and that many of obama's advisors speak in rehtoric with eugenic themes.....

he was pontificating on the possibility that an economic crisis such as ours and government run health care could result in selective health care for some should funding for government health care need to be cut due to cost issues.....

if you read up on some of obama's helath care advisiors they say exactly that......they say we spend too much money on keeping old people alive that do not contribute to society any longer.....

finally he and his guests went out of their way to say the opposite of what you are accusing him of....

Wouldn't it be super if someone killed Beck?

aren't obama supporters super people.......patriotic supporters of free speech right up till the moment someone challenges their ideas.....
tonight i watched glenn beck utter some of the most hateful propaganda i have ever seen.

If he was on any other station, he would have been fired. Hell, if this had been someone talking about the bush administration, they would have been jailed.

First he ran a segment equating public health care to nazi eugenics. He actually used his own disabled daughter to back up his lies at one point, implying that public health care would kill her.

Every other sentence was "i'm not saying the democrats are going to kill your grandmother" or something to that effect, but it was always followed with a "but" and then an explanation of how the democrats are in fact going to try and kill your grandmother.

This is clearly the equivalent to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.

He is specifically trying to incite an uprising against the obama administration.

Glenn beck has become a truly dangerous individual and a traitor. This is not "partisanship" anymore, this is clearly an attempt to incite insurrection against the government of the united states.

I ask all of you, if you don't want to see a violent coup d'tat attempt in this country, to call foxnews and all of their advertisers calling for the immediate removal of glenn beck from the air.

funny i watched the same show.......he was pointing out parrallels between the economic situation in germany at the time and our situation at the moment.....he poinited out that eugnics was once practiced in the us and that many of obama's advisors speak in rehtoric with eugenic themes.....

He was pontificating on the possibility that an economic crisis such as ours and government run health care could result in selective health care for some should funding for government health care need to be cut due to cost issues.....

If you read up on some of obama's helath care advisiors they say exactly that......they say we spend too much money on keeping old people alive that do not contribute to society any longer.....

Finally he and his guests went out of their way to say the opposite of what you are accusing him of....

wouldn't it be super if someone killed beck?
watch list>...flagged! Lol
funny i watched the same show.......he was pointing out parrallels between the economic situation in germany at the time and our situation at the moment.....he poinited out that eugnics was once practiced in the us and that many of obama's advisors speak in rehtoric with eugenic themes.....

He was pontificating on the possibility that an economic crisis such as ours and government run health care could result in selective health care for some should funding for government health care need to be cut due to cost issues.....

If you read up on some of obama's helath care advisiors they say exactly that......they say we spend too much money on keeping old people alive that do not contribute to society any longer.....

Finally he and his guests went out of their way to say the opposite of what you are accusing him of....

wouldn't it be super if someone killed beck?
watch list>...flagged! Lol

Isn't Beck suicidal? Maybe he'll do the honors. I hope it's live on TV.
Tonight I watched Glenn Beck utter some of the most hateful propaganda I have ever seen.

If he was on any other station, he would have been fired. Hell, if this had been someone talking about the Bush administration, they would have been jailed.

First he ran a segment equating public health care to Nazi Eugenics. He actually used his own disabled daughter to back up his lies at one point, implying that public health care would kill her.

Every other sentence was "I'm not saying the Democrats are going to kill your grandmother" or something to that effect, but it was always followed with a "but" and then an explanation of how the Democrats are in fact going to try and kill your grandmother.

This is clearly the equivalent to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.

He is specifically trying to incite an uprising against the Obama administration.

Glenn Beck has become a truly dangerous individual and a traitor. This is not "partisanship" anymore, this is clearly an attempt to incite insurrection against the government of the United States.

I ask all of you, if you don't want to see a violent coup d'tat attempt in this country, to call FoxNews and all of their advertisers calling for the immediate removal of Glenn Beck from the air.

funny i watched the same show.......he was pointing out parrallels between the economic situation in germany at the time and our situation at the moment.....he poinited out that eugnics was once practiced in the us and that many of obama's advisors speak in rehtoric with eugenic themes.....

he was pontificating on the possibility that an economic crisis such as ours and government run health care could result in selective health care for some should funding for government health care need to be cut due to cost issues.....

if you read up on some of obama's helath care advisiors they say exactly that......they say we spend too much money on keeping old people alive that do not contribute to society any longer.....

finally he and his guests went out of their way to say the opposite of what you are accusing him of....

Wouldn't it be super if someone killed Beck?


Leave it a lefty Nazi to do exactly what they're accusing others of.

BTW, Hitler didn't start out killing Jews. First he anesthecized the public. Then he took over the military. Then he did what the fuck anyone with a brain could see he planned from the beginning.

History does repeat itself, and the people who insist that Obamacare is for the "good" of all, and who claim that anyone who dissents should be jailed and/or killed, are no better than the goons who supported Hitler's rise to the top. IT'S THE SAME THING.
I'm sure you stated such because you forgot to take your medicine today right?

Surely you are not actually wishing the death of someone just because they have a different opinion than yours?

Do you even understand how words like that are off the chart?
I'm sure you stated such because you forgot to take your medicine today right?

Surely you are not actually wishing the death of someone just because they have a different opinion than yours?

Do you even understand how words like that are off the chart?

surely you jest! they prayed Rush Limbaugh would get kidney failure,:eusa_eh:
I'm sure you stated such because you forgot to take your medicine today right?

Surely you are not actually wishing the death of someone just because they have a different opinion than yours?

Do you even understand how words like that are off the chart?

surely you jest! they prayed Rush Limbaugh would get kidney failure,:eusa_eh:
Maybe so Willow, but I didn't happen to be reading it at the time, or actually watch it come across my screen the instant it was posted.
I'm sure you stated such because you forgot to take your medicine today right?

Surely you are not actually wishing the death of someone just because they have a different opinion than yours?

Do you even understand how words like that are off the chart?

surely you jest! they prayed Rush Limbaugh would get kidney failure,:eusa_eh:

Off WHAT chart? If Glen was a member of USMB you would be right. If he is he needs to come out from behind his avatar. As long as he claims free do I. Will someone puleez kill Glen Beck?
You need serious help! Start with some anger management then be evaluated for a mental disorder.
I'm sure you stated such because you forgot to take your medicine today right?

Surely you are not actually wishing the death of someone just because they have a different opinion than yours?

Do you even understand how words like that are off the chart?

surely you jest! they prayed Rush Limbaugh would get kidney failure,:eusa_eh:

Off WHAT chart? If Glen was a member of USMB you would be right. If he is he needs to come out from behind his avatar. As long as he claims free do I. Will someone puleez kill Glen Beck?

glen beck isn't advocating the killing of anyone....he is simply expressing an opinion....why does he deserve to die for that.....
Glenn Beck jokes about putting poison in Nancy Pelosi's wine | Crooks and Liars

Beck also incites violence against Michael Moore..strangulation. I've heard it several times. Free speach? OK.. I would like to see someone break into his tevevision studio and shoot him right betwen the eyes with his brain matter and blood spraying out behind his head onto the green screen. Is that free enough speach for ya neo con assholes?

aww da wittle huggy can't take a JOKE!!

Man up you pussy!!

can't take a JOKE!!

I take you as a joke.

I'm sure you don't want me to take you serously.

Aww stop your incessant whining!
You need serious help! Start with some anger management then be evaluated for a mental disorder.

Think so? Beck talks on the national media about killing people all of the time. He speculates on personally poisoning Pelosi and strangling Michael Moore. I'm not on national television inciting violence. I just here on little old USMB hoping someone will murder Glen Beck. What's the big deal? Free speach right? You are a supporter of the first amendment right? If Glen doesn't post here he is not protected. Read the rules.
surely you jest! they prayed Rush Limbaugh would get kidney failure,:eusa_eh:

Off WHAT chart? If Glen was a member of USMB you would be right. If he is he needs to come out from behind his avatar. As long as he claims free do I. Will someone puleez kill Glen Beck?

glen beck isn't advocating the killing of anyone....he is simply expressing an opinion....why does he deserve to die for that.....

I am simply expressing an opinion.
You're doing exactly what you claim he deserves to die for. Except he doesn't even do it.

Oh the irony.
Glenn Beck jokes about putting poison in Nancy Pelosi's wine | Crooks and Liars

Beck also incites violence against Michael Moore..strangulation. I've heard it several times. Free speach? OK.. I would like to see someone break into his tevevision studio and shoot him right betwen the eyes with his brain matter and blood spraying out behind his head onto the green screen. Is that free enough speach for ya neo con assholes?

Would someone pleez blow Becks brains out?

oh i get it.....because he advocates killing people you like you..... get to advocate having him civilized of you.....

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