'Crooked Hillary' And 'Cover-Up Comey': Is The Real Bomb About To Drop?...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
The Obama/Clinton corruption makes Nixon's look like child's play. But will they ever be held accountable?

Interesting article by Ekaterina Blinova

The Horowitz report may explain the motivation behind Hillary Clinton and her associates relying so heavily on secret private servers, Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel told Sputnik, adding that the report is likely to trigger US voters’ interest in the upcoming 2018 mid-term elections and 2020 presidential race.

“The biggest question likely to come out of the Horowitz report is how many people at senior levels likely knew of mishandling of classified information by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her associates yet elected to give them a pass from serious investigation and prosecution?” asks Charles Ortel, Wall Street analyst and investigative journalist, who has been conducting a private inquiry into the alleged fraud of the Clinton Foundation...

A second report by IG Horowitz is supposedly going to examine the way in which the FBI and Department of Justice investigated Hillary Clinton’s private server arrangements while she was secretary of state (January 21, 2009 through February 1, 2013), and afterward, including while she sought the US presidency,” the Wall Street analyst told Sputnik...


Crooked Hillary and Cover-Up Comey - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

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