'Give Them What They Voted For'


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
I find someone else who agrees with a few of us:

Vodkapundit » An Open Letter to the GOP Leadership

An Open Letter to the GOP Leadership

Posted By Stephen Green On November 19, 2012 @ 10:25 am In Uncategorized | 24 Comments

Dear Speaker Boehner and Other Assorted Clueless Bozos on Capitol Hill,

You’ve already been pwned, and it’s too late to un-pwn yourself even if such a thing were possible. Which it isn’t. Now it’s time to try something new. Let’s call it: Give them what they want.

I’ll repeat: Give President Obama and the Democrats the tax hikes they demand, and which most polls show the American public accepts.

You’ll let us avoid the fiscal cliff — a phrase I’m going to do my best to avoid using from now on. A better phrase, if less elegant, might be, “the totally artificial fiscal construct engineered by our so-called leaders a while back, just in case they hadn’t already assed up the economy quite enough.” But I digress.

Give them the tax hikes. Look big, look magnanimous, look bipartisan. Be sure at every mention of the tax hikes to talk up the spending cuts and entitlement reforms Obama and the Democrats promised to talk about in a grand bargain down the road. Someday, whenevs, as soon as Obama gets his round tuit in the mail. The important thing is to change the subject.

You’ve been the subject for almost two weeks now, and that’s never a good thing. First of all, the media portray you as idiots and the Democrats portray you as evil. Secondly, then you get out in front of the cameras and do your darnedest to prove them all right. That [REDACTED] has got to stop.

The new subject can be: Why won’t the Democrats agree even just to a serious discussion about the spending reforms we so desperately need? “Have you seen these guys?” The media won’t go along, of course, but at least you’ll have changed the subject.

Later, you can talk about something else: Where are the revenues?

You know and I know (and even Obama knows) that increasing the top marginal tax rate won’t come even close to getting our fiscal house in order. At best, it’s like plugging a broken dam with a damp sponge. At worst, it’s like fighting a forest fire by wandering around in the woods with lighter fluid on your nads.

So next summer, next fall, that’s the new new subject: Where are the revenues?

And there’s a third subject that will fall nicely into place: Where are the jobs?

Your line of attack could go something like this:

We gave the Democrats their taxes. They already got ObamaCare, which we said would kill jobs. They already got Dodd-Frank, which we said would strangle credit and small banks. They got their vindictive EPA, which we said would sit on the economy like Paul Prudhomme sits on a Barcalounger after downing that third quart of sausage gumbo. We told you this wouldn’t work, and it hasn’t. And it won’t.​

You might want to tidy up the language some, but you get the idea. The problem is, you can’t open this line of attack so long as your “obstructionism” is what everybody is talking about. It’s not like the economy can get too terribly much more messed up than it already is, by raising the top rate to where it was during the Clinton years. And if we do walk off that fiscal cliff on January 1, we all know who will get the blame: You guys.

Will it be true? No. But I’ve seen the GOP leadership — that’s you, remember? — in action against the Democrats these last two years, and you guys couldn’t dodge a spitball if it were shot at you from across a football field by an asthmatic spider monkey with glaucoma.

So give them what they want. Change the subject.

I’m afraid the reason you’re afraid to try this tact is you’re secretly afraid that Obamanomics will work, given enough time. You’re worried that somehow, alienating job creators and sucking money out of the creative economy and hijacking the healthcare industry and enshrining Too Big to Fail and outlawing coal and all the rest will somehow eventually create a bunch of jobs and balance the budget and stuff.

Well, for goodness sake, ladies and gentlemen of the Soon-To-Be-Permanent GOP Minority: At least pretend to have the courage of the convictions you pretend to hold. I mean, the Democrats (and Nixon) tried this stuff in the ’60s and ’70s, and all it gave us was stagflation and disco and velour neckties. Today the left has things so screwed up, that the Fed can’t even kick off a scathing round of inflation when it tries to.

Really, the only big difference between now and 1980 is, you somehow managed to [REDACTED]ing lose to Jimmy [SO VERY REDACTED]ing Carter this time around. The GOP managed to help get a second term for a guy with a broken economy and a dead ambassador and all the rest, who ran for reelection on a platform “the other guy is teh suck.” Do you understand how epic a fail that is? You must understand after November 6 that whatever you’ve been doing, it’s not working.

I didn’t want it to come to this, but it has. So take my advice, please. Because you can’t afford to be the subject any more.

And we can’t afford it, either.
42 views and no comments? It seems to me that those who think Obama has the best plan forward should be embracing this fully. Obvious to you it would be what has been asked, for a long time, no?

Are the conservatives afraid that the liberals are correct, that such 'following the will of the people' will lead to a sudden increase in GDP, an unemployment rate back to 5%, and an increase in revenue?
Had this discussion last week with some people. These were my sentiments as well. Turn over the keys to the Dems and see what happens. If it works great, if not you can play the "I told you so" game

It's really a win win
Okay. Let's talk about Obama's revenue raising plan. Great idea.

Obama wants to raise the tax margins on the top two percent back to what they were under Clinton. He does not want to return everyone's tax rates to Clinton's, just the top two percenters.

This will raise $1.6 trillion over the next ten years.

At this point, the peanut gallery points out this is not enough. The OP is such an example:

You know and I know (and even Obama knows) that increasing the top marginal tax rate won’t come even close to getting our fiscal house in order. At best, it’s like plugging a broken dam with a damp sponge. At worst, it’s like fighting a forest fire by wandering around in the woods with lighter fluid on your nads.

So that must mean the Republicans have a better idea, right?


The Republican plan is to cap deductions on household earnings for people who make more than $250,000.

And THIS will solve the problem, right? Right? That's not just some damp sponge, right?


That plan would raise the same amount of money.

So what was it you were saying? Something about lighter fluid on your nads.

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Had this discussion last week with some people. These were my sentiments as well. Turn over the keys to the Dems and see what happens. If it works great, if not you can play the "I told you so" game

It's really a win win

I'm hoping the country is deep enough in resources to survive 4 years of this. Truth is, the time has come for one party and their ideas to be given 'a fair try.' Obama had an electoral landslide, so the time is theirs.

As you say, if they are correct, we win. If they are wrong, the reins will be passed, as the failure will be owned by one party.
Okay. Let's talk about Obama's revenue raising plan. Great idea.

Obama wants to raise the tax margins on the top two percent back to what they were under Clinton. He does not want to return everyone's tax rates to Clinton's, just the top two percenters.

This will raise $1.6 trillion over the next ten years.

At this point, the peanut gallery points out this is not enough. The OP is such an example:

You know and I know (and even Obama knows) that increasing the top marginal tax rate won’t come even close to getting our fiscal house in order. At best, it’s like plugging a broken dam with a damp sponge. At worst, it’s like fighting a forest fire by wandering around in the woods with lighter fluid on your nads.

So that must mean the Republicans have a better idea, right?


The Republican plan is to cap deductions on household earnings for people who make more than $250,000.

And THIS will solve the problem, right? Right? That's not just some damp sponge, right?


That plan would raise the same amount of money.

So what was it you were saying?


I don't see the relevancy of conservative plans on really, anything. This is Obama's time.
You don't have a choice about giving the keys to Obama. The GOP lost, so it isn't your choice. Don't pretend it is.

Instead of attacking, you better start coming up with better ideas.

I don't see the relevancy of conservative plans on really, anything. This is Obama's time.

Of course you don't see. That's why you lost.

You can't come up with superior ideas, so all you can do is attack the other guy's plan.

The GOP is ideologically and intellectually bankrupt.

You have earned Obama. You certainly worked hard enough to make sure he got re-elected.

Okay. Let's talk about Obama's revenue raising plan. Great idea.

Obama wants to raise the tax margins on the top two percent back to what they were under Clinton. He does not want to return everyone's tax rates to Clinton's, just the top two percenters.

This will raise $1.6 trillion over the next ten years.

At this point, the peanut gallery points out this is not enough. The OP is such an example:

You know and I know (and even Obama knows) that increasing the top marginal tax rate won’t come even close to getting our fiscal house in order. At best, it’s like plugging a broken dam with a damp sponge. At worst, it’s like fighting a forest fire by wandering around in the woods with lighter fluid on your nads.

So that must mean the Republicans have a better idea, right?


The Republican plan is to cap deductions on household earnings for people who make more than $250,000.

And THIS will solve the problem, right? Right? That's not just some damp sponge, right?


That plan would raise the same amount of money.

So what was it you were saying? Something about lighter fluid on your nads.


Why are you entitled to other people's money just because they have more than you? If your wife puts out 4 times a week and mine only puts out 2 times a week, should you only get to have sex with her 3 times and I get to 1 time to get my "fair share"?
Why are you entitled to other people's money just because they have more than you? If your wife puts out 4 times a week and mine only puts out 2 times a week, should you only get to have sex with her 3 times and I get to 1 time to get my "fair share"?

And the GOP plan differs...how?

It also targets the top two percent.

I don't see the relevancy of conservative plans on really, anything. This is Obama's time.

Of course you don't see. That's why you lost.

You can't come up with superior ideas, so all you can do is attack the other guy's plan.

The GOP is ideologically and intellectually bankrupt.

You have earned Obama. You certainly worked hard enough to make sure he got re-elected.


Whether or not there are 'superior plans' from the conservative side is beside the point, they lost. Thus the plans, as you sort of intimate, are Obama's to succeed or fail.

I'm saying that he should get what he asks for. The 'loyal opposition' should state why they feel something may be wrong, but given him credit for winning, and support his plans.
Why are you entitled to other people's money just because they have more than you? If your wife puts out 4 times a week and mine only puts out 2 times a week, should you only get to have sex with her 3 times and I get to 1 time to get my "fair share"?

And the GOP plan differs...how?


You get to keep your 4 times a week with your wife and I get my 2 times a week with mine. But hey, if you're willing to be charitable on your own and share........
I don't see the relevancy of conservative plans on really, anything. This is Obama's time.

Of course you don't see. That's why you lost.

You can't come up with superior ideas, so all you can do is attack the other guy's plan.

The GOP is ideologically and intellectually bankrupt.

You have earned Obama. You certainly worked hard enough to make sure he got re-elected.


Whether or not there are 'superior plans' from the conservative side is beside the point, they lost. Thus the plans, as you sort of intimate, are Obama's to succeed or fail.

I'm saying that he should get what he asks for. The 'loyal opposition' should state why they feel something may be wrong, but given him credit for winning, and support his plans.

You seem overly confident Obama's plans will fail. Just like the right was overly confident Romney was winning.

And just like being gobsmacked by reality on Election Day, being overly confident Obama will fail could seriously blow up in your face.

Your attitude is one that hopes America suffers. That's pretty sick.

Why are you entitled to other people's money just because they have more than you? If your wife puts out 4 times a week and mine only puts out 2 times a week, should you only get to have sex with her 3 times and I get to 1 time to get my "fair share"?

And the GOP plan differs...how?


You get to keep your 4 times a week with your wife and I get my 2 times a week with mine. But hey, if you're willing to be charitable on your own and share........

You obviously don't comprehend the GOP plan.

Let me sum it up in a way you can understand: Tax the rich more.

And in case anyone is assuming something about me, I do not believe the solution is to tax the rich more.

I believe we need to reform the tax code entirely. This back and forth haggling between the GOP and the Democrats over how much more to tax the rich is a gigantic shell game that continues the game of fucking us all over.

Eliminate all tax expenditures. All of them. Every last one. There are $1 trillion of them. That's ANNUALLY. The Democrats and Republicans are fighting over $160 billion annually.

And make it impossible for a bought-and-paid-for Congress to add any tax expenditures to the code.

That's the real cure.

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Why are you entitled to other people's money just because they have more than you? If your wife puts out 4 times a week and mine only puts out 2 times a week, should you only get to have sex with her 3 times and I get to 1 time to get my "fair share"?

And the GOP plan differs...how?

It also targets the top two percent.


So they are the same,but only different,because one party is intellectually bankrupt?
Why are you entitled to other people's money just because they have more than you? If your wife puts out 4 times a week and mine only puts out 2 times a week, should you only get to have sex with her 3 times and I get to 1 time to get my "fair share"?

And the GOP plan differs...how?

It also targets the top two percent.


So they are the same,but only different,because one party is intellectually bankrupt?

The party in power always has the advantage. To succeed the party in power you have to have superior ideas.

Conservatives used to be the smartest people in the room. Now they have the intellectual capacity of a bumper sticker.

Both parties have been on a downward spiral for some time. That's why we keep trading one monkey for a worse monkey. Vote for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for evil, and get progressively worse evils from which to choose.

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In actuality it seems that the best thing to do here is to consider and advise your representatives. Responding to liberals 'red herrings' or 'advice' is likely not in your best interests.

One can surely argue that every 'conservative representative' should vote his or her ideology. However, I do think the country is running out of steam with such a divide.

With this approach there is the possibility that the liberal ideas will result in good times for all. I don't see a downside to that. OTOH, if instead it produces more of the past 6 years or worse? The point will be obvious and the majority party now won't be down the road.
There are several reforms that are needed. And until they are enacted, it won't matter which party is in power.

It will matter which party proffers them first.

The sooner, the better.

Rather than being passive or being on the constant attack against everything in sight, the Republican party needs to shake off its stupor, take out the trash, and get back to basics.

1. Raise the retirement age.

2. Eliminate tax expenditures once and for all.

3. Level the financial services sector's playing field.

4. Educate for the jobs of the future.

5. Fix our immigration quota so that the immigrant labor supply meets the immigrant labor demand.

Just for starters.

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There are several reforms that are needed. And until they are enacted, it won't matter which party is in power.

It will matter which party proffers them first.

The sooner, the better.

Rather than being passive or being on the constant attack against everything in sight, the Republican party needs to shake off its stupor, take out the trash, and get back to basics.

1. Raise the retirement age.

2. Eliminate tax expenditures once and for all.

3. Level the financial services sector's playing field.

4. Educate for the jobs of the future.

5. Fix our immigration quota so that the immigrant labor supply meets the immigrant labor demand.

Just for starters.


I'll not disagree. Can't wait to see those proposed by Reid.

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