Give to the Red Cross, unless your name is Romney

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
[ame=]MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Attacks Romney For Collecting Storm Supplies For Event - YouTube[/ame]!
Money is what they need.

Not more or clothing.

We got that covered.

They need everything they can get.

No they don't.

You ever work for the Red Cross?

I did. We had to warehouse a shit load of clothing they couldn't use.

That..costs money.

I worked for The Salvation Army, everything helps. If the Red Cross can't figure out what to do with the clothes they don't deserve my money.
They need everything they can get.

No they don't.

You ever work for the Red Cross?

I did. We had to warehouse a shit load of clothing they couldn't use.

That..costs money.

I worked for The Salvation Army, everything helps. If the Red Cross can't figure out what to do with the clothes they don't deserve my money.
The Salvation Army kicks ass. I had two uncles in Belgium in Dec 1944... when the lines broke in the Ardennes, and the troops were in disarray trying to regroup, the Salvation Army was on the FRONT giving our soldiers cigarettes, chocolate bars, coffee, and other items that were needed. They both said you could find the Red Cross SELLING the same items to the troops... safely behind the lines miles away from the front.

Doesn't surprise me a bit they only want cash.
Money is what they need.

Not more or clothing.

We got that covered.

They need everything they can get.

No they don't.

You ever work for the Red Cross?

I did. We had to warehouse a shit load of clothing they couldn't use.

That..costs money.

Bullshit. The local ads requested donations of the things that Romney provided.

Only leftwing assholes have scorn for those who give, while sitting on their own asses. If it was up to you guys, everyone affected by the flood would have to wait until their special foodstamps kicked in (after the victims got to a computer and applied) before they got any help.
Libtards are mad because Romney is donating? Guess they would be happier if we borrowed it from China..
Money is what they need.

Not more or clothing.

We got that covered.

They need everything they can get.

No they don't.

You ever work for the Red Cross?

I did. We had to warehouse a shit load of clothing they couldn't use.

That..costs money.

During a crisis they need everything they can get. Try wrapping yourself around a dollar bill, when it gets cold at night. Why is it that you need to Politicize everything Sallow??? Food, Clothing, Shelter, are in high demand right now. Stop being an Idiot.
Meh... it's not like anyone with any sense is taking Mitchell seriously or has been for some time now.

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