Glamour model to cover up and convert to Islam


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
She used to spend her days posing in her underwear but now glamour model Carley Watts, 24, is to cover up after falling in love with Tunisian lifeguard, Mohammed Salah, 25.

The model, from Dearham in Norfolk, met Salah during a holiday in Tunisia in April and says she is so serious about the lifeguard she is set to Islam to become his wife.

From October, Carley and her daughter Alannah, two, will live close to his family in the city of Monastir, where she will spend six months learning about the faith - and planning their wedding.

Read more: Glamour model Carley Watts to cover up and convert to Islam after marriage to Tunisian lifeguard | Mail Online
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She used to spend her days posing in her underwear but now glamour model Carley Watts, 24, is to cover up after falling in love with Tunisian lifeguard, Mohammed Salah, 25.

The model, from Dearham in Norfolk, met Salah during a holiday in Tunisia in April and says she is so serious about the lifeguard she is set to Islam to become his wife.

From October, Carley and her daughter Alannah, two, will live close to his family in the city of Monastir, where she will spend six months learning about the faith - and planning their wedding.

Read more: Glamour model Carley Watts to cover up and convert to Islam after marriage to Tunisian lifeguard | Mail Online
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She'll change her mind after studying the perverted religion.
If I were that girls mother I'd have her mind changed in less than a week. The first video her mother should insist she watch with her is Not without my Daughter - starring Sally Field. If that didn't do it I'd go straight to the beheading videos.

My son dated a girl named Rasheeda and brought her to dinner to meet my family down south. They said is she muslim? He said no but her father is. They told him you had better talk to your mother about that. I told him I've never had any comments on his girlfriends but this one must go. IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER! He stopped seeing her after that.

Then a year ago he called me and said, I met a wonderful girl. I know you are going to like her. I said that's nice not paying much attention... then he said, she's Jewish, Mom! I said, Marry her! She sounds perfect! Guess what? They're engaged now! :eusa_angel:

The lesson for young people? LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!

she is an idiot.

Something wrong with HIM converting to what ever it is she is?
She used to spend her days posing in her underwear but now glamour model Carley Watts, 24, is to cover up after falling in love with Tunisian lifeguard, Mohammed Salah, 25.

The model, from Dearham in Norfolk, met Salah during a holiday in Tunisia in April and says she is so serious about the lifeguard she is set to Islam to become his wife.

From October, Carley and her daughter Alannah, two, will live close to his family in the city of Monastir, where she will spend six months learning about the faith - and planning their wedding.

Read more: Glamour model Carley Watts to cover up and convert to Islam after marriage to Tunisian lifeguard | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
She'll change her mind after studying the perverted religion.

She is going to get the sanitized version to begin with. She won't know the truth until it is too late. Her parents have to step in RIGHT NOW. - Jeri
If I were that girls mother I'd have her mind changed in less than a week. The first video her mother should insist she watch with her is Not without my Daughter - starring Sally Field. If that didn't do it I'd go straight to the beheading videos.

My son dated a girl named Rasheeda and brought her to dinner to meet my family down south. They said is she muslim? He said no but her father is. They told him you had better talk to your mother about that. I told him I've never had any comments on his girlfriends but this one must go. IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER! He stopped seeing her after that.

Then a year ago he called me and said, I met a wonderful girl. I know you are going to like her. I said that's nice not paying much attention... then he said, she's Jewish, Mom! I said, Marry her! She sounds perfect! Guess what? They're engaged now! :eusa_angel:

The lesson for young people? LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!


I always thought Jeremiah was a man's name. BTW, I am not complaining that you are a woman.


Something wrong with HIM converting to what ever it is she is?

That is not a bad question. I think she is the only one who can give you an absolute answer on that. However, since we do not know why she did not ask him to convert, I will take a few guesses.

a) I think it is illegal in Islam for a muslim to convert to another religion.
b) She may not be practicing any religion. (But I think I see your point though in that she could have always asked him to go not practicing any religion.)
If I were that girls mother I'd have her mind changed in less than a week. The first video her mother should insist she watch with her is Not without my Daughter - starring Sally Field. If that didn't do it I'd go straight to the beheading videos.

My son dated a girl named Rasheeda and brought her to dinner to meet my family down south. They said is she muslim? He said no but her father is. They told him you had better talk to your mother about that. I told him I've never had any comments on his girlfriends but this one must go. IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER! He stopped seeing her after that.

Then a year ago he called me and said, I met a wonderful girl. I know you are going to like her. I said that's nice not paying much attention... then he said, she's Jewish, Mom! I said, Marry her! She sounds perfect! Guess what? They're engaged now! :eusa_angel:

The lesson for young people? LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!


I always thought Jeremiah was a man's name. BTW, I am not complaining that you are a woman.

It is. I didn't know that screen names were expected to be gender correct, Vikrant. But if you are interested in knowing why I chose the screen name Jeremiah here it is: My favorite prophet from the Torah is Jeremiah the Weeping Prophet. So I chose that for my s/n.

There was another reason - for my choosing a male s/n. When a friend of mine sent me the link here I didn't like all the sex and wild talk. It was intimidating to say the least. It was like a culture shock to me. I had no idea what was going on as politics board I came from didn't have this stuff. So I decided to opt out on the avatar - go with Jeremiah and then I went straight to the Israel / Palestine boards until I felt comfortable going to the bigger board. I'm not a facebook member / my space member - not into any of that. I like my privacy and felt the name Jeremiah was a good fit for me. You can call me Jeri! That can be either a male or a females name! :eusa_angel:


Something wrong with HIM converting to what ever it is she is?

That is not a bad question. I think she is the only one who can give you an absolute answer on that. However, since we do not know why she did not ask him to convert, I will take a few guesses.

a) I think it is illegal in Islam for a muslim to convert to another religion.
b) She may not be practicing any religion. (But I think I see your point though in that she could have always asked him to go not practicing any religion.)

i am sure he used the pressure play of .... if you love me you will convert. If HE loved he he would have left that religion in a heart beat and not asked her to convert to something she was not.

If he loved her...he would have told his mother what and who she is.... now before he has her captive.

I pity her.


Something wrong with HIM converting to what ever it is she is?

That is not a bad question. I think she is the only one who can give you an absolute answer on that. However, since we do not know why she did not ask him to convert, I will take a few guesses.

a) I think it is illegal in Islam for a muslim to convert to another religion.
b) She may not be practicing any religion. (But I think I see your point though in that she could have always asked him to go not practicing any religion.)

The penalty for leaving Islam is death. Their prophet has a hadith which states if any muslim leaves his religion, kill him. So there's that! The girl is clear in the news story that she was a party girl. This is not going to go well should the parents have a computer and see this story on the internet. Her photos with him would be a dead giveaway - perhaps giving the term new meaning? - Jeri
If I were that girls mother I'd have her mind changed in less than a week. The first video her mother should insist she watch with her is Not without my Daughter - starring Sally Field. If that didn't do it I'd go straight to the beheading videos.

My son dated a girl named Rasheeda and brought her to dinner to meet my family down south. They said is she muslim? He said no but her father is. They told him you had better talk to your mother about that. I told him I've never had any comments on his girlfriends but this one must go. IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER! He stopped seeing her after that.

Then a year ago he called me and said, I met a wonderful girl. I know you are going to like her. I said that's nice not paying much attention... then he said, she's Jewish, Mom! I said, Marry her! She sounds perfect! Guess what? They're engaged now! :eusa_angel:

The lesson for young people? LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!


I always thought Jeremiah was a man's name. BTW, I am not complaining that you are a woman.

It is. I didn't know that screen names were expected to be gender correct, Vikrant. But if you are interested in knowing why I chose the screen name Jeremiah here it is: My favorite prophet from the Torah is Jeremiah the Weeping Prophet. So I chose that for my s/n.

There was another reason - for my choosing a male s/n. When a friend of mine sent me the link here I didn't like all the sex and wild talk. It was intimidating to say the least. It was like a culture shock to me. I had no idea what was going on as politics board I came from didn't have this stuff. So I decided to opt out on the avatar - go with Jeremiah and then I went straight to the Israel / Palestine boards until I felt comfortable going to the bigger board. I'm not a facebook member / my space member - not into any of that. I like my privacy and felt the name Jeremiah was a good fit for me. You can call me Jeri! That can be either a male or a females name! :eusa_angel:

Jeri, it is.

I think it is understandable that a woman may be a bit intimidated by tough talking cyber bullies.
Why shouldn't get body be only for her husband to enjoy? My body is not on show for strangers to gawk at.

Right but the difference is if she wants to go swimming it will be in a Burka. Not a swim suit. If she is going to be in a swimsuit it will be in an all women pool with no men allowed. Getting the picture yet? I don't quite think she has. YET.


Something wrong with HIM converting to what ever it is she is?

That is not a bad question. I think she is the only one who can give you an absolute answer on that. However, since we do not know why she did not ask him to convert, I will take a few guesses.

a) I think it is illegal in Islam for a muslim to convert to another religion.
b) She may not be practicing any religion. (But I think I see your point though in that she could have always asked him to go not practicing any religion.)

The penalty for leaving Islam is death. Their prophet has a hadith which states if any muslim leaves his religion, kill him. So there's that! The girl is clear in the news story that she was a party girl. This is not going to go well should the parents have a computer and see this story on the internet. Her photos with him would be a dead giveaway - perhaps giving the term new meaning? - Jeri

bottom line is ... he loves his religion more then he loves HER.

just wait until he gets home and reverts to being a good little muslim..... she wont be loving it so much anymore.


Something wrong with HIM converting to what ever it is she is?

That is not a bad question. I think she is the only one who can give you an absolute answer on that. However, since we do not know why she did not ask him to convert, I will take a few guesses.

a) I think it is illegal in Islam for a muslim to convert to another religion.
b) She may not be practicing any religion. (But I think I see your point though in that she could have always asked him to go not practicing any religion.)

The penalty for leaving Islam is death. Their prophet has a hadith which states if any muslim leaves his religion, kill him. So there's that! The girl is clear in the news story that she was a party girl. This is not going to go well should the parents have a computer and see this story on the internet. Her photos with him would be a dead giveaway - perhaps giving the term new meaning? - Jeri

I am not very knowledgeable on islam so I am not sure if the penalty is indeed death for leaving islam but if it is true then it certainly will serve as deterrent. I do know however that muslims who want to convert to other religion face tremendous peer pressure and I think that is the extent of the punishment, at least in the societies where muslims are a minority.
I always thought Jeremiah was a man's name. BTW, I am not complaining that you are a woman.

It is. I didn't know that screen names were expected to be gender correct, Vikrant. But if you are interested in knowing why I chose the screen name Jeremiah here it is: My favorite prophet from the Torah is Jeremiah the Weeping Prophet. So I chose that for my s/n.

There was another reason - for my choosing a male s/n. When a friend of mine sent me the link here I didn't like all the sex and wild talk. It was intimidating to say the least. It was like a culture shock to me. I had no idea what was going on as politics board I came from didn't have this stuff. So I decided to opt out on the avatar - go with Jeremiah and then I went straight to the Israel / Palestine boards until I felt comfortable going to the bigger board. I'm not a facebook member / my space member - not into any of that. I like my privacy and felt the name Jeremiah was a good fit for me. You can call me Jeri! That can be either a male or a females name! :eusa_angel:

Jeri, it is.

I think it is understandable that a woman may be a bit intimidated by tough talking cyber bullies.

This board totally blew my mind when I first saw it, Vikrant. I was thinking no way! It was scary! My friends online know I'm a recluse and do not get out. This board even has a bar! I think that was the first thing I saw was the bar - happy hour conversation. I just read the board but I wouldn't write anything. I like the board now. I also found the pet link, poetry and art and like those forums - there is something for everyone here I reckon. It's a great board!
It is. I didn't know that screen names were expected to be gender correct, Vikrant. But if you are interested in knowing why I chose the screen name Jeremiah here it is: My favorite prophet from the Torah is Jeremiah the Weeping Prophet. So I chose that for my s/n.

There was another reason - for my choosing a male s/n. When a friend of mine sent me the link here I didn't like all the sex and wild talk. It was intimidating to say the least. It was like a culture shock to me. I had no idea what was going on as politics board I came from didn't have this stuff. So I decided to opt out on the avatar - go with Jeremiah and then I went straight to the Israel / Palestine boards until I felt comfortable going to the bigger board. I'm not a facebook member / my space member - not into any of that. I like my privacy and felt the name Jeremiah was a good fit for me. You can call me Jeri! That can be either a male or a females name! :eusa_angel:

Jeri, it is.

I think it is understandable that a woman may be a bit intimidated by tough talking cyber bullies.

This board totally blew my mind when I first saw it, Vikrant. I was thinking no way! It was scary! My friends online know I'm a recluse and do not get out. This board even has a bar! I think that was the first thing I saw was the bar - happy hour conversation. I just read the board but I wouldn't write anything. I like the board now. I also found the pet link, poetry and art and like those forums - there is something for everyone here I reckon. It's a great board!

You must be referring to The Tavern run by our Syrenn. I like that place. It is a good place to have light chit chat. I sometimes literally have drink in my hand when I type in The Tavern.

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